Chapter 14

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Author's Note:

Happy Valentine's, everybody!!

Ugh, I'm just suffering from a massive attack of cavities! I just watched my father perform the ultimate sweet act of love the night before Valentine's. What, you want to know as well? Of course, I'll share it to you guys. Hahaha~

Well, we just finished having dinner and were just having our usual family teasings. Mostly, me, my sister, and my mother. We were teasing my dad for being a bad lover and not giving our mother flowers for the past 3-5 years. My dad was in the same room and he just took it, not fighting back even when we tried getting him to react. Then, he disappeared so we thought we had won. We moved on with the next topic and forgot all about him, joking around with each other. Minutes later, he shows up with a huge bouquet of flowers that he hid in the car and gave it to our mom while he kneeled down on one knee! One knee, guys. It's been almost 22 years since he last did that.

It shot my heart like Cupid's arrow and I got so teary-eyed. *sigh* True love <3

21 years of marriage and still a cavity-inducing relationship.

Anyway, BookCrazzy, this is for you. Thanks for reading my book and I hope you don't get tired of me! Hahahaha~ Man, you are awesome.

Next up, potatospluscheese. You warm my heart so much for voting and reading my story. I offer the next chapter as a sacrifice to your greatness. Bwahaha!

yaoiChibi out! Peace~ 


"Lover?" Riley asked, looking up at Jordan with curiosity in his eyes. His face was filled with a smile as he shook out of Michael's grasp to reach Jordan, extending his hand out to him. "Hi. I'm Riley, Eric's childhood friend, and that's my husband, Michael."

He gestured his head to the taller man that stood behind him, Riley's happiness filling the air. I noticed Michael was quiet, carefully studying us as Jordan reached for Riley's friendly shake. As expected, Jordan had schooled his features, hiding any confused emotions he was feeling for the unknown couple. It was to be expected. I didn't really tell him anything about Riley. Just the basic fact that I was a heartbroken man and all that. Plus, I wanted to meet them when I had finally gathered enough courage to go through with it. But, not like this.

Never like this. 

Now, I had to try and get my old personality back. The sweet, angelic, he'd-never-hurt-a-fly personality. And that was going to be a fucking problem with my hormones out of control.

"Pleased to meet you." Jordan replied softly, his eyes hardening as Riley pulled away to extend a handshake to me. 

It was beyond awkward. I could feel Michael's heavy stare and Jordan's questioning gaze fall upon my shoulders as I took Riley's friendly hand. His warmth filled my hand, travelling up my spine once I had fully grasped him. Memories flooded my brain, bringing both painful and blissful emotions on the surface.

I thought I was going to break down and cry, just let all the hateful feelings go so I could move on. Then, a wave of relief washed over me. Jordan's grip on my waist tightened, waking me up from the emotional turmoil that washed over me. And I never felt more comfortable in my life as I stood in the same breathing space as Michael. Slowly, I let go of Riley's hand without any heavy feelings.

In a way, this was my goodbye to a love that was never meant to be. He was happy and I had found my happiness, too. Although, I was expecting to be the one holding back an emotional lover. Not the other way around and, unfortunately for me, fate had other plans and made me the emotional lover.

"Wow. So, this is him, huh. I'm glad it all worked out for you." Riley said after a while, still standing in front of Jordan and I while Michael just watched from the side. "I've really missed you, Eric. You don't know how much I've been wishing that you finally show up on my doorstep. It's really great to see you again."

I couldn't help but smile at him. Riley was an angel ever since I met him and I was glad to know I still held a special place in his heart, despite the bastard that he married who was trying hard not to blatantly glare at me. I rolled my eyes involuntarily, looking past Riley's slender shoulders to smirk evilly at the man who stole my first love away.

No hard feelings, Michael. I already said I had a lover.

"Yeah. I thought it was high time I get back to you and see if the bastard over there has made you cry yet." I replied, smiling at Riley. I felt lighter, a heavy burden on my chest carried off to someplace else. The fact that I could look at Riley in the eye and not feel that loud thumping of my heart was a good sign that I had finally let it go.

