Chapter 2

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Namjoon makes it a habit to not stare at people. He had always found it rude. Not to mention it tended to make the other person insecure or uncomfortable. At the moment however, he really couldn't help himself he just straight out stared at the guy in front of him, gawking.

The guy before him was almost his height, perhaps a bit taller. He was wider than Namjoon, especially around the shoulders. His hair was a light pink, styled like those idols Namjoon sometimes came across on YouTube, and that was exactly what this guy looked like. A celebrity. An idol. Big, round eyes, plump lips, and his face was so smooth, Namjoon was tempted to touch it but held himself back because there was no way he was going to be labeled as a pervert on his first day. Or any day for that matter.

The handsome guy cocked his head at him, an amused look slowly appearing on his face. "You might want to close your mouth," he tells Namjoon. "Lots of bugs around here."

Namjoon didn't even know his jaw had dropped. Embarrassed, he immediately snapped his mouth shut, bit his tongue in the process and winced. If Mr. Handsome noticed, he didn't make any indication of it other than a brief snort.

"So where're you heading?" Mr. Handsome asked him. "I can help you with your bags if you want."

Namjoon noticed the campus ID on the guy. The name was too small for him to catch a glimpse of it. He cleared his throat, felt like there was a lump in his throat so he instead pulled out his phone and showed the guy the email.

Mr. Handsome squinted at the image, nodded. "306, building D. Great," he says with a lot of pep, clapping his hands together. "Just that building D is the building next to this one. You're lucky I caught you before you started going up the stairs."

Namjoon ducked his head into his scarf, feeling his cheeks flaming. The guy gives him a reassuring smile. It's beautiful, blinding even.

"Hey, don't sweat it. Everyone gets lost on their first day. Let's just focus on getting you where you need to go."

He took three of Namjoon's bags, leaving Joon with the other three. Together they exited the building and walked towards their destination, thankfully the next building wasn't too far away.

"First year orientation is tomorrow," Mr. Handsome explained as they walk. "You should've been sent an email that tells you where each department is meeting up. Be there on time so you can meet your classmates. Then you'll be moved to the auditorium, where the professors will talk your ear off about a bunch of boring, but important, stuff. After that you'll all probably go out for drinks to get to know each other just so you all can have a hangover for the next day where you'll hop on the bus and go to the resort for the rest of orientation. Any questions?"

Namjoon shook his head. Mr. Handsome gave him a smile. "Not very talkative, are you? Let me know if I'm annoying you. My friends say I'm like mold, I'll eventually grow on you."

Whoever said such a thing to such a beautiful person really needed to get a reality check. Not even ten minutes had passed during their first meeting and Namjoon's opinion of the guy was fairly positive.

He went up the stairs with Namjoon's bags as if it were a walk in the park. Namjoon mentally noted that he should start going to a gym, because the flight of the stairs was exhausting for him, but Mr. Handsome hadn't even broken a sweat.

"Here we are," he cheerfully sang when they reached the second door to the left. "Room 306, Kim Namjoon."

The bags are gently placed on the floor in front of the door. Namjoon took out his key, opened the door, and then took a few steps into the room, glancing around at his new living space.

The room was modestly furnished, with two single beds neatly arranged on either side, a desk in front of each bed. The only window held a view of the campus.

"Home sweet home," Mr. Handsome declared, poking his head to the room. "I'll let you get settled in. The dorm president will be stopping by to make sure everything is in order."

Namjoon quickly turned around to thank him. "Thank you, sunbaenim," he said, lowering his head as respectfully as possible. "I'll treat you to lunch one day in return for your help."

Before he left, Mr. Handsome gave him the brightest smile ever. "Looking forward to it. Welcome to SNU," he said followed by a quick wink and Namjoon felt his heart leap from it.

Namjoon got ready to unpack. Glancing at one of the beds, he noticed that his roommate had already settled in. Covers were already placed and books were already arranged on one of the desks.

Unpacking his belongings, carefully placing his clothes in the small wardrobe and arranging his essentials on the desk. He was almost done when he decided to check his phone, wondering if his parents were spamming him with messages on how much they miss him.

Instead, he saw a message from a high school classmate.

Jackson Wang

Hey man, did you get settled into your dorm? (1:05pm)

Jackson Wang had been Namjoon's classmate since middle school. He was also looking to major in English, and also made it in to SNU. When he got the results Namjoon was grateful he wasn't going to be alone.

Immediately after having read the message, Namjoon answered back.

Jackson Wang

Hey man, did you get settled into your dorm yet? (1:05pm)

(1:15pm) Yeah, almost done.

Cool. Same. (1:15pm)

(1:16pm) I think I met an angel today.

Oh? Was she cute? (1:16pm)

(1:16pm) He was handsome.

Jackson didn't really answer after that and had left him on read for the rest of the day. It didn't matter. Namjoon went about his day, finishing up the last few touches in his dorm.

The door beeped open and Namjoon turned around. A guy with mint colored hair stood at the entrance. He was small, so Namjoon's first thought was that he was a first year like him, but then Namjoon spotted the ID badge hanging from his neck.

Namjoon bowed to him. "Hello, are you the dorm president?"

The mint haired male stared at him for a few seconds, then answered, "No, but he'll be here soon."

"Ah, so you're my sunbae then? I'm Kim Namjoon, a first year English major."

"Min Yoongi, second year history major."

* * *

Namjoon woke up early the next morning to get ready. By the time he had woken up his roommate was already gone, Namjoon guessed he was a busy man. After a quick shower and a glance at the mirror to ensure every strand of hair was in place, Namjoon gathered his essentials and headed out. The campus, still relatively quiet in the early morning, was large and he needed to find the meeting spot for his major. He followed the map and then was relieved when he spotted a familiar face in the distance.

"Namjoon-ah!" Jackson called out, waving towards him. "Over here!"

Namjoon quickened his pace, a smile forming on his face as he approached Jackson who pulled him into a hug. "How was your first night?"

