Chapter 1

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"Seonsaengnim, are you two dating?"

If Namjoon were a decade younger, he might've choked on his own spit at the absurdity of the question. Would've become all flustered and panicked and deny it with a flushed face and a stuttering answer.

Much to his dismay, however, Namjoon has become used to the question. He no longer grows red at the face, nor does he drop whatever unfortunate object may be in his hold. No. Namjoon has heard that question so much to the point that it no longer fazes him and he could just calmly answer a "No," and be done with it.

People would give him a look, and that clearly showed that they didn't believe it one bit. And they'd look at the other person in question, his friend and housemate, Kim Seokjin who would just wink in response. No doubt further puzzling whoever was curious of their relationship.

Namjoon has learned to deal with it.

He had met Kim Seokjin during his final year of high school. Seokjin was a university student who was two years his senior. Namjoon was foolish and naive at the time while Seokjin... well... Seokjin had been just foolish.

After several awkward situations during that year, they had become friends. Best friends. Seokjin helped him through the roughest parts of his life and Namjoon knew of no way to repay him.

Seokjin is a kind person, always looking to help others in any way he could. He was humorous, charismatic, and everyone loved him.

The man is also extremely good looking. Enough to turn the heads of any man or woman in his perimeter. His main focus was always flustering people, it was also a natural talent of his.

People would assume that Namjoon was also one of these people, but again, Namjoon had gotten used to it.

This time, however, he couldn't blame his new students for thinking that way. Seokjin had just barged into his classroom, squabbling with Namjoon that he had forgotten his lunch, again .

It wasn't only that; Seokjin had also noticed that Namjoon hadn't properly styled his hair and proceeded to run his fingers through it to get it to look right.

Obviously, this act is embarrassing when he is just about to start introducing himself to his new homeroom class, first years no less, but Namjoon lets it be. He takes his lunch and lets Seokjin fix his hair without fighting.

It is then that one of the new students asks the question that everyone else in the room was wondering, "Are you two dating?"

"Yes," Seokjin says about the same time Namjoon firmly says, "No."

Namjoon gives Seokjin a look. "Stop telling my students that we're dating." He turns to the class full of teenagers. "He's just a friend."

He receives a bunch of incredulous looks. Again, Namjoon is used to this.

"You're no fun," Seokjin mutters under his breath, giving Namjoon a light punch on the arm. He glances at the clock, "Oh dear, I'm late for my class!" He exclaims, heading for the door. He is almost out until he stops and pokes his head back in. "Kim Seokjin by the way," he says to the students, "You may call me Jin if you wish. Or Mr. Worldwide Handsome, I don't mind either. Bye, Joon-ah!"

As he leaves he blows a kiss to Namjoon and then whisks away down the hall to the classroom next door. The students just stare at their professor who is hiding behind his hands. Wanting to disappear, yet again.

Namjoon sighs, turns around and gives his class a smile, the same one he always gives his students on the first day. "That," he begins, doing his best to focus on the task at hand, "will be your math professor, Kim Seokjin, if any of you are thinking of majoring in business for college, you may talk to him about extracurriculars."

He looks at his roster. "Now, we'll go one by one down the list so each of you can introduce yourselves."

Collective groans are the answers he gets in return. Still everyone does their introductions, like every year there are those whos introductions are basic and those who are a bit more spontaneous and outgoing. Namjoon puts a star next to those on his attendance list.

After first period, Namjoon goes about his day reintroducing himself to his other groups. It's a pretty repetitive day. With each group he introduces himself, passes attendance, goes over the rules and regulations of his course, hands out the materials such as novels and workbooks, and then he just sits and talks with them.

Fifth period is a free period for him, so he heads on down to the teachers' office to just sit around. His unit plans are done and all of his assignments for tomorrow have been sent to print. He's pretty much on schedule for everything that must be done for the start of a school year, so he just sits down and scrolls on his computer while he waits for lunch to come around.

"Jeon Jeongguk-ssi, you do realize that you failed all your classes last year, right?"

Namjoon watches from his desk as Professor Song Hobeom zeroes in on Jeon Jeongguk, a second-year student who, as far as academics go, could be considered a shipwreck. The scolding causes Namjoon to cringe at the harsh notes emanating from Professor Song's direction.

Jeongguk, a towering figure with eyes resembling a startled deer, seems to absorb the verbal assault while staring at his shoes. A solid kid, Namjoon muses, remembering having Jeongguk in his homeroom last year. Respectful, kind, and undoubtedly popular, but when it comes to academic prowess, well, Jeongguk's performance is akin to a rollercoaster at its lowest point.

Last year, Jeon Jeongguk failed all of his classes except music, art and P.E. To Namjoon, this just meant that Jeongguk's area of expertise wasn't in academics, but to Professor Song, that just meant Jeongguk was a kid who could bring down the class's overall average.

"Yes," Jeongguk mutters low under his breath. "I know."

Professor Song eyes the boy suspiciously, sighs. "I hope you're not planning on sleeping through this year as well?"

The boy shakes his head. "I'm really trying, sir."

