Chapter 9

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I woke up around 9 on Andys chest. I pushed myself off of him and sat up running my fingers through my hair. I got off the bed and gasped at the pained, swollen feet of mine. OWWWW!! This really, really sucks. I shook it off and slowly went over to my suitcase and took out sweatpants and a long sleeve t shirt. I took out fluffy socks and shower utensils.

I walked into the bathroom, turned on the shower and undressed. I looked in the mirror at myself. I rubbed my baby belly, and looked at the stretch mark. Now there was 5. No, make that 8. Calm down Shianne. It just means the baby is growing. I repeated what Andy told me. I got into the shower and let the water soak into my skin before I washed my hair and such. Soon enough, I heard the door open. I kind of got scared. I really hope it wasn't one of Andys parents. I peeked out of the shower. It was just Andy. He was undressing. I smiled and went back to rinsing my hair and felt his arms wrap around me. "Becca just called."He said. "What did she call about?"I asked. "She said to tell you Scarlett said yes. Babe what was it about?"He asked. I sighed in relief. "I asked Scarlett to kill Tony."I said. "Why?"He asked taking shampoo putting some in his hand and put it in his hair. "You wouldn't be able to protect me and kill Tony at the same time. I just asked her to handle the part you couldn't."I said and ended it. He sighed and washed the shampoo out of his head and wrapped his arms around me again pulling me up against his chest and kissed my ear lobe "I will protect you with my life."He mumbled and bit and sucked on my skin. I moaned and smiled "Don't, don't go to far babe. I'm carrying your baby still."I said and intertwined our fingers. "We should get out anyway, Mom is making breakfast."He said and turned off the water. He helped me out anf handed me a towel. I took it, dried off and got dressed. I brushed my hair and kissed his cheek before walking out slowly. "Babe is something wrong?"Andy asked. I looked at him "My feet hurt.."I whined and he smiled and picked me up. "Andy you don't-" "Shhhhhhhh! Let me carry you!"He insisted and brought me downstairs. "Well good morning you two."His dad smiled. "It's not what it looks like, Her feet are swollen."Andy said. "Oh my, they're really swollen. Here set her down."Amy (his mom) said. Andy nodded and set me down on the chair. I watched her as she knelt down and wrapped my feet in this cooling wrap. It hurt for a moment but the swelling started going away. I was amazed at this. She put socks over my feet and smiled. "Thanks."I smiled. "I feel better already."His mom smiled back at me. "I used them when I was pregnant with Andy. My feet where as big as balloons."She said. I laughed and Andy sat down next to me. He took my hand and rubbed my palm. She set plates down in front of us. My stomach growled. Damn, I'm so hungry. I took the fork to my food and I was done in 5 minutes. Everyone was staring at me. "What?"I asked "Babe, you ate so quickly..."Andy said. My cheeks turned red of embarrassment. His mom laughed "It's what happens when a girl is pregnant Andy."She said. At least someone understood.

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