"My roommate seems nice," Namjoon shrugged. "Quiet too. I slept pretty well though, you?"

His friend pulled back, releasing Namjoon, a friendly grin on his face. "Roommate and I hit it off. We stayed up talking about random stuff, then I met some of his friends and we all hung out. I'm tired as hell right now to be honest. Wished this whole orientation thing wasn't so early."

"Yeah, sucks."

Around them many other departments were also getting into their groups. Namjoon looked around to see if he saw any other familiar faces. From where he stood he didn't really see anyone else from his school.

"So what's this you were telling me about an angel you met yesterday? Some guy?" Jackson inquired with a playful smirk, hanging an arm on Namjoon's shoulder. Or trying to at least, Namjoon was taller.

Namjoon turned his attention back to him, blinked. "Oh. Yeah, an upperclassman helped me with my stuff yesterday. He was really handsome."

"Oh? More than me?" Jackson teased, earning a droll stare from Namjoon. His friend laughed and nudged him with his elbow, causing the other to roll his eyes at him. "So you think we'll see this handsome guy around? What did he look like?"

"He's hard to miss," Namjoon commented. "He's tall, with pink hair. Really good-looking. Like a celebrity-at-the-Baeksang-Arts-Awards type of good looking."

"You mean like that guy?" Jackson pointed in the direction of a distinctive figure, catching Namjoon's attention.

Following the line of Jackson's finger, Namjoon's gaze landed on none other than the pink-haired upperclassman from the day before. The very same figure stood tall and unmistakable, drawing attention even from a distance.

They weren't the only ones staring. Several other groups had girls pointing in his direction, whispering. In an open campus full of people, most of the crowds' eyes were on this handsome guy.

Mr. Handsome's voice resonated through the air. "Hi everyone! Can all first years please follow me to the auditorium?! Orientation is starting soon!"

"Oo, I'll follow him wherever he wants to take me," Namjoon heard someone say behind him. Several of his classmates giggled. The bustling groups of students gradually made their way toward Mr. Handsome. Namjoon and Jackson, among the eager first-year cohort, exchanged glances and quickly joined the stream of students making their way to the designated location.

Following the upperclassman, they weaved through the crowd, traversing the campus pathways toward the auditorium. As they approached the entrance of the auditorium, a female student turned to address the assembling students.

"We're about to begin, so please find a seat!"

Namjoon and Jackson took a seat near the center. At the front of the class a professor stepped onto the stage of the auditorium. The hushed murmurs among the first-year students gradually faded as all eyes turned toward the front.

"Good morning, everyone, and welcome to your first day at Seoul National University. I am Professor Yoo Jaesuk, and today I have the pleasure of guiding you through today's orientation."

As the orientation began, Namjoon noticed that Mr. Handsome had been right. While the information was important, it was all very boring to be listening to such early in the morning. Namjoon couldn't help but distract himself, looking at the upperclassmen standing in the corner while the professors spoke. There were six of them, all of them had their name pinned to their shirts, they all also wore the campus letter jackets. Namjoon's eyes focused on one individual in particular, a mop of pink hair that stood out among the others.

About an hour later, the professor finally finished his speech, then rambled on for another half an hour where he emphasized the importance of academic diligence, respect for campus traditions, and the significance of forming connections with fellow students.

"And for that," the professor added, extending his hand towards the standing students, "we've brought in a few upperclassmen who will answer any questions you may have."

Stepping aside, the professor made way for the students to approach the front of the class. A tall male with curly brown hair stepped forward, prompting whispers among the first-year students. However their curiosity was centered on the guy with the pink hair rather than the guy on the podium. Stepping up to the podium, the upperclassman introduced himself.

Curly hair cleared his throat. "Hi everyone! I'm Seo Eunkwang. I'm the fourth year president, and I'm very excited for all of you joining us here today. Welcome to SNU!"

The first years exploded into applause, Namjoon joined them, Jackson did as well. Eunkwang smiles at them, laughs.

"I won't take up too much of your time today," he adds. "I know you're not all interested in me anyway." He turned to the other guys standing next to him. "Why don't we go by order of most handsome to least?"

One of the guys next to him elbowed him in the stomach, but even so, the handsome upperclassman from yesterday was the next one to introduce himself.

"Hi," Mr. Handsome greeted with a bright, blinding smile. Namjoon heard several girls squeal behind him. "I'm Kim Seokjin, I'm the third year representative for the guys. Please be sure to find me if you need anything." He winked at them, causing the class to uproar. The class's reaction only confirmed that Seokjin was not just any student; he was a campus celebrity.

The introductions continued, each upperclassman sharing a bit about themselves. Some were funny, others more reserved, but they all contributed to creating a friendly and welcoming atmosphere for the new students. Namjoon recognized his roommate, who also introduced himself as the second year male representative, although he was a lot quieter than the rest. There was Moon Byulyi who was the female representative for the third year girls, Lee Jieun who was the second year female representative and Kim Yongseon who was the fourth year female representative.

The fourth year female representative gave a few instructions. Then the individual first year introductions began. Namjoon almost stumbled over his own introduction when Seokjin threw him a wink when he had stood up to present himself.

"I'm Kim Namjoon," he announced as loud as he could. "I like rap, hip hop and reading. Nice to meet you."

He began sitting back down when one of the upperclassmen asked him, "Aren't you the one who scored the highest on the entrance exam?"

Namjoon nodded. His classmates awed and clapped, making him sheepishly return to his seat and then the next person continued their introduction.

They selected a male and female representative for the first years. At the time, Namjoon hadn't really paid attention to their names. After that they were divided up by majors and each group headed to a different classroom for another introduction.

"I'm sure you're all very disappointed that Kim Seokjin is not your department sunbae," one of their other sunbae's commented. "Before you start freaking out and thinking of switching majors, let me just inform you that last year we had students switch back to their original career because they couldn't handle Math education, so yeah. Don't do it."

