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"My youth."

Lyrics: i must of crossed the line, i must of lost my mind.

With Yugyeoms adress now on a sheet of paper tucked in Jungkooks jacket pocket, the drive home feels sad.

Christmas was coming up, both boys still haven't got gifts for their friends yet either.

At least some of the mystery was unsolved, but the errie feeling that someone was watching their every move still lingered around. It snowed on the way home only leaving little snowflakes on the window as they safely made it to Seoul.

"Hey Mark, we never asked you but what are your plans for Christmas?"

"Probably stay at home eating cookie dough while watching Christmas movies." Mark snorted out a reply that involved his boring plans on the special holiday.

"Would you like to spend it with us and our friends? I'm sure Yoongi is asking Youngjae and Jaebum if they would like to join."

"Sounds like it's gonna be a fun time, so I guess."

"We'll have cookie dough for you if you would like some hyung." Taehyung laughed finally in a better mood, earlier he was a bit down.

The migraine made him quite upset but that didn't stop him from talking with Mark. They arrived back at the apartment complex where everyone went their separate ways.

"So I'll see you tomorrow?" Jungkook asked looking at Taehyung who stood infront of his own door with Jimin.



The next morning when Taehyung woke up he heard the sound of voices in the kitchen.

"I'll ask him. He's on break from work currently for Christmas and new year's."

"He'll be in for a shock."

"Well thank you Mark for telling Jimin and I."

Taehyung rubbed the sleep out of his eyes seeing Mark, Yoongi, and Jimin at the wooden table talking over coffee.

"Morning sunshine!"

"Shut up." Taehyung mumbled pouring coffee for his sleepy body, taking a seat beside Mark he didn't bother speaking till after a couple sips of the warm drink.

"So what exactly were you guys talking about?"

"Last night I was able to skype with the Yugyeom boy. He's willing to meet us. I texted Jungkook and apparently he has bussiness in Japan anyways so we can go for two days."

"When exactly do you guys plan on us going?"

"During New years. What better time to be in Tokyo, Japan than that day." Yoongi chuckled clapping his hands togther while Jimin just smiled.

"True. Also Jimin do you wanna go Christmas shopping with me?"

"Yeah, I still need to get presents."


The mall had 5 floors in total. Jimin and Taehyung were only on the second one at two pm. Getting there at one pm already spending an hour on the first floor.

Jimin bought most of his presents for the boys while Taehyung had bought gifts for everyone besides Jimin and Jungkook

He knew what he would get Jimin but his mind went blank when it came to Jungkook. They weren't even boyfriends but they acted like it, yet he only knew so much.

Taehyung didn't want to get anything too lovey dovey but he also wanted something special that came from his heart.

"You still haven't decided what to get for Jungkook?" Jimin asked standing close to him looking at the braclets.

"He has enough money to buy anything so I mean it's kind of hard."

Taehyung saw something that caught his eye among the braclets. Jimin sat down his shopping bags looking at something for Yoongi as well.

"Can I have a look at that?"


Jimin and Taehying met up with Yoongi who was at a local Starbucks. Jungkook was on his way to meet with them leaving just three boys at the moment in the cafe.

They all had hot coffees sitting in front of them as they talked. Yoongi sat beside Jimin who held his hand.

"Do you remember anything from then currently?"

"Sometimes I have nightmares but they all are hazy. I remember Yugyeom, Jungkook, and some of the torture. But.... Nothing about Jinyoungs face."

"Wait you don't remember his face?"

"Not exactly the only thing I can see is his eyes, I'm sure he wore a mask that covred his mouth while doing those things."

"That's strange." Yoongi muttered taking a sip of his black coffee trying to understand the situation in front of him.

"What's strange?"

Jungkook took a seat beside Taehyung holding a iced coffee. Yoongi flickered his gaze from Jimin to him who only sipped the cold drink.

"Do you have a picture of Jinyoung?"

"Yeah, I have one in my wallet." He muttred opening up his leather wallet revealing a picture of his brother from four months before the accident.

Jinyoung stood beside Jungkook while they stood in front of a waterfall on a rock. Taehyung looked at the photo feeling a throbbing feeling at the back of his skull. He wanted to leave the table at that moment, vomit rose up to the back of his throat as his shakey arms pushed him up out of the chair.

His shakey hands couldn't hold him as vivid memories dipped into his thoughts. Taehyung made it towards the center of the cafe before fainting on the ground hitting his head on the tiled floors. Jungkook stood up quickly running to where his lover was lying on the floor trying to keep his eyes open.

"Taehyung! Stay awake for me. Yoongi call 911!"

The cashier quickly ran towards them with a rag seeing blood spill out onto the floor.

Taehyungs vison went hazy as he tried to keep his eyes open, voices in his head made him even more sick.

"This isn't the end!"

"What you told me was that this would be over soon."

"I'm not trying to hurt you."


"Hyung~ lets play video games!"

The voices got louder, memories he doesn't recall ever having came back in crashing waves. As if he was the ship on rocky seas he remembered Jungkooks 14 year old face staring up at him.

Along with Jungkooks flushed face was another man. Jinyoung.

Their first date.

First kiss.

Walking down to the basment.

The first time he was hit.

So the scar on his arm wasn't from a nail but from a knife.

So the burn mark on his knee was from a iron.

Everything was piecing together.

"I never promised you that."

"You bastard-"

The car crash.

Not wearing a seatbelt.

Going through the windshield.

Landing in cold snow.

Taehyungs eyes rolled back fully passing out with Jungkook above him trying to wake him.

The ambulance was there, loud voice telling Jungkook to get back.

And for the first time in a while, Jungkook cried.


Miss me?


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