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I sincerely apologize to all my readers that I had kept without an update. It's a new year and I've created a new schedule. Hopefully, this schedule works out, I'll be updating more regularly then.

Update days: Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Sundays!

Last year has been hectic but glad it's in the past now. Hope we're all doing great.

Also, I'll be making some changes to the story, if you wanna reread it, you can but from next month is advisable.



At the men's room, they were still battling on how to escape Medusa who was tormenting them with her wicked laughter.

She made sure her presence was known, laughing as loudly as possible.

But soon the room got quiet and everyone hid carefully. It was like they silently planned amongst themselves.

"Where are you all? Hiding from me? Nobody told me it's hide and seek." She called out but no one answered her.

At that moment, the lights went on and ANT was face to face with Medusa looking straight into her eyes. He immediately felt disconnected from his body and within seconds, he was a stone statue, facing Medusa.

Medusa laughed triumphantly and then began sorting out other victims. Everyone witnessed what happened and their hearts were laced with fear.

Once Medusa lifted her head, they immediately buried their faces into their knees or lay facing the floor under the bed as they shook in fear.

SOX's mind was all over the place, wondering what all this was. He was sure this wasn't supposed to happen. He was sure they weren't supposed to die because the Eradicators needed them to train and become one of them like they said but what he was witnessing was proving him wrong and he has a feeling that he's never wrong.

If he's not wrong then he needs to figure out what's going on and fast because when he raised his head to see what's going on because he hadn't heard anything in a while, he found out that three other men had been petrified as well.

He was scared but he tried to calm his beating heart and think. The man next to him was also trying to do the same thing but upon listening properly, he found out that the man was wheezing as he exhaled. He kept gasping loudly which was bringing attention to him.

"Shit." SOX cursed under his breath as his heartbeat accelerated, his vision was getting blurry and he felt his surroundings slowly fading away.

From his rear view, he saw Medusa turn towards them and his heart sank. He buried his face into his palm as his heart kept pounding in his ears. "No. Please no." He whispered but whoever was supposed to hear that didn't or ignored him because Medusa closed the distance between her and them and she grabbed the man's leg and pulled him out from under the bed.

The man screamed and forced himself to beg for help but his voice was hoarse and low and he began coughing profusely.

He still shut his eyes because he was aware that would be game over if he didn't but that meant Medusa didn't get what she wanted so she lifted him and let him fall to the floor hitting his head hard on the floor.

The man passed out after that and Medusa had to leave him alone so her attention went back to SOX who was still under the bed. But she sensed two pairs of eyes on her and she quickly turned to the direction, catching them off guard and turning them into stones.

"We can't continue like this. She's going to turn us all into stones." Someone said in a whisper tone but it was loud enough for most people to hear, Medusa included.

"Fuck this," ROG shouted then came out of his hiding place from under the bed and launched towards Medusa with his eyes closed.

Medusa got out of the way and since his eyes were closed, he just ran right past her and later went in contact with the wall.

Medusa still hadn't forgotten SOX, after watching ROG make a foolery out of himself, she placed her attention back on SOX.

Sensing this, SOX got out from his hiding place himself and made a run for it to the door.

"There's no use for that. There's no use to struggle at all really. Because you're all locked in here with me." Medusa said with a calm and cold tone, sending chills to everyone. The hissing from her snakes contributed as well.

"I won't rest until all of you here join my statue collection." She added as she walked over to SOX and ROG. They were both trying their best not to lose their cool and keep their eyes closed.

Once Medusa got closer to them, she squatted close to ROG, "Open your eyes, sweetie." She said in a cooing manner.

"Go away." He responded as tears rolled down his cheeks. But Medusa ignored him and she leaned closer towards his face and just stared at him.

Being close to his face, the numerous snakes on her head began biting his face and his eyes sprung open as he cried out in pain but with that mistake, he locked eyes with the Gordon and he turned to stone.

SOX, against his better judgment, watched everything unfold before him. After it was done, Medusa slowly stood up but SOX didn't do anything.

He couldn't feel his hands or legs. He was paralyzed. He couldn't move even though he tried to.

Realization dawned on him that he couldn't move to save himself and his eyes weren't closing either. Tears rolled down his face as he feared the end for him was near.

"You poor thing." That was the last thing he heard before she turned to him and they locked eyes. "Your exact posture is just perfect."


Bright lights illuminated the room and everyone's eyes fluttered open instantly.

They sat up and began panting. They were shaking, all the women were crying and wailing while the men screamed in horror.

"Somebody save me!"

"I'm dying!"

People screamed until they slowly, realized they were safe.

They looked around and saw that Medusa was nowhere to be found.

"She's gone." Someone stated the obvious and everyone began taking deep breaths and sighing from relief but the fear in their hearts wasn't gone.

"Please! Let us go! That... That thing tried to kill us. We barely made it out alive!" Athena begged then her eyes landed on SET and DAD who were by a door, just watching them with blank expressions on their faces.

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