Chapter 12 ~ The Chuunin Exams Part 3 : Final

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The days passed quickly, with many fights.

Other teams tried to take either one of our scrolls, but none prevailed. It was amusing, really, to watch them so desperately obtain something small as this, just to pass the exam. They're fighting would become sloppy after the first few minutes of toying with them.

On the last day of the exam, we found  the tower.

"That was interesting," Itachi commented as I pushed open one of the doors to the tower. Stepping inside, the boys followed me. It was a large room with a giant scroll that had instructions. Quickly reading them, I grabbed my scroll and opened it, before placing it on the ground in front of us.

"What are you doing, Rin?" Aoi spoke up, eyebrows furrowed as he watched, while Itachi just barely smiled.

Moving to the raven haired boy, I unzipped his weapon pouch, then grabbed out his scroll. Opening it, I placed it over the other, diagonal. The center began.. bubbling up.... and Takeshi popped out.  

"You made it just in time." He said, a small smile on his face. "Well.. do you have any questions.. or...?" Takeshi asked as he rubbed the back of his neck. It was strange.

Itachi, Aoi and I glanced at each other before shaking our heads.

'Oh, alright then." Takeshi scratched his cheek. "Well then we just need to go and listen to a message from Hokage-sama, and that's pretty much it. Follow me." Takeshi lead us to a large room where the Hokage was standing in the center, with Jounins around him. Along with two other teams, one from the mist, and one from the cloud.

We lined up, Aoi in front of me, and Itachi behind me.

Every so slowly, the Hokage explained that we were the remaining teams, and that we passed the Chuunin exams, officially making us Chuunin. After he explained the origin of the exams, as well as why we take them, they handed us our new flak vests.

When receiving mine, I sort of just stared at it.

"Rin," Aoi said my name, now facing me and wearing his new vest. "Are you alright?"

I nodded and folded the vest over my arm, not bothering to put it on.

"Everyone's leaving, let's go before we're left behind." Itachi grabbed my hand, then began leading me out, and leaving Aoi to follow. "You're slow, Aoi." He sighed.

Once we were away from the building, we began walking to our respective homes, Itachi keeping my hand in his.

I glanced at Aoi, my eyebrows furrowed when I noticed he was glaring at Itachi.

Aoi sped past us, barely sparing me a glance before he was gone.

"Rin, what's wrong?" Itachi asked, his face contorted into one of worry. I frowned, and looked back at the direction Aoi ran off.

I lowered my gaze before mouthing, Something's wrong with Aoi.

"You noticed it too, huh?" Itachi gave my hand a gentle, reassuring squeeze. "I'm sure he'll be okay." He said with a smile.

I nodded my head, letting out a small sigh. It's odd when he's not his usual self.

"I know." We finally made it just outside my apartment complex. I looked up at the apartment and noticed Kakashi entering the apartment. My eyes widened, and I took a step toward the complex. "Rin?"

I was snapped out of my thoughts, my gaze going to Itachi who had his head tilted in curiosity. A small shade of pink tinted his pale cheeks, making me frown.

What's wrong, Itachi? I mouthed, my free hand raising and pressing to the Uchiha's forehead.

Itachi gently grasped my hand, lowering it and looking me right in the eye. "I'm alright, I promise. I know its our day off tomorrow, but will you meet me in the forest, right outside the front gate?" His eyes never once left mine, and I found myself slowly nodding. He smiled, dropped my left hand and held up his index and middle fingers. I flinched, knowing what was coming, so I closed my eyes.

But I never felt the contact of his fingers. Opening one eye, my eyes shot open and a small warmth spread to my cheeks, wide when Itachi pressed a small kiss to my forehead.

"See you tomorrow, Rin." With that said, Itachi left, leaving me confused as to what the hell just happened.

Shaking my head, I turned and ran up the stairs, and right into the apartment.

Kakashi sat on the couch, book in hand. "Hey kiddo," he greeted, looking up. I was immediately in front of him, checking his body for injuries. "I'm fine, Rin, it was a simple mission, no one got hurt."

I ignored him until I was finished with my assessment. Nodding to myself, I tilted my head to the side, looking him straight in the eye.

"So how were the exams?" Kakashi brushed my fringe away from my eyes, making me wrinkle my nose. He noticed and chuckled. "Did you pass?" I gave him a deadpanned look, then held out my new vest, that I'm positive I'm never going to wear. "I'm proud of you, kid."

I smiled a little, when a yawn slipped past my lips.

"Why don't you go change and take a bath." Kakashi smiled, and gently poked my stomach. "You smell like you need one," he teased. I glared at him, and he raised his hands in surrender. "Alright, alright, I'll make dinner."

I nodded in agreement. Slowly, I went to my room, grabbed a pair of pajamas, and headed for the bathroom.

After relaxing in a nice hot bath, I got dressed in a long sleeve grey shirt, and dark purple flannel pants that were way too tall for me, and pooled on the floor. I blow dried my hair and brushed it out, letting the long strands relax after being kept up. It was a relief to my aching scalp.

I glanced at myself in the mirror, just looking at my eyes. My left eye hidden by my fringe, while my right was standing out. I liked it this way. No one could see just how different I am with my mismatch eyes, the left, a dark red, and the right, a medium shade of blue.

Sighing, I ran the brush through my hair once more, my fingers admiring the soft, silky strands.

"Rin, dinners ready."

Placing the brush on the counter, I opened the door to the bathroom, revealing Kakashi who was standing in the hallway.

"Come on," he guided me out of the bathroom and into the dining room, where plated of food were dished at the table. Sliding into my seat, Kakashi did the same and picked up his chopsticks.

After a quiet dinner, we retreated to our respective rooms, where I fell asleep as soon as I hit the pillow, UsaChan in my arms.

Sorry it took so long
I don't own Naruto

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