"Good. Let's make more of an effort, okay? Good grades are important to get into a good college and a good college will set the stage for a good future."

"But Min-Seonsaengnim says that in life there are so many things that are much more important than college."

From where he sits, Namjoon almost spat his coffee. Professor Song, red-faced and unyielding, dismisses Jeongguk with a wave. Most likely he was going to hunt down and have a long chat with Professor Min after this.

"And remind Min-Seonsaengnim that even he had to go to college to get a job!" Professor Song shouts as the student grabs his things to leave. On his way out, Jeongguk collides with Seokjin who was entering.

"Ah, sorry Jeongguk-ah," Seokjin says, balancing the boy by his shoulders. Jeongguk doesn't meet his eyes, just blushes at the slight touch. "Are you okay?" Seokjin asks worriedly.

Shrugging Seokjin's hands off, Jeongguk replies with an "I'm fine," before hurrying out of the room.

"I should just fail the kid now," Professor Song says from his desk. "Make him start taking after school tutoring or cram lessons."

"He's a good kid," Seokjin states, walking over and plopping down on Namjoon's desk. "Is he in trouble?"

Professor Song grumbles. "I was making sure he started the year off right."

Seokjin gives Namjoon a look, then gives Professor Song a smile. "Aw, Choi-Seonsaengnim, it's the first day of class. Don't be too hard on the kid, he got accepted as a trainee last year, he must've been exhausted."

Professor Song just grumbles some more. "Great another distraction." He turns to his computer, starts typing something. "Everyone wants to be famous these days! The next BTS! No one wants to do any real work!"

Both Jin and Joon give each other a knowing smirk, rolling their eyes.

Namjoon goes back to his laptop. "I got the first years," he informs. "Plus the two IB groups. That's four groups total. You?"

"Just the first years," Seokjin smiles. "Plus IB Business."

Hybe International was a private school with an international baccalaureate program. For the program, Namjoon taught Language A, while a foreign professor taught Language B, a more conversational class.

Namjoon whistles. "Lucky."

Seokjin stretches his arms out, yawns. "Wish they'd give me more, honestly. I can handle it. Plus," he dramatically places two fingers under his chin, winks, "I'm their favorite teacher."

A huff of breath escapes Namjoon as he rolls his eyes. "They like you but they hate the subject," he points out. "How many people failed Math last year?"

"Nineteen." Namjoon gives him a look. " But, only three were from my classes. The rest were from the other teacher."

Namjoon goes back to typing on his laptop whilst Seokjin casts a furtive glance at the screen, snorts.

"A dating website? Really Namjoon? Not very professional of you."

He doesn't answer. It's low even for him, and he knows it, but he ignores his friend's retorts. It's mostly due to his mother pressuring him, but it's also partly his choice as well. He's pushing thirty this year and it really wouldn't kill him to go on a date or two. Unfortunately for him, his job keeps him busy as hell and sometimes all he talks about at home are his students. It can get annoying for certain partners.

Just one of the downsides of the profession.

"You know..." Seokjin begins, interrupting his thoughts once again. "You could've just asked me to set you up with someone. I know a lot of girls."

"Really?" he asks, not really paying attention.

Seokjin nods, pulling his phone out and scrolling. "I have this one friend, Ahn Solbin. Maybe I can hook you two up?" He pulls up a picture on his phone.

Namjoon looks at the picture. She is pretty, really pretty. But she is also a friend of Seokjin. He can only imagine what kind of girls hang around Seokjin; most likely loud and hyper girls. Not to mention that girls usually came to Seokjin for advice. The possibility of her also confiding in Seokjin is high.

It would be awkward if she were to confide in him about Namjoon.

"No thanks," he says, going back to his laptop. He will find someone completely on his own. His mom also has a few potenti—

"Too late, I already told her to meet you."


Seokjin lifts one crooked finger. "Hold on, she's replying." Namjoon's jaw drops. "Don't worry I sent her a good picture of you—She said yes. How does tonight sound?"

His mouth closes, he swallows in response. "T-tonight?" That's too soon. He doesn't have enough time to prepare, he hasn't planned out where they would go nor what he would wear, much less the topics of conversation that he could have with her.

Eyeing him knowingly, Seokjin sighs. "You're overthinking this aren't you?"


Seokjin crosses his arms, sighs. "Look, just take her to my brother's restaurant down near Seokchon Lake. Keep your hair like this but as soon as you get home, change into a white button-down, your gray casual blazer, and those nice tight black jeans that drive me insane."

Namjoon frowns at that last part. "I have a pair of jeans that drive you insane?"

Seokjin winks. "You wore them to the last workshop we had and they haven't left my mind since. Really difficult to focus on the presenters' whole 'Positive Discipline' discourse when I was having to find ways to discipline myself from looking at you." He pats Namjoon's thigh and leans in. "Oh and also be sure to tuck in your shirt, you've got a great pair of sexy legs."

Kim Seokjin everybody. A teacher. A cook. A friend. And also the only person capable of setting him up on a blind date while flirting with him at the same time.

