laksh angry on swalak marriage discussion ( part-7)

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    Heart connection 😍

       Part -7

Recap ( ragini went to shopping with mauli... Raglak heart connection...mauli calling to laksh.....swalak marriage topic )

Scene begins in laksh heard huge noise from hall he came out of his room to check what's going on there ....his face gave least interest look seeing whole gadodia nd maheshwari family there ...his mind questioned him wt they r doing here in this morning ? Whatever i won't hear their useless talk he thought to himself ...his gaze fell on swasan they r also part of it he rolled his eyes nd about to go...he heard they r speaking about laksh...his feets stopped ....

What they r discussing about me he again turns towards them but not hearing cleared...he moved down to listen further ...

Shomi said .. After all its swara dhadhi final wish dp jii ...we know right whatever ragini done to our family how badly she betrayed us ....its hurts her dhadhi a lot she was worried about her upbringing...

Laksh anger raised hearing it how dare she spoke bad about my ragini he tighten his fist in hand .... But wt made him hell shocked shomi's next word

Ragini left laksh forever she won't come back thinking about her deeds let's fulfill dhadhi final wish to unite laksh nd swara... Let's do their marriage wt say ap jii shomi asked

Laksh eyes widen in shock...he saw swara is blushing...sanskar not reacting to anything...sujji smiled hearing it  like she agreed to it...ap about to say yes.... Laksh shouts wt the hell 😡😡😡

Everyone gaze turns to laksh...

Arrey laksh come we r discussing about u only sujji said smiling...she stepping towards him happily laksh showed his palm to her...stop there chachii not a step again...

Sujji stayed there confused .... Mom wt is going on here he asked calm yet dangerous voice

Laksh betta its an good news your dream gonna fulfill now...we decided to perform your marriage with swara ...

Wt the hell is wrong with u maa he shouts in angry 😡😡 swara scared in his voice... Sujji took a step backward seeing his face

La...laksh betta calm down ...we r just discussing about your marriage .....

Laksh interrupt her.... For wt maa y did u discussing about my marriage now ? Wt's the need tell me ?

Betta ragini truth were out right ? Swara is not at all fault in it so y should we punish her let her live her life with her love...y should we stop her doing that

Laksh stared swara nd replied yes you can... I won't stop her or force her ....

Everyone took breath in relief...

So let's fix your marriage date then shomi said excitedly

Laksh snapped his finger infront of her.... If u wanna do your daughter marriage go ahead...who gave u the rights to join my name with her

Laksh wt r u blabbering betta ...she is ur in law speak to her in respect

Really maa.... Do u wish to see me respecting her...

I respected her once when she is mom of my ragini but not now cz she herself declared ragini is not her daughter anymore so she is not my relation in any away...her only one son in law is standing here ask him to respect her...don't expect anything from me then pure hate for her

Laksh y r u dragging ragini in it...her chapter is over sujji said angrily

Shut up chachii.... Her chapter is not over......its not an book to end the chapter... Its my life ragini also part of it ... She was ,is,will in my life forever don't forget that he said determined....

Shomi got angry seeing this...she tried to play emotionally

Laksh after she done this much y r u supporting her ? Don't u know swara is innocent here... Y r u behind that lier instead of whom love u sincerely

Laksh laughed in sarcasm... Really mrs.sharmishta gadodia ...sorry he laughed loud holding his stomach.......everyone looking him confused...sorry i couldn't stop my laugh in your joke.... He suppress his laugh...

Wt did u said ? Lier right? Yes she is

Ragini is such an big lier she is an mystery if we dig her will get to know many thing ...she hold everything with her...

U may be confused right lemme clear... She lied to everyone she is happy with her family , her pappa loving her a lot then swara ....its an big lie u know ?

Shekhar looking laksh widening his eyes...

She lied she is genuinely happy to see u in her mother place...u loving her like her own daughter...she is a lier he said pouting

Yes swara she lied she is happy to see us seeing together ...she won't felt hurt seeing us marry each other ...such a big lier she is

Swara bend her head down ....

She lied to me also ... She forget me nd be friends forever... Even she lied she is not hurt by my brother mental drama ... Sanskar felt guilty hearing it...

Chachi she lied to us that u r not a part in that game of your son mental are happy with swara...doesn't she lied many...she is lier he said gritting his teeth...

Now say who wanna see me with swara ?

He walked to u wanna marry me swara ? She looked him expressionless wo laksh...

If u truely loved me u never ever come with sanskar swara to hurt me more ...never share room with him before marriage , if u truely respect your sister feelings u never tried to reveal her truth..... U were worried about ur damage image swara not about me nor ragini...she tried to kill u right from that u can understand how much she loved me though u spoiled her life....she sacrificed her family for u right y don't u give her lil happiness ? Does swara stoop so low in humanity ? U were spoke about relationship right then y did u trying to snatch her only happiness through this marriage ? Swara is speechless now her eyes brimmed with tears

He turns to sharmishta nd shekhar i felt ashamed to myself by calling u both maa nd papa once...if i speak with u both again its like killing my ragini again nd again...

Chachii ...u r happy to see me with swara lemme know the reason?

Wo she is good laksh...she loved u sincerely...

Really so if someone loved truely they can live happily its your statement right ?

Yes laksh...

Then wt about ragini she loved me unconditionally more than anyone here...then y r u disagree her to stay here ...

Laksh she is. .stop it chachii i know u played well behind it ur son master plan it all...y did he standing silent here cz he knew well he is fault...more than that u wanna threw swara out ur son life cz she is an bengali am i right ?

Sujji gulped...everyone looking her confusedly her expression itself reflecting her thoughts...

Finally maa lemme ask u one question

Ap nodd

If someone asked u to marri Rp chacha will u marry him ?

Laksh ap roared

He laughed wt maa y r u getting angry ?

He is ur chacha...i am his bhabhi mind your tongue

Wow u got to know this now ?

Ap confused hearing it...

This is wt i wanna make u all understand... My relationship with swara also same...she is my bhabhi..get into ur mind...ragini is my wife... Only she is that's it don't anyone dare to discuss about my marriage again ... He said angrily nd rushed into stairs

But laksh ..she is

Shut up he roared...whatever is true now will turns to lie one day...what u guys thinking as dirty will worship as god ... My ragini will come back to this house like an queen i will bring back her its my promise ... He moved from there determined ....

Everyone looking him in shock...

Y did he behaving like this that ragini did some black magic to our laksh shomi said...

Swara said stop it maa stop brainwashing everyone... It was u manipulating everyone ...u said laksh still loving me can't u see his love for ragini... He can't love me so stop badmouthing about her... She is my sister her happiness is mine too if sanskar like me i am ready to move on with him if he don't ready to divorce him she said clearly

Swara shomi said...she showed her palm...its my life maa don't interrupt ...sanskar u say do u like me or not

I need time swara sanskar said nd left...

Here we could see ragini coin fell into carrom board...yeah i won she shouts happily...mouli gave hifi to her nd hugged her...botj teased adhi....

He pout accepting his failure...

Screen froze

Precap : laksh in mumbai

Guys leave ur cmnts... Sry for not showing ragini tdy ...

Which laksh  dialogue u liked most ?

Do u liked the way laksh spoke with them ?

About swara ?

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