Missing Loftwing

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"I'll go and look for Link's loftwing in the air one more time," Zelda said "Maybe it got lost?" and with that Zelda ran and jumped off the island and whistled for her beautiful indigo loftwing, which caught her promptly.

Y/N's loftwing landed safely on the board and ruffled its soft, green feathers in anguish. Y/N got off first and looked towards Link, concerned. The boy got off with his head turned away from her, Link felt ashamed.

The loftwing was his responsibility, and he failed it. It was all his fault that it was missing, it could be in danger. And what's more- he'd probably miss the ceremony! "Headmaster?" Y/N asks, getting an idea "Is it possible for the race to be postponed?" she asked, glancing over at Link. Headmaster Gaepora stroked his chin in thought "It can be done... I'll go talk to the coordinators right away!"

At these words, Link perked up. Once the headmaster left, Y/N turned to Link "Come on! Sulking won't do your loftwing any good!" Link gave her a half smile "Let's go see if anyone has seen it before it disappeared!" she says, already running towards the academy. Link nods and runs after her.

Link didn't talk much, which could be a bit annoying depending on the situation. He usually settled for nods and points, he only talked rarely. Luckily for him, Y/N talked enough for the both of them.

"Link!" Pipit's voice calls out, Y/N looks around and then sees Pipit waving to them from the courtyard with Fledge. Link stops in front of them and looks at Pipit quizzically "Fledge here, has some information about your loftwing." Pipit looks at Fledge sternly.

Fledge stutters and looks from Pipit, to Link, to Y/N. "Well, Go on!" Y/N says impatiently, Fledge nods nervously "well- I was in the classroom and I overheard Groose and the others talking about hiding your loftwing in a pen-..." Link glares at him "And then?" he prompts.

"They f-.... found me and told me that if I told anyone they wou-... they would b-... beat me up-!" Fledge said stuttering, he raised his hands "P-... please don't hurt me! I didn't mean for any of this to happen!" Link looks at Fledge in disdain "Couldn't you have told us sooner, Fledge?!" Y/N snaps.

Fledge opens his mouth to defend himself "Forget it!" Y/N interrupts. Pipit turns to face Link "I believe that Groose is in the plaza." Link nods, glares at Fledge one last time and then runs off, Y/N behind him.

When they reached, Groose was laughing about something with his two cronies.

"He's not getting out of that pen anytime soon, boys." Groose laughed. Then he stood up and stretched. Seeing Link, Strich hurriedly tapped Groose on the shoulder. He turned around and jumped. He put on a fake smile "Whoa! Link!... How long have you been standing there?"

Y/N jabbed a finger at him "Long enough!"

"Oh! You're here to talk about the race!" Groose grinned at Link, completely ignoring Y/N "I can see it in those dopey eyes of yours." At this Link glares. "Oh Groose! Can you please let me win!" Groose says putting on a bad imitation of Link's voice. "Groose doesn't do charity for wimps!" he says putting his face real close to Link's.

Link backs away, creeped out. "Come to think of it... where's your bird?" Groose asks, exaggerating the question. "You tell us!" Y/N jumps in "You're the one who stole it!" Groose puts a hand to his heart "How could you say such a thing! Anyways... who'd believe you?"

Y/N just balls her fists and grits her teeth "It probably got confused by all the clouds and got lost!" Groose offers, his hair flopping this way and that.

"Nice hair."

Groose turns to Link, his eyes glaring at him intensely"What did you say?!" Groose's cronies come up behind him "Yeah!" they echo, they think they're so cool. "Nice hair." Link says again, with a smirk.  Groose Balls his fists and furiously points at his hair "Lay off or I'll flatten you!" 

Y/N scoffs "With all of that weight- you probably flatten your Loftwing whenever you ride it! Poor bird..." Groose decides to ignore this remark.

he delicately touches his hair as if it's pure gold "Everyone knows I've got the slickest pompadour in town!" Groose looks at Strich, who hurriedly nods.

"And because of that- I'LL be the one spending alone time with Zelda at the top of the goddess statue! Not you, you dope- ME!" Groose smirks. Y/N gags "I think you'd have better chances with a Keese..." she mutters making Link smile slightly.

"I will be the one with Zeld-" "C'mon, Link! We're wasting our time here anyways..." Y/N interrupts Groose. As they walk away Groose calls out to them "Good Luck finding your Loftwing in time!" 

As soon as they're out of earshot, Link's shoulders sag. What would Zelda think if Groose won instead of him? Everyone knew that making Groose a knight at the ceremony would be a bad idea. And his Loftwing- what did Groose do to it?! Just the thought of it made Link want to punch him. Without knowing it, he balled his hands into fists.

Y/N clearly noticed "We'll find it, don't worry!" she said stopping him "Besides... I'll probably be the winner!" Link rolls his eyes, feeling a bit more at ease. 

Y/N puts her hand to her cheek "But where would Groose hide a loftwing?" Link nods, going through the various areas in skyloft he knew about. "It would have to be somewhere no one ever goes to, otherwise someone would've found your loftwing by now..." Y/N thinks aloud, racking her brain for the answer.

Link clears his throat "The...waterfall cave." he says quietly. Y/N snaps her fingers "Exactly! Let's go!" She takes off running along the path in the direction of the stepping stones, where she had always played as a child. As she jumped from stone to stone she chuckled, remembering the childhood memories of falling in the river. Link too, remembered watching her fall in countless times and laughing as the shrieked and hit the water all those years ago.

They ran across the meadow and reached the cave, but it was blocked by wooden stakes. The sign read: "Waterfall cave. Beware of bloodsucking monsters. No children allowed."

Y/N struggled to pull out the stakes, shaking them. But they held strong and in the end she gave up. "We'll need a sword or an axe," she decided at last.

Link wasn't listening. His vision was taken over by white light and he heard his loftwing crying out in despair. He saw it on the other side of the cave, barred up and unable to fly. Then and there he wanted to end Groose for doing this to his friend.

"Link! Wake up!" Y/N shook him out of his trance "Now you can sleep while standing up?! Now that takes skill," she laughs. Link turns to her seriously, Y/N stops laughing seeing the look in his eyes.

"...My Loftwing. It's in Danger."


Okay! so I finally cleared Skyview temple after hours of torture and confusion! I spent so much time in the room with the one eye- and trying to kill that skeleton! Don't even get me started on that creep Girahim!

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