Wiping Away Tears

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Despite his worries and fears of never seeing Y/N ever again, Link continued on with his journey through the surface, in order to find Zelda. 

For some reason that he just couldn't place, Y/N's disappearance hit him harder than Zelda's. Not that he didn't care about Zelda! It just... it just made him want to lie in his bed in skyloft all day, crying. Link had always been sensitive, or as Y/N lied to call it, "Crybaby" he was emotional and he cried often.

He'd cry when he and Y/N got into a fight, and he'd always feel like such a failure whenever Y/N would go to his room and demand him to stop crying because he "looked like Fledge- depressed and acting like a 5 year old" and then Y/N, feeling bad for teasing him would quickly reply, "At least I know you're honestly feeling bad about it. I'm So-... S-... Ugh! I-... I'm sorry..." and Link would promptly forgive her, wiping away his tears. 

Y/N had always struggled with apologising, her pride and ego would constantly get in the way. Knowing that, to Link, it meant the world whenever she would apologise to him. 

Whenever he cried he'd raise his hand up to his eyes, covering them with his sleeve. And Y/N, if she ever did cry, she cried openly. She never his away. Link only recalled Y/N crying once when her father went missing. They say, those who hide their tears are hiding how vulnerable and truly broken they are.

Everywhere Link went, he'd ask about Y/N, hoping to find a trace of her somewhere.  His description would go something like this:

"Have you seen a girl about this tall-" Link raised a hand a couple of inches shorter than his height "With a blue skyloftian dress, a white sash and boots similar to mine?" Link gestured to his boots  "She's also pretty skinny- like she should really eat more...  Everyone tells her she should eat more... Hylia, she's probably starving! Now I'm worried... she also gets light headed and dizzy pretty easily... what if she made it out and collapsed? What if she's lying dead in a ditch?!" Link usually stopped here, realising he was rambling. Then he'd look at the mogma/kikwi/dragon/robot/old lady, blushing with embarrassment.

"You mean your blonde friend?" They'd reply, wondering how many girls he was looking for.

"No," Link would shake his head, "Her eyebrows are thicker, her eyes are almond shaped. Her hair is cut shorter, it's messy but it's really fine... and if she does take the time to style it properly it looks beautiful..." Link would then cough, awkwardly, realising he'd gone on another tangent.

The mogma/kikwi/dragon/robot/old lady he was talking to would look at him like he was crazy, who would notice those things about someone? They would shake their head, genuinely apologetic 

"No, sorry... if I do see her I will let you know. By the way, where is that purified water I asked for?" (Water Dragon)

"Kwi?! Y/N IS GONE?! Please take me with you green monster, kwoo! I want to see her!" (Machi)

"Oh? 'nother chick missing? Hope ya find her, man... Anyways, I heard there was some sort of treasure nearby... a mirror of some sort.... called the twilight mirror or something. Hands off, buddy! It's MY treasure!" (Mogma)

"Zrrt! I will add this description to my data base, bleep! I hope you find your friend! Also, this is a construction zone- I advise you to take your stupid hat off and wear a helmet!" (Robot)

"Link you must focus on your destiny and vanquish evil by following the spirit maiden, although your friend is-" Link walked out before the sentence was finished (Old Lady).

Throughout Link's adventures of aiding the dragons in each region to complete the Ballad of the Goddess, one thing struck him as particularly strange. He hasn't seen Girahim since he completed the Lanayru temple. In the ancient cistern all he saw were the scattered remains of a lifeless, golden statue in the last room.

When Link pointed it out to Fi during his thunder dragon quest, she materlialized in front of him "Master, I suspect that the entity known as Girahim is plotting something. I advise you to exercise caution. I calculate a 97% chance that Girahim is trying to confuse us." Fi stared at him with her blank, sky blue eyes.

Link hesitated, he wanted to ask her something but was scared of the answer. Fi noticed his discomfort "Master, I suspect that you want to ask me about the entity, Y/N's, fate." she tilted her head to the side, seemingly avoiding his gaze "Due to your sensitive nature, I advise you not to ask." she chimed. Link's ears burned when Fi practically called him sensitive, he shook his head, "I-... I can take it, Fi." he insisted. 

"As you wish, Master." Fi looked straight back at him "I calculate a 97.54% chance that Y/N did not survive her encounter with the imprisoned." she said, bleak and emotionless. Link swallowed, hard "And the-.. the-..." he paused to calculate (math was not his strong suit), "The 2.48 percent?" he looked at her, hopeful.

"Y/N survived. Though nothing is known of what happens when swallowed by the imprisoned, she would be most likely trapped." Fi nodded, "However, I do not recommend feeling hopeful, Master." Fi went back into the master sword, which was now glowing blue. Link opened his mouth to protest, but Fi beat him to it.

"Master, I've noticed you have a very emotional way of dealing with problems, and a sensitive 'heart' as your people call it. My database tells me of stoic heroes and the goddess's memories show heroes doing it out of being chosen. Master, you are not like them."

Link sighed, "I know... I'm not a good hero, Fi. All I do is mess up and endanger everyone. Zelda got swallowed by a random tornado when she was with me, and Y/N got eaten when she was with me. What's next? Groose gets kidnapped by a bunch of Lizalfos?!" Link shook his head, looking towards the robots bustling around the dragon.

"Master, you misunderstand me. According to my calculations you are the first hero in a long time to make this much progress in this timeline. The only other hero I recall being this efficient was her grace Hylia's chosen hero. Don't feel hopeful, Master Link, there is a high chance you may see something you wouldn't like. And according to my analysis, this may put you in a shock, making you stoic. I know you don't do this just out of duty, but for those you love."

Link was filled with sudden warmth for Fi, the one who'd been guiding him and aiding him all this time. He never really noticed it, but Fi was always there. Although she was like a robot, incapable of feeling, he felt touched.

"Don't ever change, Master Link."


1. Okay so the vote was unanimous! TP Link fic it is! I haven't ever played it but I've watched a playthrough... I was thinking post TP...

2. You guys are the best readers I've had in any book! So, thank you for making it this far! I love reading your comments, it makes me feel so happy that you like this book! Thank you so much! <3

3. Sorry for this chapter, I know it sucked but I had to write a filler to prepare for the next chapter.

Stay safe!

-Wish <3

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