Chapter 3

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*Shiannes POV*

Should I care that Cassie left me alone? Usually I would, but she had me close to hitting her. I couldn't do that to her. So it's a good thing she left me to be. I didn't buy anything at the baby store, I just looked around at things. After that, I didn't know where to go. I don't like being alone.

I walked down the mall, admiring some stores. To bad I couldn't buy anything. It wouldn't fit me. I sighed giving up on where to go and sat down playing on my phone. I was extremely bored. I eventually saw Andy and Ashley smiling, talking. Finally some fucking people. They made there way over. Andy sat down next to me, wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Ready to eat baby?"He asked. I nodded.

"Where's Cassie?"Ashley asked. I shrugged my shoulders. "Haven't seen her.". Ashley furrowed his eyebrows together. "I thought she was supposed to-" "WELL SHE DIDNT OKAY?!"I suddenly regretted my outburst and sighed. "Im sorry."I apologized. "Its alright Shi."He smiled.

As we walked to the chinese place, Ashley kept texting back and forth with Cassie. "She won't come. She's scared of you."Ashley laughed. I rolled my eyes and continued walking. That wasn't really funny. She needs to stop being such a douche and come fucking eat with us.
God Shianne your being a total bitch!
No I'm not! She deserves to get yelled at!
No she doesn't and you know that...

I kept fighting with my conscience. I was being a fucking asshole.

We got to the chinese place and I sat down next to Andy. I'm waiting anyday now for a proposal that'll never come. Why do I even bother having my hopes up? He's obviously not even bothered by it. We all ordered our food and I laid my head on the table. "What's wrong baby?"Andy asked rubbing my back. "Nothing."I lied. Correction: everything.  I sat up and pulled on a smile. I just wanted to go home.

The lady brought us our food and I ate quietly. Not what I usually do. Andy pulled me closer to him, putting his head on my shoulder, he whispered "tell me what's wrong baby, you're not acting the same.". I looked at him meeting his gaze. I sighed and opened my mouth. How am I going to say I'm angry that you haven't thought of proposal? Or I'm jealous that Cassie is engaged and I'm not? I closed my mouth. "It's stupid."I mumbled. Andy sighs, "Babe please?"His hand travled to my stomach, putting his hand up my shirt rubbing my baby bump. I smiled and blushed. I loved when he would do that. "Are you going to tell me now?"He asked. I sighed. "I told you its stupid.". "Baby nothing is stupid. Please tell me?"He asked. "Fine, I'm, I'm pissed that Cassie's engaged and I'm not."I spat. I looked away not wanting to see his reaction. I saw in the corner of my eye Ashley mouthing 'I told you!'. What was he going to tell me? "Babe.."Andy said and kissed my cheek. I turned around and he smiled at me. "You thought I wasn't going to propose to you?"He asked. I nodded. "You were never bothered by the subject...". He sighed but pulled on a smile. "Of course I want to marry you."He said. "Just. Not now. I know."I pouted. "Come on, let's go for a walk baby."Andy said and took my hand pulling me along. Well that was subject changing.

He brought me outside to the little garden they had and we sat down on the bench. "Shianne, don't be so upset over something like this, you never know when I could propose babe."He smirked at me. My eyes widended. "You.. you have a ring?"I asked. "I'm not saying that.. Just don't beat yourself up over this. It's not necessary."He smiled and pulled me on to his lap.

His hand carressed my cheek and he came closer to me soon pressing his lips to mine. Our lips moved in sync until there was a little 'click'. Then my lip ring was stuck to his. (I don't know if I have ever described Shianne wearing a lip ring, but she has one.) We laughed and he took his out, unlooping it from mine. He snaked it back into his lip and kissed me again. "I love you baby."He smiled. I smiled back "I love you too."

Andy and I walked inside of our home, greeted by three cats. "Shi why don't you feed them, then come upstairs?"Andy asked. I nodded and walked into the kitchen putting food into each of their bowls.

I wonder why he's so happy.

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