The door to the teacher's office opens and in steps Min Yoongi. Today, professor Min is wearing a high black turtleneck and pants under a long, navy blazer jacket. It's become a tradition for him to wear dark colors on the first week of school, usually saying it's to mourn the death of winter vacation.

"Morning," he sighs, taking a seat at his cubicle and slowly sliding down his chair.

Immediately, Professor Song turns his chair to face him. "Yah, Min -Seonsaengnim," —Yoongi hums in response— "Did you tell Jeon Jeongguk that going to college isn't important?"

"I tell that to all my students," Yoongi says matter-of-factly.

"That's just giving them an excuse to be lazy!"

"No," Yoongi counters, "it's giving them hope outside of college in case they don't make it in. I also tell them that if they really wanna go and still fail to, they can always try again."

"Well I think—"

The door to the teachers' office slams open this time, causing everyone to jump in their seat. All heads turn to see one of the science teachers, Lim Yoojung, entering in a scurry.

Lim Yoojung was a plump woman with a black bob and short pixie cut bangs. She was an energetic woman, always smiling and always absent. Last year she was absent during the last three weeks of school due to a broken arm, three months during the summer due to a broken thumb and one month because she went to buy lab equipment outside the country and her flight got delayed like three times.

"I have news!" she whispers, closing the door behind her. She runs to the line of cubicles, leans in. Her colleagues, being nosey as all teachers are, lean in to listen.

Professor Yoojung takes a deep breath. "Park Soohyun-ssi is pregnant and about to go into maternity leave."

There's a collective gasp.

"Really?" Seokjin asks. "I never would've guessed that she was pregnant."

Yoojung nods enthusiastically. "We're going to have to get a new Korean Language professor. The ministry is already searching for a substitute in the meantime."

"That gives us an excuse to go out to celebrate!"

"We should all go drinking after class."

"Such a shame though, Park-Seonsaengnim was such a well-loved teacher. The kids will be devastated!"

"She isn't dead," Namjoon points out. "She's got the third years, right? They'll most likely throw her a goodbye party or a baby shower."

"Will she be coming back?" someone asks.

"I highly doubt it," Yoojung informs, "She'll want to fully care for the baby, as all first time mothers tend to do. So we'll be getting a short-term teacher."

"It's hard to get high schoolers into Korean Language," Seokjin comments. "Soohyun was one of the few who made it interesting."

"Hopefully it's another cute female teacher," the P.E. professor Son Sundeuk joins in. "It's been a while since we've gotten any decent looking staff here."

"Well we definitely need more handsome teachers," a female adds casually. "We're quite lacking in that department."

Professor Son grumbles under his breath.

"Ah but my esteemed colleague, Kim Seokjin-Seonsaengnim is quite a sight for sore eyes," Yoojung comments. "Far prettier than any girl we may be getting."

Seokjin snorts. "Why thank you Yoojung-ssi." He male smiles. "You know, there are eight wonders in the world—"

Namjoon corrects him immediately, "Hyung, there's only seven wonders."

Seokjin places a crooked finger on his lips. "Joon-ah," the elder says in a serious tone. "There are eight." He points to himself, "Have you seen this face?"

Despite himself, Namjoon feels his lips twitch upward. "You're impossible," he says, getting up from his seat to go pour himself some more coffee in an attempt to hide the fact he was smiling.

Seokjin eyes him from the table. "You know what?" he says to Yoojung, "Scratch that, there are nine wonders. Namjoon-ah's legs are the ninth wonder."

Yoojung laughs at his open flirting. Namjoon sits back down as soon as his mug is full again. "Why if I were a few years younger, I myself would ask Namjoon-ssi for marriage."

Namjoon laughs nervously, taking a sip of his coffee. "I'm afraid your husband wouldn't like that, Yoojung-ssi."

Yoojung, a married woman of 40 years of age, sighs dramatically and falls back into her seat. "Oh, if only I had met you before that old brute husband of mine."

Seokjin uses this moment to wheel his chair next to Namjoon, wrapping an arm around the other's shoulders. "Sorry, Yoojung-ssi, but I called dibs," he tells her.

"Ah, yes the famous Kim couple," Yoojung exclaims, clapping her hands together excitedly. She smiles suggestively. "Are the rumors finally true this year?"

"No, they're not," Namjoon protests, unwrapping Jin's arm from him. Their female colleagues tend to be more enthusiastic about the possibility of him and Seokjin dating.

"However, anyone that thinks they are dating are not necessarily far from the truth," Yoongi pipes in, taking a seat again with coffee in hand. "Seokjin is practically Namjoon's husband."

Jin smiles sweetly while Namjoon stutters over his words. "No, no he is not. And- and you saying that sort of thing to people is the reason I can't find a date."

"Oh, there is no way that you're single, Namjoon-ssi," Yoojung says in disbelief, "A man of your looks, career and intelligence can't possibly be without a woman."

"That's because he has a man," Seokjin says, making the flower pose under his chin and blinking in a cute way. "Me," he adds with confidence.

Namjoon pinches his thigh, Seokjin yelps.

"And you Mr Kim Seokjin," Yoojung asks, "I can't believe that you have any trouble finding a man, so how are you single?"