"You have no idea." He joked, laughing heartily as he wiped the corners of his eyes. His shining blue irises radiant as he looked at me, his hand lovingly caressing his bulge. "Anyway, what are you guys doing here? I mean, it's great to see you and everything, but I don't think you guys came here expecting to see us."

"Yeah. What are you guys doing here?" Michael butted in, his accusing tone horribly obvious as he made his way closer to us. He stood by Riley's side, holding him by the waist again like a snake suffocating its prey.

I knew Jordan sensed Michael's hostility. His icy silver gaze raising the hairs on my skin in alert, making me fully aware that Michael was just asking for a fight with my lover. My fingers let Jordan's shirt go, slipping underneath the fabric to caress his heating skin. He was getting irritated and I needed to calm him down before he did something stupid.

"Well, yeah, this was pure coincidence, Michael. It's not like I was stalking you guys. I told you, I have a lover and we came here because we booked an appointment. It's done and we were just about to head home when we clashed into you. Don't be such an asshole, Michael." I said bitterly, glaring at Michael who was returning the same heated gaze.

The air was thickening with the unwanted tension, a knot in my stomach formed and made me want to punch Michael's prized face. The asshole was just asking for it.

"Stop it, Michael." Riley stomped on the idiot's foot and glared at him. He was furious, extremely furious. I had never seen him like this and it just scared the bejeezus out of me. Now I understand why they tell me that you should never anger a pregnant person. They're scarier than the devil and that was true.

I hope I'd be able to make Jordan feel that same fear. 

"Baby, that hurt. Come on, let's go inside already. I don't trust these two. They could be lying and are just planning to split us apart. I am not taking any chances. Especially with a deceitful man like Eric." He spat out venomously, making Riley's eyes widen in complete surprise that Michael could say such hurtful words.

He was possessive. What else was anyone expecting? It didn't matter. I still hated his guts even when I didn't love Riley anymore. This man was just pure obnoxiousness, making me cringe just at the sound of his voice. He didn't deserve Riley and yet, he got him. Why did Riley have to fall in love with such a guy?

"I don't care who you are, but you have no right to say that to Eric!" Jordan yelled, his usually low voice roared in complete anger. I was quiet, my fingers stopped caressing his back as he moved me behind him quickly. His build covered my own slender one, hiding me from prying eyes. Jordan's brows were furrowed, his blank mask cracking as he took harsh huffs of oxygen.

"Who in the fucking hell gave you the right to talk to him like that? I haven't made a move on your pregnant husband, so I'm expecting you to lay off the insults on mine. He's pregnant, for fuck's sake. Do you think it helps the baby when you look down on him like that, you good-for-nothing asshole?"

The whole area quieted down, onlookers holding their breath as Jordan tried to calm himself down. Michael was quiet, his expression stern and stiff as he eyed Jordan. Riley, on the other hand, was trying to look past Jordan's build, hoping to see me react to all of this.

"He can't be pregnant." Michael argued, pulling Riley behind him as he faced an angry Jordan. "Eric is a safe sex kind of guy and a really pretentious one. He aims to please everyone with that fake personality of his. To end up with you is impossible."

I growled in anger, feeling my hormones shoot up and going crazy as I tried to calm Jordan down. Apparently, Michael still talking wasn't helping at all. I pulled Jordan back when I felt him tense up, his muscles taut as he tried to attack Michael. This was not good. I couldn't let him get into a fight with an asshole like Michael.

"You bastard!" 

Suddenly, Riley pulled Michael's shoulder, turning his body so his fist connected with Michael's gut. He didn't hit the face since that was Michael's livelihood, so he went for the gut. Smart man, as expected. Michael fell to his knees, clutching his stomach painfully as he groaned in pain. I couldn't help the laugh that escaped my lips and so, I let it out for the bastard to hear. This was payback, you idiot.

