Chapter Four ~ The Test And Missions

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"Hey, Rin, wake up." I turned over, rubbing a small fist againt my eyes, trying to rid them of sleep. My vision was blurry for a moment before a face in front of me came into focus. It was Kakashi. "Hey, kiddo." His voice slightly raised as he pushed my fringe from my eyes. I sat up, staring at the silver haired man with tired eyes. "I've got a mission," he started. My head lulled forward as my eyes tried gluing shut. Kakashi chuckled, and pushed my blanket away. "Your going to stay with Gai again, alright?" 

I barely registered the words, and managed a nod before I fell forward into Kakashi. He wrapped an arm beneath mine, and around my back, lifting me up. My head fell onto his shoulder. I tried desperately to keep my eyes open, but they fought back as he started moving. A small blanket covered my back and then we were out in the cold. 

I curled into the man, my right arm going around his neck, the other holding onto his shoulder, as I turned my face into the crook of his neck, preventing my poor nose from becomming colder. Kakashi was really warm, and right now, his warmth was the only thing keeping me from running back to my bed. "Gai!" Knocks erupted and I winced at the loud, deadly noise. I would hiss if I could, but my mind isn't even functioning right. "Gai, open up!" More deadly knocks and the the door was ripped open. 

"What is it?!" The over energized voice called, and knowing Gai... he was probably posing... "Kakashi?" 

"I'm about to head out on a mission. I need you to take care of Rin for me." Letting out a yawn, I peeked an eye open. I was still dark outside. "It'll only be for a few days, hopefully." A hand on my back, and Kakashi turned his head, cheek against my hair. "I'll try not to take too long, alright, Rin?" I let out another yawn in response. 

"Don't worry about her, we'll have fun-" 

"She has a team test tomorrow. Make sure she actually gets up." Kakashi interupted the man, ignoring whatever he was going to say.. I could almost hear Gai's defeat as he let out a big sigh. I couldn't see him, but my imagery wasn't too bad. Head down, shoulders slumped, and a sad look on his face. 

"What time?" Gai asked, sounding really devastated. 

"Five," Kakashi stated proudly, probably because he's basically taken on the roll of my father, or my older brother, and has finally learned how to keep up. "And yes, Gai, that is the time she needs to get up. You know how grumpy she is in the morning." 

"Geez, Kakashi, your starting to sound like a father..." Gai snickered. Kakashi sighed, and probably rolled his eye. "Alright, go on, I've got her." Kakashi didn't move as Gai slipped his arm around my torso, and one beneath my legs, lifting me from the man. The blanket shifted until it covered my front as Gai cradled me in his arms. "Don't worry, she'll be fine, Kakashi."

"Don't scare her like you did last time, alright?" Kakashi blanched. I lazily reached my hand out for him, barely paying any attention. "I'll see you in a few days, Rin." He patted my head, and turned to leave. 

"You've really got him wrapped around your little finger, don't you?" Gai chuckled, turning and carefully maneuvering inside the house, closing the door behind him with his foot. "Off to bed, kid." Gai was moving and moving, and then I was layed down on a soft matress. It was as soon as I hit the bed, that I actually fell asleep again.



"Good morning, Rin!" I rubbed my tired eyes as I staggered into the kitchen where the green man was cooking. With a yawn, I sat down at the table, "Sleep good?" I shrugged, head dropping to the table. I heard something slide across the table and lifted my head to look up. "So, who's on your team?"

Huffing out a breath, I glared at my sketchbook, along with the pencil. Gai laughed, seeming to notice the heated look I was giving the book. A plate was set down in my line of sight, however, preventing me from mentally destroying the thing. 

"Eat up, you have a big day today!" Rolling my eyes, I sat up and picked up the fork, already dreading my stay with Gai. The green man sat down opposite me at the table, beginning to eat his own breakfast. I finished mine quickly and grabbed my book and pencil from the table, having to stand on my toes to reach it. "Your leaving already?" I nodded and turned to the door. 

"Be careful and be back before dark!" He called as I left, closing the door behind me. Starting down the path, I sighed. 

Last night had been a crazy rollercoaster of memories. Ones that I didn't want to remember. But they flooded my mind, and din't go away. I ended up crying myself into a dreamless sleep, that is, until Kakashi woke me up to take me to Gai's. I hate when he does that, especially when I don't need that overgrown man-child to look after me. I can take care of myself. 

"Rin!" I jumped, snapping out of my thoughts when my name was called. I turned, frowning as Itachi rushed up beside me, before falling into step. "Good morning." He smiled, panting slightly. Nodding, I tilted my head in confusion. Why was he rushing after me?  "How are-" 

"HEY GUYS!" Aoi's all too loud voice echoed through the mostly empty streets, making the few people that were out, stop and stare at the teal headed boy as he bounced in front of us. "C'mon! We're going to be late!" He made a move to grab hold of my hand, but I stepped around him, ignoring the grabby hand. "Huh?!" 