To this, Seokjin sighs and rests his chin on the palms of his hands, leaning in against the table. "Yoojung, you know that thing people say? That all good men are either taken or gay?" Yoojung nodded, "Well it turns out that all the gay men are not necessarily good."

Yoojung nods at this, taking a sip of her coffee before setting it back down, a look of determination on her face. "I have several gay friends. Great guys, shame they aren't into women. Just tell me your type and I might have someone for you."

"Get me a gay Namjoon and I'll be set for marriage," Seokjin says brazenly, making Namjoon choke on his coffee and Yoojung laugh, while Yoongi just watches them all judgmentally.

"No, No, but all joking aside," Seokjin adds, "I like tall men with plump lips and long legs. Has to be a good listener and be smart, and I'm talking genius smart. He also has to have a stupidly large collection of bonsai plants."

Namjoon groans and stands up from the table, heading over to the sink. Seokjin dramatically reaches out to him. "You can't reject me, Joon-ah!" he shouts dramatically, "I haven't even looked at other men since I've met you!"

He pauses, thinks. "Okay, no. There was this one guy. Short, big hands, great in bed." This time, Yoongi is the one to choke on his coffee at the same time that Namjoon happens to break his mug in the sink. Seokjin hands Yoongi some napkins and gets up to walk over to the sink.

"Yah, Kim Namjoon! Why are you always breaking things?!"

Namjoon doesn't respond; one of the mug pieces had cut his palm and he was currently running it under cold water.

"Omo, Seokjin-ssi, you're so diligent!" Yoojung adds as she watches Seokjin grab the emergency aid kit and go to Namjoon's aid, opening the kit before grabbing some alcohol and cotton balls.

"I know," Seokjin says, dabbing a cotton ball drenched in alcohol on Namjoon's palm, the other hissing in pain from the contact. He pulls the cotton ball away and replaces it with a large band-aid, "You should just marry me now, Joon-ah," the elder jokes as he puts the supplies away, "Only I can protect you from your clumsy self."

The taller male rolls his eyes. "You can't convince me to marry you, Hyung," Namjoon replies, completely determined. Seokjin simply gives him this adorable little pout he does when he doesn't get his way.

The bell rings, indicating lunchtime. Yoojung decides to leave to get lunch before the cafeteria food runs out. Other teachers follow after her.

Once they're alone, Namjoon speaks up. "Yah," he cries out, smacking Seokjin on the arm. "Are you trying to tell the whole world about your leg fetish?"

Seokjin scoffs, waves a dismissive hand. "I don't have a leg fetish," he remarks, waving it off. "If I'd have to pick my favorite part of your body I'd say it's your arms."

Namjoon frowns, confused. "What's so special about my arms?" he asks, holding it out to inspect it.

Seokjin's eyes narrow, they flicker from Namjoon's face to his arms and back. "You're flaunting them on purpose, aren't you?"

"No. I just really don't see why you'd pick that as your favorite."

"You're right Kim-Seonsaengnim," Seokjin adds, dramatically batting his eyelashes, "I love all of you, so shame on me for just picking one thing." A mischievous smile spreads across his face, "Shall I go through my list of all of your best features?"

"I'd rather start having lunch now before I have to stuff my face before the next class."

"Yes, please," Yoongi groans from his seat. "I'm starving."

They each heat up their lunch, then sit around Namjoon's desk to chat the hour away.

"So, how'd it go with your homerooms?" Yoongi asks. "I got class 3-2. Which means I got Park Jimin and Kim Taehyung." He sighs. "Park Jimin got elected class president, again."

"Great kid," Namjoon comments.

"He is," Yoongi agrees. "He's a perfectionist though. Heard he almost got a stroke last year when he got a 98 on something."

"He's gotten better about it," Seokjin adds. "I got 1-1," Seokjin informs. "Joon-ah here got 1-2. Guess we're going to be working together again."

Yoongi throws a smirk in Namjoon's direction. "Good for you."

Yeah, good for him. Seokjin and him have been co-homeroom teachers for the first years ever since Namjoon's first year here. Apparently the principal has enjoyed their 'teamwork' and 'dynamic'.

Whatever that meant.

"Which reminds me." Namjoon shoots Seokjin a look. " Someone interrupted me this morning to bring me lunch and fix my hair. Which now seems to be a tradition considering that they did it last year and the year before." In front of him, Seokjin winks at him. Namjoon frowns. "The first years probably think that I'm gay now."

Seokjin grabs a piece of bulgogi from Namjoon's lunch box. "What's wrong with them thinking that? Didn't you go through a crisis during your first year of college?"

"I was young and stupid," he murmurs, stuffing his face.

"I know," Seokjin replies, chewing on some kimchi. "Still doesn't change the fact that you tried it out though."

Namjoon groans and sits his bowl down. "Yoongi-hyung, can I get some sort of restraining order on this guy? Like, can we prohibit him from getting close to me here at work?"

Scoffing at him, Min Yoongi looks up from his own plate of bulgogi and rolls his eyes. "I'm going to just give you the same answer I did last year," he answers bluntly, "No."

