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Shivaay knew the cause for his stiff legs which remained immobile now, baring something on them. One spider wife he has got and what else can he expect rather to be ready for baring all her sudden bangs by legs and hands in sleep. To be honest , he's quite used to it already . So no complaints. No more shocked reactions in morning. But the major struggle comes when he has to get rid of her caging legs or sometimes, arms .

He played too gentle and tried pulling his leg which lied somewhere underneath her's and yes , he succeeded. That's when she squirmed slowly to turn positions and threw her arm up above her head paving way for those edged slits of her top to move along slightly ,revealing some part of her white skin there . All this happened within seconds and he couldn't deny but he did see her bare waist , ok a tiny portion there when he looked upon her casually.

He blinked once and remained as though he saw nothing , but soon after few seconds his hands gradually made upto to her dress near the slit and he tried to pull it down without disturbing her . Exactly that's when the dear sleepyhead turned again facing him , only to bring another awkward moment for him. Well , she had actually turned by the side where he was adjusting her top and here comes it .

His very own palm was now buried between her waist and bed .

The strings of shocks as like those from circuits, hit his fingers and his pupils dilated in boom. That soft layer on his palm wasn't the fabric rather her skin . Let she sleep all day even but she shouldn't just wake up now , not to find him like this . He prayed taking a deep gulp . An embarrassed face is what he had to make if she finds out , what? it isn't everyday he comes around touching someone's waist. The truth is , he had never even touched any other girl , shaked hands obviously though but like this ... never ! Maybe that's why he was more nervous , and moreover feeling her bare skin on his palm was actually penetrating a more of sensations into him that his hand was turning chill already. Before anything , he has to pull off now ,he decided.

Being too gentle , he tried to seep out his palm only to stop watching her frown a bit . His fingers brought some ticklish feelings when he did that , for her to scratch near her hip as like she'd do at times of ants . He waited a few more moments until he knew that she was into a good sleep again .

At once he pulled his hand , and innocently clapped in excitement of succeeding at last .

She woke up .

Watching his weird reaction she went dubious . Squeezing her eyes, she pressed her elbow on the bed and got up .

A- what happened shivaay ?

S- no nothing .

He stammered hiding his hand behind which made her more keen .

A- peeche kya hai ?

She peeped to get the view behind and he brought his hand infront immediately.

S- kuch nahi ! kuch ,..nahi

Showing his empty palms he expressed and she can't help but grow suspicious.

A- don't forget , I can read faces . Why am I feeling that you have done something ? You look embarrassed

She spoke leaving her lips to extend in a thin smile. Meanwhile his face went all nervous , how does she find out everything?.. !

S- I don't know what you're speaking about , I'm getting late now .

Saying this he instantly threw the duvet aside and jumped off the bed to soon fade inside the restroom .

' Ye prince ko subah subah kya hogaya ?'
she frowned.

Charu parked her bike at the basement and walked towards the elevator but stopped noticing someone .

Adi .

He was by the other side of the parking lot so he didn't notice her .

What's he doing in her office ? she thought .

She went back into the elevator after watching him leave .

She was puzzled when the receptionist said that Adi had actually come for an interview there .

His father owns his own multi million company and there's no way he would want his son to roam around the city with files for a job. And moreover ,wasn't he watching upon his father's business until few days back? Why ...?

Keeping her bag on the desk , she fetched her mobile and dialed for Praniti aunty .

Pr- hello charuka ?

C- aunty .

Pr- bolo beta ,

C- aunty , I saw Adi at my office today . Seems like he had attended the interview here , why aunty ? Business kyun chod diya usne?

Pr - what can I tell you charu ? His father is very upset with him , you know what he did? He declined all his shares saying he doesn't want to return back anytime, bada jagda huwa tha kal.

C- kya ?

She was literally shocked . Why would he do that ?

Pr- I don't know what to say , uske papa ek taraf aur ye dusra .

C- aunty , can you do a help for me ?

Pr- ji beta .