Everywhere they went, there was talk of Kim Seokjin. Every upperclassman and professor would mention him at least once during their presentation. It was as if the whole campus just revolved around this guy.

They're finally walking out of orientation when they spot him again. Leaving the main building, he was walking with the other upperclassmen from this morning, followed by some of the first years Namjoon recognized from orientation.

"Sunbae!!" one of Joon's department classmates yelled, "Kim Seokjin-sunbae!"

Kim Seokjin paused and waited for them to catch up. The one who yelled, a female classmate, was the first to reach them.

"Sunbae," she said, smiling wide, "You should treat us to lunch!"

Kim Seokjin gave them a blinding smile. "Sure, we're all going to a BBQ place not far from here, join us."

The BBQ restaurant ended up pretty packed with all of them inside. The tables were pressed together so that many departments could sit with each other.

Namjoon tried to hide his disappointment when Kim Seokjin sat at a separate table with his department.

"Eat, my hoobaes!" Seokjin ordered as the waitress brought their orders to the table. "Eat till your hearts are content!"

Namjoon stared at all the food that he is sure well exceeded his budget, "Um, about the payment for all this—"

"No worries, consider this bapyak," one of the seniors said, waving a dismissive hand. "You all can invite us some other time.

His classmates dug in. Namjoon slowly picked up his chopsticks and began eating as well.

Bapyak (밥약) was a korean custom. Upperclassmen would invite the lowerclassmen, mostly first years, to eat. In return the lowerclassmen would then pay them back by inviting them out. This was a way for first years to get to know the neighboring and popular restaurants around campus.

The upperclassmen are ruthless, pouring drink after drink for the first years, the latters unable to decline. Drinking games followed after that and that's when things started getting chaotic.

After a few drinks, Namjoon began feeling the buzz. One of his department seniors started whipping up another strange concoction when Namjoon heard laughter from the other table.

Kim Seokjin was laughing, wrapping his arm around one of the other representatives and making them drink. Namjoon watched them, a pout forming on his face. That table looked fun to be at. He wished he were over there.

Next to him Jackson was basically passed out drunk already. There were several others at his table that looked like they were about to puke at any moment too.

He continued watching the other table, unconsciously drinking up any shot handed his way. There was a moment when Kim Seokjin glanced up and Namjoon swore their eyes met, however Joon quickly glanced away. He focuses on eating a few more bulgogi wraps before he peeked at the table again. A frown formed on his face when he could see Kim Seokjin anymore. Grumbling, he continued eating his meat in silence while the surrounding tables kept the party going.

"Looking for me?"

Namjoon's heart almost leaped out of his chest when Seokjin sat down next to him. The first year blushed, realizing that he's been staring. Yeah, it was best to focus on the food.

Unfortunately (or fortunately), Seokjin continued to sit next to him the rest of the night. "So, Namjoon-ssi, heard you got the highest score on the entrance exam. What are you majoring in? Geography? Science? History?"

Mouth full of food, Namjoon quickly swallowed before answering. "English."

"Wow," Seokjin mused, throwing out some English, "sexy."

Namjoon choked on a wrap he had been munching on. Seokjin quickly handed him a glass of water.

"I'm sorry," Namjoon forced as he chugged the water down, his cough slowly going away. "What did you say?"

"You've got a big brain," Seokjin told him, now in Korean. He props his elbows on the table and rests his chin on his palms. "That's pretty impressive. Attractive even."

"Attractive?" Namjoon stuttered.

Seokjin reached for some meat and stuffed it in his mouth, talking while chewing. Namjoon couldn't help but notice his habit of puffing his cheeks like a chipmunk. "Yeah. You're smart, handsome. You're going to have all the ladies after you."

Namjoon didn't think he would ever blush as much as he was doing today. Apparently this hyung was ridiculously straight forward, Namjoon was at a loss on how to take it. Was he flirting with him or just being friendly?

He placed his chopsticks aside and was now sitting with his hands in between his thighs, looking down awkwardly. "Um, I'm not interested in dating right now," he said honestly. "I really want to focus on my studies."

"Hm. Bummer."

He lifted his head. "Excuse me?"

Quickly slurping his noodles into his mouth, Seokjin gave him a look. "I'm sorry, have you not seen yourself?" Namjoon doesn't answer. Rolling his eyes, Seokjin groaned and pulled his phone out of his pocket. Placing it on the table, he slid it in Namjoon's direction. "Look, do you see this?"

Namjoon squinted at it. It appeared to be some sort of forum. "Who's 'WorldWide Handsome'?" he asked, looking at one of the usernames.

Seokjin waved it off. "That would be me. Not important." He scrolled down to the comments. "Do you see this? You've received many compliments on the school forum."

Namjoon frowned. There was a picture of him—when had they taken his picture?— during the first year orientation. In the image, he stood with a serious look on his face, appearing to be talking. The picture was most likely taken during his introduction. "But I didn't do anything?"

Putting his phone back into his pocket, Seokjin waved a crooked finger at him. "Ah, but you did, Namjoon-ssi," he said dramatically, "you've captured the heart of the campus' female population." A grin appeared on his face. "Plus others."

Namjoon blushed again from the flattery.

One of the seniors stopped by, asked Namjoon why his glass was empty and proceeded to fill it to the rim with soju and beer.

"Let's go, genius! Chug! Chug! Chug!"

The surrounding tables joined in.

Sighing, Namjoon reached for the glass but it got snatched by Seokjin before he got the chance to take it.

Seokjin winked at him. "I got this, cutie." He proceeded to chug the whole thing in one go, drawing cheers and applause from the surrounding tables. Once Seokjin slammed the empty glass back on the table, the cheers intensified. Someone in the background shouts, "Seokjin, you're a legend!"

"Black knight! Black knight!" someone whistled. Namjoon finds himself in awe.

Proud of himself, Seokjin turned to him, smiling. He lifted his fingers to Namjoon's chin, closing the latter's mouth.

"Fall in love with me, yet?"

