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Warning: This chapter has not been edited like the rest. Please keep that in mind. The following chapters will also be unedited and I'll start editing when I've gotten to chapter 30 but for now, I'll just keep writing and let the imagination flow.

Athena got up with her tray in her hands and dumped it in front of the server.

"I can't eat it. I don't know what it is and it looks like slime. None of us here likes it and if you want us to be healthy and fight then give us good food cause we are starving."

"Did you even taste it?" The man asked.

"Of course not, who would taste that?" She asked while pointing at her tray of food and a disgusted look on her face.

"Umm, maybe the people who prepared it? Ever thought they were humans too and they eat it regardless?" He said while he took an empty tray from the racks of trays that were behind him and then set it in front of the woman in front of the line.

"Humans?" Athena scoffed, then shook her head wards the woman that was about to be served. "I'm not sure about that but I would prefer if we are not compared to them, you see, they are murderers that chop off people's heads and we are just innocent citizens who have been kidnapped."

From behind the counter, the server dished out a spoonful of the food and served it on a plate before setting it down on the tray. "Enjoy." He winked at her before turning back to Athena.

"You all were kidnapped yes, but innocent? Don't be so sure of that." The guy smirked. "And for your information, that's all you'll ever eat here."

"What?! Why? At least tell us why we are eating this garbage." Athena demanded.

"Since it's not obvious yet, this is to give you strength. S T R E N G T H. Strength! So you can battle with Medusa."

"There are things called vitamins! Vegetables, vegetables from the earth that could be served to us. Or any normal-looking dish that gives strength."

The server rolled his eyes.

"Babe, honestly I understand where you are coming from, honestly I've been there but I will advise you to eat up and get the energy you need for tonight, trust me you'll need it." He said then walked off to get another tray.

"Why, what do you mean by that?" Athena questioned again.

"Just do as you are told and eat up, okay miss." He said with a dismissive tone.

Athena wanted to ask more questions but she knew he was done with the conversation and would get no answers. She took her tray and turned to leave but instead, she looked at those still in the line and frowned at them. "What are you still doing here? Can't you see it's pointless?"

With that, she turned back to the server who had his arms crossed and growled at him before leaving.

"Okay, you just cannot leave us all hanging here right? What did that murderer say?" SOX asked.

"The irony of what he said. 'murderer', isn't it funny that he made that statement." Someone said behind SOX and behold, it was the woman he made fall. Her tag read DIK.

SOX groaned, "Not this again."

"Hey relax," she said then sat next to him.

"I prefer to kill you instead of whining. What good will it do if I continuously taunt you?" DIK assured SOX

"Oh really now?" SOX rolled his eyes.

DIK nodded with a pretentious smile as she created space for herself to sit next to SOX.

"Then why are you sitting right next to me?" He asked with a stressed voice.

"They say keep your enemies closer, dude." She says with a smirk.

SOX stared at her for a moment with a frown, "Which morons say that?"

DIK stopped smirking to consider it but after a while, she shrugged, "I believe it smart."

"Well, good luck to you." SOX turned to EVE "Now back to what you were telling us."

"Nothing honestly, he said it's food and we should eat it for strength," EVE answered.

"Oh, and he said we need the strength." She added.

"What does he mean by that?" ROG asked.

"If I knew I would have done something about it by now," Eve responded very frustrated as she banged her hand on the table.

"Well according to them, it is for strength so I'm sure it's not poison. I think we should try it." EHB suggested. "Well we all know they aren't trying to kill us so definitely this shouldn't kill us."

"Well, I believe you should be the one to give it a try first since you are the one who loves this situation so much," WHI suggested. 

EHB sighed but others around cut her attention.

Everyone at the table looked up to see some people trying out the soup.

"It's not that bad." Someone said and I prompted others to start eating as well.

With what she witnessed, EHB got more courage to eat the soup since she wasn't the first to try it, and they said it wasn't that bad plus if it was poison then she wouldn't die alone.


They were brought to a room with beds, the male was separate from the female.

They were instructed to rest.

Everyone picked out their bed and decided to retire for the day. The light was turned off and the room fell into darkness.

At twelve, everyone was fast asleep except for the beheader.

They quietly entered each of the rooms and programmed the rooms before leaving.

Athena wasn't having the best of sleep but it was still interrupted by a scream for help.

She jumped up immediately but everything was dark.

Whoever was screaming was also being hit and pushed to hit the walls and bed.

Everyone was dead silent trying to figure out what was happening. Their hearts were beating drums in their chest.

"Who is this? Why are you doing this to me? Please stop!" The woman shouted and pleaded.

Athena couldn't take it anymore. "What's going on there?" She questioned but an evil laughter answered back.

Her heart was immediately in her mouth and suddenly she felt someone grab her shirt in the bed.

