Chapter 17

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Author's Note:

Hey guys! So, the poll is still open and, for those who have already cast their votes, you can change them before the very last chapter comes out! ^_^

Now, here's the thing. This'll be the closing chapter for the HANBH story. I know, it's sudden and I didn't give it that much warning. But, I didn't think I'd run out of ideas for the two of them and frankly, I am so not good with angst or drama and the sort. Plus, they're already so in love that breaking them up would break my heart. TT^TT

Seriously, I'm really sorry about the abrupt end. Although, I seriously believe that there's nothing else we can add about them. I will be posting an epilogue about them and that is where I will be revealing their child's gender. As for how the baby will be born, that will remain a mystery. (Seriously, I really don't know how I'd explain it without scrunching my eyebrows.)

Anyway, this is dedicated to ... JJDaemon for being an awesome reader and casting the twin boy vote. Ugh. I'm a sucker for twins. Hahaha. But, that doesn't mean I'll overwrite the majority wins thing so keep voting!

As for the summary for Robbie's story, I'll be putting it up as soon as I get this chapter up as well. Please do check it out. I won't be giving the title yet, so you guys will have to wait until I get the whole summary up! 

Oh, right. Before I forget. After wrapping up HANBH, I will be taking 2-3 days off. I don't know. Maybe to cool the noggin'. Just needed a little time off. I will be back, though, and everything will be back in store. The update for the next story will be the same as this one, so you guys will have an idea on when the next chapter is up!

Thanks so much for reading this baby and I hope you enjoy the next just as much! I love you all, my little m&m army. Let us dominate the world!! Hahaha.

yaoiChibi out! Peace~ 


"I don't see why we have to go." Jordan grunted, buttoning up his navy blue shirt before tucking it in his black slacks. His dress shoes were by the door and the idiot hadn't put them on yet. We were going to be late if he continued whining like an ass and I didn't like being late. "It's just a baby coming home for the first time. I don't know what the big deal is. And, might I add, Michael will be there."

I sighed, slipping on the loose long-sleeved grey shirt over my head. The fight we had last week really did a number on me and I had been sleeping the whole seven days. It was a good thing our relationship had experienced that first bump. It brought us closer as a couple and I was glad to know that Jordan did have insecurities on rare occasions.

Plus, Raphael did drop by the next day to check up on us, as did Elaine. I guess they were worried that we'd break up or something. Can't blame Raphael for being worried, though. Jordan's a big guy and I'm pregnant, you don't know what shit can happen.

Anyway, they dropped by the next day like I said. In different time, of course. The only problem was that we didn't get to answer the door. I mean, it's kind of obvious why we wouldn't answer the door. You'd be stupid to get up and answer a door to people that were worried sick when you were having the time of your life.

They just waited out there until they got tired. We couldn't help it. We were so busy with our make up sex that when they came, I came too. Pun intended, of course.

"Shut up, Jordan. This is their first baby of their marriage, of course they'd want to celebrate Matthew's coming home. And seriously, you got a baby too, you know. You'll understand why they'd set up a welcome home party when your child comes crawling out of me." I replied, combing my hair in place as Jordan sighed out.

It was 12:00 pm and Riley was leaving the hospital in half an hour or so. I didn't like being late without looking fabulous, but I had no other choice. Aside from the fact that it was hard to get my clothes on without rolling on the bed, my sweet and lovable boyfriend had no sense of decency to get good clothes on his smoking body. I had to dress him up like a kid before I even fixed myself up.

"When our baby comes out, we aren't going to celebrate like that. I want it to be just the two of us, walking around as we point out where everything is." He said smugly, pulling his collar so that it straightened out.

I looked at him and smiled, admiring how well the clothes went along with his sculpted body. He still had that scruffy beard and it was irritating the hell out of me. It had gotten longer and he was looking like a fucking pedophile because of it. I mean, come on. A huge guy with a piercing gaze and beard like that would get arrested on the spot. Plus, that fucking thing had been scratching the insides of my thighs the last time we had sex and it wasn't the good kind of scratch.

Getting up, I wobbled past the full-length mirror and reached for him. He was trying to get the tie done and, so far, it was looking like a mess. His grunts of irritation made me grin even more as I looked at him stretch his arms out to catch me. I felt like a baby learning how to walk for the first time. It was both embarrassing and cute.

"Yeah, yeah. You don't want a party. But, what if I want a party?" I asked, slapping his hands away from the mess and taking the fabric as he held me close to his body. He looked down at me, his hands resting on my stomach as I did his tie with mastered skill.

I was a professional model. So, of couse, I had to know everything and anything that concerned clothes and fashion. You could ask me what style was in and I could answer you in a heartbeat.

