Chapter Five ~ Hugs

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A Few Days Later

"Is she here?" I faintly heard from the living room where I sat, doodling into my sketchbook. I was afraid I suffered whiplash as my head snapped up, my mind recognizing the voice. Kakashi was back. I heard footsteps coming closer, before two figures entered the room. Gai was grinning, while Kakashi just looked happy. His visible eye softened, and he smiled beneath the mask. 

I scrambled to my feet, desperate to go home. Gai's eye twitched as he watched me grab my book, and race to Kakashi's side, taking a hold of the side of his pants, or well, I guess it would be the pocket. The green man sighed, eyeing me as I practically clung to Kakashi. "Your so mean, Rinny!" He cried. I scowled at his new nickname for me. 

"Rinny?" Kakashi repeated in an amused tone. I pursed my lips, glaring at Gai. "When did you come up with that one?" Gai laughed, looking away from me to Kakashi. 

"A few days ago. She was being a bully." Gai pouted. I peeked up at Kakashi to see him roll his eye. "But we had fun, right, Rinny?" He patted my head, crouching beside me. I raised an eyebrow, though it couldn't be seen through my fringe. "You need a haircut, kid." Gai stated, pushing my hair from my eyes. 

"Tried. She won't let anyone cut it." I slapped Gai's hand away when he began to ruffle my hair. Kakashi's hand settled on my head and I let it stay. Gai pouted, seeing that my favour rested with the silver haired man. "Is her bag ready?" He changed the subject, effectively making Gai go happy again. To a point. 

"Here." Kakashi took my duffel bag from the man and slipped it over his shoulder. "I'll see you later, Rinny!" Gai grinned as he lead us to the front door. "Come visit Uncle Gai soon!" I shuddered and shook my head, stepping into the cool night air.

"Thanks, Gai." The door shut and we were off. Kakashi went to stick his hand in the pocket I had been holding onto until now, but I stopped him, placing my small hand in his, mildly surprising him. "Ready to head home?" I nodded once. "Did you have fun?" Huffing out a breath, I looked to the side. Kakashi chuckled, lightly squeezing my hand. 

As soon as we were home, I was rushing into the apartment. But as my luck would have it, I tripped over my own feet, sending me tumbling to the floor. I was actually lucky that I wasn't a foot to the left, else my head would have hit the corner of the coffee table. 

"You alright, Rin?" Kakashi frowned as he stepped beside me, crouching and helping me up. "Be careful, you could have seriously hurt yourself." He pushed my bangs back from my eyes, and sighed. All of a sudden, I feel this strange need to hug him. And I did. Which surprised him to the extreme. He even fall back onto his bottom. "Rin?" His hand was on my back, seeming unsure. 

Once I pulled away, I just stared at him. 

"Come here," He opened his arms this time. My mouth slightly opened as if to speak, but nothing came out. "It's okay, Rin." My eyes widened when he spoke, seeming to read my mind. It was funny, too. He always seemed to know. I never had to do anything, or even 'say' anything. He just... knew.

Without a word, I slowly stepped into his arms, which encircled me. He was really warm, and I liked it. One of Kakashi's hands moved to my head, smoothing down my hair as his chin rested atop. My fingers, at some point, clutched at his green vest. Letting out a small yawn, I untangled one of my hands to rub at my tired eyes. Kakashi chuckled, and pulled back.

"Come on, you should get to bed, its already late." He sighed, moving to stand up. I just let out another yawn, following him as he started down the hallway to the bedrooms. I had mine, and he had his. "Go get your night clothes on and brush your teeth." I stuck my tongue out at Kakashi and stepped into my room. My twin size bed sat in the far corner to my left, a dresser across, right in front of the door and a small desk in between. It was a plain room for a six year old, but I'm not really a 'normal' six year old, am I? I don't really know.

I went to the dresser and pulled open the bottom drawer, grabbing a pair of pajamas, I changed quickly. My clothes consisted of a pair of dark purple flanel pants that seemed to be two sizes to big, and a big black t-shirt that reached my knees, the sleeves stopping at my elbows.

I brushed my teeth in the bathroom after grabbing Usachan, my stuffed white bunny. The Hokage had given it to me after I came to the village. For some reason, it helped me sleep better at night. When I finished, I clutched Usachan to my chest and peeked into Kakashi's room. He was sitting on the edge of the bed, orange book in hand, already dressed in his pajamas.