Cheeks flaming, Namjoon didn't answer him, just pulled away sheepishly and reached for the water pitcher to served himself a glass. He was taking a sip when Seokjin then asked:

"So you're not interested in dating right now," Seokjin drawls. "Shame. Are you at least interested in men, by any chance?"

The water he was drinking was spat out. Seokjin handed him some napkins. "I'm sorry?" he gasped.

"Don't be," Seokjin mused. He lifted Namjoon's chin up with his finger, smiled. "If you are then that's perfect for me."

Head empty, Namjoon felt his brain short circuit. He wasn't sure what he was supposed to do. Seokjin's face was real close to his and he was looking at Namjoon very provocatively.

Heart thumping against his chest, Namjoon felt his throat go dry. "I don't know?" he honestly choked out, his face getting redder and redder by the second.

Was he? He never really thought about it before. He's been attracted to women all his life and until now he'd never considered the fact that he could actually be attracted to a guy. But then again, didn't he find Seokjin handsome? Did that meant he was attracted to him? Did that automatically make him g—

Seokjin suddenly burst into laughter, genuine and loud. Namjoon jumped from the sound, blinked, suddenly finding himself very confused.

"Sorry, sorry!" Seokjin managed between laughs. "I just couldn't resist messing with you. You're too easy, Namjoon-ssi."

Namjoon felt his face practically burst into flames.

Seokjin hummed, pulling his fingers back. "Ah, you first years are just too cute," he said, grabbing his chopsticks and grabbing some meat from the grill. "You're all so eager to please everyone." He popped the meat into his mouth. "You should be more careful," he warned. "There are some wolves out here in college. You should watch yourself."

"W-wait," Namjoon stuttered, "were you...were you messing with me?"

"Only a little," he replied, smiling. "Are you mad? I'm sorry. I have a hobby of flustering people. Especially those who tend to stare at me."

For a moment, Namjoon felt his mouth open and close on its own like a fish. After a few seconds of that he found himself frowning, something suddenly dawning on him. "So you weren't actually flirting with me?" He found himself a little disappointed for some reason.

Seokjin took a swig of soju. "Oh, I was," he clarified. "You're totally my type. Smart, hot, legs for days." Namjoon struggled not to react to his words. "However, you are also straight, so...."

For some reason, Namjoon felt offended. "What makes you think I'm straight?"

A brow was raised at his question. "Aren't you?" When Namjoon didn't answer, Seokjin sighed. "Look, I'm pretty good at filtering people and, although you're cute, being a straight boy's first gay experience isn't really my thing. So if you were expecting something, my apologies. I'll stop the flirting immediately."

Namjoon had so many questions in that moment. For one, what was Seokjin's method of filtering people and how accurate was it? Second, what on earth does he mean by a 'straight boy's first gay experience'? And thirdly, had Namjoon been expecting something? If so, what had he been expecting? And finally, why was the idea of this man not flirting with him disappointing him?

"That's...okay," Namjoon said slowly, more of a question. "I guess, I don't really mind the flirting?" Seokjin raised a brow at him. "I mean, it's rather flattering?"

Seokjin broke out into laughter once again and Namjoon started thinking that maybe his sunbae has had one too many drinks. Namjoon, also kind of buzzed, couldn't help but join in with a chuckle, realizing that the entire situation had taken a turn he hadn't expected.

After that they talk about other things. Music blared, students danced, and drank and the overall energy was friendly. Seokjin offered Namjoon advice on navigating university life and recommended tons of restaurants for Namjoon to try out. Namjoon could get used to this.

"I like you, Namjoon-ssi," Seokjin said once everyone was starting to leave, dragging the drunks and staggering away. "Let's drop the honorifics." He pulled out his phone, handed it to Namjoon. "Give me your number, and you better save mine as Seokjinnie-hyung."

Namjoon did exactly as requested. He returned the phone, Seokjin put it back in his pocket and took a hold of his soju bottle again.

"Just remember," he told Namjoon, "if you need anything at all, Hyung here will take care of you."


"Good morning everyone!" Seokjin cheerfully greets when he walks into the first year staff room the next morning.

Namjoon was tired. He knew watching a movie so late on a weekend wouldn't be a good idea. Yet he did it anyway. He knew sleeping in Seokjin's bed rather than his own would lead to a hard time falling asleep and back pains (Seokjin's bed was smaller than his), yet he did it anyway. Honestly, he has no one to blame but himself due to his current sleepy state.

Behind Seokjin, Namjoon also enters the teachers' office, greeting his colleague and then heading straight to his desk.

"How was the date?" Yoojung asks, pushing her chair close to Seokjin's desk.

"Great," Seokjin states. "We watched a movie and ate some popcorn then cud—"

"My date," Namjoon interrupts from his desk, "was just fine," he informs matter-of-factly. "Girl was cute. Very nice too."

Yoojung gives him a knowing look. "Good enough for a second date?"

"Uh, no."

"Kim-Seonsaengnim is actually pretty picky, isn't he?" Yoojung comments, tapping her chin. "Did he go on lots of dates last year but none of them merited a second date?"

Next to her, Seokjin nods his head, agreeing. "It's my fault," he says dramatically, sighing. "What to do, what to do? Because of me Kim-Seonsaengnim isn't satisfied with anyone else in the world." Namjoon lets out a snort. Seokjin turns to him, brow raised.

"What's so funny?"

Namjoon moves to the coffee machine, a smirk on his lips. "Nothing."

Frowning, Seokjin follows him, placing a hand on his hip. "What?"

"Nothing," he repeats. He places a paper cup under the machine, selects a flavor. Seokjin raises a brow, ready to ask him what his deal is.

"Attention everyone!" a voice interrupts.

The teachers turn their attention to the doorway where the Principal Bang walks in. Remaining a few inches away from the door, he clears his throat.

"As I announced yesterday, today we're getting a temp teacher to substitute Park-Seonsaengnim during her maternity leave. He'll be working with the third years. Let's welcome him warmly."

