Dead But Alive

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"What the hell?"

Her voice echoed, she blinked but saw no difference. It was so dark that she couldn't even tell the difference between opening and closing her eyes. She stepped forwards but let out an exclamation of disgust when she head a chilling squelch, "Wha-?" she stepped back and heard something crack underneath her boot.

A deep panic set into her heart, something in her gut told her she was not alone. She wanted nothing more than to curl up into the fetal position and wake up from whatever dream this was. When she felt someone literally breathing down her neck, she knew this was all too real.

She heard a match being struck and a dull, muted glow illuminated her immediate surroundings. She looked down, instantly, and screamed, "HOLY SHI-" cracked skulls and dismembered bones littered the ground. She felt nauseous and put a hand to her mouth, faintly thinking about how cliche this was. It felt surreal, she didn't know what to do. All she knew was that she wanted to die- anything to get away from this place.

"Ah, Skychild! There you are... I've been looking all over the imprisioned to look for you," Came an all too familiar voice, "I keep forgetting how big this place is, now if you'll be so kind as to hand over the goddess sword to me and-"

Girahim looked at her, blinking a bit in disbelief. His dangly, diamond earrings glinted in the light of the match and his eyes widened. He parted his lips to say something but suddenly the light went out, "OW! Stupid match!" he hissed, striking another. The girl stood still, wanting to die more than ever now.

"Oh, it's you." Girahim said, a disgusted undertone in his voice. He stomped his foot on the ground, "YOU SWALLOWED THE WRONG HUMAN!" he yelled, seemingly talking to himself. 

There was a loud, annoyed, growl seeming to come from every direction and the ground shook for what seemed like the millionth time that day. Y/N staggered, ungracefully, almost knocking into Girahim. She recoiled back in disgust not wanting to touch that sleezy lizard looking creep. Realisation dawned on her, "Wait, Link was supposed to be swallowed?"

"Ding ding ding!" Girahim rolled his eyes, "The side kick got the answer!" Y/N narrowed her eyes, "I am NOT the sidekick- Link is!" she stomped her foot, accidently crushing a finger bone on the floor. Girahim shook his hair out of his eyes, "Oh yeah? Tell that to the prophecy about his destiny that's been written and preserved since before your kind rose to the sky!" 

"Yeah? Well I'd rather be a side kick than some half assed, edgy, make shift villain, gecko type freak who's got a weird obsession with licking people!" she retorted, making Girahim scoff with outrage, genuinely offended. 

Y/N, realising her mistake, hastily apologised. Or well, tried to apologise, seeing as it was not her strong suit. Y/N cast her eyes down, "Sorry. Um cool cape by the way... is it new?" She gave Girahim a compliment, realising it probably wasn't the best idea to insult the demon who's determine wether or not she'd live or die.

Girahim scowled, "It's the cape I wear all the time," he looked at her accusingly, genuinely offended. 

"Err... lovely day to... uh, take over Hyrule, isn't it? Good weather for, um, kidnapping Link and all that..."


"So... how's the scheming going? Congratulations on your success in sending Link on a wild goose chase for the past month, by the way."

"Oh. Yeah, that was pretty genius if I do say so myself."

"Haha... yeah..."

"Are you trying to make small talk? Do you really think I'm stupid enough to buy that?"

"Uh... yes??"

The demon rolled his eyes, "You're honest, I'll give you that." Y/N opened her mouth to speak but Girahim beat her to it, "And before you ask- you're not dead." he inspected his cuticles. Y/N's lips parted in surprise "Wha-" "But you're not alive either," he cut in, picking at a hangnail.

Y/N stomped her foot, frustrated, "Can you please just tell me what's going on?! I've been asking Link but all he does is say everything's under control! A worm thing just ate me, Zelda's in the space time continuum, Groose is actually being nice, Link is being all mysterious when he can't even keep a secret to save his life!" Y/N tensed up, before exclaiming, "This ain't normal behaviour!"

Girahim looked a bit taken aback, "Hylia, are you on your perio-"


"Alright," Girahim relented, his ego wounded, "Basically there's this guy, Demise- the greatest villain the world has ever seen! And he's trying to take over the world, is that really so much to ask for?? And that stupid goddess has reincarnated herself and proved to be meddlesome- even as a mere human."

"Zelda?" Y/N's ears pricked. The only person she could think of as a goddess was Zelda. Her voice, even when sarcastic, always had a sweet, ethereal ring to it. And she glowed, as if she'd just descended from the skies above- she had a real knack for playing the harp as well. Y/N wasn't even remotely surprised, though a smile painted itself upon her lips, thinking of her friend.

"Ugh- don't even say her name!" Girahim shuddered, "Anyways- The goddess also reincarnated the hero of legend because she was too cucco to fight demise on her own! And the hero is none other than-"

"Link." she rolled her eyes, "Of course it's Link." Her stupidly courageous best friend with his stupid smile and his idiotic hair that never got messed up and his weird, blue eyes that looked so innocent and his trash sword fighting skills and his freakish way of falling asleep everywhere and his ugly, perfect face. Wait, what was her point?

The demon scoffed, "Can you stop interrupting me?!" he composed himself, "Anyways, so long story short- Demise is coming back and good luck trying to stop evil incarnate. Your sky child does not stand a chance! A, what- 5'3 sky child against Demise: the demon king?? Yeah, good luck dying!"

"He's not mine!" Y/N protested, "And he's 5'7, I think." She added, defensively.

"And you've been here for a week. Forgot to mention, time's weird around here- probably because Demise ate a clock tower a few millenia ago..." Girahim tilted his head, pensively, "Yeah, time's been weird since then."


"Yeah," Girahim shrugged, "It felt like a few minutes, right? But time flied when you're having fun." The demon smiled, chillingly, "But don't worry. If the sky child is as capable as you said, you should be out here faster than I can say Skyloft, right?" 

"R-right..." truth was, Y/N wasn't so sure anymore...

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