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Kai Gojira made his way down to the second floor of the hospital with ease, but this was when he started to struggle getting past the guards that patrolled the area and other staff that were wandering around to check in with their patiences.

He scanned his surrounding to notice railings peeking out from the window and Kei's curiousity got the better of him. He approached the window and quietly opened it and found metal railings and a platform attached against a building, unknown to Kai that it was a fire escape. 'What's this?' He thought before cautiously stepped out of the window and stood on the platform. 'These stairs led down to the ground! This is perfect.' He went down the stairs before he had to jump off at the end, stumbling when he landed on the concrete ground of the alleyway. 'I made it out.' He said mentally.

Kai Gojira walked out of the alleyway towards the lights. He neared the exit of the alley when suddenly a dark and large figure landed in front of him, a long dark cape drapped behind him and the figure's face was hidden behind a dark, bat-like mask. The figure that was clearly a man narrowed it's eyes at Kai.

The white gowned boy took a step back before glaring at the man as he growled lowly in an attempt in intimidating the dark clothed man.

'Batman. The hero on the television I saw during the news about an attack in Gotham where Aquaman was also involved in.' Kai remembered.

"What are you doing here?" Kai questioned the man in the bat suit.

"I could ask you the samething." He responded and analyzed the boy before him. "Kai Gojira, first found in the middle of the ocean by Aquaman, and no one can find any records of his existance anywhere in the world." Batman revealed to the boy. "So tell me. Is asking why you're escaping a hospital the only question I should be asking you, Kai?" He stated with a frown. "Or is that really your name?"

"It is so back off." Kai glared at the man. 'I could squash you in one step if I was back to normal you petty human.' Gojira said in his head.

"Unfortunate I can't do that." Batman approached the boy who stood firmly on his spot. "You've gotten my attention, and soon others will and have bad intentions to solve a mystery like you, Kai Gojira." Batman stated as he loomed over the teen.

"What do you mean? Why would anyone be interested in me?" Kai asked a bit cautiously, afraid that they knew about him being Godzilla. Kei's heart thumped as his body started to boil, his instincts beginning to take over, but the feeling subsided when Batman placed a protective hand on his shoulder.

"It's not safe to talk about it here, I'll be taking you with me to a safer place." The dark knight told Kai. Batman looked behind the boy and rumbling of an engine filled his ears and he turned around to see two lights in the darkness of the alleyway before the vehicle revealled itself. It was the Batmobile. Batman walked passed Kai and towards the Batmobile, the hatch opening for it's owner to enter the driver's seat. Batman looked up to see Kai wide eyed and gestured the shock boy to hop in. "Get in." He ordered him.

Kai thought for a moment before doing what the man told him. 'Do I follow this human? He knows something I don't about my arrival to this world, maybe if I follow him I can learn more about how I got here or at least a clue.' He gave the Bat a glare as a warning if he did anything before following the human man's lead and entered the vehicle.

"How do I wrap this thing around me like yours?" Kai asked while he gestured to Batman's own buckled seatbelt. The bat sighed and unbuckled his seat belt and exited his seat to assist the clueless boy with his seatbelt, clicking it in for him. Batman looked up at the teen and raised a brow at him under his mask.

"You've never been in a car before?" He asked him in surprise and curiousity. Kai scowled and snapped his head way from him.

"Shut up, I never needed to ride a machine from where I come from." Kai grumbled in answer to the dark hero. Batman furrowed his brows at the boy's response and how he had mentioned a small bit of information about the place he had come from, he kept silence while he returned to his seat at the front and drove the Batmobile out of the dark alleyway and out into the empty streets of San Francisco.


Mt Justice, Happy Harbour▪

Kai had fallen asleep in the middle of the trip, as it took several hours and even at one point the Batmobile transformed into a boat-like form to cross the big body of water to arrive at Happy Harbour.

Batman glanced at his rearview mirror to see the teen asleep and let out a small huff in amusement.

