Chapter 13 ~ Itachi Uchiha

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Light streamed through the curtains in my room, slowly rousing me from my deep sleep. Annoyed, I turned over and covered my face with my pillow. I sighed, my eyes never once opening, even when the door to my room slammed open, by Kami knows what.

"Good morning, Rinny!"

Mentally groaning, I stayed completely still, hoping that this was only a dream. I heard the curtains being thrown open, and I flinched when small rays of light found their way beneath the pillow.

"Be careful, Gai, she isn't a morning person, you know that." Kakashi's voice sounded like it was coming from the front room, and was followed by a small murmur of other voices.

The pillow on my head was tossed away, and I slowly opened my eyes, blinking them slowly. My sleepy gaze was turned into a harsh glare that I directed at the only idiot stupid enough to wake me up. Sitting up, I watched as Gai shrunk back from my glare.

My right hand raised and began rubbing at my tired eyes, temporarily forgetting Gai was grinning warily at me.

"She wasn't this bad when she was little," Gai muttered, his voice shaky. Letting out a yawn, I pushed my blankets away and tossed my legs over the side of the bed. Standing, I stumbled out of my room, slamming the door on Gai.

Eyes landed on me, watching as I went straight to the couch and sat down, then leaned against Kakashi. Kurenai, who was sitting on my other side, smiled, her red eyes watching me.

Gai slowly entered the room, still very wary, and keeping his distance from me.

A hand was carefully set on my head, and upon looking up, I seen Kakashi smiling down at me from beneath his mask. "Don't kill him, Rin." I sighed, and nodded, pushing my hair behind my ears. "Anyway, I need to talk to you later, so I need you home early."

I nodded, my eyebrows bunching together in a frown.

"Eh?! You're going out, Rin?" Kurenai narrowed her eyes. "Why don't you rest today? You just got done with the Chuunin exams!" I frowned, and turned to Kakashi.

I'm meeting with Itachi Uchiha today.

Kakashi repeated my message to the others then asked, "Why?"

I shrugged my shoulders.

"No way! Rin's got a boyfriend!" Kurenai's eyes widened and she grinned. I felt Kakashi freeze next to me. Shaking my head, I waved my hands frantically, my eyes wide. Kurenai grabbed my left hand and stood, dragging me from the couch, she pulled me all the way to my room.

Forcing me to sit on my bed, she turned to my dresser and started going through my clothes. I glanced at my sketchbook on the table, and grabbed it. I wrote a small message on it, then tapped the table, immediately getting her attention.

"What is it, sweetie?"

I showed the book to her.

It's not a date, he's not my boyfriend. And I'm wearing my normal clothes.

Kurenai pouted, her eyes lowering to the ground.

I wrote again, then tapped the table.

But I guess you can.... dress me up...

Stupid woman and her pout... She always gets her way.

Kurenai immediately perked up and held up an outfit. She had chosen a black skirt, with a gray tank top and a dark purple sweater, along with my usual capri leggings. She handed the items to me and turned around while I changed.

Sighing, I finally got to the skirt, and grimaced. It was a little bit shorter than my regular one...

"You look adorable, Rin!" Kurenai gushed, as she started on my hair. She brushed it out and wrapped a red ribbon around my head like a hair band, and tied a little bow in the top, then brushed my bangs over my left eye. "There, sweetie. I can't wait until you get older, your daddy's going to have a hard time keeping all the boys off of you!"

I frowned and left my room, ignoring her comments while I buttoned my sweater half way.

When I finally made it to the living room, the men barely glanced at me, until I approached Kakashi. My eye was twitching, and I sighed. He narrowed his visible eye, but nodded. I mouthed to him that I was leaving,

Turning, I waved to Gai and Asuma, then headed for the front door. I slipped my feet into my usual ninja sandals, then left the house. I made my way down the stairs of the apartment complex, and headed in the direction of the front gate.

My eyes stayed glued to the sky, until a hand carefully grasped mine.


I frowned, and turned toward Itachi, who was smiling.

"You looked so deep in thought, I figured I should stop you from running into the wall." He chuckled. My gaze snapped to the large wall, a mere feet from me, and I felt my cheeks heat in embarrassment. "Are you ready?"

I nodded and glanced down at the warm hand that still held mine.

"Let's go." He tugged me forward, leading me out of the village gates. "There's something I wanted to show you," he smiled down at me.

I tilted my head in question, and frowned.

Where are we going? I mouthed, watching as Itachi turned his gaze ahead of us.

"It's a surprise." He chuckled, his cheeks dusted with a slight pink.

I eyes him curiously, but allowed myself to be guided.

I wonder where we're going..

I don't own Naruto.
Sorry for the long wait.

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