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"-Now as for the weather report." The man walked over to a large screen where the map of the United States was shown, with an arked line with arrows in it pointed south towards Metropolis. The man pointed at the arked line while he spoke. "There will be a thunderstorm grazing Metropolis's coasts this week. So I advice the residents of the see to carry an umbrella with them at all times."

Kai had finished his book on how to socialize and slumped on the couch with a sigh. He wanted to get out of the cave, and out searching for Mothra then find a way to return to his rightful place on his Earth.

Why do humans have to have feelings such as loneliness? He thought to himself while he watched the news continue on with reports of many events accuring around America.

A minute had passed but to Kai it felt like it was a hour, the door had suddenly opened and Canary stood there at the door frame along with an unfamiliar face. He stood up and faced the blond hero and glanced at the male in red standing behind her.

"Who is this?" He asked Black Canary while he eyed the man in a suit with a large yellow lightening on his chest, along with a red flowing cape that draped over his back.

Canary looked over her shoulder and the two heroes shared a look as if having a silent conversation before the man smiled and looked at Kai.

"I'm Captain Marvel." He introduced himself. "I volunteered to stay here and keep you company while the team are away on their mission, it might take them a few days before they come back." Captain Marvel explained.

"A companion?" Kai furrowed his brow and Canary nodded in reply.

"I think Captain Marvel will be a good person to keep you company here in the cave." The woman said with a smile. Kai was unsure about this new person being with him for the next few days until the others come back, but didn't argue with Canary. "Well I have my own mission with the League so I'll leave you both to it." She said and left the two boys alone.

Captain Marvel rubbed the back of his head, unsure what do say to Kai while the boy sat back down on the couch and watched the news. Shazam thought for a moment before he spoke.

"Hey, do you want me to get you anything or do anything for you?" He asked, since that was how he managed to start a conversation with Wally when he first visited the team in the cave, but instead Kai replied the opposite of what Kid Flash would have said.

"No thank you." Kai said simply.

"R-Right..." The hero stood there awkwardly for the next few minutes, he decided that Kai probably didn't want to be bothered with him. His expression saddened and thought it was best to just leaved Kai alone. "Well if you need me I'll be in the main area of the cave." Captain Marvel told Kai and turned to leave until Kai called out to him.


Captain Marvel turned back to Kai who stood and looked at the League member with a hesitant expression.

"Can you let me out of the cave? I want to see the ocean." He told the superhero. Captain Marvel blincked before he beamed.

"Yeah of course! There's a secret beach at the back of the mountain so we can head there and hangout, and you get to see the ocean." He explained to Kai, who's eyes were wide in surprise.

"Really? I can visit the ocean?" He asked and Captain Marvel nodded.

It didn't take them long to arrive at the small beach, where the water washed over the sandy surface and the smell of salt filled Kai's nose. He missed the familiar smell of the big, blue body of water that he had always called home. He removed his shoes, which he never learned how to do his laces on, and walked on the beach barefooted. Captain Marvel watched him with a smile on his face, glad to see this side of his new companion during their time with one another.

Kai went to where the land met the sea and let the blue blanket of foam and water cover over his feet, he sighed in content at the familiar feeling of the coldness make contact with his skin. How I've missed this. He let a smile grace his features. His smile immediately faltered when a sort of hum mixed with a rumbling sound filled his ears, his eyes turned into slits and he growled as his eyes were focused on the ocean infront of him. He flexed his fingers, and prepared himself for something that was growing closer by the second.

Captain Marvel raised a confused brow at Kai, confused at the boy's position until his super hearing picked up something approching towards them. His eyes widened when he realized that whatever was approching them, it was going straight for Kai.


Something bursted out of the water, something big.


Word count: 862

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