Chapter 13

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Author's Note:

Hey, everybody! How're you all?

Me, bored as hell. What with all my papers passed, I just seem loose up top. Oh, and I looked at the calendar today. *sigh* Valentine's day is on Friday and it's just another bitter reminder that I have remained single for the last 20 years of my life. So wasted!

But, you know what would be an awesome idea? Why don't we band together and form a club for those who have no partners! We can call it We're Single and We're Happy! Hahaha~ Nah, just kidding. I'm just too bitter :(

Bwahaha! Not!  As if I could feel bitter over being single! It's like saying guys can't fall in love with other guys, ya know! How absurd :P

Anyway, this is for TWiStFaTe! Thank you so much for voting and commenting on LAL and this baby right here! Hahaha. I hope you go on and join that competition! Let's all hope you win!~

As for the next chapter, it will be dedicated to ... BookCrazzy.  You are awesome!~ Ohohoho! I offer the next chapter to you for being an awesome reader! Hahaha~

That's about it!

yaoiChibi out! Peace~ 


"Well, s'bout time you 'fessed up. I'm not blind or deaf, cutie pie. I've been hearing you moan and call out this bastard's name during the last six jobs. Plus, you comin' out with blue bruises and red hickeys wasn't exactly hidin' anything, babycakes." Raphael mused, a playful smirk on his lips as he sipped his tea with his pinky up. God, I know I'm into Jordan and said vastard is a man, but even that seemed gay to me.

I squeezed Jordan's hand seeking his warmth. Truthfully, I was nervous with confessing everything. Our relationship was one thing, but admitting I was carrying a little Jordan was going to be a hurdle that could potentially end in bloodbath. For Jordan, of course. Hell, it was his damn fault. He had the brains to know that unprotected sex was going to end up with me looking like I had eaten a whole watermelon. But, I guess the head between his legs won whatever internal argument he had going on.

"Well, I kind of expected you guys would somehow end up together. Eric was way too involved with Jordan that it bordered on obsessive. Just a fun fact for nurse-y over here." Elaine smirked, eyeing me with a devilish glint. I studied her as she crossed her legs, sitting back on the couch in a relaxed manner while Raphael continued drinking his tea. "But, to call us over for such a simple matter like this is kind of strange, you know. I'm guessing there's more to this than the we've gotten together as a couple thing. So, spill."

I heard Jordan click his tongue in an amused manner, his face still sporting that bored mask like it was his favorite expression. Really. This man was just as indifferent as the first day I met him. Couldn't he be a little more disturbed by this? I would've felt less nervous about this if he showed a little more emotions. Damn hormones! Making me crumble from something as stupid like this.

"Yeah. Elaine's right. What else're you guys hiding?" Raphael asked after finally ending his pinky-lifting tea-sip. I noticed Elaine had sharpened her gaze at us, her eyes travelling from my cracking face and Jordan's expressionless one.

Unconsciously, my hand slid down my torso and rested on my stomach. My nerves were really rattling and the urge to throw up everything I had for breakfast was taking over my head. Ugh! I think I was feeling sick. Not a good day to have peanut butter and hard-boiled eggs sandwich today. But, as always, I had an anchor to pull me from my daily musings. Jordan's arm that rested on my shoulder pulled me closer to him, his other hand squeezing my hand in his. And I instinctively knew this was the perfect moment to talk. This was it. No other way around it.

"You've got to be joking, Eric." Elaine suddenly started, her relaxed form turning into a stiff one as she unwrapped her arms and legs. She had an unreadable face on as she trained her eyes on the both of us. "You cannot be fucking pregnant already."

Raphael whipped his head to Elaine in shock, the amusement wiped clean off his face. This wasn't going as planned. Now what? I looked up at Jordan, averting my gaze from the unwavering one of my sister's. Another wave of heat told me Raphael had joined the questioning stare contest and I knew there was no turning back on this one. Hell,  I shouldn't feel ashamed for getting pregnant so early in our budding relationship.

"Sorry. I knocked him up. Couldn't get a rubber on whenever we went at it. He just wants to make you drill him right there and then." Jordan answered before I was able to emit any sound from my open lips. I looked at him from my position under his arm, studying the solemn face he had as he faced both of them.

I didn't need to turn my head towards them to see their dumbfounded expressions, their inability to create sentences spoke for themselves. Plus, my cheeks heated up when I had realized what Jordan had just said. Stupid bear.

The silence ensued and I felt myself gaining more confidence. A smile forced its way on my face, overwriting the stress that had been building since we decided to admit my current situation to the people concerned.

I stood up from my seat, pulling myself from Jordan's embrace and placed my hands on my hips. They say that conviction is first established from the way a person stood. Hence, the whole 'two feet apart and hands on the hips' stance.

