~Chapter 2 The New Beginning~

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Woo hoo~ A new chapter update!!! Alright this took longer to write than it should have. Sorry I was to busy being lazy and procrastinating 😅

Disclaimer-If I owned Fairy Tail Gruvia would have kissed already


I walked slowly along the sidewalk, gripping tightly to my umbrella. The rainfall was strong as usual.

"Today's the day. As soon as I step through those doors, I will no longer be a student of Phantom Lord High. I will be a Fairy Tail High student. I'm certainly not excited, but I'm hoping it will be better than Phantom Lord High."

I looked forward and saw the tall and almost magnificent building. It was certainly a sight to see. Students were running up to their friends, laughing and smiling. Some were studying as they walked. Others quickly entered the building to escape the heavy rainfall.

But this school was not one for the sensitive kind. It may appear pretty and normal, but it's far from that. Here countless rebels and future criminals attend, because well it's basically for anyone that couldn't make it any higher. The slackers always end up here, the bullies, the rebels, etc.

Rumor has it that the group of rebels will pick students to harass. Physically and emotionally. I took one more deep breath as I began to climb the steps that lead to my new Hell. Countless of other students pushed passed me, trying to get to their friends or to their classes.

I just continued to walk, hoping they wouldn't notice me. Luckily most didn't even look at me. Expect for one girl with blond hair and brown eyes. She gave me a small wave and a smile. I felt nervous and looked away. "Someone has already noticed me and I haven't even been here ten minutes" I thought annoyed and felt a sudden wave of dread.

My shoes continued to splash against the puddles of sitting water as I continued to go up. Someone going to complain about the rainfall any minute now.

"Man it hasn't rain like this since last year! It feels pretty depressing."

There it is. I thought feeling not emotions whatsoever.

Finally another student to noticed I looked out of place. He had dark blue hair, expensive looking clothes,and wore a smirk on his face.

"Check out the new chick." He whispered not so quietly to the guy next to him. Must be his friend. "Are you sure she's new? Maybe she's just one of those nerds that pretends they're invisible." The guy responded.

"Nah man, I'm pretty sure I would remember a girl with that appearance." He stated giving her an intense stare.

I ignored their comments. Ignoring the world was one of the few things I was good at.

After what felt like an eternity I finally made it to the the door. I took in another breath. "Here it goes." I thought nervously. I pushed the door open and walked in nervously. I placed my umbrella in my book bag and brushed of my new uniform.

The halls were busy as students opened and slammed their lockers shut. Others were yelling, some running to class. I already feel out of place.

I walked past countless students who looked me up and down and would whisper inaudible words to their friends. Great just great. I ignored them and searched for the office.

After countless twist and turns I discovered I was lost. "U-um h-hi? I was wondering i-if you c-could show me t-the way to the principals office?" I asked nervously to a blonde haired girl that was putting books into her locker.

She turned around and I realized she was the blonde girl I saw at the stairs! "oh yeah of course! Come on, it's right this way!" She smiled and lead me into the right direction.

"By the way, my name is Lucy Heartfillia it's nice to meet you!" She smiled.

"I I'm Juvia Lockser." I responded shyly.

"it's nice to meet you Juvia! I'm still kind of new here too. I only started attending here three months ago." She said.

Lucy lead me to the office. Luckily no one was in there except for personnel. "Well here it is!" Lucy stated.

"Inside you'll find Principal Makarov, Vice Principal Gildarts,and Secretary Laki. But Vice Principal Gildarts isn't here very often cause he's a big slacker!" Lucy said irritated. I nodded my head.

"Thank you very much Lucy-San." I bowed politely and entered the office. Inside a young woman, with purple hair and glasses typed at a computer.

"U-um hi?" Juvia said unsurely. The woman looked up from her desk and gave a small smile.

"Ah you must be Juvia Lockser correct?" She asked pulling out pieces of paper.

"Y-yes Juvia is." She stated.

"Welcome to Fairy Tail High! I am Secretary Laki it's nice to meet you. Anyways I will call your tour guide to come up her and show you around the place." She said as she turned the school intercom on.

"Erza Scarlet please report to the schools office." She ordered as she began to type again.

"Erza Scarlet is overall a good student. She'll be giving you the tour."

I nodded my head as I sat in one of the waiting chairs. The only sound in the room was the sound of her fingers hitting the keys. I wonder what she meant by "overall."

After about five minutes the door opened to reveal a beautiful red head.

"Welcome Erza. Remember the new student you were told about?" Laki asked the red haired female.

"Of course! Is she already here?" Erza asked.

"Yes she's right there actually." Laki said as she pointed at my direction. Erza turned around and smiled. She seemed very nice but she looks a bit intemadating.

"Hello I'm sorry for not noticing you. My name is Erza Scarlet. I will be showing you around." She stated.

"H-hi my name is Juvia Lockser. T-Thank you for showing me around." I said. Erza nodded her head and lead me to the hallways. So far I've met two very nice students. Maybe this won't be as bad as I thought.


So I think I'm going to feature the other couples a little more than I originally planned to. But of course Gruvia is the main focus. Just wanted to delve into other characters and relationships XD

Anyways I hope you enjoyed! Please vote, comment,and share ❤

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