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Kai couldn't believe what they had said. 'Mothra...she's alive.' The fact that his Empress was alive changed everything. He needed to find her and find a way back for them to get home, where they belong. Kai's mind flashed back to his battle against his nemesis, King Ghidorah. The last time he saw his precious queen.


The storm roared above the burning city as it served as the kaiju's battle ground. Godzilla laid on the ground exhausted and drained after he was sucked dry by the three headed dragon who loomed over Godzilla to show his superiority. Ghidorah's heads came close towards the fallen king and began to speak.

"This is the end, Godzilla." The left head slithered out.

"We shall end you." The right head said. The hydra took a step towards the fallen kaiju.

"Once and for all!" The middle head roared and the other two followed their dominant head and roared along with him.

Godzilla let out a breath of exhaustion, losing hope as he couldn't move, but then he felt something climb on top of him and he was soon illuminated by blue light. The light coming from long wings that covered him protecrively and those wings belonged to the Empress herself, Mothra.

"S-Stay away from h-him!" She flew into the air, but was soon struggling to keep herself in the air as her wings were burnt and at the brink of perishing.

Ghidorah scoffed at the sight and didn't take his time in charging his lightning breath and blasted the Empress of Monsters until she perished into nothingness, the reminance of her were dust that let themselves dissolve into Godzilla's body.


Godzilla groaned out her name in dispare. Godzilla had watched it all and was helpless to save his queen. Anger fuelled him and began to regain his strength after absorbing Mothra's last energy and didn't waste time to get his revenge on Ghidorah. He rised from his spot and watched Ghidorah chase the orcha before taking slow steps towards the dragon, his steps beggining to speed up and it turned into a raging charge.




Even after defeating his nemisis, he still felt grief for his queen who had sacrified herself for him, but now she was here in this world, and he needed to find her. Kai didn't realise a smile that had graced his features in relief at the thought of Mothra still alive, but everyone was staring at him in confusion and suspicion.

"What did you just say?" Robin questioned the boy, bringing Kai back to the present.

"N-Nothing..." Kai stuttered and received unconvinced looks from the teenaged heroes.

"You definitely called the moth thing Mothra (Author: I love Mothra!)." Kid Flash stated. "We all heard you dude!" He exclaimed as if it was obvious. Kai didn't know how to save himself and kept quiet until Batman gave the team a glare and the heroes knew to keep their questions to themselves and focus on the dark knight.

"The creature is the Justice League's mission, your's is to keep Kai Gojira safe in the cave until further instructions. Do I make myself clear?" Batman waited for a response from the team.

"But Batma-" Robin was inturrupted when Batman repeated himself but more coldly and sternly.

"Do I make myself clear?" He dared the group to talk back, but no one did.

"Y-Yes, Batman..." Robin bowed his head in shame for talking back to his superior. Batman let his expression relax ever so slight and nodded.

"Then I'll take my leave. I expect you all to know how to welcome him to the cave." Batman said as he walked back to the Batmobile. "I'll come back to see how you're going. Don't disappoint." He said before leaving the mountain.

The team turned their attention back on the gown dressed male. Kid Flash walking over to Kai and the two gave each other a glare.

"You're hiding something and we're going to find out what." Kid Flash promised as the two sized each other up.

"Enough!" Aqualad's voice echoed throught the mountain. "We are assigned to welcome Kai to the mountain and protect him, and right now we're doing the complete opposite!" Aqualad stated in disappointment. Kid Flash and Robin scowled while Superboy turned to leave.

"You guys can give him a tour, I'm going to give Wolf his walks." Superboy said and disappeared down the corridor.

Aqualad sighed and turned to Kai, who has been sending silent glares at him. The marine hero raised a confused brow at him before Artemis and Ms Martain came over to Kai.

"I'm Ms Martain, but you can call me M'gann." She introduced herself to Kai with a smile. M'gann gestured to her archer friend and introduced her. "And this is Artemis."

The blond smiled at Kai as she placed a hand on her hip.

"Welcome to Mt Justice." Artemis welcomed him. Kai stared at them in surprise, not expecting any hospitality from any of the group, but he thought wrong.

"T-Thank you." He was unsure what else to say to the human and alien. 'She's an alien like Ghidorah.' Kai thought. M'gann blincked and seemed to be taken aback. Kai looked at her weirdly. "What?" He questioned her. M'gann waved her hand and shook her head swiftly.

"N-Nothing!" She replied quickly, "I was just thinking we should probably get you settled you in and maybe find you some new clothes than a gown..." she stated. Aqualad cameover after Miss Martian's statement and agreed with her.

"I think it'll be wise for Robin and I head out to get you a new set of clothes." Aqualad said, to which Robin's expression soured. Kai nodded but didn't get what's wrong with his gown, but thought it was best to leave it up to the humans for the necessary requirements for his human survival.

Shopping Centre, Happy Harbour

Aqualad and Robin were in their civilian disguise, wandering the shopping centre in search for the clothes store. Robin didn't look up at his friend as he spoke.

"Anything from Aquaman?" Boy wonder asked the older teen, who shook his head in reply.

"No. Kai Gojira still remains a mystery to my king, but what if Batman? Does he know anything?" Kaldaur looked at Robin as he waited for the boy to answer. Robin shook his head.

"Nothing, just the same information that we already know about him." He clentched his fingers into a fist in frustraition. "Only that his arrival caused that- what did he call it? Mothra?" Kaldaur nodded to confirm before Robin continued. "Witnesses saw the creature appear from the clouds right above where Kai was found, then surges of energy started appearing all over the globe, like Kai's arrival was a sign." The younger boy furrowed his brow in thought, trying to think of anything that could explain this abnormalities. "This doesn't make sense. Is this one of the villlains planning these events? Magic? Aliens?" Robin listed the possibilities he could think of on the spot. Kaldaur placed a hand on the boy's should to ease the teen's worries.

"Let's not dwell on this any further, and focus on the task at hand." Aqualad said and Robin sighed.


The two soon arrived at a clothes shop and entered, buying what they needed before they headed back to the cave.

Mt. Justice


hen Aqualad and Robin returned to the cave, Red Tornado had taken Kai to his room while the two girls helped Kai settle in his new room with some added furniture. The room previously furnished with a double size bed and a closet, but now the room was decorated with some potted plants and furnished with a table and chair along with a few books Artemis lended to Kai to entertain himself during his stay.

The two boys that had just arrived came in and Aqualad smiled as his two fellow teamates waved at them, while Kai was analyzing one of the books in his hands, the title read, 'Socializing 101'.

"Great work." Kaldaur praised M'gann's and Artemis's efforts in helping Kai feel at home within the cave. Aqualad turned his attention to the distracted boy and called for his attention. Kai snapped his head towards Aqualad and Robin after placing the book back down on the table swiftly.


"Here are your new clothes, we'll leave to give you some privacy." He said as Robin and him left the bags full of Kai's new clothes on his desk, before they all left the boy to get comfotable in his new room. The door closed automatically behind them and Kai was left alone to browse through his clothes and chose the clothes that fitted to his liking.

'These look okay.' Kai thought as he held up the black, long-sleeved shirt, and soon began to put on his new clothes.

Kai zipped up his obsidian black jacket and was finished except for...

"What are these things for!?" his shoelaces. Kai constantly stumbled as he kept stepping on his laces while he walked down the corridor to find the others. 'GAH!' Kai fumed in irritation.


Word count: 1,531

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