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The sounds of sirens blared into the boy's ringing ears. The flashing lights that transitioned between red and blue caused the eye lids of the unconcious boy to flutter open, everything to him still a blur and simply patches of colour. He felt cold and the feeling was alien to him. He tried to move before a hand gripped his shoulder and was met with a blurry face.

"Hey kid!" The figure called out to him. "Are you alright? They'll be taking you to the hospital." The figure told the groggy boy. "It'll be okay, you're safe." He was lifted by the still unknown figure and was taken to the flashing lights, where more voices filled his ears and before he knew it his vision went back to black.


Darkness. It was a familiar feeling for him, it was calming and replenishing where he usually met darkness, but this time it was different, it was cold and unsettling. He couldn't figure out why, but one word stood out to him when he thought about his darkness. The ocean.

'I want to go back.' He thought, 'Back to my domain.' his mind carried on. His thoughts was flushed away when his eyes slowly opened again, two figures was the first thing he saw, and when his vision focused his eyes widened. Humans. 'How did human become so large? They are no longer ants beneath my feet but now taller than me?' He reached out his arms to get the humans' attention but instead he screamed at the sight of his arm, and the human scream he had released added to his horror. 'W-What is this!?' He gazed down wide eyed at his arm, which was no longer muscular or covered in thick scales and wasn't equipped with his razor sharp claws, but instead it was slim, long and bare with only skin with no claws in sight. His arm was a human's arm. He checked himself and to his dread his entire body was human. 'This can't be...'

The two humans had rushed to the boy's side, the two wearing white coats that drapped behind them.

"It's alright, your safe in the hospital." The human with long blond hair tried to calm the panicked patient. "I'm Doctor Rosaline, you have nothing to fear." She said as she checked him over.

'Don't touch me you human!' He exclaimed in his head, releasing a growl towards the woman and she blincked at him in shock.

"Did you just-" The doctor was interrupted when a knock came from the door and the doctor's partner went over to open it. A man in a bright, orange scaled suit entered the room. The boy scowled, feeling threatened in the man's presence. 'This human...he smells like the ocean, how dare he take my domain!' The boy scowled at the clownfish dressed man as he came over to him with a smile.

"Aquaman! It's our pleasure to have you come visit." The male doctor said as Dr Rosaline stood to greet the hero. The woman offered him her hand to shake.

Aquaman shook the woman's hand with a warm smile. "I'm glad to be here, and I'm glad you're okay." The man turned to the boy and send him a smile, the boy growled at him in response and the man's smile faltered. He moved away from the doctor and sat beside the boy. "What's with the grumpy look kiddo?" Aquaman furrowed his brow at the boy. The boy didn't respond, 'Just die you filth.' he thought.

An inhumane growl built up in his throat and Auquaman looked taken aback before frowning. "What's your name, and do you remember how you ended up in the middle of the ocean?" The hero questioned him.

"The ocean is my domain human." The boy raised his head up from his pillow and looked at the man in the eye, his eyes blazed with his eternal flame that could never be put out even if the entire ocean was used, it burned ferociously without mercy. "It's my territory and mine alone."

The two doctors glanced at each other in concern for the boy, unsure what he was talking about and his behaviour towards the hero after he had threatened the King of Atlantis, who was the rightful ruler of the ocean, not this boy who had claimed the ocean was his.

Aquaman looked at the boy and was about to speak when his ear piece beeped, Batman reporting from League Tower gave the marine hero details of an attack in Gotham and needed his assistance in the situation.

"I'll be there in ten." Aquaman replied before releasing a sigh, looking back up at the still growling boy. "I'm glad you're safe. I'm sorry for leaving so soon, but duty calls." He stood from his chair. The doctors came over, reassuring the hero it was fine. "Please keep him safe, I'll come visit again." The hero left soon after that.

Doctor Rosaline approached her patient and checked his vitals to make sure he was okay before turning her attention to the boy. "He saved you from almost drowning in the middle of the ocean, if it weren't for Aquaman you would have died." She told him. He was gazing down at himself and later analyzed the strans of obsidian coloured hair that drapped over his face. He knew in his new current human body he would've drowned just as the woman had stated, which irritated him.

"You didn't answer Aquaman's questions, and we still don't know your name." Rosaline said, "But we won't force you to tell us though." she said before returning to check over his vitals to note them in the daily records.

'What will my name be?' He asked himself as he gazed at his sheets. 'Gojira isn't a good name for a human, neither is Godzilla.' He told himself before the perfect name came to mind and he spoke.

"Kai Gojira." Both of the doctors turned to look at the boy who gazed up at Dr Rosaline. "That's my name."


A month had passed and Kai (The name coming from Kaiju) had learned more about the world he had appeared in, by watching the news from the human machine called a 'television', as Dr Rosaline had told him weeks ago.

The hero who had saved him from drowning when he first arrived in the world's ocean, came to visit Kai every so often. He had discovered from the news about a group of beings, from humans to ailens and other beings, make it their responsibility to protect the humans that inhabit the planet from dangers that befall on them. They were called the Justice League and Kai found out that Aquaman was a member of that group of heroes.

This new world interested Kai, the type of questions that were why and how constantly filled his mind to pass the day, but even now none of his questions were answered.

'I need to get out of here.' He glared at the ceiling, having a bad experience with confined space. The doctors wouldn't release him out the hospital until they located his family, and Kai knew it was impossible since he had none in this world. 'I'll escape tonight. I can't take stand beinging in this place any longer, I've waited long enough to recover and gain enough knowledge to survive the outside world.' He thought as Dr Rosaline finished recording his vitals and left the room.

'I despise this wretched world!'.


The clock ticked passed twelve and Gojira started his plan of escape. He got out of bed and let his white hospital gown flow behind him while he approached the wooden door. He curled his fingers around the sphere shaped handle, but struggled to get a decent grip on the handle to twist it and Kai growled in frustration. 'These human contraptions are a nucence!' He exclaimed in his head as his blood pressure went through the roof. Later he finally got the hang of it and twisted the handle and pushed the door open to find himself in a hallway. 'Now for the exit.'

Kai sneaked throught the hospital, but unknown to him he was being watched by a certain bat.


Word count: 1,376

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