4) fear

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"Gunnite." Was all that was heard by Vishal. She didn't have any, he knew it. But he asked only to know if he held a chance this time. If she could say she has moved on, only then he would approach her again. She had to only open up before him, tell him she has gotten over her past. He knew she already is over the person in her past but not the fear. That's the reason she is unable to trust him today. He cursed the person again under his breathe for ruining his efforst every time.

"You've to move ahead Tasha. You'll accept me. You will." His love challenged her fear in words that she didn't hear that day. He settled in the car and drove away.


*College days*

It had been just 21 days to her breakup, she hadn't talked to her ex-boyfriend since the whole 21 days. Numbness, silence and failure all at a time had fallen on her. A walking corpse she was all the day long. The semester exams had passed within those 21 days and somehow the good scorer just managed to pass this time although she didn't expect the passing marks.

Her friends had seen a freedom loving girl caged in sadness and hatred. They tried everything they could to bring her back to life. Starting from introducing her to smoking and drinking to skipping classes to watch movies, haunting fastfood, her favourite everyday after class; but nothing seemed to work. Knowing that she was getting trapped in those miserable things of heartbreak, she got worried more and more, but her friends always consoled these were normal and would pass away like other times too. Atleast some trust worthy people were left in her life!

At hostel It was her first Holi, but she wasn't playing. All day long in her room she held the phone to herself wishing his text or call. The case had been different if her roomie had been present and keeping her engaged but she had left for her home during the Holi. A text finally popped up from her messenger although not from her ex, but from a guy named Vishal. The message read a simple 'Hi', she opened the profile to know exactly who the person was. The person turned out to be her classmate, infact the all rounder.

Vishal Raizada the profile name. It had very few pictures of the person, all of them the group pictures and it was difficult to recognize the person among them. Not difficult for Tasha though, he being her classmate. Cute, even handsome and good collections of memes in his profile. Spoke on some recent social issues all in his profile.

With a big heart to move on she replied- hello?

There was a message again from that profile Hey Tasha, Vishal here your classmate!

I know that already. Anything new?- replied Tasha.

Bored already?😂 But I wouldn't disappoint pretty girls. I texted you beacuse our common friend Saloni said you wanted to learn baking from me? Is that true?
He came straight to the point no hovering around irrational flirtings. That was something Tasha really appreciated.

Yeah I want to learn it so desperately. I saw the birthday cake you made for your roomie. The icing was really a new kind. Could you really teach me?
Anything new to learn and Tasha would be there without any doubt. She and her learning skills are as fast as spreading fire in summers.

Okay decided then today evening we will shop the groceries. And tomorrow we start your classes. What say?

Yeahh...! Thank you so much.
The smile glowing from her face was after seen after ages. She shut her laptop with a thud. Atleast something could cheer her up admist the tough times in life. She got prepared for the evening, slept for a while in the afternoon as power nap to refresh for her new classes.


She read the text in their chats again - See you at 4 O' clock in Megamart Mall?

Yeah. - Was her reply.
It's already been 15 minutes past 4 yet she could see him nowhere nearby. That must be a prank, he played on me- she thought. "I shouldn't make a fool of myself standing here anymore", muttered the ashamed soul hidden within her body for being fooled again in life. Why was 2020 so unlucky and full of tears for her? She was about to cross the road when she was pulled back suddenly.

"Where the fuxk were you looking while crossing the road!",he shouted on her. The four-wheeler without any decrease in pace just passed from her side making her close her eyes in fraction of a second.

Perplexed by how she was pulled back and why the person did that; she almost stammered to realise what exactly happened. "I?!? Vishal, I Don't know..I was.."

"Jesus! Tasha! Where is your mind? The car would have hit you. I can't believe what would have happened to my classmate in front of my eyes." Shouting rudely at her he lead her way to the shop and she walked faster to be able to meet the long steps of that tall man.

"I am sorry." She felt guilty and foolish again. Is she the most foolish person in the world? First her ex-boyfriend cheated on her and she believed in him blindly inspite of her friend's warnings. Now a days she was full of jokes and foolishness, lessening her confidence, letting her put questions on her level of knowledge. Was she the most intelligent girl of her class anymore? How a simple heartbreak can bring down the mountain like confidence to kneeling down at knees.

His walks slowed down to her lace . Looking at her he explained,"Sorry for what? For putting your life at risk? Be sorry to yourself girl. You don't need to apologise me. Do that to yourself, because you were going to hurt yourself." Now the girl lifted up her head after what you say like eternity and looked at him trying to receive every word he meant. His ways of inculcating confidence in people worked in her part too.


"So miss let's start from vanilla cake and icing part? For that we need these." He forwarded the list to her. Taking it from him she read it out.

"No no! You don't have to read it and write in exams. Just see one item each time and search for it in the store. I will help you in anyway." He was frocibly stopping his smirk, for pulling her leg.

"I know that." She spurt out those words on him.

"Okay! Go on" He gestured her to lead their way and smiling at her back.

Loitering around the grocery section one by one she was selecting all. It was her first grocery shopping without her mom.
"Sugar done!"
"White flour is maida. Isn't it?",asked Tasha
"Yeah it is..." His mind was on something else, eyes fixed on someone. She looked in the direction to find him looking at his ex-girlfriend   shopping with her new found boyfriend. Tasha had heard a lot about the breakup. There was even a buzz about him trying to commit suicide. Turning around to continue to search for white flour she spoke," Haven't moved on?"

On realising what she asked he felt awkward. He didn't want to discuss it with her, the person a met just a few minutes ago. Who knows if she unlike others wouldn't judge him too? "Let's go we will shop from the other mall. Big bazar is bigger and better and a few meters ahead."

"Okay...But I am almost done with the list. Just to need to pay the bills. I can't start all over searching items, standing in queue in another mall again." She said with a pout requesting him with her saddened emoji like face.

"Fine. I am waiting out."

"No!", exclaimed Tasha.

"What? Why?"

"You are waiting in the queue to pay the bill. Take my debit card." The innocent face she made flickering her hazel eyes melted down Vishal's heart already. "I will grab chocolates for us within the time." Her wide grin was in response to his agreeing facial features to her request.

She is just crazy- He thought.

Hello everyone. I am really sorry for being late. Life had been the toughest these days with emotional breakdown followed by my semester exams, the exam I couldn't do well in. But anyways I have emerged stronger and I am evolving too. I don't know why I didn't feel like writing these days even during lockdown, I thought of quitting. But somehow I got revived with the left 1% interest to write. And here I am posting this chapter.

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