~Chapter 3 A Request ~

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Woo hoo chapter 3! I hope you all will enjoy it 😆

Disclaimer- I own very few things and Fairy Tail is not one of them


Erza-san has shown me nearly every room and building on the school grounds. It was a larger than I expected it to be, but unfortunately I already noticed the rebels. They stared at me and Erza-san as we walked passed them.

I discovered that Erza-san was actually a highly feared person within the school. She sent a glare filled with the urge to kill at anyone that got in her way. God have mercy on whoever looks at her the wrong way.

But Erza-san is also a beautiful young woman, much more beautiful than I... She's also very intelligent. She told me she was advanced in the majority of her classes. As well as already had plans to attend college. Even though I hardly know her. I already strive to be like her. Beautiful, intelligent, strong, and brave. Someone that others could look up to.

"And the last room of the school is the cafeteria. Here is where you are given two meals a day. Breakfast and lunch of course. Now I warn you often a lot of untrustworthy slackers tend to hang around here. So, it'd be best only to come here during breakfast or lunch." Erza explained. I'm grateful that she warned me about THOSE kids.

"Well that's the last of it! I hope you enjoy attending Fairy Tail High and if you ever need anything never hesitate to speak to me." Erza smiled kindly as she waved goodbye. I nodded my head and waved back.

How could someone like Erza be attending a place like Fairy Tail High? She seems so mature and responsible, as well as kind and intelligent. Shouldn't she be in a more advanced school?

I brushed off the thought and started walking to my first class. I looked down at my schedule and saw it read Homeroom. I attempted to navigate myself through the school using the map they gave me.

It wasn't like the map was complicated or outdated, but I was unimaginably stupid. I keep turning the wrong direction. I gasped as I realized I went the exact opposite direction of my destination. "W-What is Juvia gonna do?" I said in panic.

"Hey there, you lost girly?" I heard a male voice say. I turned my pale face into their direction and froze. It was the boy I saw on the steps. He wore the same smirk he wore before and had his backpack (which was a designer type) hanging loosely off his shoulder. I disguised my nervousness with my emotionless disguise.

"Why does Juvia's state concern you?" I said with no emotion in my voice what so ever.

"Juvia's? Well I'm guessing that your name is Juvia then huh?" He asked me and I sighed. This guy is not going to simply leave me alone.

"Yes Juvia's name is Juvia, anyways Juvia would really appreciate it if you'd just leave her alone." I said more rudely than before.

"Now why should I do that? I can tell you're lost and I thought I'd help you out." He said stepping closer to me. I started to back away and felt my body press up against a locker.

"You have about five minutes until you'll be tardy on your first day, dear." He said slyly. I internally cringed at him calling me 'dear'. Though he was correct about me being tardy. It'll be unbelievably embarrassing if I was late on my first day.

"How did you know I was new?" I questioned, processing the fact that he new I was new. He grinned a little more and spoke. "Well I tend to remember the faces of people I see, especially interesting looking people." He stated creepily.

It's true I was different looking. I had noticable blue hair, freakishly pale skin, a fat body, and dead empty eyes. Now I am no longer surprised he remembered my appearance.

"Juvia sees. What is it that you wish to do for Juvia?" I asked finally willing to listen to his words.

"I want to help you get to your class. But only if you do me a favor ok?" He said awaiting for my response.

"Juvia understands what is this favor you wish to ask?" I nodded my head as I asked his for his request.

"I want you to go to behind the gym after school." He stated. "You do know where the gym is right?"

I nodded my head at his question and began to think his request through. Was this really a good idea? I know it's probably stupid but I really don't want to be late on my first day here.

Alright I'm going to do it. The worst that could happen is that I'll be humiliated or beat up a little. It's happened before so I can handle it.

"Juvia's decided that she'll accept your request. Do you wish for her to arrive there today?"

"Actually I want you to on Friday." He answered.