"So what if I'm pregnant? Anybody got a complaint for my getting knocked up?" I lorded over them, delivering the finishing blow: my I don't give a fuck who you are and what you think condescending gaze.

I don't need to tell you that it was my specialty created for moments like these.

"Don't give me that crap! What about work, huh? Did you guys think this through? What kind of shit are you playing at?" Elaine attacked me with  barrage of questions, standing up in the same stance as me while the frown on her face marred her soft features.

"This is real shit, Elaine. No fucking games." I answered, a mean bite on my words finishing her off.

"Eric, what the fu-"

"CONGRATULATIONS!" I turned my head to find Raphael covering his mouth with his hands. His excitement pretty obvious from the way he was bouncing up and down the chair he sat on.

"Oh my God! I'm going to be an auntie to a little Eric!" Raphael squealed, swiftly gracing Elaine with a glare before smiling at me fondly. He stood from his chair and approached me, pulling me into a quick hug before reaching Jordan for a handshake. "I get to be the first to hold the little guy, alright. Elaine can just stay outside the door and keep watch. I don't mind, it means a new member to our group. Plus, extra happy news. When's the white day?"

I looked past Raphael's happy face, smiling softly when I saw Elaine calming down. Slowly, I let my hand return to where it rested on my stomach, fondly caressing the soon-to-be bulge.

"None as of the moment. Just 'cause I'm carrying his child doesn't mean I'll let myself get tied down so easily. Besides, the idiot can't afford the rock I want sitting on my finger." I replied, sitting down proud of myself for keeping my king face on.

Jordans arm snaked its way on my shoulders, tucking me safely under him as he took my free hand in his. His thumb caressed the back of my hand softly, my heart melting from his sweet gesture. Ever since we got our feelings across, he's been keeping me next to him all the time. His hands would always find their way to my stomach, moving on from its last favorite spot: my round ass. And, he was really attentive. Always calling me whenever he's at school, making sure I had eaten properly and all that. His change really did a number on my lovestruck heart.

"Well, that doesn't matter! That'll come at a better time. Plus, I'm excited to see our horizons in the biz widening. You'll be the hottest pregnant model ever!" Raphael continued, his eyes spelling his hunger for cash. No matter, the money I'd earn from those gigs was going to add to my baby fund.

"Yeah. Just take care of yourself." Elaine said, finally speaking from her long silence. "And stop feeding him crap like that mayonnaise pizza thing. You don't want the little guy being unhealthy because his mommy decided it was a bright idea to spoil him with the cravings."

I rolled my eyes at her, muttering curses under my breath. All the while, Jordan was silent as he watched us talk and talk. It seemed like we weren't going to run out of stuff to talk about. We went from my disgusting eating habits to embarrassing childhood memories to my angelic attitude at work to everything. It was endless and I was glad they both took well. Things weren't going to be easy and I needed support from the both of them, especially when the baby arrives.

"Oh, yeah. Forgot to mention. I got a baby doctor friend. She's a doctor that tends to preggy famous people and she does an excellent job. I'll book you guys an appointment, so you can check her out. You'll need a REAL baby doctor and not a nurse studying to be a neuro-surgeon lookin' after you. What do you say? Want to try her out? Don't worry. She's the best in the business." Raphael mentioned before he headed out the door, Elaine trailing him since they had plans for the evening. Not with each other, of course.

We agreed and it ended with an appointment three days later. Raphael said he'd send an email with the information as soon as he got it, and I trusted him.

"Feeling good? Need anything?" Jordan asked before crawling into bed with me that night. I shook my head and he got in under the covers with me, laying his arm out as a pillow like we had done so many times. I snuck closer to him, resting my head on his bare chest as he was fond of sleeping with no shirt on. My hand caressed his chest, lightly scratching his broad chest repeatedly. I don't know, it seemed to get my sleepy whenever I inhaled his scent as I scratched him. Must be a pregnancy quirk.

"We won't be able to hug like this when I grow into an inflated balloon." I whispered, circling his nipple with my hand. He sighed softly, his nose sniffing the top of my head as I continued with my scratching motion. "I bet I'll look horrible. My skin will be stretched out, making it easier to get permanent marks on my body. Plus, my toned muscles will be reduced to fat and I don't like getting fat. When that time comes, can you cover all the mirrors in the house? I don't want to look at myself."

A soft chuckle rumbled in his chest as he remained silent, his nose still nuzzling my hair as I tried to get him to take me seriously. Ater reading stuff on the internet about pregnancy, there was one thing I was absolutely sure would happen to me. I'd get fat and ugly. Plus, the cravings get really crazy and it just tires most husbands or boyfriends out there. Considering we just started this thing, we might be more susceptible to stuff like this.

