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It happened in a blink of an eye. The large figure that erupted from the water turned out to be a massive horned turtle. It let out a piercing screech, hurtling down towards the amber-eyed boy with unbelievable speed. Captain Marvel reached out to Kai to push him out of the way, but was too late as the monster beated him. The head of the turtle gaped open it's mouth to engolf the boy whole, but instead Kai's eyes locked with the Kaiju's and it shut it's jaws tight, just nipping Kai's dark locks. Kai's blazing orange eyes were swallowed by a piercing blue colour that ate away through the monster like plasma. The turtle Kaiju landed in front of Kai with a big 'thud', creating a crater with waves of sand to erupt where it landed, the creature frozen from the intense gaze from it's King. Shazam watched with his mouth gaping in shock.

"So? You dared to challenge me?" Kai strentched his right arm in front of him, towards the small Kaiju, his arm had clusters of black scales that patched his skin and his fingernails grew in length and were sharp as blades. He slammed his hand down on the turtle's head, the Kaiju whimpered and struggled to release it's head from his grip but it was no use. "Soon I'll put you in your place." Kai dug his claw into it's armored head and applied pressure down until he heard a satisfying crack. Kai's blue hues turned back to green as he relaxed his shoulders after pulling his hand away from the turtle's head and returned to his side. The black scales melted into his skin and disappeared from sight and his nails became round and to it's normal size. Kai turned away from the creature, his eyes suddenly widened in realisation and he looked up to see Captain  Marvel gaping at him. His thoughts immediately went to the ocean behind him and the idea to escape into the water since the hero now knew his secret, but before he could do anything the hero broke the tense silence.

"You have powers!" He exclaimed and flew over in a flash. If only he did that when Kai was about to be eaten just a moment ago. The red suited hero stood before him and he looked over at the turntle beside them and saw the crushed skull and shivered when he remembered the sound of the skull being crushed. "Super strength?" Captain Marvel asked to distract himself from the memory, turning his attention back to Kai who was avoiding eyecontact with him.

"I guess." Kai replied.

"You guess?" He raised a brow at him.

"Fine. I do, are you happy now?" Kai asked and huffed, crossing his arms. "You're going to tell the others about this aren't you?" Kai stated more than questioned. Captain Marvel saw that Kai wasn't to thrilled about the situation and thought for the sake of his new friend he wouldn't tell on him, the others and figure it out themselves later, what harm could it be? I mean maybe a lot, but let's hope not. Shazam shook his head and Kai looked up and was surprised.

"You're not?"


"Why not?" Kai let his arms unfold and placed back by his sides.

"Well I'm not the type of friend that tells on them." He smiled at the shorter boy. Kai opened his mouth to reply but closed his mouth again. He was lost for words. He didn't expect his-what was it? Babysitter?-to go against reporting him to his fellow heroes.

Captain Marvel turn his head back to the turtle one last time and lifted the creature and went into a position. He glanced up to see Kai looking usure what he was doing before he spoke.

"You should probably stay back. Maybe some where far or you might get hit." The hero let out a light chuckle and the boy nodded. When Kai was far away from him, he began to spin so fast he was a red blur that looked sorta like a mini tornado with a giant turnte getting sucked into it. Captain Marvel continued to spin before letting go of the dead sea turtle and it went flying. Captain Marvel watched as it flew into the horizon and out of sight.

"I guess that's all the cleaning I'll be doing today." He said and turned to where Kai was and went over to him. Kai's eyes were wide in surprise-despise having experienced seeing him fly and seeing androids and monsters- but immediately returned to his stoic expression. Captain Marvel simply smiled and was pretty excited after seeing his new friend and his powers, wondering if he could do more. The hreo pointed with his thumb over his shoulder towards the mountain.

"Want some lunch?"

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