A slow morning

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Link jerks awake and falls off the side of his bed and onto the cold floor. He groans in pain, rubbing his head, and looks out the window at the source of the yelling. Outside the rickety wooden window is Y/N and her soft, green loftwing, both of them looking at him in disdain.

"It's almost time for the ceremony! Get off!" Y/N knocks on the wooden frame of the window in emphasis. Link nods absentmindedly, only half listening, and and closes his eyes, allowing sleep to lull him towards the land of dreams "WAKE UP!" Y/N yells again, causing Link to stand up, still bleary eyed.

Just as his vision clears, Y/N's loftwing spits out a letter "And hurry up!" Y/N calls out over her shoulder, turning to leave "It's the wing ceremony, or have you forgotten?"

Link rolls his eyes and opens the letter, sitting on his bed. It's from Zelda, reminding him of the wing ceremony. Link's eyes begin to close once again and his head rests on his shoulder. "LINK! DO YOU WANT ME TO DRAG YOU OUT?!" Y/N bangs on his door. 

Link rubs his eyes and stands up, he quickly gets ready to go outside. He opens the door and Y/N starts complaining "How much sleep do you need? Honestly Link! I deserve to be a knight for waking you up every day!" Link sighs, he hears this every morning. "Zelda's waiting for you at the goddess statue! Hurry up!" Y/N pushes him towards the door.

Link's lips curl up into a small smile "I'm going, I'm going!" he says, amused. Link pushes the familiar doors of the academy open and takes in the familiar scene before him.

The sky is a pure blue color, with patches of fluffy clouds. The warmth of the sun shines down upon cozy wooden houses with smoke coming out of their chimneys and children running around, their laughter filling the air. Over all of this, the statue of hylia looks on, watching over everyone. Watching over skyloft.

Link scans the sky, looking for his loftwing. Y/N, seeing this, puts a hand on his shoulder "I'll look for your loftwing. You just go see Zelda, it's getting late!" 

and with that she runs to the nearest wooden board and jumps off. Y/N's heart flutters and her hair whips in the air behind her in the same way it does every time she jumps off. She can't help but smile as the cold wind tingles her skin and the warm sun shines on her back.

 Y/N whistles for her loftwing, Pear, who is flying nearby up in the saphire sky. As he circles Skyloft, Pear turns his head towards his mistress and dives down to her, with a graceful flap, he's level with Y/N, and feathers fly everywhere.

"C'mon! Let's go get Link's loftwing!" Y/N says, as her loftwing catches her. Y/N's breath is forced out at the contact, she turns herself so that she sits on her loftwing. The two start to scan the sky for the crimson bird.

Link watches them, smiling. Then he realises why he's awake and the runs to the goddess statue to go and see Zelda.

After ten minutes of searching, Y/N still can't find Link's loftwing. She and Pear had looked everywhere- they had even gone under Skyloft to see if he was there, but no such luck. "Can you see him, Pear?" Y/N asks her bird, turning her head around to look behind her. She takes Pear's silence as a 'No'. "Where could Link's loftwing have gone?" Y/N asks herself.

She decides to go back to Link, maybe he's found his loftwing? Y/N guides Pear to the goddess statue, feeling a little worried. She sees link and Zelda with Headmaster Gaepora on a wooden board. She guides Pear to the board and makes him hover on the spot.

"We couldn't find your Loftwing, is he with you?" Y/N calls out to Link. Zelda answers "No, maybe Link needs to call him?" Y/N nods, that's probably the reason.

"You haven't been practicing at all lately, Link!" Zelda jabs an accusing finger at Link who rubs his neck in embarrassment. "Don't you want to do the sacred ritual?" Zelda presses "With the way Link's been flying his loftwing, with his head in the clouds," Y/N adds "I think I've got this in the bag!"

Link looks at Y/N in betrayal, Zelda grabs his wrist firmly and pulls him towards the edge of the board "At least get a little practice in!" she chides. Link backs away from the edge "I-.... I can't sense him...!" Link says quietly.

"Oh! Please! This is just an excuse to weasel out of practice!" Zelda glares at him. Y/N looks closely at Link, his eyes are widened in fear and also worry for his bird. "Zelda I think-!" Y/N begins, backing Link up.

But before Y/N finishes her sentence Zelda pushes Link, he yells as he plummets towards the could barrier. Y/N wastes no time in commanding Pear into a dive to catch Link in case his Loftwing doesn't come.

Link's heartbeat quickens and he whistles for his bird. No answer.

Link Whistles again, this time more desperate. His bird doesn't come.

Pear swoops down below Link and Y/N grabs a hold of his wrist, pulling him up. Pear slows down into a hover "I can't pull you up myself!" Y/N glares at him. Link quickly puts one of his feet into Pear's stirrup, and with Y/N's help, he hoists himself up and onto the loftwing.

"Thank you," Link breathes, by the tone Y/N can tell that he's worried. Link's loftwing never came. The two had a close bond, for Link's loftwing not to come like that- was unbelievable. Something terrible must have happened to it...

Could Link even take part in the ceremony?


Thanks so much for reading! I hope that you enjoyed this first chapter! This is my first Linkxreader in a long time so I hope I did well. Stay safe and have a good day!


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