C- ask him to come and meet me .

Pr- par charu ,

C- I want to talk to him aunty.

Praniti couldn't deny after hearing her insistent voice .

A- gauri mein bol rahi hoon na ? Let me help you ,

G- it's ok bhabi , I'll manage . You might get late , aap jaayiye.

Annika really wanted to help gauri in cooking. It's already a month since she's here in this house but not a single day she has been into the kitchen to cook . Either it will be gauri or pinky .

Well ,she's yet to be aware of the best cook of OM , her very own prince.

She can't let gauri work alone , especially when she's in all need of care and rest .

A- listen gauri ,

G- fine ! We both are today's chefs , ok ? Woah bhabi !,it's really tough to win over you . Pata nahi , baiya kaise...

Letting a huge sigh , gauri complained for annika to oppose immediately.

A- never think that gauri . Even shivaay is one big don in this topic.

Gauri chuckled watching her popping eyes when she said it and that's when they heard Om's voice .

' Gauri , I can't find my phone . Where did you keep it ? '

Annika and gauri looked at each others face and sighed simultaneously. It happens , having the thing right in front they'd be searching everywhere. Not that girls aren't forgetful and all but men are totally different in this . They tend to become blind if they're tensed . Even The Great Shivaay is not an exception in this .

Gauri excused and went to help her husband who had already called for her the second time by then .

Annika twisted the knob to sim mode and stood aside ,chopping the veggies when pinky came there .

Soon the oil popped on getting heated ,which caught pinky's attention .

P- if you're so slow , then maybe we'll get to eat breakfast during dinner I suppose .

Hearing this annika showed a slight frown . One , she herself didn't know what should be added in the oil now . Two , she merely knows what was in gauri's mind of the dish so there's nothing she can do with this boiling oil . And now , the third pressure is pinky .

'What if she comes to know that annika knows nothing about cooking ? Ohh! No, that shouldn't happen. Manage somehow annika ! '

She encouraged herself and continued chopping to pretend being busy with things . If only she had brought her mobile along, YouTube might have helped .

Save me God!

S- good morning mom ,

Looks like the god has planned something already , shivaay entered to pick a bottle from the fridge and stood baffled on noticing annika's defeated face .

P- good morning.

Luckily , pinky's phone rang right then attending which she walked out the kitchen . Annika's pounding heart settled back slowly as she let a deep sigh in relief.

S- annika ? You look terrified . Kya huwa ?

Taking a sip of water , he walked near her . And she replied instantly,

A- terrified ?do I look so obvious? Vo kya haina , I admit. I don't even know the C of cooking and ,

S - but you're the Master in G of eating !

Before she could complete , he countered for her to crook her eyes .

A- wah ! very funny , that's enough for now . Can you please help me with this ? I agree even you wouldn't know much , but you've got you're mobile right ? We'll manage . I don't want your mom to know that I'm hopeless in cooking . Will you help me ?

He watched her face shrink to a small cute thing and smiled.

S- acha ,...ji I neither know cooking.

Expressing this with a sheepish attitude , he pretended innocent .

A- that you don't have to worry of , minus into minus is always plus !

Pointing him then herself alternatively , she cheered while he nodded quietly .

And shivaay acted to go according to the instructions in the video with the dish and annika looked on in full concentration. If there's another situation when she gets caught like this ,she can escape making this same dish . So she has to focus keenly now.

Thus , being all focused on the video she failed to notice the she was actually holding a heated up ladle in her hand . It straightly hit his fingers when she swung it in air casually without watching by his side.

S- sss ahh!

He winced wriggling his hand when she immediately turned facing him .

A- oh my god ! sorry shivaay , sorry .

His hand stopped any movement as she caught hold of it and dragged him towards the refrigerator.

S- what was this revenge for ? I was just helping you sss,

A- chup .

Soon she fetched an ice cube and rubbed it on his finger , clasping his palm with her's.