"You seriously want a party?" He asked in a deadpan tone. His eyes blank as he stared at me in an exasperated manner. My fingers glided over him, ignoring that playful glint in his smile.

A smirk crept up my lips as I smoothed his tie with the palm of my hand. He was just waiting there,  the silence hung as I chose to leave the question unanswered. I felt his hands crawl to the small of my back, sliding sensually across my clothed skin. It was amazing to stay like this, flirting with my lover in nothing but an ugly loose grey long-sleeved shirt and red silk boxers. My pants were on the bed since I couldn't get them on without cursing.

"You seriously want a party?" He asked again, his grey eyes sharpening as he stared into mine.

"What? It's our first baby, of course I want to celebrate with a bang. I can't believe you don't want to do that. But, it's understandable. You weren't the one who's been walking around looking like a whole different person." I answered, placing my palms on his chest as he squeezed me in a hug.

His chin rested on the top of my head as he took a sniff. I swallowed a chuckle from the gesture and let him be. God! What is it with him and sniffing my hair? I think he has a hair or smell fetish.

"That might be true, but can't we have the party after our child settles in. I mean, I'd love to celebrate with a bang but I want you guys in your top conditions." His hands had started to descend lower, his palms massaging each cheek of my ass as he continued sniffing my hair. "With everything I've read, males giving birth are more taxing compared to females giving birth. I wouldn't want you to host a party when you end up looking like shit after the baby's out."

Rolling my eyes, I moved closer, resting my head on his shoulder as he continued his playful teasing. The bastard was right to some degree. Besides, I didn't want to look like shit in a party. That would ruin my reputation as a gorgeous model and I don't want to do that.

A loud moan escaped my lips when I felt a finger slide up my crack, breaking me from my thoughts abruptly. Damn it. He was provoking my horny cravings again and I didn't want to give in. We were going to be late if we didn't head out now. Plus, I was sure we wouldn't be able to leave the bedroom once we got started.

"You idiot, stop it. We need to go ASAP and you playing with my ass isn't going to help us get there." I said, pulling away reluctantly. It was obvious that we both wanted to delve into our desires and all, but we had priorities that needed to be addressed first. Party first, endless rounds of hot sex later.

He sighed gruffly, frowning when he brought his hands back up the small of my back. My body was on fire from his touch and I couldn't believe how easily he made me feel like that. Unknowingly, I raised my head to meet his eyes so I could tell him off. But as soon as I raised my head, his beard immediately scratched the side of my face in a painful manner.

I wobbled back, holding the side of my face that got scratched. Jordan reached out, trying to get me back in his arms but I backed off, raising my hand with the palm facing him. The flirty atmosphere flitted away and we were left in complete awkward silence.

"Damn it. Shave that thing, Jordan. Lately, I've been getting hurt because of that. It doesn't even feel good anymore when we have sex. So, go. Make sure you come out here without any hair around your lips, you ogre." I crossed my arms, a brow raised at him as I waited for him to budge.

Jordan chuckled lightly, patting his shirt to clear away the invisible creases his shirt had. He glanced at me, his mocking glint in his eye getting on my last nerve. Well, sorry. I wasn't joking, you asshole. 

"You're not serious, are you?" He took a few steps back, his brows shooting up his forehead while his voice held his disbelief. I answered with a smug smirk, staring him down until he got the message. "I can't fucking believe this. God. Fuck. You're serious, aren't you? Well, fuck me. Fuck. Me. Damn it."

He took quick steps to the bathroom as I stared at him, biting my bottom lip in annoyance because of his incessant string of curses. The door closed with a loud thud, his mouth still decided to remain stupid as he continued rabting behind close doors.

"Damn bastard. Such a drama queen. You'd think it was a pet he loved so much and was forced to kill it with the way he was cursing." I mumbled, heading back to the bed to get back to my remaining clothing. The silk boxers brushed my skin as I wobbled, kissing my warm skin with every step I took to the made bed.

How Jordan had the time to fix the bed when we had woken up late for today, I don't know. He's just amazing like that and I knew he knew that. Anyway, enough of my praises. I had to get dressed in the next 15 minutes if we wanted to make the 35 minute ride to Riley's place.

I had pulled out my favorite pants and was currently trying to get them on. But, since everything just had to be shitty when you're pregnant, the pants just completely shut me out. Taking it off my swollen ankles, I chucked the garment next to me on the bed. I massaged my joints before standing up, completely oblivious to the fact that my shirt had creases on it.