"You won't be ugly." He whispered finally, my eyes drooping from the feeling of sleepiness. "If anything, I'd bet you'd be hotter than you are right now. I can already see it. You, walking around with a round belly, telling me to buy you these disgusting combinations of food while I can't keep my hands off of your belly."

I felt myself smile, snuggling closer to his warm body. The bastard was just stroking my ego and I was falling for it. But, it was sweet. Especially since he reached for my stomach to get the point across. I hummed at his soft touch, slowly slipping away from reality as he continued stroking me. My hand had stopped scratching him and I let myself be swayed away. 

God, sleep never felt this good.

"So, this is the place, huh?" I said softly, walking inside with Jordan. 

The place was classy. An entire floor of a corporate building was dedicated to such a place and it really peaked my interest. When we got off the elevator, we were greeted by a glass entryway where a beautiful blonde woman was waiting by the reception desk. It was like one of those movie-like places, it had all the staff passing the good-looking standards of society. Plus, it was pristine and heavily decorated with light colors. Baby toys scattered the walls, some pictures of famous people with their respective partners by the bulges. Overall, it just screamed rich and famous.

Jordan checked us in and the lady directed us to where we were supposed to wait. It was a private room with tons of pictures on the wall, magazines on the coffee table, and a water dispenser with complimentary mugs that had 'Best Mom' and 'Best Dad' written all over it.

"Raphael wasn't lying when he said for the rich and famous, huh." Jordan said after a while, circling the room in quiet curiousity as I sat on the two-seater red couch. It was soft and bouncy, probably for better support for the pregnant people that came here. "I wonder how much it'd cost just for a check-up?"

I raised my eyes to Jordan, catching his serious eyes as he studied the 'Best Dad' mug in his hand. The air had gotten thicker and I knew he was troubled over something. Most likely, it was about how he was going to afford to pay for something like this. I didn't peg him as the proud type, but I guess even men like him had moments of doubt like these.

"Jordan, come and sit right here." I ordered, patting the vacant space on the couch. I had my no-shitting face on since this wasn't a mild matter for my big bear. He followed quietly, bringing the mug with him as he sat next to me. I watched his eyes widen when I got up and positioned myself on his lap, taking the cup from his hand amd holding it in my own.

"Don't worry so much." I started, looking up at his silver eyes with a soft smile on my lips. "We weren't ready for this. Hell, we were caught off guard. So, I'm not expecting you to help me financially. I can take care of my pregnancy needs. And I know what you're thinking. No, it doesn't make you a lesser man. Because, first of all, you'll be here to take care of me. I need that the most and not you're money. When you're done with school and join your dream hospital, then that's the time I'll ask you to repay the debt. Right now, I just need you here."

His eyes slid down my face, heading straight for my stomach while his hands wrapped my own. The air had gotten lighter, his aura fully refreshed after that little pep talk. And I'm glad it helped. I understood his frustration, but I needed him to be clear-minded that it was his support and not his money that was important to both me and the child.

"Besides, I'm craving something again." I muttered playfully, smirking at him as I leant closer to his face. My heart skipped a beat when I saw him return the same smirk, his hands moving from my hands to his favorite part of my body. "I think I need my vitamin Jordan. Some Jordan milk, preferrably."

He moved his lips closer and we engaged in another hungry kiss. Fuck, I was starting to feel horny. His hands had started massaging my cheeks, rolling them as I leant closer to him. My lips tingled from his bite, his tongue licking the mess he had made before invading my mouth. I moaned, my body heat increasing in a rapid rate. I would've pulled out his member if it weren't for the fact that I was still holding the mug.

"Jordan." I moaned, moving impossibly closer as I attacked his lips again. God, his taste was so unique. My chest rubbed his own broad one, his fingers sliding the down the crack of my jean-clad ass.

"Mr. Giordanio and Mr. McEvanaugh, Dr. Luscie is ready to see you. Please head to Consultation Room 3. Thank you." The sound of the pretty blonde's perky voice rang in the intercom sitting by the door. 

I groaned out, reluctantly pulling myself from Jordan's heated body. The mug had already fallen from my grip and was sitting next to Jordan. My eyes looked down to check on my hazy bear, my body shivering from the sight of his dilated pupils. Looks like I'm going to like this new craving of mine. 

"Come on. We'll continue at home." I got up, reaching my hand to him. He quietly took it, pulling me to his side when he got to his feet. Giving me another peck on the lips, I brushed his hair back lovingly. "Because you're such a good boy, I'll wear your favorite red thong."

I laughed when he groaned huskily, his hand giving one final squeeze on my ass cheek. We made our way to the office, flirting unmercilessly as we passed by a couple that had just left the Consultation room. Jordan opened the door and I headed inside, greeting the doctor with my award-winning smile. 