A man enters the room, carrying a briefcase and wearing a warm smile. He's tall, with a long face, high nose and cheeks, and dark brown hair. He bows politely.

"Good morning, everyone. My name is Jung Hoseok. I'm looking forward to working with all of you."

The teachers greet him with polite applause, and Hoseok takes a moment to glance around the room. His eyes land on Seokjin and Namjoon, who are standing close together near the coffee machine.

"Is Min-Seonsaengnim in the third years' staff room?" Principal Bang asks. "I'd like to introduce him."

"He's not coming in today," Seokjin informs him. "Doctor's appointment."

Principal Bang nods. "Ah, right, that old shoulder injury of his." He claps Professor Jung on the back. "Well I guess in the meantime you can wait for Park-Seonsaengnim to come in and she'll start explaining everything you need to know." He turns to the others. "You all be nice now."

As soon as he exits, the teachers crowd around the new sub. Everyone takes turns presenting themselves. Hoseok listens attentively as each teacher introduces themselves. When it's Seokjin's turn, he steps forward with a friendly smile.

"Hi, I'm—"

"—Kim Seokjin," Hoseok finishes for him. "Yeah, I know."

Yoojung's gaze flickers between them. "Omo, you two know each other?"

Seokjin cocks his head, unaware of who the hell this guy was.

Waving both hands up defensively, Hoseok clarifies. "Ah, no. Sorry. You were my sunbae back at SNU."

Seokjin's eyes widen in recognition. He snaps his fingers. "Oh! You were a class representative, right?"

Hoseok smiles, glad to be recognized. "Yep." He looks at Namjoon. "You're Kim Namjoon, right?" he asks. Namjoon nods. "We were from the same graduating class. Ah but we never really interacted so it's understandable that you don't remember me."

Namjoon furrows his brows as he tries to recall where he has seen the guy before. Usually, he's pretty good at remembering people, especially those associated with the school. However, this time, the memory seems to elude him. He's saved by a voice from the hallway.

"Kim-Seonsaengnim!" someone shouts from the window. "Kim-Seonsaengnim!"

"That'd be for me," Seokjin says in a sing-song voice as he makes his way through the teachers and to the door. Hoseok curiously watches after him, looks at the other teachers in confusion.

"Kim-Seonsaengnim tends to get a lot of presents from students," Professor Song explains to Hoseok nonchalantly. "The benefits of being young and handsome," he drawls out, stretching.

"It was worse a few years ago," Yoojung comments. "Remember when Min-Seonsaengnim was also in this staff room?"

Besides, Seokjin and Namjoon, another popular teacher was Yoongi. During his first year, the students realized how easy he blushed at compliments, found it adorable and made it their daily mission to make Professor Min blush at least once a day.

Yoongi's gotten easier at handling compliments since then.

Hobeom groans as he remembers. "Ugh, it was terrible. Every break there was a group of girls always glancing in through the windows, yelling and complimenting him." He pauses as he sees Seokjin walking back towards them, smirks. "What'd you get this morning, Kim-Seonsaengnim?"

"Ah, they came to give me some snacks," Seokjin tells them, opening one of the bags and digging in.

"Ah, you're as popular as ever," Hoseok notes. He glances at Namjoon. "Must be hard, huh?"

Assuming Hoseok was referring to the struggles of being a popular teacher, Namjoon shrugs and responds, "I just told them I wouldn't receive gifts and they stopped." He gives Hoseok a look. "I recommend you do the same."

Before Hoseok can ask what he means, Yoojung interrupts them.

"Park-Seonsaengnim says she's in the third years' staff room," she tells them, putting her phone away. "I'll take you. Principal Bang was probably too lazy to take you up to the third floor."

Repeating how nice it was to meet everyone, Hoseok takes his leave.

"He's nice," Seokjin comments, attempting to stuff his face as fast as possible before the bell rang for morning assembly.

"Yeah," Namjoon agrees, though he can't quite place where else he feels he's seen the guy before.

Later, as the day unfolds, Namjoon enters one of his third year classes. Students are chatting away, sitting on desks and others are throwing a ball around in the back.

Namjoon pinches the bridge of his nose, feeling a bit weary. He really is too tired for this. "Sit down everyone. You should know how to behave by now when a teacher enters."

The students quickly settle down, taking their seats as Namjoon organizes his materials at the front of the room. He takes attendance then asks them to take out their grammar book. He's writing the pages on the board when a student interrupts him.

"Kim-Seonsaengnim, Kim-seonsaengnim! Is it true that you and Kim-seonsaengnim broke up?!"

The class erupts into laughter. Others gasp in alarm. Sighing, Namjoon turns to them. "Since when is my personal life any of your business?"

"Aw, come on, Saem!" one of them calls out. "We already know you went on a date last night! Taehyung saw you!"

Namjoon's eyes flicker to Kim Taehyung at the front row. The third year is frowning at him, on his face a look of utter disappointment, clear as day. Namjoon turns his forward, refusing to meet Taehyung's eyes, though he can feel the kid's gaze burning into his profile.

"I appreciate everyone's interest," Namjoon says, settling everyone down. "I appreciate everyone's interest, but personal matters, especially relationships, are private. Let's keep the focus on learning, and if you have questions about the lesson, feel free to ask."

Ignoring the groans and lingering whispers, Namjoon continues with the lesson, determined to steer the class back to academics. He's used to the occasional curiosity about his personal life, especially since working in a school with high students.

After class, he calls Kim Taehyung out to the hallway to talk.

Taehyung is an eccentric kid, but he is a good student. He really likes English and is one of those students who takes a lot of notes and actually stays after class to ask questions. He is a hard worker and is actually pretty good at English. He confuses some words like "good" and "god", but he is still one of the best.

"What's this about seeing me on a date last night?" Namjoon asks the boy.

Taehyung looks at him, dead in the eyes. "Well, it's true, isn't it? I saw you at that restaurant last night. You were with a woman. Is she your girlfriend?"

