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10:40pm, Middle of the Philippine Rainforest

The bio-ship landed in front of the campsite within the small clearing. The team was wide eyed when they saw the massive carcass of the unidentified creature.

"It's huge! No living organisim that size can ever exist on land. It would be crushed under it's own weight!" Kid Flash exclaimed.

Aqualad furrowed his brows at the beast in astonishment and in fear.

"But here it is, and fully capable of roaming on land." He stated. "There could be more we have not discovered." Aqualad grew worried at the thought of massive creatures such as the one in front of them, could appear and cause panic and discord where many innocent people could be harmed.

The ship morphed an opening and created a make-shift set of stairs for the team to exit. They met the people they had to cooperate with during the transportation of the precious samples, in one of the tents after being escorted by a guard. The team were greeted by the head of security and the head scientist for the operation.

"We're glad you could make it on schedule." The female scientist said before she properly greeted them, the head of security doing the same by giving them each a handshake.

"Alright." The scientist, who had introduced herself as Dr Marnie, clapped her hands together to get the team to focus on her. "We have prepared landing areas for helicopters to pick up the samples we have carefully cut from specific areas of the creature's body." Dr Marnie started to explain. "There are twenty-six containers with many samples inside them, and we need all of them to be transported safely." She finished.

"This is the map of the landing areas, along with details of the transporting routes and schedule of the teams." The head of security, Mr Edmond, showed them the map of the campsite on the tablet's screen. "We've calculated possible areas where any one of the samples would be ambushed and stolen during the process." He informed them while he double tapped the screen to show dots that represented the places where the conditions for an ambush was most likely. "We need your help in covering those areas to prevent anyone, or anything ruining the operation." The team nodded in understanding.

"Miss Martian, link us up." The Atlantian instructed her. M'gann's eyes illuminated green as she connected the team telepathically.

'We're all linked.' M'gann told them mentally, Aqualad nodded in approval before he continued on.

"Kid Flash, Artemis, patrol outpost thirteen and fourteen." Aqualad told the speedster and archer, who both nodded at their orders. Kid Flash speeding away while Artemis ran off the same direction. Aqualad turned to the rest and gave them their roles for the mission. "Miss Martian, Superboy head to outpost twenty-one and twenty-three, we suspect them to be the most likely areas for ambush, considering the area."

"Got it." Superboy understood while Miss Martain nodded. Matian flew off in camouflage mode while Superboy sprinted away.

Robin and Aqualad shared a galance and already knew what to do and rushed away to outpost one and two, where the first batch of crates would be transfered by the arriving helicopters.

"Giant creatures are appearing everywhere out of the blue." Robin said in suspicion. "There has to be a pattern to their appearances." The young boy said, having his suspicions. "Do you think Kai's involved in this?" Robin asked the Atlantian. Aqualad furrowed his brow, having thought about it and knew that it was a possibility.

"There is a chance, but Batman must have thought about it too but had brought him to us. There must be something we don't know yet about our new friend." Aqualad said, Robin nodded in agreement.

Back in one of the outpost's tent that had a good view of the unidentified creature, a boy stood by the tent's entrance where he smiled at the dead carcass. His hair under the lighting seemed to shimmer gold while his eyes seemed to resemble a lizard's.

"They got rid of the Muto for us." The blond teen chuckled in amusement "The Justice League sure are more interesting than the kaiju's." He stated in interest before he pressed against his earpiece underneath his blond hair that drapped over the small device. "They took the bait big brothers." He spoke to the people on the other side.

"Good. The Light will be happy to hear that, but now let him unleash his true form before we begin with the plan." The voice instructed. The boy smirked.



Word count: 767 words

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