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Lyrics: i know you're thinking i'm heartless, i know you're thinking i'm cold...I'm just protecting my innocence.

"There's nothing wrong with him but remembering some of those forgotten memories may have been too much for him."

"Will he be alright?"

"Yes but just make sure he doesn't get stressed. Do you guys plan on talking to the police about it if he remembers?"

"I think now is the time to finally tell the police."

"I agree. I did find it strange all those years ago with someone working on the shift that day told me the paramedics didn't know he was there till they saw him."

"Thank you doctor."

Taehyung hears Jungkook and the doctor talking neither of them noticing his eyes fluttering open. Yoongi is asleep in cushioned hospital chair beside his bed not seeing the curious eyes looking around the room.

His dry throat makes him lean up a bit only to wince in pain. The iv in his arm not going unnoticed by his confused gaze.

"Oh you're up. How do you feel?"

"Water..." Taehyung croaks out squinting from the bright hospital room lights. Jungkook instantly reached for the cold glass of water with a straw that he was once sipping out of.

After a couple sips of the cool liquid Taehyung sets it back down leaning back against the white pillow.

"What happend?"

"I think the picture I showed you triggered something. You stood up and fainted hitting your head on the floor pretty harshly." Jungkook replied taking a seat beside Yoongi who let out soft snores.

"I remember my past."

Taehyung had salty tears welling up in his eyes, with shakey tanned hands he took a hold of Jungkooks pale ones. After all these years he couldn't imagine how hurt the younger was.

"What all do you remember?"

"You. Jinyoung.Yoongi.Yugyeom. Everything that happened. How I met your brother..."

"My brother told me he met you at some birthday party for a mutual friend."

"Yeah well he lied." Taehyung said softly a tear rolling down his cheek. All the things he went through were hitting him like a truck of emotions.

"I should go get the doctor and tell him you woke up."

A faint sad smile was on Jungkooks lips as he stood up walking to where he knew the doctor would be. Yoongi was now awake rubbing the sleepiness out of his eyes, dark circles rimmed them making Taehyung worried.

"I see you're awake now."

"How long have I been out for?"

"Eight hours." Yoongi replied rubbing his face with pale boney hands. He was worried about his best friend that seemed to be in shock.

"I remember Yoongi."

"It was proably best you didn't remember all that shit." He sighed knowing only 1/4 of all the bad things that happend to his young friend.

"I feel so bad for Yugyeom. So fucking bad."

More tears fell down Taehyungs face like a down pour of heavy rain. His flushed face made Yoongi stand up to sit on the bed beside Taehyung who soon leaned into him.

Yoongi hugged him tightly patting his hospital gown covered back. Sorrow filled his heart hearing the loud sobs coming from his friend.

Jimin stood outside the hospital door not wanting to interrupt the two. He couldn't bare to watch Taehyung cry, after all the years of knowing the younger he never once heard him cry

Maybe because Taehyung has always been sunshine on a rainy day.

Flowers in the middle of winter.

"I'm sorry Taehyung... I should of told somebody that you didn't seem okay."

"It's not your fault."

"We need to tell the police everything. I have the notebook in my bag." Yoongi pointed to his black backpack that held evidence and his camera which had pictures from the basement and cabin.

"Would they believe us?"

"I'm sure they will."


"Hello, I'm Kim Junmyeon and I'll be handling your case. This is my partner Kim Jongin."

"It's nice to see you again Mr.Kim, thank you so much for helping us."

"It's no problem at all. So tell me exactly what happend the day of your accident which led to some memory lost?" Junmyeon replied turning on the voice recorder and clicking his pen to write any notes.

"When I was 16 and Jeon Jinyoung was 23 years old I had an affair with him. It started off sweet and ended badly. My last moment with Jeon Jinyoung was arguing in a car before the car swerved off the cliff."

"How did you meet Jinyoung?"

"I met him online, Facebook to be exact. He had texted me upon seeing we had a mutual friend being Min Yoongi who I went to high school with."

"What type of relationship did Jinyoung have with Yoongi?"

"Min Jaeeun is Yoongis older brother who was friends with him. Yoongi had met Jinyoung through his older brother they weren't very close friends to my understanding." Taehyung replied fiddling with the note book that has folded edges.

"My relationship with Jeon Jinyoung was so horrible that I could escape. He threatened to make sure my parents never had money and that I would be the reason everything was ruined. So I kept my mouth shut, let him physically, mentally , and sexually abuse me."

"How did it all start?"

"I told him it felt wrong to hide from his parents. Jinyoungs parents treated me like their own son, they knew my parents were very poor so they took care of me." Taehyung said his hands shaking slightky as all the vivid thoughts took a hold of his metal state.

"Jinyoung got mad. He said I was disobeying, that bad boys get punished. He locked me in a metal cage in his basement for two hours, after letting me out I tried to escape but his hold was to strong. He said...He said-"

Taehyung cut his ownself off looking at Jungkook with pitiful eyes. The young man was confused as to why guilt filled the eyes of his loved one.

"He told me that he knew Jungkook liked me. That if I disobeyed he would kill Jungkook, and there was no doubt in my mind that he wouldn't."

Everything's getting fucked up and the police are getting involved 👀 also tae got his memory back. This was supposed to be updated yesterday.


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