Chapter 10

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I was 8 and a 1/2 months pregnant now.. Megan had threw me a baby shower a couple of days ago. I got so much things, Andy and I are still sorting through it all.

It has come to that point where Andy was setting up her crib, I was putting her clothes in her dresser, and we had so many other things to do. Andy and I got Andrea a batman bedding. It's pink and absolutely adorable. "Finally, I'm done!"Andy sighed in relief and set the mattress in it. I smiled and handed him the bedding to put on. He took it, sighed and tore the package open putting the sheets and such on. I had a diaper bag on the dresser for the hospital. I threw a baby outfit in, a pacifier, a blanket, wipes, bottles and some diapers. Andy and I decided to breast feed. My boobs got big for a reason. I'm using that reason.

"Okay, now I'm done."Andy said. "We still have more stuff to go threw."I smiled. "AWEEE WHYYY?!"He groaned. "Suck it up Andy."

We spent two fucking hours sitting on the floor going through things, packing things in boxes that she couldn't use yet. Andy had to put together her swing. It was funny to watch, he got so aggrivated by it. I ended up helping him. We washed new bottles, putting them in cabinets, we hung up pictures and her mobile.  I had to sit on Andys shoulders to reach the ceiling. In the end, we high fived it and laid down on the couch. "Fuck Andy, we need to start planning our wedding."I told him. "Later please? I'm so exhausted."He mumbled. I nodded and turned the T.V. on to Batman. We relaxed on the couch taking a break. Andy laid his head on my lap watching the screen intently mouthing every line. I paid attention ideas about the wedding. Where we could have it, the season we could have it, my idea of a dress. I smile at the thought of my name changing. Shianne Biersack. Shianne and Andrew Biersack. It sounds perfect. I didn't realize until he started snoring- Andy fell asleep. I giggled and rubbed his cheek and watched Batman. I looked at the time. 6:30. I smiled. Why not be a good future wife and make Andy a nice dinner? He's done a lot today. I slowly lifted his head and slid off the couch and grabbed a pillow laying it under his head. I grabbed a blanket and laid it over him and walked into the kitchen. I pulled out pork chops, potatoes and biscuits. I would pull out green beans. But Andy hates vegetables. I made fried porkchops with mashed potatoes and biscuits. I looked at the time. 7:24. Andy appeared into the kitchen curious of what I was doing. "What smells so fucking good?"He mumbles and pulled a can of soda out of the fridge. His hair was all messy and his eyes were all droopy. "Food."I smiled. "Well thank you, because I'm a hungry fuck."He smiled and kissed me.

As we ate I continued to think about wedding things, writing my ideas down. "What are you doing babe? I'm curious."He said looking over at the notepad. "I'm writing down wedding ideas. That's all."I said. "Let me hear them?"He asked. "Well.. I wanted the theme to be Black, White and red.."I started. He smiled "Continue I like that." I smiled myself and continued saying what I wrote down.  "I wanted the theme to also contain red roses. I can't tell you anymore."I said. He frowned "Why not?"He asked. "It's about my dress. I'm not telling you shit about it."I smirked and bit on my biscuit. He rolled his eyes. "Do you have a date set?"He asked. I shook my head. "But I want it at a castle thingy.."I trailed off. I didn't know the word for it. "You mean the romance mansion?"He asked. I nodded. Tons of rock artists got married there. I know Gerard Way did. (Not really :*) "I like that idea baby."He smiled. "Thank you."

I can't wait to get married!

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