I kept walking, leaving the two to catch up with me, which they did, quite quickly. It was really annoying how energetic Aoi was in the morning. It was like.. he had a million cups of coffee. It was sort of scary.. to a point. 

"Good morning," Was heard as we stepped into the large clearing of the training grounds. Turning, Takeshi was standing in front of three large wooden poles. "Your right on time," He smiled. 

"Morning, sensei!" Aoi grinned. I rolled my eyes and let out a small yawn. "Kya! That was so cute, Rin!" I ignored the excentric boy and sat down. Even being up two hours before the meeting time, I felt like I just woke up. 

"Alright, you guys! Your test today, is to get these bells from me." Takeshi watched us very carefully, probably for our reaction. Mine was non-existant. 

"That's is?" Itachi spoke up this time, as Takeshi pulled out two bells. 

"Yes, you may use any weapon of choice, including shuriken." The brunette continued, holding out th bells. 

"But there are only-" A look of realization dawned on Aoi's face, and he grinned. Itachi smirked, and I just yawned. "Got it!"

"Oh, and if you aren't prepared to kill me, you won't get the bells." He's obviously been talking to Kakashi, because the silver head has told me of this test. It's a test of teamwork. "If you don't get a bell by noon, you will be tied to a post without lunch and watch while I eat my lunch." Yeah... he got this from Kakashi.. "You have two hours to get the bells. Anyone who doesn't get one is being sent back to the academy." 

"Let's do this!" Aoi laughed, eye darting to Itachi and I. "You guys ready?" With a nod, we turned to Takeshi. 

"Ready.. Set.... GO!" The brunette yelled. I disappeared and took a spot in a tree, where I had Takeshi in perfect line of sight. He was looking around, rather surprised. 

"Rin.." I glanced in the direction I heard my name called, and Itachi was perched on the branch beside me. I frowned when he looked out into the clearing. I followed his gaze. Takeshi was gone. "He's-" I slapped my hand over the ravens mouth, and held up my hand in a single hand sign. 

To my left, approaching fast. And then, shuriken were thrown. I grabbed Itachi's arm, flinging us from the tree, just as the shurkined hit the bark. "Your good, Rin." Takeshi laughed. "You must be a sensory type." As I landed on my feet, I pushed my fringe back, eyes narrowed on Takeshi, and not caring if Itachi landed alright. I had let go of him at some point before I hit the ground. 

"Guys!" Aoi jumped out, almost making me facepalm myself. "Se-" I ignored whatever he was saying and started making handsigns for a jutsu. "Rin?" When I finished the handsigns, I held up two fingers to my mouth and took a deep breath, then spurt out water, obviously surprising Takeshi. 

He stood his ground in the water, but his eyes widened as large shuriken came after him. Keeping the wire in my hands, I directed the shuriken everywhere he went. "Wow! Your amazing!" Aoi stared in awe as I chased the man around. 

I need a fire jutsu... I thought to myself, glancing at Itachi. Or lightning... He seemed to be the type for a fire jutsu. And the famous Uchiha clan was known nationwide for their Fire Style. The boy seemed to catch on to my un-spoken train of thought and began making hansigns. I brought my hands up, and jerked them into an overlapping position, effectively making the large shuriken jerk and trap Takeshi. 

With a nod, Itachi made his Fire Jutsu. Unfortunately, Takeshi got away, though. When the fire subsided, my shuriken were laying in a heap on the ground. "Nice try, kids." Aoi jumped back and started engaging in Taijutsu with the man. He was surprisingly good, and he was able to knock the older man down, grabbing the bells in the process. He held them up with a triumphant grin. 

"Looks like we win, sensei." Itachi smirked as we stood together, the boys on either side of me.

"Why don't we go celebreate?" Takeshi stood, wiping the dirt from his clothes. "You guys pass." He smiled. "Let's go for dango, my treat!" I huffed out a breath, and nodded. "You guys did great! You got the bells in only a half hour!" He said as we started walking. 

"Cool!" I pulled out my book and wrote somehing quickly before I grasped Takeshi's sleeve in my small hand, tugging hard before I let go.

"What is it, Rin?" I held up my book for his view, also noticing that the other two had stopped as well. "You have to go?" I nodded once, and tucked the book beneath my arm. "Alright," Takeshi sighed. "We meet tomorrow at the bridge. Eight o'clock, got it?" I nodded once more and turned to leave. 

I was really looking forward to my alone time. I usually get time to myself, living with Kakashi and all... But Gai is different. He's nosy. Kakashi let's me do whatever I want..... sometimes..... So I need to relish my alone time while he's gone. 

I hope he finishes the mission quickly.

Here is the update guys! Hope you like it! 

Ja ne my loves~

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