"Why Friday?" I asked confused. Why couldn't we just get this over with today or tomorrow?

"Well I'm pretty busy after school and surprisingly Friday I'm free. Is there something wrong with that?" He questioned with an annoyed expression. I quickly shook my head in response.

"N-not at all I was just curious, sorry." I said hoping I hadn't angered him.

"Nah it's fine anyways let's get going, dear." He said beginning to lead me in the right direction.

"Wait, Juvia would like to know your name please." I can't believe I have yet to find out this guy's name.

"Oh yeah my name is Bora, anyways let's go it looks like we share the same Homeroom so we better hurry!" He impatiently stated.

We both practically ran to the classroom and barely made it in time. He entered the room while I stayed outside. I was instructed to wait outside my first class so the teacher could introduce me. Honestly I would've preferred them not to.

I waited for about two minutes until I saw the teacher. He was a near middle aged man with a slight goatee. "Hey kid shouldn't you be in the classroom?" He asked raising his eyebrow.

"Oh um J-Juvia was told to wait outside the classroom until you introduced her." I nervously answered.

"Oh you must be the new student sorry about that. Anyways my name is Gildarts it's a pleasure to meet you." He kindly said.

He then entered the classroom. Even though he only opened the door for a brief minute, I could already hear yelling and chaos. After a brief moment of silence the door cracked open again. Gildarts motioned for me to enter. I gulped and shakily entered the classroom.

As I entered I could instantly feel several eyes already judging me. I avoided making any contact with them and stood by the teachers desk. "This is Ms. Juvia Lockser. She is the new student you were told about last Friday. Juvia why don't you go and sit next to Lucy-chan." He said pointing to Lucy.

She happily waved at me and waved kindly back. I quickly took my seat avoiding eye contact with everyone except Lucy. "Looks like you'll be my neighbor." She giggled and I nodded my head in response.

I looked in front of me and saw that the seat was empty. I wonder who sits there. I looked around the rest of the class and noticed Bora-san in the back chatting with a most likely friend of his.

Suddenly the door slammed opened revealing to young men. One with pink hair the other with raven hair. One had falled over the other so now they were laying in an awkward position.

"Both of you get the hell up!" Gildarts-sensei said annoyed. The two grumbled as they scrambled out of their awkward position.

The pink haired one took a seat next to some guy with orange hair. The raven haired one sat directly in front of me. I stared at the back of his head wondering who he was. I could fell angry tension radiating of of him and noticed it was directed at the other boy.

I suddenly felt someone poking my arm. I looked over and saw Lucy was the culprit. "I'd be careful about staring at the guy. He's said to have a heart of ice." Lucy said trying to be quiet.

"You know I can hear you." The deep voice said. I turned my head and saw him staring at the two of us. Lucy laughed slightly. "Oh shut it, you know it's true."

"Whatever." He muttered turning away as he read the chalkboard. I saw Lucy beginning to stare at my wrist then. "Hey where'd you get these cuts from?" She asked trying to get a closer look. I hastily moved my arm away and began to come up with an excuse.

"Oh well, Juvia has a cat at home and she tends to scratch Juvia up occasionally." I said giving a fake giggling try to make my lie as real as possible. "That's what I thought they were. Cats can be so mean sometimes." She laughed.

"Do you have a cat Lucy-san" I asked making sure I sounded interested.

"Well actually I don't. I'm unfortunately not allowed to have one." She frowned sadly. "But I do have a friend that ones an adorable one." She said beginning to smile again. I almost wanted to smile too, just to seem happy.

"Alright kids it's time to start class so quite down!" Gildarts-sensei ordered as he began to write more in the chalkboard. I quickly aimed my attention to the board and copied down any important information he wrote.

Even if this school is given a bad reputation, I'm going to improve my grades and try to seem normal.


Thank you very much for reading!

If you enjoyed it please vote and share ❤

(I apologize for any spelling mistakes I got a little lazy with checking for them)

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