"Eric, so good to meet you. Raphael told me that this is your first baby. And I'm guessing he's the daddy. Congratulations, by the way." A woman, who I presumed was Dr. Rayla Luscie, greeted us, extending her hand for a shake. I met her halfway and Jordan did as well, sitting down where she had gestured.

"Yeah. First baby. I never knew I could feel excited and scared at the same time. It's funny how hormones change the way you conduct yourself." I said, chuckling softly.

"Well, everyone gets that way. So, don't worry. Now, I have a few questions I need you to answer and we'll go from there, okay?" I nodded in response and she continued on.

Questions ranging from when we found out, how often we had intercourse, and all that. Jordan would answer most of them since he had the slightest idea, while I would answer anything that concerned how I was feeling and what I ate. She told me to lie on the bed so we could see how developed the baby was. She showed us our baby and my heart exploded in happiness. How could a peanut-shaped baby make someone like me swoon like this?

After explaining some stuff, she told us that I was six weeks pregnant. And that the road ahead us was going to be both tiring and exciting, so we had to prepare ourselves.

"So, I'll tell my assistants to book another appointment on the end of your first trimester. Congratulations once again." She said, shaking my hand and Jordan's before we left the room. She had given me a prescription for some vitamins as well as a list of food that would help with the baby's healthy growth.

We walked out of the room, hand in hand as another couple moved in. I recognized one of them as a famous actress and an old business tycoon. Ugh, preferences. I wouldn't go that far up the ladder just to snag a rich guy.

"Jordan, did you get the pamphlet for the exercises?" I asked, when we were by the reception desk. Jordan looked down at me, shaking his head in the negative. "You are hopeless. Is sex the only thing on your mind? Just wait by the door. I'll be right back."

I walked down the reception, snagging a pamphlet that had pictures of different exercises for male pregnancy. My eyes wandered around and I found other pamphlets that were going to be useful to us. I needed all the help I could get, and reading such things will ensure that my baby was going to grow up strong and healthy.

Running back, I heard someone scolding another person. The voice eerily familiar as I got closer to where Jordan was standing, receiving apologies from the man that stood next to him. I couldn't see onver Jordan's large frame who he was talking to and I assumed it was a friend or something. I put on my smile, walking faster to where Jordan was standing. I popped my head into their discussion, smiling at the odd couple that was still up with their antics. 


All the breath I had stored in my lungs whooshed out, leaving me breathless as I stared at a fuming Riley and an apologetic Michael. Jordan looked down at me, his gaze questioning when he saw my surprise flat on my face. 

"Eric? You okay?" Jordan asked, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. 

The pair whipped their heads to look at me, Riley's blue eyes widening in surprise. I swear, the pair could've popped their eyes out because of the sight of me. Michael had moved to his side immediately, defensive even when I was a foot away from Riley. Stupid, it's not like I'd hurt someone I loved. Consequently, Jordan noticed the heavy tension that clung in the air. 

"Eric? How've you been?" Riley asked softly, his gaze fondly wandering my stiff form. His stomach had an obvious bulge and I was guessing he was around four to five months. Michael, on the other hand, had placed on his blank gaze and moved beside Riley, his arm wrapping protectively around Riley's waist.

I couldn't answer. It was like a lump had suddenly formed in my throat, something I couldn't swallow. My voice was stuck in my throat and I preferred it that way. I didn't know if I could face them without feeling stupid. 

"Do you know them, Eric?" Jordan asked, pulling me to his side carefully. I noticed the pairs of eyes following me as I tucked myself under Jordan's arm. Riley's eyes were trained closely on me, a questioning brow raising itself.

I clutched Jordan's shirt, his back getting scratched as I tried to gather myself. Okay, I said I was ready for this. Right? Right? Come on. Where's the arrogant you, the confident you? Pull yourself together, damn it.

"Riley, come on. I don-"

"Shut up, Michael. Eric's been my friend since forever. Him showing up means we're all good. And look, he's brought his friend with him. Stop being a douchebag and let me go." Riley scolded Michael, his stern expression making the taller man cower.

I couldn't help the chuckle that escaped my lips. Seeing Michael look stupid was a great way to break the ice. And besides, Jordan was holding me a lot closer so that I was almost hidden by his huge build. My heart skipped several beats from knowing that he was that worried since I hadn't talked even when the odd couple knew who I was.

Better get this over with.

"It's good to see you again, Riley. I see you and Michael got to it so quickly." I said, a genuine smile plastered on my face. It was good to see that my first love was well taken care of by his Prince Charming. Hopefully, I was going to have the same fate as well.

Both Michael and Riley's eyes widened, Riley's cheeks burning up from the embarassment. They both had an aura of happiness as they looked down to study Riley's round stomach. On the other hand, I looked up at Jordan, smiling quietly at him as I said my following words to the distracted pair:

"Meet Jordan, my lover."

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