Chapter 5 | On a date

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Damon parked his car in front of a diner which looked like the place where rich people always came to eat. "You could have told me the kind of place we were going to. I could have dressed more—"

"Nothing is wrong with what you're putting on. We are here to have a nice time and eat good food. If anyone looks at you, ignore them," Damon said as we walked into the diner. A man approached Damon and led him to a table for two. Damon must come here a lot because the man acted as he knew him. They shook hands and exchanged greetings before he walked away and Damon and I moved to settle down.

As soon as I sat down, I looked around and noticed most of the people there were dressed in classy clothes and I started to compare their dress to what I was wearing, it seems like everyone was looking at me in distaste and was judging my outfit silently, I didn't belong there. "If I knew you were going to bring me somewhere like, I would have dressed better than this."

"Stop it, stop comparing yourself to them. And if you notice, I am dressed as simple as you, so pay less attention to them and more attention to me."

"You're right," I said and nodded my head in agreement with him.

"Of course, I'm right, I am always right, princess." He said, sending me a wink before looking down at the menu which he held in his hands. I felt heat rushing to my cheeks and I raised the menu to cover my face, but judging from the smirk that appeared on his face, he had seen me blush. The waiter arrived to take our order. I ordered the same thing as Damon because I didn't even know most of the foods on the list.

"So, what do you think of this place?" Damon asked while we waited for the waiter to arrive with our food. "I was going to actually take us to the cinema because then we could do some things in the dark."

I palmed my head choosing to ignore that part. "It really does look like a place where couples come to dine, and we are not a couple." I wasn't even kidding, eighty percent of the people in the restaurant were couples.

"You're right, we aren't a couple—Yet."

"You were talking about how you planned on us having our first date at the cinema?"

" Oh yeah, I did plan to take you to the movies, you know, first date and stuff, but my uncle owns this place and he owes me a year of free lunch for something I did for him. So, why not enjoy it cause it ends next week?"

"A year of free lunch!" I exclaimed. How I wished I had uncles who had restaurants and who were willing to give me a year of free lunch, but my uncles are either doctors or lawyers or engineers—boring occupations—and they live countries away from us, so we can't get a year of free anything. "That's really cool. What did you do for him to get a year of free meal. If I do it, you think he would give me one too?"

Damien laughed. "Yeah, I caught him kissing another woman," Damon said, shrugging.

"Kissing another woman other than his wife?" If there is one thing I hate in life, it is people who cheat on their partners. I mean, why would you be with them if you're no longer interested. It's better to break up with them than go behind their backs and see someone else.

"Yes, but don't feel sorry for the woman. She is seeing someone else also. I caught her with one Asian guy about four months ago. Speaking of which, how would you like to get a free massage next week?"

"Free massage?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, from my uncle's wife's place. God, do they give the best massages ever, I tell you. It's so good the feeling is almost orgasmic," he said, rolling his eyes and moaning, his lips parting slightly and his pink tongue peeking out. I had a flashback immediately to the night of the party and couldn't suppress the moan that escaped my lips.

"Are you okay?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, yeah, I am fine. Oh, look, the food has arrived," I said quickly, turning his attention to the arrival of the food.


After the lunch we had at Damon's uncle restaurant, he took me to the movies instead of taking me home, even after I threatened to jump out of the window if he didn't take me home. He only just ignored me totally till we arrived at the cinema. Finally, after the movies, he took me home and parked his car in front of my house. For a while, silence reigned. I thought it was getting awkward, so I cleared my throat before speaking.

"I really had a nice time, although I wasn't expecting it to be this nice since you are kind of annoying."

"Hey, how am I annoying?" He said, looking at me like I said something unacceptable.

"Really? Are you really asking me that? Calling me princess even after I have told you many times how I hate you calling me that."

"Come on, you love me calling you princess."

I really did not like that. There were a lot of names he could have chosen, anything but princess. Few days ago, I was a man who liked girls, now I am lusting after a man. While still trying to figure out my sexuality, being called princess wasn't helping. "No, I don't."

"Yes, you do." He argued.

"No, I don't," I persisted. He was really stubborn, very.

"Yes, you do."

"No, I don't, so stop calling me that." I said waving my index finger before his face. "Or I'll leave."

"Fine, I will try to stop calling you princess." He told me, but the look on his face said another.

"Thank you." When he started calling me princess, some group of his jock friends took to it at first and also called me princess, but they stopped the next day just after I complained to him about it. I wasn't sure why, but I think he had something to do with it. I'd ask him that another time. "I'll appreciate that."

"So, would you like to go out with me another time?" He asked, biting his lips as if he was afraid of the answer I would give.

"As friends, right?" I asked. But who was I kidding? I enjoyed spending time with him today.

"Simon, do it seem that I chase after you for just friendship?" He asked, but I kept quiet. "If you still want to deny the fact that you're attracted to me, we can go along with it. As long as you stop avoiding me," he said, looking at me straight in the eye.

"I am not denying anything, I am still figuring it out." I told him quietly, and looked down at my fingers.

"Okay, I will give you time to figure it out." He said and nodded his head in understanding, which made me wonder how he figured out he was gay. There are many homophobic people out there, though the world was becoming more accepting now, they were still there. It wasn't safe to just approach any dude thinking that he was interested in boys, but Damon and done that. He knew something I hadn't even thought about. I made a mental note to ask him another time.

"Kiss me." The words fell out of my mouth before I could stop least that was what I would like to tell myself. But I knew very well what I was saying and it's because I wanted that. I have always admired girls, everything about them. But then Damon's face, body and touch has been replacing a lot of things in my head. He was everywhere and everything ended with him that my body yearned for his touch again.

"Are you sure?" I expected him to slam his lips on mine immediately. That question was the last thing I expected him to ask.

"Well, I told you I was figuring it out. So, if you don't kiss me, how would I do that?" I said, looking him straight in the eyes.

"Wise decision," he said and brought his lips slowly to mine. It was different from the other kisses I had gotten from him. This was slow and sweet and from the chills that ran through my body, I knew deep down I had gotten my answer.

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