part -6 ( raglak heart connection)

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  Heart connection 😍

     Part -6

Recap ( dhadhi passed away...ragini change herself to bold...laksh done dhadhi final rituals. ..ragini felt strange ... Laksh read ragini letter to dhadhi... )

Scene begins in shopping mall mauli nd adhi selecting dress for ragini but she is giving least interest in it much she try to be strong she couldn't something made her restless...

Mauli noticed it...ragini r u alright ? Y r u sweating like this ?

I am alri...before she finishing her words she collapsed to the floor...raginiii mouli nd adhi shouts loudly.......

Raginiii.....laksh shouts from his sleep...he looked around he is in ragini room still holding the letter of raginii in his hand...his tear marks is there in his face.... Ragini r u alright y do i feel u r not well ? Wr r u raginii ? Did u eat something ? Ur all things is here how will u survive damn ? Wr will u stay ? Y did u took this decision ragini without confessing to me....i won't forgive u for leaving me alone here....may be u were feeling happy cz of ur own assumption after u went i will marry swara nd lead happy life with won't happen ragini i am not gonna be with her... U need me i need u...we need each other... We r perfect in all mistakes u r my life...if u know about dhadhi death news u will broken raginii... Hope i will reach u before u comes to know about it all... I will find u at any cost ragini  he again think determined

Laksh....ap called him... Yes maa coming he wiped his tears nd moved out of ragini room locking it carefully...

Sharmishta saw him coming out from her room...she whispered something into shekhar ears...he nods in understand...

Maa y did u called me laksh asked?
Laksh everything is over let's go back to our house ... He nod ...

Maheshwaries excused them...laksg didn't heed to them just walked out immediately...

Here ragini is laying in bed...mauli sitting beside her tensed...adhi consoled her mouli dear don't be tense on your starting month it will harm our baby...u r an doctor right so u know well nothing serious to her though r worrying unneccessarily...

Adhi i can understand but she is my bestie how could i stay quiet seeing her in this condition... Adhi took her into an side hug...don't worry...

Ragini gave slight moment...mouli got alert...ragini ragini... R u alright?

She open her eyes nd saw adhi nd mouli there...she touched her forehead nd felt she tired to get up.....

No ragini don't stress urself yrr take rest

Wt happened to me mauli suddenly?

Low bp ragini... After we brought u here u got fever ..i was worried for u raginii...

I am sorry ...something keeps disturbing me mauli i couldn't concentrate  on anything...i feel like something happened to the person whom closed to my heart....

When ragini repeated it mouli nd adhi felt they should concern her feelings...

Who is closed to ur heart ragini laksh or dhadhimaa

Both she said in tears....

But dhadhimaa went to pilgrimage so god will be with her ...i was scared of laksh cz i didn't meet him again after that mess...he may be heart broken by my betrayel towards him....

Adhi sat beside her...ragu wt do u want now ? Do u wanna speak to laksh ?

No bhaii he may get angry on me...i can't say wt was going on there ? Current situation... But i badly disturbed by this thoughts...

Ragini wt if he searching u ?

No he won't bhaii after wt i done with i won't show myself to him again...he desrve best in his life ...

Adhi smiled... Ragu gimme his no i will call to him

No bhaii ragini hesitated...

Ragini gimme his no i will manage everything mouli said...ragini looked her in tears...

Atleast u can feel free from this feelings right ?

Ragini shook her head nd said his no...

mouli dial to his no...nd puts it in speaker...

Ragini heart beats were not in her controll... But ring going on he didn't picked it .... Ragini tension increased she clutched her nuptial chain tightly...

She dial again..... Three rings went he picked the call...


Ragini heart fluttered listening his voice...

Beautiful smile came on her lips her eyes sparkled... Mouni nd adhi noticed her happiness they too smiled back...

Adhi asked mouli to speak...

R u alright ? Mouli asked ?

Laksh got confused  ...he checked the no...unknown no is shown...

Hello who r u ?

R u alright ? Hw r u ?

Yes i am fine...sry i can't caught u...who is on another side

Ragini felt happy hearing he is alright...

Hello r u there who r u ?

Didn't u taking xyzz tablets mouli asked to tease him... Hello wt tablet? Y should i take it ? Who r u ?

Arrry yesterday u came to my clinic right for check up...i suggested some medicine to u...y didn't u take it on time man ?

See i think u called to an wrong person...i didn't went anywhere for my checkup...u mistaken check the number again ...he about to cut the call ...

Ragini wanna hear his voice more...mouli noticed it nd added

Hey hey sry.. I think i dial to wrong person mouli said...

That is wt i am saying ...please check the number again...

Ok ok i the way ur voice is sad do u have any problem...she asked to him...

Ragini looking her amaze...wt she upto...? Adhi knew his wife crazy mind so stay silent

Doctor please be concentrate on your patient...please spare me

Ragini suppressing her laugh...

Arrey u can share with me i am an good counseller u know ?

Good to know about u...i don't need ur help i am fine ... Please mind ur own business

Mouli giggled .... Ragini giving killing look to her...

Arrey wt is in it to share with me ...

Laksh got irrittated nd said see if u wanna flirt call to somebody else i am already marrried cut the call nd don't call me again...he cut the call immediately...

Ragini nd adhi starts to laugh in his statement...mouli pout

Did i spoke to him in flirting way ? I enquired calmly right ?

Adhi said but wt to do ur voice  modulation seems ...

Mouli hits adhi.... I wanna tease him that is y he is my jeeju right ? She blabbered

Ragini smile vanished ....

I am sry raginii... I didn't said this to hurt u...

Its ok mouli...he gonna be my husband ever... So u can call him as ur jiiju...but in reality he gonna be someone else...she said it in heavy heart...

Mauli hugged raginii...adhi caressed her head... Don't worry ragu everything will be fine u take rest...

They left from there....ragini remind laksh word "i am married " did he mentioned  about me or used that word to escape from mouli... Ragini atleast leave his thoughts for sometimes... She slowly drift into sleep again...

Here laksh also thinking about the way to find  raginii ? Slowly slowly sleep over took him...

Next day begins ...

Laksh got ready to go out for his personel works suddenly he got disturbed by huge noise..he moved out to find wt is going on there

Gadodias nd maheshwaries discussing about something....swasan also there... Laksh slowly moves he could hear everything ....

We r happy that u r ready to accept swara as your daughter in law... Hope their divorce will final up in few days then celebrate swalak marriage grandly shomi said...

Laksh eyes widen listening it...

Wt the hell he shouts 😡😡😡

Screen froze

Precap : angry overloaded 😡😡

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