She screamed immediately and yanked her shirt back jumped out of bed.

A scream also came from the male's room, after that, both rooms were in chaos.

Everyone was screaming and running to where they remembered the entrance while bumping into each other.

They couldn't see so they used their instincts.

"Someone turn on the light!" Someone yelled.

The laughter came again with loud hisses then they could hear someone being flung across the room.

The was a woman's voice. It gave everyone the chill and also an idea of who she was.

"Medusa!" Everyone screamed.

Medusa continues laughing and throws whoever she lays her hands on. Her snakes kept on hissing which terrified everyone even more.

In the male's room, the same was happening.

"The Eradicators! there's a snake here! Come get her!" ROG yelled.

"Don't leave us like this. Turn on the light let us fight!" Someone else said.

"Let's search for the switch!" Someone suggested and everyone got closer to the wall and frantically searched around.

Back in the female room, DIK announced that the guys were looking for the switch so they could defend themselves and they should too.

"No!" EHB yelled. "That's a terrible idea!"

"Shut up kid!" WHI yelled back. "If you want to die, that's your decision but don't include us in it!"

"I don't want to die hag! I'm just being started since you aren't!" She fired back.

At that moment, Athena felt a bed beside her and she went under it.

"Did you all forget what those people told us about Medusa? If that's really her then we shouldn't see her cause will turn to stone by her gaze!" EHB explained quickly.

They heard someone being flung again. She cried in pain. EHB, WHI, and Athena got to know it was DIK.

They realize Medusa is close, the screaming continues once again and they try distancing themselves from where DIK is.

Back in the male's room, they requested the Medusa beheaders to let them fight back.

"Damn you! You lied we were trainees but you brought us here to be the demon's meal!" Someone shouted.

"Let me fight for my survival you bastards!"

"This is definitely one of their tests again."

"Those bastards tricked us!"

Others rained curses at them.

In the female room, someone advised everyone to protect themselves by getting under the bed which everyone did but soon after, the sound of a bed hitting the wall was heard.

Athena's heart was beating in her chest. She felt this was her end.

But she wasn't as scared as the woman praying for her life when her bed got thrown away.

Medusa grabbed her by the neck and lifted her. She was getting strangled as she begged for help but her voice became quieter by the second.

Medusa's voice wasn't heard but the snake's hissing was enough to let everyone know that she was there.

Athena's heartbeat dropped when she heard the hisses right in front of her bed.

Her legs and hands began shaking as she shook her head and silently said: no, no, no, no!

But unfortunately, her shade was lifted up and she heard a crashing sound then someone cried out in pain.

Athena began crying immediately.

"No please!" She screamed as she got up to run but missed a step and fell crashing down.

She was lifted up by her feet and a second later, she felt herself flying in the air before falling on someone who also shouted in pain from the contact.

"Someone please help us!" A lady cried out in between sobs.

"I probably have a child waiting for me at home!" She continues.

At that moment the lights were back on.

Everyone gasps and unconsciously searches for where Medusa is.

WHI looked right in front of her and her heart stopped beating.

She slowly lost connection with her legs and hands until she felt nothing.

"Close your eyes!" DIK and some others shouted and everyone immediately shut their eyes close while begging for help.

The woman in a big green gown, green eyes, and long snake hair laughed again.

She grabbed someone close to her. She immediately screamed and begged Medusa.

"Please! Let me leave. I have a kid at home waiting for me." She lied as tears rolled down her soaked cheeks and snort coming out of her nose.

Her eyes were still closed but Medusa grabbed her neck and began strangling her.

"Open your ears," Medusa commanded with a hiss at the end.

She shook her head but it was slowly becoming impossible for her to breathe.

Medusa threw her to the floor.

She cried out in pain and opened her eyes and breathed in but Medusa appeared in front of her immediately. Their eyes locked and within seconds, medusa was staring into the eyes of a statue.

But Medusa noticed she was being watched and turned to the direction.

Before they could lock eyes as well, Athena buried her head in her palms she shook in fear.

Medusa smirked as her snakes hissed. She walked slowly closer to Athena.

Athena became impatient to wait for her fate and got up to run away.

Medusa picked up her pace and ran after her.

EHB peeked to see what was happening.

She knew this was all a test to help them be strong. She wanted to be a Medusa beheader and definitely didn't want to fail this test.

She was sure bravery was what they wanted in this situation plus if she didn't act now then everyone including herself would turn to stone.

She got up and ran to one of the smashed beds and searched for anything she could use.

She soon saw the leg part with a sharp tip.

"You will be my sword." She said out loud then ran to Medusa while shouting.

"Die!" She shouted and Medusa turned to her. She stabbed Medusa in her chest but they locked eyes.

Vote and comment with your thoughts. As always, thanks for reading.

Anita ❤️

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