"Why not?" Namjoon whines.

Yoongi points to Seokjin with his chopsticks, "Because he cooks my lunch for me too, you know?"

It is another thing that Seokjin has over him; total control over everyone around him. As far as Namjoon knows, every one of his friends is whipped for Seokjin. He has them all tied around his crooked little finger.

Seokjin smiles triumphantly. "Guess you're stuck with me," he winks.

"I'm never going to get married at this rate," Namjoon sighs.

"I'd be happy to volunteer," Seokjin adds, cheeks full of food and eyebrows wiggling in his direction.

That is another thing that doesn't help Namjoon's situation. Seokjin is a natural flirt. He can flirt with anyone about literally anything. He has the confidence to ask a person out without feeling a hint of embarrassment. Over the years, he's become immune to Seokjin's flirting. At first it wasn't easy, now Namjoon has an invisible shield where Seokjin's flirtatious comments just bounce off.

"No," he states firmly, "We can't get married here anyway."

"Seems like a good thing," Yoongi mutters. Seokjin takes his kimchi away. "Yah!"

"No kimchi for you, you ass," Seokjin protests. He sets some kimchi on Namjoon's plate. "Don't worry so much about it, Joon-ah," he assures him with a gentle smile. "You're a great guy and you're bound to find someone who will see that and want to marry you for it."

He felt that. Seokjin always knew what to say to make him feel better. Even if he is the cause of Namjoon's constant torment.

"Remember though, I'll most likely always be available. If you ever want to consider marrying me."

Namjoon rolls his eyes.

Being the first day back, students are let out early. The teachers, however, stay behind for a faculty meeting. They're in the principal's office. Their principal, Bang Shihyuk is sitting at his desk. The lead teachers are sitting on the long couches at the center of the room while all other teachers are standing behind them by order of tenure. There were a total of ten main teachers at Hybe International, 2 for each department.

Today's afternoon meeting is simple, it's supposed to be short and to the point. Just go down each class list and note important things that must be known about the student so you may help them succeed. Easy enough.

"Okay," Principal Bang says, taking out his pen. "Let's get this over with so we can all go home. Let's start with 3-1."

There are several types of teachers at these meetings. There are the quiet teachers so just sort of listen in and take notes, there are those who don't offer any input because they're busy doing other things whether it's preparing source material, or planning, and then there are those who never shut up and always have something to say about every student on the roster.

"Her parents are going through a divorce, apparently the dad had been going on several business trips with multiple women. Her mother has recently gotten a boob job in response to it and—"

Namjoon bangs his head back against the wall. Next to him, Yoongi rolls his eyes. There were always those teachers who got way into students' personal lives and found it absolutely necessary to talk about every detail.

Was it important to know that a student's parents were getting a divorce, yes. It could affect the student emotionally and in turn hurt their grades.

Was it important to know why their parents were getting a divorce? Absolutely not. And knowing about a mother's boob job was especially unnecessary to know.

However teachers, by nature, love gossip. Some are just better than others at hiding it. Right now everyone was groaning at the TMIs, but they would all be talking about later whether it was to their spouses or in their group chats. And they'd do their best not to let it slip.


"Dyslexic," someone comments when Namjoon tunes back into the conversation. "Due to this his essays are a mess and hard to read, even with autocorrect. He also doesn't do the reading."

"He needs audiobooks," Namjoon speaks up, knowing now exactly who they're talking about. "If there is a novel he must read in your class then give him the audiobook version. Also allow him to use his headphones in class so he can put the text to speech extension while he types up his assignments. That usually helps him."

One of his older colleagues scoffs. "That's just feeding into his laziness."

"Those are his accommodations," Namjoon reminds him. "He needs those so he can be on equal ground with his peers."

"We didn't have accommodation years back! Why—"

"Seonsaengnim," Seokjin interrupts, "If we don't give a student the accommodations they need then we are at a risk of a lawsuit." He pats Namjoon on the back. "Kim-Seonsaengnim here is just informing everyone of this student's needs so that that risk can be avoided." He adds in one of his iconic smiles, capable of calming even the angriest of parents. "We all know how busy everyone is and how difficult it is to get through all the students' files."

This calms their fellow teacher down a bit and the meeting resumes. Namjoon glances at Seokjin who gives him a wink.

They're done with the third years and move on to the second years, then the first years, which was the generation that Namjoon was waiting around for.

Shin Seonjeong, the student wellness specialist, reads out each file one by one. Both Namjoon and Seokjin take notes.

"There are several students in year 1 that are trainees," Seonjeong tells them. "Make sure to have alternative assignments and separate study plans for them so they don't fall behind."

The teacher meeting ends at 5pm. So much for an early leave. They're all getting ready to go home when Principal Bang stops them.

"One last announcement," he says. "I'm sure you've all heard by now about Park Soohyun-ssi's condition." —Seokjin meets eyes with Yoojung across the room— "Tomorrow, we're going to get her replacem—I mean substitute. She'll be teaching him the ropes for the week and then she'll take her leave. The sub will also be taking over Park-Seonsaengnim's homeroom, so Min-Seonsaengnim," —Yoongi looks up from his phone— "You'll have to help him out as well."