"Hey, wake up." Batman called out to Kai who staggered awake and whipped his head around in a panic, having forgotten where he was for a moment before he remembered everything and relaxed. "You fell asleep." Batman told him. "It seemed like you haven't had a good sleep in a while so I didn't disturb you until we arrived." He explained to Kai.

Kai was gazing out the window and realized they were travelling on the water and he saw land just in front of them, the Batmobile nearing a small shore next to a large mountain.

"Where are we?" Kai asked. He never realised how massive everything was for humans, since he toward almost everything and never really noticed the things around him. Batman focused in front of him as he explained to Kai about the area.

"We're in Happy Harbour, there's a place where people can protect you." Kai furrowed his brow in confusion. 'Protect me? From who or what?' Kai thought in confusion.

"Why are you trying to protect me? I'm just a lost kid that was found in the ocean." Kai stated in confusion. "With super villains and bad guys destroying places, I'm sure there would have been some other (human) kids you guys found other than just me." Kai stated as the dark knight kept silent. There was silence between them for a minute before Batman spoke.

"We've had some cases like your's." The man said, confirming Kai's statement.

"Then what's so special about mine?" Kai demanded, only for Batman to not respond this time. Kai growled in frustraition and put his attention out the window where he could see the big blue ocean and the sight of it calmed Gojira immediately, as if under the ocean's spell. 'Why am I here? What am I going to do? How can I go back home?'

"Batman to Mt Justice." Batman called into his earpiece, for a robotic voice to respond back in seconds.

"Red Tornado here." The robotic voice said.

"Open the back entrance of the cave, I'm coming in." Batman informed the voice on the other side of the earpiece.

Kai watched as an entrance opened on the side of the mountain, and they were heading straight towards it. The Batmobile transformed back into a land vehicle  and it drove into the solid ground entrance. Batman parked the Batmobile and the hatch above them opened. Kai unbuckled his seat belt after Batman unbuckled his and they got out, a group of people came over to greet them both.

A boy in a yellow body suit with red goggles and a lightning emblem on his chest was the first to come over, appearing suddenly with a trail behind him that soon dissapeared. A green skinned girl with ginger hair floated over and three others followed; one tall with a black shirt with the red symbol of Superman's 'S'; next was the smallest of the group, wearing a red and black suit with a long flowing cape similar to Batman's; a blond haired girl clad in green with a bow and quiver of arrows strapped on her back; and lastly a tanned skinned boy who's fingers were webbed along with his bare feet and his neck had visible gills. The last one interested Kai and reminded him of his of himself as Godzilla. He felt his gill-less neck and growled in envy of the tanned boy.

"Batman! It's great to see you!" The green skinned girl greeted the dark knight gleefully. Batman nodded at the girl before he replied.

"It's good to see you Ms Martian." Batman turned to look at the rest of the group. "Team, I came to give you an assignment."  Batman announced to them.

"Oh! Oh! A mission!" Kai took a moment to remember the yellow clothed boy being one of the League member's sidekicks, Kid Flash, who had exclaimed in excitement. Batman sent the boy a glare and immediatley Kid Flash's excitement wavered as Batman continued to explain.

"Your assignment is to keep this boy in the cave at all times." Batman moved aside to reveal Kai. "Kai Gojira."

"A kid?" The boy with the superman shirt asked in confusion. Kai sent the taller boy a cold glare and growled lowly under his breath.

"Superboy!" Ms Martian scolded the tall boy who rolled his eyes.

"I mean what's the point in keeping him here?" Superboy asked, having a fair point. The group of teenage heroes looked at each other as if having a mental converstaion about the statement Superboy said.

Batman gave his usual stern look and gestured to Kai.

"The League believes he's a meta-human, and that the arrival of the unknown creature is linked to his sudden appearance just a month ago." Batman explained to them. Their eyes widened while Kai was lost in the conversation.

"You mean that giant moth-thing?" The green archer asked the senior hero, who nodded in confirmation.

Kai's eyes widened and his heart dropped. "M-Mothra?"


Word count: 1,700

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