"Are you done?" He asked, closing the book with a soft clap. I nodded, and stepped into the room. "Alright, go get in bed-" he cut himself off as I shook my head. I lifted my free hand and pointed to him. Kakashi frowned, but after a moment, a sense of realization seemed to dawn on him and he smiled beneath the mask, a sort of happy look reaching his open eye. "Come on then." I climbed up onto the bed and crawled up to the pillows. Kakashi stood and pulled down the blankets before sitting back down.

Sneaking under, I tucked Usachan safely beside me, waiting for the silver haired man to lay down, which he did a few moments later, after putting his book on the night stand and turning off the lamp. I yawned and layed down completely, Usachan tucked under my arm, while Kakashi just watched me. 

"Night, Rin." I nodded and closed my eyes. 

~The Next Day~

"I'll see you later, Rin." Kakashi patted my head as I turned to leave, going a seperate way than he was about to go. "No staying out tonight." I pursed my lips as I shot him a glare over my shoulder. It only made him chuckle, though as he stuffed his hands in his pockets, and turned to leave. 

I, myself, turned to leave, only taking one last glance at Kakashi over my shoulder, staring at his retreating back for a moment before I actually started walking. It's really sunny today, and I have a feeling something is going to happen today. I'm not sure as to what though. But the feeling is there. 

"Good morning, Rin." I nearly jumped out of my skin as a voice sounded beside me. Turning my head, I narrowed my eyes on Itachi who only smiled in response. "How was your morning?" He asked. I rolled my eyes, and turned my gaze forward. "I see," He said. I was raise and eyebrow at that, but suddenly, the wind was knocked from my lungs and I was on the ground. 

"AH!" Aoi's voice erupted from above me. The weight on my back shifted, and I could feel the air leaving my body. "Sorry, Rin!" He appologized as the weight lifted, allowing me to breath. My hands and knees hurt from the impact on the ground, but I ignored it as I took a deep breath. "I didn't mean to knock you down, Rin.." I pulled myself up, sitting on my knees as I dusted my hands together. 

"Are you alright?" Itachi held out his hands to me, a small worried look adorning his pale features. I frowned, and stood up, ignoring the gesture. I dusted off my leggings and then my skirt. "Aoi, you should be more carefull." He lightly scolded the teal headed boy.\

"I know, I'm really sorry." He looked down. I shook my head and started walking again. There was pain in my stomach, and I restedd my hand against it, only flinching with every other step. There was this soreness inside, and it was uncomfortable. I figure I fell on a rock or something. "Are you okay, Rin?" I nodded, feeling the pain numb to a point. 

"Good morning, Team!" Takeshi greeted as we stepped on the bridge. "Alright, let's go." 

As soon as we were in the mission control room, place, we were greeted by the Hokage. "Good morning," he said, smiling. I blinked and waved at the Hokage, who waved first. "Now, I have a special mission for your team." He spoke, watching me almost carefully. "It is a D-rank. I need you to meet shinobi from the Land of Lightnings Hidden Cloud Village to retrieve a scroll." 

"A scroll?" Aoi asked. The Hokage nodded. 

While the others seemed fine with it, I froze. No one seemed to notice, thankfully, and I took a deep breath. "Alright." Takeshi smiled and turned to us. "Let's meet at the gate in twenty minutes." With a nod, we all left rather quickly. 

I made my way home, and grabbed a bag when I entered my room, very aware Kakashi, who was sitting on the couch reading, was watching. "Rin?" He called out, apparently following me to my room. I packed my bag quickly and slung it over my shoulder. "What's going on? A mission?" I nodded. "What kind of mission?" To that, I grabbed my book and wrote down my answer, as well as the place. 

Kakashi nodded and sighed. "I guess I'll see you in a few days then," he said quietly. I nodded and started toward the door. When my small hand grasped the nob, Kakashi rested his hand on my head, making me look up at him. "Be careful, Rin, I don't care if it's a D-rank. Be careful," his words were spoken so quietly, it almost sounded like he was going to cry. Which was weird because this is Kakashi we're talking about. 

I felt my jaw drop the tiniest bit. Turning around, I let go of the doorknob and grasped the edge of his shirt, tugging it as a signal to crouch down. He did so, and I wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him. Kakashi chuckled lowly in my ear as his arms wrapped around my back. 

"I'm serious, Rin. Be careful." I nodded, feeling this warmth in my chest. I always had this feeling with Kakashi. It was weird, and I don't fully understand it. Maybe I'll ask him when I get back. "Hurry up before your late, little girl." I pulled away and nodded. Turning back to the door, I grasped the nob once more, but finished the task and turned it, pulling the door open. 

With one last glance at Kakashi, I left the apartment. 

Ayame: Here is the update, my loves! I hope you enjoy it! 

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