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Kai wobbled through the maze of halls, trying to avoid stepping on his laces and flopped around each step he took, grumbling as he went. 'I hate this.' He mentally growled.

He stumbled across an open room with a kitchen/dining area along with a connecting livingroom that had a simple couch, and a flat-screen television. The television was left in a channel that was just static and Kai waddled over to the couch, finding the remote left on the seat. He plopped down on the couch and switched the channel to the news. It was his favourite channel he'd watch back in the hospital. 'Hmph. Just Superman again, that's annoying.' Kai rolled his eyes at the news report.

"Today Superman has just arrested a terrorist who had threatened to drop a nuclear bomb on New York City. Here's a photo of the bomb found by Superman and some of the members of the Justice League, in the terrorist's secret bunker in the dense rainforests of Mayalsia..." Kai blincked at the photo they showed of the bomb, which they said that Superman had stopped. He never knew what was the capsule-like object that the humans kept dropping on him was until now, and his stomach seemed to growl at the sight of the radioactive filled container. 'So they're called nuclear bombs? Nukes? I wonder where I could get some, I'm starving.' Kai thought. The female reporter finished the report before moving on to the next story.

"Next up is the mysterious creature lurking in the skies." The news reporter said, getting Kai's full attention. "We don't have much videos or evidence that the flying monster sightings are true, but some witnesses have said that it's heading towards Japan, as local fishermen have seen the creature's silhouette fly by in the clouds." She said before she gestured to the map with the locations of the sightings were, from California to Singapore, then the more recent sightings coming from the edge of Japan's coastal areas. Kai furrowed his brows in thought, 'It has to be Mothra.' he guessed without a doubt. 'I need to get to Japan, some how.'

Kai's attention snapped towards the entrance to the hallway when he heard voices having an argument.

"-but Aqualad, don't you think it's risky for Batman to bring a kid that we know nothing about, to Mount Justice?" A voice stated in anger. The echos of their footsteps came closer.

"Kid Flash you shouldn't question Batman's decisions, you know he has a plan for everything and has thought through this thoroughly." Aqualad said. "I don't doubt his decisions, and neither should you." Kid Flash kept quiet after Aqualad's statement.

The two entered the room and noticed Kai, who had swiftly turned his attention back towards the news, pretending he hadn't listenedinto their conversation. Kid Flash frowned at Kai before he walked over to the kitchen.

"I'm going to have some snacks then leave to meet Robin and the others." Kid Flash said before zooming around the kitchen to grap all the snacks he needed and zoomed out of the room. Aqualad sighed when Kid Flash disappeared, he turned towards Kai who was staring at him.

"I am glad you are making yourself at home in the cave." He came over and sat beside Kai. "How are you feeling? I apologise for some of the other's attitude towards you." The Atlantian said. Kai shook his head in response.

"It's fine. I don't care what you hu-people think." Kai managed to correct himself. He turned back to the news, which has changed to the next report.

"Well then I shall take my leave, Red Tornado has assigned us a mission." Aqualad informed the boy. "Would you like to see us off?" He smiled in hope. Kai thought about it for a moment before he realized he had nothing to do, hoping he could learn something, anything.

"Sure." Kai replied. He followed Aqualad to the largest open space in the mountain, where the other team members, along with a red android, stood in front of a holograohic screen.  "Is that...a red person?" Kai questioned in utter confusion, Aqualad smiled in amusement as Red Tornado turned to Kai before responding to Kai's statement.

"I am not a person, but an android." Red Tornado clarified. Artemis raised a confused brow at Kai.

"You just met Red Tornado half an hour ago and now you're realizing he's a red android?" Artemis asked the boy who looked away in embarassment, crossing his arms.

"I-It didn't sink in before." Artemis rolled her eyes at him in amusement as M'gann stiffled a giggle at the boy.

Robin cleared his throat to get the team's attention as well as Tornado's. He gestured to the screen for the senior hero to continue with their mission. The three males, Superboy, Kid Flash and Boy Wonder, didn't seem to be amused by the conversation and wanted to get straight to the mission. Red Tornado turned back to the screen and all ears and eyes were focused on him. Kai listened intensely.

A photo appeared on screen of Sports Master, Artemis scowled at the sight of the ski masked man.

"The League believes that Sports Master is planning to sell or create a more potent super serum than the previous one, with the most recently found creature discovered in the dense forests of Philippines. (Hey that's the country I was born in!)" A video showed a massive eight limbed creature screeching in pain, it's red pulsing eyes dulled after collapsing to the ground, now laying dead on screen. 'A female Muto.' Kai narrowed his eyes at the scene while Red Tornado continued with his explanation. "The Flash believes that he had stollen a sample from the creature's remains after being defeated by the Flash, Aquaman, Hawk Man and Hawk Woman. Your mission is to protect the scientists while they collect all the specimens they need from the creature for their research at Star Labs, and make sure the transportation of the research materials runs smoothly and safely." The android finished his explanation.

Robin frowned at the screen and turned to their superior.

"There's another big monster?" Robin asked, "And what about Sports Master? Are we just going to let him escape with the a piece of the creature's DNA to make his serum?" he demanded. The team was in agreement with Robin's valid questions.

"Yeah!" Kid Flash exclaimed.

Red Tornado kept silent for a moment, he turned his head towards Kai who kept his eyes on the Muto on screen before back to the team to answer their questions.

"It is the League's responsibility to handle that part of the problem, with Batman leading the investigation." He revealed to them. Robin's eyes widened in surprise to hear Batman doing the investigation, as his partner hadn't mentioned anything about it to him back in the Bat Cave. Robin gazed down at the ground and clenched his hand into a fist as he felt that Batman didn't trust him in handling the information of the investigation about the stollen sample. He wasn't child and wanted answers from Batman after the mission.

No one said anything further on about the mission. M'gann did Kai's shoe laces for him and the boy thanked the martian before the group of teenaged heroes had to leave in the bio-ship and made their way to the Philippines. (WO! PHILIPPINES!)

Red Tornado turned to Kai after the screen had disappeared and the boy was taken out of his thoughts.

"Head to your room. The team won't be back in a while." Red Tornado instructed Kai. Kai furrowed his brow at the android as Red Tornado flew up into his room in the ceiling before heading back to his room. The doors opened and he walked inside his room, sitting down at his desk in deep thought. 'Not only is Mothra here, but even a Muto. Maybe the others are here too, but that means maybe he's here-" Kai shook his head at the idea. "No. He can't be, it's impossible for him to be here." He sighed. His eyes fell on the book on his desk and he opened it. 'I guess learning how to communicate with the humans better and earning their trust should be my priority for now...' Kai spent the rest of the day reading the book 'Socializing 101'.


Word count: 1,402 words

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