Namjoon sighs, realizing Taehyung was not going to let him easily brush this off. "That is none of your concern and I didn't call you out here to satisfy your curiosity."

Taehyung opens his mouth to speak, but Namjoon beats him to it.

"Taehyung. I need you to understand that my personal life is just that—personal. It doesn't concern the classroom, and it shouldn't be a topic of discussion among students. Didn't we discuss this last year when you and Jimin spread the rumor that Kim-Seonsaengnim and I are married?"

Taehyung pouts, crossing his arms. "Why is it such a secret? Are you embarrassed?"

Namjoon rubs his temples, feeling a headache coming on. "Taehyung, it's not about embarrassment. I just believe in keeping my private life separate from my professional one. It's a matter of professionalism. Whether you see me out at a bar or at a movie theater with someone you should just keep it to yourself, alright?"

Taehyung nods, though the disappointment still lingers in his eyes. " and Kim-Seonsaengnim...?"

"...He's just a friend."

"You hesitated."

Namjoon scoffs and hits him on the head with the attendance book. "Did not."

"I'm just saying, Saem. You two live together, you two are always together, always touching and hugging. Are you sure you two don't just have repressed feelings for each other? I read a book the other day and you two just present all signs of the friends-to-lovers trope."

Namjoon looks him dead in the eye. "Taehyung, what do you want to be when you grow up?"

"A sexy porn star," he says in English.

Namjoon freezes. "A what?"

"Sorry, I think I said that wrong. A saxophonist," he corrects himself. "That or an idol."

"You like music."

"Yes. English will help me communicate if I ever have fans overseas."

He nods at that. "Well, you don't seem to want to be a therapist so how about we avoid discussing my love life and focus on your studies instead?" He pauses. "Especially your English."

Taehyung pouts, but this time he seems more understanding. "Okay, Saem. I get it. Sorry for prying."

"Don't apologize if you're going to keep doing it. Now go back to class."

As Taehyung goes back into the classroom, Namjoon hopes that the message has been clear.

"Oh? What are you doing outside, Joon-ah?"

Seokjin's voice startles Namjoon. He turns to find Seokjin walking his way, a concerned look on his face.

"Just dealing with a student," Namjoon replies, rubbing his temples.

A frown forms on the math teacher's face. "Anything serious?"

"Just the usual rumors and speculations about my personal life," Namjoon sighs.

At that Seokjin arches an eyebrow, curious. "Oh? What are they saying this time?"

Namjoon rolls his eyes. "Taehyung saw me during the date last night and let the whole class know." He glances at him dryly. "Apparently, they think you and I broke up."

Seokjin laughs heartily. He's so loud that the students inside the classroom turn to the window to watch them. Namjoon places his hand over Seokjin's mouth, dragging him away from the hallway windows.

"They wouldn't be thinking we broke up if they didn't think we were dating," Namjoon hisses. "This is all clearly your faul—ugh!"

Seokjin's tongue licks his palm. Namjoon immediately lets go and steps away from him. "You're disgusting!" he mutters, wiping his hand on his pants.

"You love it," Seokjin says with a smirk. He steps closer, wrapping an arm around Namjoon's shoulders. "Let the kids talk, Joon-ah. It's harmless. Besides, a little chaos keeps things interesting."

Namjoon gives him a deadpan stare. "Right," he scoffs. "Because we definitely didn't get called to HR two years ago due to the rumors about us." Which now that he remembers, had been courtesy of Kim Taehyung and Park Jimin.

Seokjin winks at him. "Oh, by the way, we're all planning on going out to dinner tonight. You in? It's to welcome Jung-Seonsaengnim and to say goodbye to Park-Seonsaengnim."

It would be another night where he'd be going to bed late, but as the mature one between the two of them Namjoon knows that if he doesn't go there would be no one to keep Seokjin in check. And lord knows what trouble he gets himself into when he's drunk.

"Sure, I'll go."

Seokjin gives him one of those charming smiles of his. "Great. It's a date."

"It's not."

Pretending he didn't hear him, Seokjin slides the classroom door to 3-2 open. "Good morning, everyone! Allow me to start off the class by assuring everyone that there is nothing wrong with Kim-Seonsaengnim and my relationship. Despite him cheating on me last night, I have forgiven him and our love is stronger than ever!"

Class 3-2 actually cheers.

"We're not dating!" Namjoon shouts.

* * *

"Oh come on, Joon-ah," Seokjin whines. "After that I clarified that cheaters are trash and should never be forgiven."

They're walking together towards Seokjin's brother's restaurant. They were frequent clients, them and their coworkers. All work parties were always done there due to the proximity to the school, great service and good food.

"That's not the point, hyung," Namjoon retorts. "You said I cheated on you. I would never cheat on anyone!"

If there was something that Namjoon was always careful of was how his students perceived him. Maintaining a professional image in front of his students was crucial for him, and he was keen on avoiding any unnecessary gossip or speculation about his personal life. As a teacher, he believed in setting clear boundaries between his professional and private spheres.

Seokjin does not have Namjoon's same beliefs. He scoffs, waves a dismissive hand. "Details, details. It's all in good fun, Joon-ah."

"I'm not having any fun," Namjoon grumbles under his breath.

They enter the restaurant, the other teachers are waving at them from their reserved table. The atmosphere is already lively, filled with laughter and chatter as everyone gathers for korean beef.

Seokjin takes a seat next to Hoseok, Namjoon sits next to Seokjin.

"Glad you two could make it," Hoseok whispers. "These gatherings are a lot easier to handle when there are familiar faces."

"Especially when it's my face, right?" Seokjin jokes causing Hoseok to laugh. Namjoon just rolls his eyes and orders some beer.

"So, Hoseok-ssi," Seokjin starts, glancing at the menu. "How was your first day?"

"I have a lot to learn," Hoseok admits. "Actually, until today I was working with elementary and middle school students, so I'm a bit nervous about working with high schoolers."

"You'd be surprised how similar they are," Namjoon comments. "High schoolers and elementary kids."