"How dare you upset another pregnant person? Why did you say that? Can't you see that Eric's happy with him and you dare insult him in front of his lover. Are you stupid?" Riley yelled, his form trembling from the embarrassment or anger he was feeling. I don't know. 

What I do know is that Michael will be sleeping on the couch tonight and that was enough justice for me. I looked up at Jordan's face in surprise when I felt him wrap me in his arms, pulling me into a warm embrace as Riley continued beating up Michael in the background. Scary what a pregnant person can do to you, you know.

"Are you okay?" Jordan whispered, his hand combing back my blonde hair so he could kiss my forehead. I nodded silently in answer, feeling grateful that he had calmed down. His angry face scared me and I didn't know if I could calm him down the next time he got that tense.

"Eric, I'm so sorry. I should've known. I mean, you already introduced him as your lover. So, it was to be expected that you'd get pregnant and end up with the best doctor in the business. Michael's just super jealous right now and I'm beating the crap out of him tonight." Riley apologized, his long auburn hair sliding past his cheeks as he fixed himself up.

"Riley, I'm alright. Anyway, it shouldn't be you apologizing to me." I looked at him solemnly, pulling myself from Jordan's embrace so I faced my old-time friend. Besides, I was thinking of extracting my own revenge on the sharp-tongued dickhead. I pushed past Riley, carefully avoiding bumping him since he was fragile despite that deadly punch. 

"Apologize, you lowlife. I should report you to the police for assaulting a helpless victim. You won't go to jail but your reputation will be tarnished. So, unless you want your fame spiralling down the drain, kneel and beg for my forgiveness." I ordered, lording over him as I crossed my arms across my chest. Michael was still on the floor, clutching his stomach painfully as he looked up at me.

The evil grin slid on my face. That's it. He should be kissing the ground I walk on for being even this considerate to him. And, let's just say I had a little help in getting Michael to prostrate himself as he halfheartedly apologized. That was good enough for me, so what the heck.

Besides, I was a different person now.

I reached my hand to him, offering it so I could pull him up. He stared at it, confused and wary at the same time. I just smiled, keeping my hand there until he took it. I knew he wanted proof that I had finally moved on from Riley, and I wasn't going to deny him that. This way, I can finally slay all my demons.

"I'm in love with Jordan, Michael." I began when he took my hand and I pulled him up to his feet. His eyes looked into mine, his guarded expression still on his face. "He's my everything like how Riley is yours. You understand why he got angry at you and I'm not going to apologize for that. You deserved it. And you deserve to hear this too. I'm six weeks pregnant with his child, and I love him. I'm no longer chasing a love that has no fulfillment. So, I'd appreciate if you just backed off from me. I don't like seeing Jordan angry, it scares me."

He kept his gaze on me, watching me even as I walked back to a quiet Riley. Riley was stunned and it was a good sign for me to continue with what I was saying. Grabbing Jordan's hand once I reached his side, I breathed out a sigh of relief.

"I'll keep in contact with you for sure, Riley. See you guys around. Come on, Jordan. I'm hungry." I said, dragging my bear out of the scandalizing encounter. It was a good thing that the floor was heavily guarded against the media. That way, Michael still keeps his reputation squeaky clean.

"See you around, Eric!" Riley called out as we entered the elevator, waving his hand as the door slowly closed and the ride commenced.

The drive home was silent, Jordan uncharacteristically tense. I knew I had to explain who the pair was and why Michael reacted so strongly towards me. But, a discussion like that in a car was just asking for an accident. So, I settled down until we got home, passing by a pizza parlor to grab a pepperoni pizza. I said I was starved, didn't I?

"Who was that guy, Eric?" Jordan asked, his mask fully removed from his face as faced me with a furious glint in his eyes once we had settled in the bedroom. "Do you know them?"

I sighed out, thinking this was the perfect time to explain everything. So, I nodded in reply to his question and started relaying the relationship the three of us shared. He wasn't happy, to say the least. Hell, if looks could kill, the coffee table just across my bed would've been smashed to tiny bits and pieces by now. 

