Chapter 2

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I smiled as Andy and I casually strolled threw the mall looking at many things. I have to admit, I'm happy to have Andy next to me with his hand tightly gripped in mine. Today we were going to meet Cassie and Ashley and go shopping for a few things. I just wanted someone to help me look at baby things.

I looked at the small baby bump that I had and smiled again. I'm hoping for a baby boy, Andy on the other hand.. wants a girl. Which I don't understand. I truly believe being a girl has many, many terrible down falls. I wanted my child to be tuff and eligible to defend itself. And a girl couldn't do that. I couldn't anyway.

Andy and I continued walking being oftly silent. Until he spoke up.

"Where should we eat later on?"He asked.

"I don't care, anywhere is fine."I smiled. I just wanted to look at baby things.

"Alright, Chinese it is."He said.

"You always want Chinese."I rolled my eyes.

"I like eating the dumplings."Andy laughed.

We met up with Ashley and Cassie. They looked really happy as fuck. I wonder what's going through their heads.

"Guess what?!"Cassie asked excitedly.

I laughed "What?"

"IM ENGAGED!"She yelled. My smiled faded. Jealously whiplash. "Great"I said with no enthusiasm. I bit my lip aggressively looking at my feet. I wish Andy would propose to me.. It's been long enough. I tugged at his hand and he set me free. "Lets just go already."I spat and walked away. Cassie followed closely behind. "Oh calm yourself Shianne."She said. "It'll happen soon."

I stopped and turned around glaring. "And how do YOU know that? From what I know, he has no fucking intention. This is bullshit."I growled and continued walking into the baby store to look around. I didn't feel the shadow of Cassie lurking behind me. She must of had enough of my 'nonsence'.

*Andys POV*

I let little hums come out of my mouth as Ash and I looked through the leather jacket store. His was wearing thin. "So congrats on your engagement."I smiled looking through some jackets.

"Thanks bro, when are you gonna pull out the ring? Anytime soon? I mean shit she's having your child."I looked up at him confused.

"Why would I propose?"I asked.

His eyebrows went up. "You're stupid. It's obvious she wants you get down on one knee and propose. You two have been together for a long time. Take it one step further. You love her don't you?"He asked.

"With all my heart."

"So fucking propose asswipe! She wants to be your Mrs.Biersack or whatever."He laughed and pulled out a jacket. I smiled and looked through some more. Maybe it is time to take it to the next level (Haha CC pun!) I really love her and want her to be mine forever. "Alright yeah, let's go to the jewelry store after this."I said. "That's right Andy."He said. I rolled my eyes and continued searching for a jacket my size.

After we paid for the leather jackets, Ashley took me to the jewlery store he bought Cassie's ring from. I looked at them and shook my head. "I don't like these. I want something meaningful."I said. The man nodded and took me to another display case. One that had caught my eye was a black and white diamond shaped into a heart. It reminded me of the tattoos we had of each other. I had the black heart, she had the white. "Am I allowed to get this engraved?"I asked the man. He nodded. "What would you like engraved?"He asked. I thought for a moment. "I want the day my girlfriend and I  kissed engraved on it."I said. "Alright I'll get that done."He smiled and took it out. I gave him the date and he went and got it done.

"She's gonna freak when you propose."Ashley said. I smiled. "Yes, yes she will."I laughed just thinking of her ways of freaking out.

I just can't wait for the day I call her my Mrs.Biersack.

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