"Our kids don't really cause issues though," Seokjin says. "So you don't really have to worry about them."

"It's the parents you have to worry about," another teacher adds. "The kids are angels but the parents are the real demons."

"Last year I confiscated a soccer ball because students were kicking around in the classroom. The parent came in demanding I let the kid use it whenever they wanted because they paid for it and the kid was stressed."

"Didn't a student last year walk into the second year staff room and eat a teacher's pizza that they left on their desk?"

"Oh my god I remember that! The parents just laughed when they were informed."

"I'm telling you," Hobeom says, "bad parenting equals bad students. You have a bad apple, well it's usually because of the tree it grew from.""

As Hoseok's face starts growing pale, Seokjin gives him a reassuring clap on the back. "But you'll be fine!" He nudges Namjoon. "Right, Joon-ah?"

Namjoon offers Hoseok an encouraging smile. "Don't worry too much. The first year at any school is usually chaotic, after that it's smooth sailing."

The food arrives and the sizzling sound of meat hitting the grill fills the air as the waiter brings over plates of thinly sliced Korean beef. The tantalizing aroma immediately captures everyone's attention, and the teachers eagerly prepare to enjoy the meal.

"You know when you're studying education, they don't really mention all the chaos," Hoseok remarks, sipping on his drink. "And they fail to actually teach you stuff that matters."

Seokjin snorts. "Oh my god, I know! How many 30 page lesson plans did you have to write? I was insane! Would've loved an actual class on, like, classroom management or something."

Namjoon puts all of his focus on grilling the meat while the others talk. At this rate, Seokjin will be drunk if he doesn't eat something. Namjoon places a piece of bulgogi on a lettuce leaf, wraps it up. "Hyung, eat." Seokjin opens his mouth and gladly accepts the lettuce roll, humming in appreciation of the taste.

"By the way," Hoseok adds. "I think it's cool that you guys are still together after so many years." He takes a sip of his beer. "You two were like the campus couple, goals really."

Both Seokjin and Namjoon frown at him. Namjoon cocks his head. "Who?"

Eyes flicker between them and noting their genuine confusion, Hoseok also finds himself confused. "Um, you two?"

"'You two', who?"

"Um, you, Kim Namjoon and you, Kim Seokjin."

Namjoon and Seokjin exchange a bewildered glance before Seokjin is bursting into laughter. Hoseok blinks blankly, looking between the two. Namjoon just dryly stares at Seokjin while the latter is throwing him on him, slapping his knee.

It's a good two minutes before Seokjin recovers, wipes a tear from his eye, still chuckling.

"Uh...did I miss something here?" Hoseok asks. "You two are dating, right?"

Considering that Seokjin has gone back to his laughing fits, Namjoon answers for both of them. "We're not. Never have."

Hoseok's eyes widen in realization, and he stammers, taken aback. "Oh, I'm so sorry. I—"

"Don't worry. It's a common misconception."

Seokjin finally manages to stifle his laughter, though a few chuckles escape him. "Campus couple, huh?" he muses. "That's new to me." He glances at Namjoon. "Did you know?"


Amused, Seokjin leans in, propping his chin on the back of his hands. "So how long have Namjoon and I been supposedly dating?" he asks Hoseok.

Hoseok scratches his head, still feeling a bit embarrassed, but relieved that Seokjin's taking it in good humor. "Since Saeteo?"

Seokjin's eyes widen dramatically, and he gasps in mock astonishment. "Since Saeteo?" He gives Namjoon a playful nudge. "Oh, my, we've been hiding our love for so long, Joon-ah. How could you keep it a secret from me?"

Namjoon doesn't say anything, focuses on grilling more meat. There's a tick in his jaw that he can't seem to get rid of. Seokjin remains oblivious, prying information from a sheepish Hoseok.

"So what else were they saying about us?" he asks, eyes twinkling. "Tell me, who asked who out? When was our first kiss? When did we have se—"

"Hyung," Namjoon interrupts, placing another wrap at Seokjin's lips, "Eat." Seokjin does as he's told. Then he leans his shoulder familiarly against Namjoon who doesn't move away.

Gaze flickering between them, Hoseok gives them a funny look as if he's unsure of something. Whatever it was, he doesn't comment and for that Namjoon is grateful.

As the night progresses, the teachers continue to enjoy their meal, sharing stories and laughter. The atmosphere remains light. The soju flows freely, and the teachers gradually unwind. The ambiance becomes more animated as the night wears on.

By the time the toast comes along, welcoming Hoseok and bidding Park Sooyun a healthy pregnancy, lots of the teachers have really unwinded. The soju has done its work. Seokjin and Hoseok, in particular, have fully embraced the festive mood. Seokjin tells jokes and Hoseok laughs as if they're the best thing he's ever heard. Namjoon silently watches them, amused and unworried.

It's around 11pm when many start calling it a night. Namjoon excuses himself to go to the nearby convenience store for a hangover cure for both him and Seokjin. When he's back there are few people left at their table and Seokjin and Hoseok are a giggling mess.

"So tell me the truth," he hears Hoseok slur. "Are you two really not dating each other?"

Head on the table, Seokjin groans as he turns his head. "Who?"

"You and Namjoon."

"Nope," Seokjin replies, making an effort to pop the 'p'.

Hoseok frowns. "But you two seem so...close."

"We've just gotten used to each other," Seokjin explains. Namjoon's mouth pulls down at the corners. Seokjin giggles. "In fact, we've gotten so used to each other that Namjoonie here is never satisfied with any of his dates. Guess he's just too used to me."

A sour feeling curdles in Namjoon's stomach. He's bitter. The alcohol is really taking a toll on his mood at the moment. And he really should just let the comment go.

He fails.

"What about you?" he asks as he pulls his chair back and retakes his seat next to Seokjin. Seokjin, cheek still pressed to the table, turns to look at him, the other cheek now pressed to the table.