I eyed the black stretchable pants in disgust, the feeling of utter hatred filled my heavy chest for the pair of pants I had once loved when I was fit as a fiddle. The damn fabric refused to be worn by me, spitting out my legs whenever I had managed to slip them in. It was like it didn't want to be worn by someone as huge as me. I sighed, brushing my face tiredly as I took a quick glance to the digital wall clock that hung by the side.

We were late and it was official. Riley was going to throw a fit just because we weren't there to greet him and Matthew. Shit. I even went a far as telling him that my face was the first thing he'd see as he opens his front door. Damn. What was I supposed to say to him now? Tell him that my godforsaken black pants didn't fit me or that Jordan's beard was starting to look like a hobo's unkempt face so I had him shave it?

I sighed, taking a seat on the bed while I tried to come up with acceptable excuses for being late. It didn't help that Jordan's earlier teasing was still simmering a growing desire inside my body that completely distracted me from getting clothes to work with my shirt. Another sigh and I knew I was getting lazy. My eyes swept back to the discarded clothing, hoping that it would fit if I tried it again.

But, who was I kidding? Even if I stared at it all day, it wouldn't even go past my thighs without being torn in two. 

That's just great. Amazing, in fact.

"Eric, baby, are you ready? We're seriously running late. I thought you wanted to get there before the baby did." Jordan called out from the bathroom, the sound of running water reaching my ears as I pulled myself to my feet. He had opened the door while I was thinking on the bed and that pissed me off. 

Why? I don't know as well.

Standing up, I placed my hands on my hips, cocking a brow at his general directions as if he could see me. Who the fuck did he think was at fault for us being late right now? He better not think it was me or else I will pull his balls off.

I groaned in frustration, tilting my head back that I was looking up at the intricate ceiling fan. Whatever. If we're late, we're late. Nothing can be done about it.

"Eric? You done?" I rolled my eyes, squeezing the bridge of my nose with my thumb and index finger. The asshole was pushing me to my limits and I just didn't know what to do anymore.

Heavy footsteps rang the room and I had the sudden urge to bellow at Jordan for disrupting my thoughts. The feeling of irritation boiled my blood, completely overwriting any other emotion I had in my body. I brought my head down,  my lips already in a frown as I found his eyes.

"You're still wearing that? Where are your pants?" Jordan's voice asked. 

Well. Fuck. Me.

"Hey! Eric!" He called out once again, his familiar brows scrunching in the middle as he looked at me confusedly. Hell, I was the one who was supposed to look confused. I didn't know who the fuck I was talking to right now.

"Jordan. Why in the hell do you look like that?" I asked, my lips parted slightly as I drank in his new face. 

The hair that covered his lips were gone, showing me a completely different man. His jaw had been revealed, showing a small scar on the right side of his face. It ran diagonally and it reached right above his Adam's apple. His thin lips, ones I have memorized by kissing them often, were slightly red as he licked them dry of the water that glistened in the light. Jordan had looked younger, almost like he and I were of the same age. 


Of course, he wasn't drop dead gorgeous and the like. Hell, he was still barely passing the normal threshold for slightly handsome but damn. He was really working that beard-less face right now and, seriously, it was getting me horny.

"What? Does it look weird?" He asked, frowning slightly as he tried to cover the bottom half of his face in vain. I licked my lips, realizing that I had taken for granted the fact that I was satisfied with only touching his lips and not exactly seeing them. It was a completely different feeling just watching his lips move in an almost sensual manner.

"It doesn't look weird, Jordan. In fact, you're getting me horny. Come on. We're late, anyway. Why not give them a good reason why we didn't show up, huh?" I teased, the fleeting irritation gone as I settled on the bed and concentrated on his bare lips. I didn't know he had a cleft chin. That was so hot. And seriously, watching his tongue peek out to lick his lips was just screaming trouble.

"I thought you wanted to get to the party first." He countered, dropping his hand as he looked at me in an amused demeanor. I smirked, humoring him with my desire to copulate. Seriously, our sex never got boring and I loved it. There was always this need and I just hoped that it never died out.

"I did. But then, I looked at the time and realized we weren't going to make it. So, why not be a little late? Besides, I've been feeling frustrated since you started playing with my ass cheeks, so get to it." 

He took quick steps towards me, grabbing the back of my head as he smashed his lips on mine. His tongue swiped my bottom lip hungrily, like I was a candy so delicious that he couldn't get enough of. His arms went around me, sliding down to rest on my ass. 

I took his face in my hands as I moaned, Jordan swallowing it up greedily as he led me to the bed gently. Whispers of sweet nothings reached my ears as his hand slid inside my boxers while I turned to my side. His smooth cheeks heating the palms of my skin hotly made me want to just take him then and there.