"That pregnant guy was your ex-lover? The same lover that broke your heart and drove you to the hospital?" He asked, his hand rubbing his face tiredly as I leant my head on his shoulder. 

"Yeah, but I moved on from that. I only love you now. So, don't let that asshole get to you. He was just protecting Riley from me." I explained, sliding my arm so I wrapped it around his strong arm like a snake.

Jordan clicked his tongue, looking down at me with concerned eyes. I was glad he didn't go berserk on me, it was going to be too much to handle if he did. He kissed the top of my head, nuzzling my hair as we revelled in our comfortable silence. God, I love this man. I really do.

"I love you, Jordan." I whispered, letting a few drops of tears sliding past my eyes. "If you weren't here, I don't think I would've gotten past him. I'd be stuck in a never-ending cycle of self-loathing."

He hummed in reply, pushing me down on the bed as he crawled over me slowly. I looked up, finding my eyes staring into his grey ones in silent contemplation. I heard him whisper something close to my declaration, his lips catching my own pair in a feather-soft kiss.

"We never did get to continue that craving of mine. Feel up to it?" I asked, biting my bottom lip as I waited for him to respond. And he did not fail me.

He quickly stripped both our clothes, leaving me open to his wandering eyes. I reached up, wrapping my arms around his neck as I pulled myself up so we could share a kiss. I swallowed the groan he made, sliding my tongue on his bottom lip as I pushed him back so he sat on his heels.

"Oh, baby. I want more. Make me go crazy." I whispered against his lips, settling myself on his lap as he finally sat back. He smiled, the playful aura in the air as I pulled him in for another kiss.

His hand slid down my body, taking a hold of my limp member. I moaned his name, pulling his face closer as I continued our bruising kiss. Jordan parted his lips, letting me wander inside his hot moist caverd as he slowly pumped me. All the while, I let my had slide down his body, admiring the muscles his body had before I reached my destination. 

I dragged my lips down his neck, peppering his hot skin with bites. Currently, I wasn't feeling playful. I needed him hard right now, my ass aching to be used by him.

"Fuck." Jordan moaned, sliding his hand down my back as I continued my descent to his slowly hardening member. "Eric. Fuck!"

My mouth met his sex, giving it a lovign kiss before I swallowed it whole. Why play naive and innocent? He already knew I could take him to the hilt, so there was no need to act shy. But, I guess he enjoyed watching me do the innocent act. 

What a virgin.

I slid my tongue up and down his length, sucking the slit like it was a straw. He moaned loudly, his breaths harsh as he continued sliding his hands down his back. I grabbed the base of him, looking up as I took him in my mouth once again. I held his gaze, tilting my head to the side and pulling my hair back. It got him harder when he saw how I took him in. His silver eyes were glazed over with lust, his nails digging on my back as I coated him with my saliva.

A familiar pool of heat gathered at the base of my stomach, my free hand reaching down to stroke my ignored member.  I wanted to get hot and heavy, too. After giving one final long suck, I climbed back up his body, reaching his lips for another heated kiss. I wanted him to know what he tasted when I took him in my mouth.

"Oh, baby. Suck me off, too." I whispered against his lips, pulling him down with me. He groaned in lust, his face flushed pink as he hovered above me. 

He hummed, his beard scratching my skin in an erotic kind of way as he continued his descent. I felt his tongue give my nipples attention while his hand slid down and pulled my legs apart, lifting them up so my entrance was free for the world to see. I whimpered when he gave each nub a ferocious bite, I could feel them swelling from the love he gave them. 

Slowly, his lips continued their downward journey, licking and nipping the expanse of skin he passed. And finally, he reached his destination. My eager member met his soft lips in a welcome kiss, the warmth of the gesture increasing my body heat impossibly high. Jordan gave one tentative lick on the underside, making me raise my hips for more attention. 