A- you're so sensitive that just a slight burn already made your skin red . White monster ho tum ,

She spoke while working with the ice , and he shook his head . The adjectives and names she uses for him are always weird.

Feeling him standing quite without responding she grasped that maybe it was really hurting him more.

Keeping the ice aside she took his hand near her lips and started blowing to leave her softly slow breaths and blows to hit his skin alternatively quick, making him realize that he merely felt any pain now.

A- it's so red , bahut dard ho raha hai ? teek ho jayega . I'm really sorry haan .

There was still no response from him . How should he even react after watching her eyes which she had just squeezed in concern as if she certainly felt the burn ?
He looked upon himslef as if he was a small boy , being pampered by this girl here . The way she bothered of nothing rather his wound when she continued blowing, caught his attention . She didn't even look up at him once , but his vision was on nothing but her .

He automatically blinked whenever his finger traced on her smooth lips now and then slightly , which she actually was unaware of . There's no way he could hold himslef firm when she makes that small face , like pacifying him . Something within him starts to melt already on witnessing this side of her .

S- bas , it's fine now . If we both remain here, then all our effort will be burned there .

He insisted pointing towards the stove and she instantly nodded before moving near the counter.

When she was busy mixing the dough , he stood idle wandering his sight on his empty palm . On his pink fingers to be particular. Pain ? no more , but still he stared at the same pink skin for some more time which left a tender smile occupy his lips soon .

She stood leaning aside on the wall and waited for all the people gathered there to settle first .

A- comfortable? Fine , actually Father had asked if I could give a session for you all at the last minute only . And I didn't expect so many people here today , first of all sorry for dumping you all in this small room. I won't take much time, maximum 15 minutes. Ok , so each one here has their own story for getting addicted to alcohol and drugs . For some it might be personal problems and for some others , a random habit which climbed up to become an addiction.

' dekiye , if you have come here to recite a lecture plss tell us , we'll leave . We have seen an hundred of it, harmful , injurious to health . We know all that , don't waste our time now '

One among the group spoke. Annika just silently watched everyone who all seemed to agree to what he said.

Bunch of brainless people, she thought.

A- no sir , I ain't any dubbing artist who'd work for films like , drinking is injurious to health ,Smoking kills , no I ain't doing that . Infact , let me make it very clear now . I need a volunteer, so...yeah , yourself plss could you come to the dias sir ?

' me ? '

The one who just complained , asked .

A- yes plss .

He walked up to the dias and stood beside annika .

A- are you married ?

'Yes '

A- and children?

' a daughter '

A- good . Have you ever thought of your daughter's future , like ,what do you want her to become in future ?

' she tends to be interested in science , so a doctor maybe '

A- what if it doesn't happen?

' matlab ?'

A- what if even she becomes addicted to drugs like you in future ?

' what nonsense? Aise kaise ? No ! '

A- boss , the society is like that boss. Even the most shelled girl will have to face every crucial thing alone only . If she's strong enough she might escape ,but on the weaker side ?What if she becomes like you ? And when you question her , won't she point the same finger back on you . Aren't you the worst example for your own daughter ?

' bas ! '

The man shouted hearing annika's provoking words .

A- you can't even imagine it right ?I'm sorry sir , the way emotions work nothing does. That's why I had to speak like that , plss take your seat .

The room was filled with pin drop silence and the person walked down to his place.

A- so guys , addiction is just a word which we use to convince ourselves. Emotion is what which actually rules a human being . Some here may have come from a joint family , some may have cute kids who are waiting for the chocolates you might buy them when you're back home. Even some bachelors would have made it here today , anyone . Isn't life so beautiful ? Open your eyes and look at the beloved people around you , mother , father ,wife, children ,friends. Every relationship has got its own serenity . Ask people at orphanages and old age homes about this , people outside are yearning for a lovable relation and this group here is so lethargic on getting everything at free of cost right ?! What kind of mentality you all posses haan ? I ain't here to spoon feed lectures , no . Big grown up people like you know everything, but you choose to play blind. I can't do anything of that. What I'm saying is , try keeping your hands off those bottles and stuffs just for a day and be at home with your family. Act! , just act as if you have become the new you leaving any addiction . When you get to witness those happy tears springing out of your mother's eyes when she believes that you have actually changed , you'll feel disgusted of yourself . Even after that if you feel nothing, I can't help but cringe at people like those . A person who doesn't care to respect other's love for him/her doesn't deserve anything in this world.

