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Sharp pain. It felt like someone is hammering my head. I mean like yea....I'm sorry if I'm not being used to be hit on my head. I roll my eyes internally.
It gets worse when someone throws a pool of ice cold water gracefully.

"Sleeping beauty is finally up."

A beautiful but demanding voice says. To me? Oh I'm a beauty?
I love how my sarcasm is still present in the situation I am in. Wait what?? Where the hell am I ?? And why is someone hammering my head? And who the hell dared to throw cold water on me. Shit!!! It's shivering cold.

"Wakey, wakey princess".

The voice commands again.
And I finally realize my eyes were closed. As I try to open them, someone flashes bright light in my eyes. Like tf!! After blinking a couple more times my beautiful eyes finally opens.

A beautiful girls is standing in front of me. She's about 5'4". Her beautiful hour glass figure is specifically highlighted with her black top and her long legs in black heel. Her brown eyes matches her brown hair. Altogether she's really beautiful.

Lilian. ⤴️

"She's awake. Let's go call him."

Him? I'm awake? Why? What happened?As I proceed to ask I realize my mouth is not moving because of a freaking duck tape. What the hell!!! Who brought me here?? Where am I ?? With that said I look around. And boom!

It dawns upon me. I'm in a freaking torture cell. Like not a movie one, A REAL TORTURE FREAKING CELL!!

Umm ok. Now how am I here? I don't remember anything. Like anything. I guess it's because they hammered me earlier. Well..ok great. Now what? They'll cut my limbs and ship them of to China? Is that how I will die? Oh no! I didn't even say bye to Jace and Jarek. And I sure as hell don't wanna die single. But is that it? My life is over-

"Hello princess. I see you're finally up. How are you doing?"

Oh I see! This is 'HIM'.

A handsome man, about my age or maybe a year or two older stands in front of me. And when I say handsome I mean handsome. Like really really handsome. He's wearing a jeans shirt. And there's a devilish glint in his light brown eyes.

He tucks his hands in his pocket. Even though his shirt is not fitting him, anyone could say he has abs. Very Very defined and perfect abs. And I am a sucker for them.

"I would say take a picture but it seems you're unable to do that."

And that's when I realize I was staring. Shit! But hey you can't blame me. He's handsome as hell.

"Where's the clip?"

Where's the what?

"Take off the tape." He orders the girl from before.
She rips off the tape. And that ladies and gentlemen hurt like a BITCH!!
"You bitch, couldn't you do it gently?"

"I would watch my mouth if I were you." Umm ok. Why?

"Now princess, where is the clip? The sooner you tell us the lesser pain with you get to leave. "

"I don't know what clip you're talking about."
" You very well know it."
" No, I don't."
He slaps me on my right cheek. Great!
" Why the hell did you do that, I said I don't know what clip are you talking about?" I replied calmly. Well, yea calmly.
I basically took self defense classes since middle school. Jace and I used to take those after classes.
And not only that but compared to the pain of those days, this slap was merely a pinch. I am a strong woman or so my brothers say. But he slapped me for no reason at all. I don't even know if I have a clip.
Oh!!!I got it. They kidnapped me thinking someone else. Maybe a girl who looks like me was caught during recording when they were murdering. And she ran away. They mistook me for her. Yes I totally got it. Hah! I am a genius.

"Listen, I think I'm not the girl who you caught while she was recording the murder you were commiting. But trust me I'm not her. I don't have the clip I swear."
" What the fuck are you talking about! You obviously have the clip." The guy was fuming.

" Umm"
" Listen no amount of bullshit is going to get you out of here unless you give us the clip. So be a good girl and give me the clip. "

" But I don't even know if I have a clip, let alone the one you're talking about"

" Mhmm, totally."
" What? You don't believe me?" Not that I care anyway.
" No I don't believe you."
" Well I don't care either way."
Another slap. Same cheek. Yayy!
I Chuckled.
"What's funny?"
The girl, that I didn't notice was still here,asked.
"What's your name? You're beautiful by the way."
She looked at the guy with a confused expression. The guy only looked at me with amusement.
"Mason, do you think she's ok?" Mason snorted.
"Of course she is Lilian. Don't be flustered." Lilian huffed.
" Hi Mason, Hi Lilian." Mason and Lilian. Hum. Nice name. Just bad people.

"Well if you're done with your antics I would like to have the clip."
CLIP! AGAIN. What the fuck bro! ;
" For the last time, I don't have the motherfucking clip and I don't know what you are talking about." I huffed in annoyance. I don't even know which or what clip they're talking about.
They leave the room. Oh I mean the torture room. And that guy slapped me twice. I'm gonna report him when I get outta here. But will I be able to get out? Will Jace and Jarek know that I'm gone? Will they attempt to find me? What will happen if they don't? Oh God.
I wish I could see Zathrian one more time. I saw him for the last time two years back. Oh you wanna know who's Zathrian? Umm he's my high school crush. Like he's hot as hell. Those blue damn eyes , brown hair,sharp jawline. Oh how much I miss those blue eyes.
I didn't see him since he left. Everyday I kept wishing I would see him just one last time. But it seems I would have to die without seeing him. Or any of my brother or even Violet and Ori for that matter.
My head feels heavy. Well If I'm dying soon,then might as well sleep a little. I'm gonna die anyway. Not that the chair is very comfortable and the ropes tying my hands aren't helping either.
Huh whatever.


I left the room with Lilian. That girl is very calm. Too calm for our good. I expected her to start thrashing around as soon as she woke up. At least that's what people who get kidnapped do. But she didn't. Even when she was talking to me she was calm. Like I was her best friend forever. Then after I slapped her I thought she would react wildly. But no. I was wrong again. She just asked me why I slapped her. She seemed pretty non chalant when I asked her about the clip. Did she really- No Larson couldn't be wrong. He wouldn't say that if he wasn't sure. That girl is just messing with my mind.
"Let's go inform Zathrian." Lilian suggests.
I nod.
We both head to the staircase and towards his office.

For a gang house,our one is pretty much cool. I really love it in here. It has a modern touch.

It is huge. But only 15-17 important gang members live here. And the rest of the rooms remain empty. It's three storied. His office is on third floor. I absolutely love his office. It gives a different vibe. Almost dark themed, as his soul is dark,his words not mine. But it's really open. There's sitting area and a huge TV on the wall. And as the house is in the middle of nowhere for safety purpose, the tree are peeping from the glassed celling.

We knock after arriving at his office door.
"Did you get the clip?" Zathrian asks as soon as we step inside.

"No,she said she doesn't have it." Lilian replied.

And with that said all hell broke loose.

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