Namjoon pulls out the hangover cure, turns the lid. "You've never dated anyone since I moved in with you—here drink this." He hands the cure to Seokjin who obediently sits back on his seat and drinks it, wincing in disgust. "Aren't you the one who got used to me being around that you feel like you don't need to date?"

Something in the atmosphere takes a more serious tone, Seokjin sets the empty hangover cure aside, looking at Namjoon with a solemn expression. "What are you trying to say, Joon-ah?" he asks, his tone more subdued.

"Nothing," Namjoon answers nonchalantly. "Just... I find it interesting how I'm the one that's been supposedly dissatisfied with dates because I'm too used to you, but you don't even date." He reaches for his glass, it somehow still has beer in it. "Face it, hyung. You got too comfortable with me."

Hoseok, appearing to be somewhat at a loss as he observes the two, makes a move and quickly excuses himself. Meanwhile, Seokjin is shooting daggers at Namjoon.

Namjoon takes another sip of his beer, maintaining a calm demeanor despite the look Seokjin is giving him.

"Comfortable, huh?" Seokjin finally speaks, his voice steady. "Comfortable or not, it doesn't mean I don't date because of you."

His mouth runs before he can stop it. "So what does it mean, hyung? Can't get a date?"

He's hit a nerve. Oh god, he's hit a nerve and he knows it. Seokjin is staring at him with his mouth completely agape. Gone was tipsy Seokjin who giggled at every word. This was normal Seokjin, and he looks just about ready to send Namjoon flying through the window.

And he could do it too. Seokjin works out a lot more than Namjoon does.

Quickly, Namjoon decides to steer the conversation in a different direction.

"Look, hyung, I didn't mean to imply anything. Let's drop it, okay? We're both adults with our own lives. You don't need to date if you don't want to."

Seokjin doesn't answer. He's quiet and it's never a good sign when he's quiet.

"Hey guys, all done here?"

Namjoon has never been more grateful to see Kim Seokjoong.

"We're done," Seokjin says before getting up out of his seat and leaving.

Both Namjoon and Seokjoong watch him leave, Seokjoong more confused than Namjoon. Glancing between his little brother's fleeting figure and Namjoon, Seokjoong opens his mouth to say something.

In front of them, someone whistles. Namjoon turns to the sound, eyes widening in surprise.

"You should go after him, Saem," Kim Taehyung tells him. "He doesn't look too happy."

"Kim Taehyung, what are you doing here?"

Taehyung arches a brow at him. "Is that really important right now?" He sighs when Namjoon glares at him. "If you must know, I'm working." He gestures to his uniform. "I'm a part timer here."

Namjoon jerks head to Seokjoong who confirms.

Great a fucking student is a part timer at the place they frequent. Just his luck. Just his fuckin—

"Saem, really, Kim-Seonsaengnim looks mad. You should really go after him."

Namjoon utters an apology to Seokjoong, promising to explain later. He dashes out of the restaurant and follows after Seokjin.

"Hyung!" he calls out. "Hyung!" Seokjin keeps walking. "Hyung, come on. I was joking! You joke around all the time with me!"

That gets Seokjin to stop. He turns to face Namjoon, eyes narrowed. Namjoon takes a deep breath, realizing the weight of his words. "Let's about all this for a moment, okay?"

Seokjin crosses his arms, still visibly upset. "Talk about what? How I apparently can't get a date because you think no guy is good enough compared to you?"

That's literally what you say to me all the time, Namjoon wants to shout, but knows better than to dig his own grave.

"You know, you're right."

Namjoon's head jerks up. "What?"

Seokjin turns around, no longer facing him. "I should start dating again. It's been a while. I should probably get laid too. Haven't done that in a while either."

Namjoon stares at him, agape. His brain is glitching. "What?" he asks again.

"What's it been, like 8 years? Wow, no wonder I'm cranky, I must be pent up."

This is not happening. This is so not happening right now.

"Hyung," he desperately says, "that's not what I—"

"Let's make a bet."

At this point, Namjoon's brain stops functioning entirely. His words are like a broken record now. Considering the fact he's an English professor he has more than enough capability to produce more words, but right now all his mouth can do is repeat after Seokjin. "A bet?"

Smirking, Seokjin turns back to face Namjoon. "A bet," he repeats, enjoying the visible confusion on Namjoon's face. "If I can get a date within the next month, I get a wish."

Namjoon blinks. "Wait, what? Hyung, that's not—"

"And if I can't," Seokjin interrupts, "then you get a wish. Deal?"

Hesitant, Namjoon is trying to process the absurdity of the situation. "Hyung, this is ridiculous. We don't need to make bets about anything. If you want to date you can just date!"

The words are out before he can even stop them and immediately Namjoon is regretting them.

What was he saying? He doesn't want Seokjin to date. That's the last thing he wants!

As if reading Namjoon's inner turmoil, Seokjin arches a brow at him. "Really, Joon-ah?" he asks. "You have no problem with me dating?"

He knows, Namjoon's brain tells him. He knows. "Really," he lies through gritted teeth. "After all, aren't we just friends?"

Seokjin's expression is unreadable. His gaze lingers on Namjoon for a moment, as if searching for something deeper. Namjoon tries to maintain a calm facade, but the intensity of Seokjin's scrutiny unsettles him.

"Right," Seokjin finally says, his tone neutral, "friends." Namjoon can't decipher the emotions behind those words and right now he really really wishes he could.

They take a taxi home, agreeing to pick up their car in the morning. The conversation hangs in the air, heavy. Namjoon is acutely aware that something has shifted between them. That night Seokjin doesn't send him a message telling him he's cold, so Namjoon sleeps in his own bedroom.

Maybe, Namjoon thinks as he gets into his own bed for once, recovering from the initial shock of it, maybe he's getting worked up over nothing. They would wake up tomorrow morning and Seokjin would tell him he was joking, it's no big deal and everything will go back to the way it was before with their comfortable way of life.

That night, Namjoon can't help but notice how cold his bed is.

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