"Jordan, fuck!" I moaned out loud, my eyes rolling back from the extreme pleasure of his mouth coating my erection. A tremble coursed through my veins as I moaned wantonly, my hips moving forward and backward as I fucked Jordan's mouth. 

I looked down and saw Jordan staring up at me, the same thing I did to him as I blowed him earlier. His eyes held mine as he slid up, letting go of my member with a 'pop' to it. He sat back on his heels, grabbing both our members in each of his hands as he pumped them at the same time. I shivered, his large hand squeezing me in a teasing manner.

"I want it. Jordan, I want it." I said breathlessly, moving my hips against his hips as he continued to stroke the both of us. Moans and whimpers filled the room as he didn't relent, his strokes getting dangerously faster. "Jordan, please. Fuck!"

I slapped his hand away from me, getting up and straddling him as he sat with his knees spread wide open. My lips found his and we engaged in another passionate tongue dance. His tongue wrestled mine, invading my mouth like he owned it. Well, I guess, in a way, he did own it.

Pulling back, I looked into his eyes lovingly before bringing my hand to my lips. He watched me spit on it and rub it on his member. There was no time to get the lube because I was aching for the taking. Stupid pun, but it was 100% true.

I climbed on top of him as he sat back more comfortably, his pants increasing as I positioned him just right at my entrance. And teasingly slow, I slid him inside. There was a bite of pain, his size making me regret the impatience I was feeling. But, I wanted him so much.

"Slowly, Eric." He whispered, his hands settling on my hips as he guided the speed I was going at as I lowered myself. "That's it, baby. Just like that."

We both moaned once I had seated him fully, his member throbbing my insides as we waited until I got accustomed to it. There was going to be pain, but I knew the pleasure was going to overwrite it. It always did. 

Another heated kiss ensued and I felt myself relax even more. Carefully, I raised myself and slid back down. His erection dragging my insides so painfully good. I whimpered loudly, whispering his name as I continued with my slow pace. 

"Oh, shit. Jordan. Jordan, baby. God, you feel so good." I whispered, my speed increasing when I felt him slick me up with his precum. 

Suddenly, Jordan slammed me down his hips, the intensity of it making me scream loudly in pleasure. He was getting impatient, I knew that. But, it was so fun to tease him because he made sure I was feeling amazing before he did.

Up and down, up and down. In and out, in and out.

It was a dance we were so used to, a gesture of our budding love. I never got tired of offering myself to him and neither did he. My body was so used to his, so comfortable with his that I knew I wasn't going to be cheating on him with another man. I undeniably desired only him, and he the same.

"I'm close, Eric. Are you almost there?" He muttered, pushing me down the bed as he lifted my legs over his shoulders and took hold of my hips. His attacks became erratic, signalling his oncoming release.

"Yes. Yes. Yes. Oh god, yes." I muttered, my sensed numbed from the intensity of the pleasure he was freely giving to me. "Oh god, Jordan. Fuck."

He tilted me even further, almost folding me in half as he hit a bundle of nerves just waiting to be attacked. I screamed, my pleasure off the charts as he stayed and attacked the same spot over and over and over again.

"Yes, yes, yes. Yes!" Ribbons of white spurted out of my member, the blinding ecstasy in my body making me shiver from it. Oh, fuck. It was so good. So, so good.

Jordan groaned harshly, continuing to pound me even as I was calming down from my high. A few more thrusts and I felt him coat my insides, his grunt of pleasure was the only sound he made as he released his load in me. His sweat dropped on my body, mixing with my own and creating an  intoxicating scent. 


"That was incredible, Jordan." I said, pulling him down for a soft kiss as per our tradition. He gave in to me, his arms unsteadily holding him up. When I had pulled back, he flopped to my side, pulling his member out  of me.

I hissed in pleasure, feeling the rawness of the encounter. He pulled me in his arms, whispering sweet words as he showered me with light kisses. I wrapped my arms around his neck, revelling in the warmth that was him.

"I love you, Eric."

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