Yoongi nods. Both being third year homeroom teachers, they would have to help organize all events involving the students' graduation.

Bang Shihyuk glances at all of them, gives them an appreciative nod. "Let's make this year another great one for the books. You're all dismissed."

There's talk about going out to celebrate Professor Park's pregnancy with drinks. (They are all willing to drink moderately and allow Soohyun to have a ginger ale or something). Namjoon is about to agree to going along with them when Seokjin hauls him out of the crowd and apologizes.

"Sorry everyone," he announces, pushing Namjoon towards the door, "but we have to go get ready for a date!"

Luckily they leave before the teasing can commence.

Back home, Namjoon opts for a quick shower to wash off the remnants of the first day, doing his best to leave work complaints at work so he can focus on his blind date. Upon emerging, he discovers Seokjin in his room, methodically inspecting Namjoon's array of shirts. The pre-selected tight pants lie in wait.

"Do you wanna look cool, sexy or adorable?" Seokjin inquires, brandishing different shirt options.


"Sexy it is," he announces, exiting the bedroom. "Let me go find your glasses."

Sighing, Namjoon glances at his bed. A black turtleneck has been set aside for him. Namjoon takes off his towel and moves to get dressed.

"You better roll those sleeves up!" Seokjin shouts from another room. Namjoon does as he's told.

When Seokjin is back in the room he lets out a long whistle. "Damn, when was the last time you went on a date looking like this?"

Namjoon knows when, but doesn't tell him. Seokjin passes him his glasses, gives him an appreciative up and down look, nods to himself. "If you don't get laid today, my friend, I might have to take matters into my own hands."

Joon rolls his eyes. "My objective tonight is not to get laid."

"Yeah, yeah, I know," Seokjin grumbles. " You don't sleep with anyone on the first date. You are such a gentleman." For as long as he's known Namjoon, he has always spoken about first connections. It is the main reason that he has never gone out with a girl twice.

Placing his hands on his bare hips, Seokjin tsks. "If I recall correctly, Joon-ah," he starts, "You were very eager to go to bed with me when we met."

Namjoon groans. He's bringing that up again. "I was drunk, Hyung."

"Which was why I stopped you," Seokjin comments matter-of-factly. "Doesn't make a difference. You were sober enough to clearly think things through in terms of not driving drunk or going back to your house in that state. Let's face it," He pokes Namjoon's nose to emphasize each word. "You. Were. Very. Into. Me."

He exits the room at that moment, leaving Namjoon alone to groan at his antics. Seokjin loves to bother him like this. Whether it is in public or when it is just the two of them, his hyung enjoys reminding Namjoon of that one time. He would never let him forget it.

Namjoon was never able to get a driver's license so Seokjin calls a cab for him. Namjoon makes sure he has everything before he gets in and is on his way.

Otsu Seiromushi is a Korean BBQ restaurant owned by Seokjin's older brother, Kim Seokjoong. Namjoon has met him and the rest of Seokjin's family before. Likewise, Seokjin has met Namjoon's younger sister and parents. Their dad's are actually best friends. So they go out on trips many times during the year.

Seokjin's hyung greets him at the table. Namjoon hasn't seen him in a while so he asks him about his family, specifically his wife and kids.

"She's doing well," Seokjoong tells him. "The second pregnancy isn't hitting her as hard as the first but I'm making sure she's getting everything she needs."

Namjoon smiles at him. "Tell her I said hi."

"Will do. So hey, you and Seokjinnie are still living together, right?"

"Unfortunately so."

Seokjoong laughs at that. "Is he still clingy?"

" Very clingy," Namjoon comments. He reaches for his water, takes a quick sip. "We're working on him keeping his hands to himself." He sighs. "It's hard."

Seokjoong laughs. "Well, he really likes you so..."

Avoiding acknowledging the hidden meaning in Seokjoong's words, Namjoon takes another sip of water. "Well, I like him too," Namjoon says, "It's why I put up with him."

A waiter interrupts them, letting them know that Namjoon's date is here. Seokjoong gets up from his seat and tells him to let him know if they need anything.

Ahn Solbin is very attractive. She's tall, with long brown hair.

As they settle into the conversation, Namjoon gets to know quite a bit about his date. She's 4 years younger than him, finishing up a degree in communications and wants to be a radio PD.

The dinner proceeds smoothly, filled with a few laughs here and there, delicious Korean BBQ...

Then she makes the mistake of asking Namjoon about his job.

Despite all the administrative work and the parents which all cause him a headache, Namjoon loves his job. And once someone gets him talking about it, he'll talk of nothing else.

He'll talk about planning, talk about how much he hates making tests and then he'll talk about the kids. The annoying ones, the great ones, the ones that just need a little push and those that are destined to succeed.

Ahn Solbin is nice enough to listen to all of it, but she doesn't ask any questions that show any interest in the topic itself and that's when Namjoon starts getting picky.

They talk about music. Namjoon mentions his love for most genres and Solbin makes a comment about how she enjoys reggaeton, the one genre Namjoon particularly has a distaste for.