But, knowing Jordan, he was going to wait this out. Just like all the other times he did.

Needless to say, we arrived 4 hours late to the party. Most of the guests had already left, a few scattered around as they chatted in a relaxed manner. I was feeling sore and walking was becoming harder and harder as we ventured inside the Riley's home.

"Uncle Eric. Uncle Eric! You're here." Jacob cheered when he saw me enter the extravagant living room, his video game up and running. He was slightly taller now, his hair a lot shorter. You could definitely see that he was Michael's son from the looks Jacob had inherited. 

"Hey there, squirt." I greeted, patting his head as his hands roamed all over my stomach. His eyes had this shiny quality to it that I couldn't help the smile on my face. "Where's mama?"

"Mama is in the kitchen. Matthew's there also." He answered, his tiny hands still massaging my stomach. He was so fascinated that I knew this little guy was going to be an awesome older brother. And if he got married, an awesome husband. But, those are just the assumption of the pregnant. 

"You're late." A deep voice greeted us, the familiar condescending tone making me want to stranglethe life out of the man who fathered Jacob. I looked up to catch chocolate eyes staring at me, the hostility lower than the last time I saw him.

Jordan, on the other hand, had gotten closer. His grip on my waist bruising as I tried to to keep him calm by rubbing his back. I was not looking for trouble, but trouble came looking for me. 

"I know. We had a little something going on that needed our attention more." I replied as calmly as I could, staring blankly into Michael's bored gaze. 

He had walked behind Jacob, wrapping an arm around the shoulders of his son. I knew he did that so I could look for Riley, but Jordan didn't know. My lover took it the wrong way and not even that mind-boggling sex we had was enough to placate him. Damn it.

"Jordan, can you guide me to the kitchen? My ankles are hurting." I lied, scratching Jordan's back so he backed off. For Christ's sake, there was a child in there. I didn't want to show any more bad sides of me to my godchild. "Come on. I've got to congratulate the guy."

Jordan looked down at me, his grey eyes sharpened to a degree that it almost looked silver. He wasn't happy to be here and I don't blame the hostility. Michael was still a douchebag and nothing was ever going to change that. 

I wouldn't blame him, though. If an ex-lover of Jordan's showed up out of the blue and told me that they were good friends, I would lose it just like Michael was doing. However, I never like repeating myself and telling him that Riley and I were only friends wasn't going through his thick skull.

"You arrive 4 hours late and then, end up in a heated discussion with Michael. Eric, what happened to common courtesy?" Riley's voice teased, the slender man popping out from the side as he carried a tiny bundle in his arms carefully.

A smile broke my face immediately as I reached over to him, pulling back slightly the blanket that covered little Matthew up. The little guy was adorable and I knew Riley was proud of that. I was hoping that he look like Riley this time. I don't think Michael could get that lucky and end up with two kids that looked almost identical to him.

"Sorry. Something came up." I brushed off, cooing the baby in Riley's arm as Jordan walked towards Riley. 

"Jordan, good to see you as well. I see you got rid of the beard. Must be Eric's doing, huh." Riley greeted with a smile, his blue eyes twinkling in happiness despite the exhaustion they projected. It wasn't easy to bear another child of the monster, but he was happy to have another addition to the family.

"You too, Riley." Jordan replied politely, a small smile on his lips as I took the Matthew from Riley's hold. Michael was watching me closely, I could feel it. His eyes careful as he looked for any signs that I would drop the baby. Stupid man. 

"Matthew is so cute. I wonder who'll he take after." I said, smiling at Riley before returning my glance to the baby. Matthew had squirmed a bit, soft mewl escaped in his tiny mouth that it was so adorable.

"That is something we'll have to see, now won't we." Riley answered, taking back Matther as I gently handed the baby to him. He took Matt expertly and I knew he was going to have fun raising another youngling. "Why don't you sit down and I'll serve you something to eat."

I nodded my thanks to him, ignoring Michael's stare as Jacob followed Jordan and I to the vacant leather couches. Jordan seated me first, my hips tingling in sweet numbness from the activities we had earlier. Jacob had resumed his massaging on my stomach and I sighed happily.

"Now, I want to see our baby." I whispered to Jordan, kissing him on the cheek as I looked at him with a smile. He smiled in return and nodded, whispering his declarations of love. 

"Don't get me started, Eric."


Mediocre way to end something so good, but it had to be done. I needed a calm last chapter since I planned something sweet for Eric and Jordan in the epilogue. Anyway, thank you so much for reading HANBH. It has been a pleasure and I just don't know what else to say.

Just. Thank you. Really. From the bottom of my heart. ^_^

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