3) Facing

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"This way ma'am." She showed her the way. Another girl took over the receptionist's place and she led Tasha towards the elevator and soon they reached the 5th floor. She took her to a room where she mentioned," Sir she is here." Tasha shivered looking at the person's back. They were the exact features of the person she couldn't face.

"Who?" He turned to see. And Tasha closed her eyes for a second or so ,to open it with confidence but to her dismay he wasn't the person she had thought. Though similarities were there but he was not the person she thought about.

"Ms Tasha Kashyap." She introduced herself.

"Oh I see beauty plus brains. I have heard a lot about you from our company representative. Take a seat please." He gestured her to seat.
"And Manisha send two coffee please."

'Yes sir'

The first thing that came to Tasha's mind while sitting was he must be his brother and the second thing is that she confirmed it reading his name Ronit Raizada, Managing Director on the pla-card on the table and the third thing she did was register the name of the receptionist Manisha in her mind. That was important.

He randomly opened a file from the stack as if he knew which one he had a job with. Reading it he continued asking her questions. "So Miss Tasha Kashyap, out of all why did you choose our company?"

A smile swayed through her lips.
'Your company chose me out of many employees, I didn't.'
He smiled back thinking how stupid question he put before her, but that was the usual way to ask at interview, he thought.

"But ultimately this Monday you chose to drive here to our company, didn't you?"

Her file of resume and CVs on the table, her handbag down beside her chair, her fingers crossed on the table and her interest to his questions was evident from her posture.
'Sir, to be frank, I didn't choose this company. Infact I chose over a dual degree within a stipulated time. And of course your company is a great platform that can enhance my abilities.'

"You are hell bound on not accepting that you have chosen us!" Shambhav Raizada had been trying a lot to make her speak what the company wanted to hear about itself.

'It's true, I hadn't known I would have to come here for the interview except the name Orient Services.'

"We're happy you didn't lie, praising our company to get the job. Congratulations!" Shambhav stood up to shake hands with her. She stood too and reciprocated.

'I already had the job  didn't I? They smiled knowing the truth hidden under formalities.

"You'll be shown your chamber." He rang a bell.

"Take ma'am to her work." He gestured a man in peon costume.

'Yes sir!' The excited Tasha held up her vanity bag and strolled behind the peon with pride.

Hardly had she left the room when Manisha enetered. 'Sir coffee. And Madam?'

"You're late again Manisha." He sang the words to her.


Days passed by and her project proceeded in full-fledged manner yet Tasha was growing restless with each growing day. She hadn't met the person she didn't want to. But it is his company, he owns it, doesn't he?- she thought. But thinking is a lazy man's job and here Tasha worked for long time these days. Work kept her occupied until one fine day-

"Ma'am its going to be 7PM. Shouldn't you leave?", asked Manisha all ready to leave the office but with a concern on her face for Tasha working non-stop since afternoon. Tasha had to present a PPT tomorrow to catch the eyes of the clients. She had to finish it anyhow today.

"I will need one more hour. The security guard will stay to lock the office so I'm not alone." She smiled hiding the scary emotions she had on being alone.

'You sure?'

"Yep." She tried acting cool and that worked well with Manisha. Convincing Manisha was the easy part. But how would she convince herself that there aren't any paranormal activities in the lonely dark rooms of office after the working hours? She thought it was better to concentrate on work than something that's imaginary.

She went on typing, designing the power point presentation for the next day, something irked her on her right. She immediately turned that side to look for that. It felt as if someone looked at her through glasses of her chamber. On not finding anything she gasped. But this was final, she couldn't take it anymore, that was all the bravery she had.

Immediately she picked up the dialer called,"Security. 3rd floor 3A-54 please."

'Sure madam!'

She packed her vanity bag piling up everything inside it. Pushing her laptop into its bag, leaving the desk as it is, she stood to reach the lift. She counted her every breathe as she passed each chamber. "53, 52, 51, fif..... loud thud....bam...boom..!"

As she was about to leave, the noise stopped her, she turned to her right to where the noise came from. Among the darkness that was the only room lit. That put her in dilemma now, should she go and check? Or save her life and run? Clasping her purse to her right shoulder she pressed her feet tight on the floor with each step. That day she chose the road less travelled by.

Mustering up all the left out courage she trotted towards the lit up room. Unbolting the door as she kept it ajar to accommodate the view within the field of her eyes, she unexpectedly met the ghost of her life she was running from since last few years.


"Tasha?" His surprise wasn't for seeing her there. He knew it already she worked under him, infact he was the one to make her join his company. But what astonished him was she was working this late, this hard for herself.

"You work here?" She shook her head several times realising what she asked. "I mean of course you own all of this....I ..I just....joinn..."

"How are you?" In order to keeping her mind ignorant of plans he executed on her, he asked that way, a different question.

"I am, as I look." She smiled more wide, she was in a way more happy to find him again. Her friend again. "How about you?" She realised to ask him.

"What do you think?"

"Well you seem successful, established."
Her hands in air indicating his office all around she further spoke,"And of course still achieving."

He nodded and smiled. "Why are you working this late here? Why didn't you go home?"

"I could ask you the same too." She spoke shrugging her shoulders.

"Well I'm the boss here.", he smirked winning the argue with her.

"After the working hours you are not my boss anymore.", the cunning smile swayed by her lips.

Surrendering his hands up in air he said,"Its difficult to win from you." They both laughed in unison.

"Actually I want to get tomorrow's deal for you. It would be my first achievement in your company." She said all excited yet in a nervous way.

"I was also into last minute preparations for that."

"I met your brother by the way."  Seeing his quizzical face she cleared it further in the lift. "Ronit, I mean. He looks somewhat like you."

"Oh!" He realised and said,"He's my cousin."  The lift reached the ground floor into the parking.

"Ok bye. Its important for me tomorrow,  I need some rest." She said yet none of the souls was ready to leave the situation, the person , the place. Tasha turned to head towards her car in the parking. Only a few steps ....


"Hmm...?" She turned to him again with the smile still imprinted on her face.

"Any boyfriend?" And her smile faded.

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