They talk about hobbies and Namjoon counts off the number of books he's ready this year. Soblin sheepishly says she doesn't read. So Joon switches to his other hobbies, riding bikes, visiting museums, going on walks...

Again, she's not really into any of that 'stuff'.

There's a moment when both of them are just really into their food and they don't really talk.

"So," she says, probably just as uncomfortable by the silence as he is, "how do you know Seokjin-oppa?"

Grateful for the silence to be over, Namjoon seizes the conversational lifeline. "Met during my first year at SNU. You?"

"He was my tutor," she says nonchalantly. "He was helping me get into Yonsei."

Finding out Seokjin tutored was not something that Namjoon was expecting from this date. Considering his current career, however, it doesn't surprise him.

"What was he like in college?" Solbin asks. She grabs some meat and dips it into the pot to cook it. "He was super strict with me. Never let me have any fun and was always scolding me for not getting answers right."

A laugh escapes Namjoon as he imagines Seokjin being strict during his college years. "Looks like you got diligent teacher Kim Seokjin, while I met Kim Seokjin the college student."

At this Solbin's brows shoot up. "Oh?" She leans in, resting her chin on the back of her hands. "What was Seokjin-oppa like in college?"

A smile tugs at Namjoon's lips. Oh how to describe the great Kim Seokjin without making him sound like a maniac?

"He was...popular," Namjoon tells. "Everyone wanted to eat out with him. The professors loved him too. They were always asking him for favors and selecting him to go out and work on projects with them, especially when they needed to meet with executives. He was also so handsome that apparently the school would send him to high school fairs and the number of people who wanted to join the school would increase."

Solbin nods her head, taking the information in. Namjoon smiles to himself, keeps going.

"He was also super athletic. All the sports team wanted him. He was top of his class. He was always inviting out his underclassmen and—"

"Sounds like he was practically an idol," Solbin interrupts.

"Oh. Well he was. He was always on the school forums."

Solbin whistles in awe.

The date goes by pretty well after that. They talked some more and Namjoon even got her number and a request for a second date. He tells her he'll call her. He calls a cab for her and then one for himself, Seokjoong offers to give him a ride but Namjoon politely declines.

It's late when he's back home. Or at least, it's late for an almost 30 year old during a weekday. Namjoon has to wake up at 5am to get ready the next morning.

He enters the passcode and steps inside, leaving his shoes neatly on the foyer.

He's met with Seokjin who's fast asleep on the couch in a white t-shirt and boxers, his hair is also wet.

Shaking his head, Namjoon drops his things off in his room and changes before coming back to the living room with a towel. He plops down next to Seokjin, puts the towel on the latter's head and shakes. Seokjin is awoken with a start.

Seokjin jolts awake, disoriented for a moment, his eyes wide as he takes in his surroundings. When he realizes he's on the couch with Namjoon beside him, he relaxes.

"Hey babe," he mumbles, voice thick with sleep. "What's up?"

"Hey, you fell asleep on the couch," Namjoon says. "Your hair is wet, so I thought I'd help you dry it."

Seokjin runs a hand through his damp hair, blinking a few times to clear the remnants of sleep. "Oh, right. I guess I dozed off. Thanks for the towel." He yawns, stretching his arms. "How'd the date go?"

Frowning, Namjoon recalls the events of the evening, shrugs. "Eh."

Unsatisfied with Namjoon's answer, Seokjin pouts. "Come on, I'm really curious!"

"We didn't click," he mumbles. "I think she wants to try a second date but I really didn't feel a connection."

Seokjin hums. "You know what your problem is, Kim Namjoon?" he begins, standing up and shaking his hips playfully as he walks to the bathroom. "Once you kiss Kim Seokjin, you'll never want anyone else again." He laughs at his own little rhyme. Namjoon just throws a pillow at him in response, only for it to hit the wall instead.

While Seokjin turns on the hair dryer, Namjoon begins getting lost in his thoughts.

For some unknown reason, although the date could be counted as successful, Namjoon doesn't have it in him to go on a second date with her. He doesn't consider himself into her enough for a second date.

A sigh escaping him, Namjoon leans back on the couch. Many people have told him that he's a great person to talk to, that people really feel he's a great listener. And by many people he means his students. Sure, Namjoon isn't very knowledgeable about trends but he can show interest in a conversation no matter how mundane.

What he would like is a partner that enjoys his company and puts in as much effort into the relationship as he does. While his date today was nice, when it came to a topic of Namjoon's interest, she seemed to doze off and just stare at her phone.

Sometimes Namjoon doesn't want to be a listener, he wants to be heard.

"Yah, Namjoonie!" Seokjin pokes his head into the living room, his black hair now dried but messily styled on his forehead. "Want to watch Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind?" He holds up his phone, showing an app with the movie available. "I can make popcorn."

Namjoon smiles. "Sure."

Still in his white shirt and boxers, Seokjin heads to the kitchen to prepare the popcorn in the microwave while Namjoon searches for the movie on the smartTV.

About two minutes later, Seokjin comes back in with a bowl of popcorn, "Alright!" he exclaims, walking over to the couch, "Let's get you to have faith in romance again!" He plops down on Namjoon's lap. Namjoon doesn't move nor move him. After shifting around a bit, they both manage to get comfortable on the couch.

Seokjin practically snuggles up to Namjoon's side and Namjoon doesn't attempt to move. They're both comfortable enough not to want to move.

"So what was wrong with her?"

Namjoon pulls his eyes away from the screen. "Hm?"

Seokjin's eyes are glued to the screen. "What didn't you like about Solbin? And don't repeat that stuff about a connection again." He turns to look at him. "Wasn't she pretty enough?"

"She was pretty."

"Was she boring?"


"Was there nothing you two had in common?"

"Honestly, other than the fact we both knew you, no." Namjoon frowns, adds, "In fact, that's sort of what we mostly talked about. You."

Seokjin smirks, a hint of mischief in his eyes. "Well, I am quite a fascinating subject, aren't I?"

" Hyung ."

With a hum, Seokjin leans back on the couch. He takes some popcorn from the bowl and pops it into his mouth. "There I go again, ruining your potential relationships."

Namjoon lets out a chuckle, appreciating Seokjin's candidness. "It's not you, hyung."

"Well it's definitely not you, Joon-ah." Seokjin gives him a reassuring look and takes him by the hand. Namjoon feels his hand grow warm but doesn't pull away.

The movie just so happens to be Namjoon's favorite. He knows every word to it, but it's his comfort movie and Seokjin knows this.

Namjoon doesn't mind when Seokjin falls asleep midway through. Honestly he was sort of expecting it considering the hour.

Nonetheless Seokjin at least tried to do something to cheer him up and for that Namjoon was grateful.

Turning off the television, Namjoon hauls Seokjin off the couch. More asleep than anything else, Seokjin leans against him, muttering something under his breath.

Seokjin is a big guy. He's not as tall as Namjoon, but his shoulders are wider. Namjoon has some difficulty carrying him to his room, but thankfully Seokjin's feet do move around with him.

Gently, he places his hyung on the bed and pulls the covers over him. From the comfort of his bed, Seokjin wiggles in the blankets and smiles, then frowns.

"Joon-ah, I'm cold."

That was Seokjin's way of asking Namjoon to sleep with him.

Sighing, Namjoon walks to the other side of the bed, pulling the covers back and lays down. Seokjin scoots till he's pressed against Namjoon's back.

The room is dimly lit by the soft glow of a nearby streetlamp filtering through the curtains into the apartment. Namjoon can hear the distant sounds of the city—the hum of traffic, a stray cat's meow, and the subtle rustle of leaves in the night breeze.

Behind him Seokjin, still half-asleep, mumbles something incoherent, his warm breath tickling the back of Namjoon's neck. Namjoon, accustomed to Seokjin's habits, turns to face him and wraps his arm around Seokjin, providing the warmth he seeks as he pulls him closer.

As the seconds tick away, Namjoon can feel Seokjin's rhythmic breathing, the rise and fall of his chest. Namjoon closes his eyes, letting the familiar scent of Seokjin's soap fill his nostrils. It's in these quiet moments that Namjoon wants to kick himself with how comfortable he's become with Seokjin over the years—the unspoken understanding, the shared silences, and the willingness to offer comfort without the need for words.

Pulling him closer, he plants a kiss on the top of Seokjin's head, the latter doesn't even stir and Namjoon isn't even worried about him waking up.

Yeah, this was completely different from how they were when they first met.


He was 19 years old when he met Kim Seokjin. His parents had driven him from his home in Ilsan to the SNU campus.

His father had helped him unload everything from the car. His mother had hugged him and told him to use his money more on necessities than clothes and his sister had just thrown him a nod as a goodbye.

"It's not like we'll never see him again," Geongmin had said. Which was true.

After saying goodbye to his family, he went to the new student registration line, registered and got the key to his dorm.

On his phone, he pulled up his room number. He was assigned to the D building, room 306, meaning he was on the third floor of the building.

Frowning, he looked at his luggage. He had several bags he needed to carry. Perhaps he should've asked his dad to help him before they left.

Luckily there were upperclassmen around campus that were supposed to help the first years find their dorm and assist them with taking their stuff.

Namjoon looked to the left, then to the right. The upperclassmen were supposed to be identifiable through an ID badge they were wearing around their neck. He did spot a few, but they were busy helping out the first year girls.

Sighing, Namjoon tried to work it out on his own. He hauled one bag on each shoulder, the straps crossing on his chest, then he tied his other two bags on the two suitcases with wheels. Overall, his setup looked alright. The uncomfortable part was having to haul both suitcases himself.

Locating the building, he was doing just fine until he got inside. There was a long line for the elevator. And his arms were going to kill him if he was going to drag everything up the stairs all the way to the third floor.

"Need help with that, handsome?"

It was at that moment that Namjoon had turned around, froze in place, and came face to face with the most beautiful person he had ever seen in his life.

Unbeknown to him at the time this would also be the person who would become his first love.

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