There was still only silence occupied in the room . But the faces which were annoyed and ignorant just a few minutes back seemed no more the same . Annika sighed and walked out , grasping the confidence that atleast one among the group will change . People are always stubborn , not all can be convinced with words ,she knew that . But still she wanted to do it , because if one would actually change hearing to her , she definitely wanted to help him / her with it . That's what she likes about her job,a supportive hand is what she likes to be.

As soon as she came out of the room, she was crushed in a hug by her dear friend Eli .

A- woah , bas eli ! Chod muje .

E- you know ? When father had requested me to find someone for this session, you hit my mind first. I knew you are a good speaker, but suddenly itne serious kaise ? I mean, you were never like so strict with crowd before.

A- there's nothing which could penetrate a person if not emotions . I had to dig for that, isliye aisa . Result pata nahi , let's see.

E- haan, father himself has a contact with each one's family. He'll update us don't worry. He specially asked me to thank you personally, isliye ye jappi.

Saying this she jumped to hug again and before annika to protest she felt being crushed by her dear bestie .

After a hectic day at the office shivaay returned back only to be pestered by Rudra to join him for video games . After having a big argument he agreed for a single game and so did Om . The trio settled on the couch at Rudra's room to become engaged in the game soon.

Annika who didn't leave the room after coming back home , felt different on not finding shivaay yet . Throughout this month, there's never been a day when he had returned this late .

Maybe she's just thinking much, she shrugged and decided to fetch some food for oreo and walked out .

R- O shivaay baiya ka car crash hogaya !!

Annika stood rooted on the floor when she passed by Rudy's room . His sudden shout caught her attention .

A- ca...car crash ,

At once she dragged herself inside and jumped before Rudy within no time. Omru stood up noticing her sweating face. Poor she , was already worried for him and Rudra's high pitched terrified tone made her mad . She neither noticed the game nor the joysticks in their hands.

R- bhabi,

A- shivaay , car ...crash . Kya huwa ? Shivaay , shivaay kya

S- so you had crashed my favourite car once again, I had just unlocked it. I'm never going to turn you in on my behalf after this Rudy . I'll play myslef ,

He who just came out from the restroom ,complained.

Annika froze listening to his voice from behind, before turning slowly. He looked at her in bewilderment while she took time to gaze at him thoroughly.

S- anni ,annika ?

He made it straight upto her watching the completely frozen her and she can't help but stare at him without a blink even .

She wriggled a bit hearing Rudra's laughter and gulped deep.

R- bhabi! Seriously? You thought baiya ka car sach mei crash hogaya , bhabi how can you be so innocent. Game mei tha vo sab ,

Om - anyone would have reacted the same if you shout like that ,duffer !

Saying which Om smacked his head.

Shivaay grasped everything and realized what certainly happened and why annika behaved as such . He could still find those thin layers of tears which she had retained within her eyes.

A- shit , what a mad I am ?! Sorry I disturbed you.

Pressing her fingers on her forehead, she spoke with a faint smile and shook her head .

Om- you don't have to be sorry annika ,

R- exactly bhabi , I'll try to turn off my volume hereafter. Promise ,

He assured while all she could do was put up a smile and walk out ,not before gazing at him once again .

R- baiya , I've restarted the game. Come ,

And immediately the wet towel which shivaay held ,landed on his face directly.

S- muje nahi kelna,

Saying this he followed annika straightaway.

S- annika , ek second .

A- haan?

She responded and sat on the bed to fold clothes .

S- you're ok ?

A- yeah .

She answered still not looking at him ,and that's it . He cleared all the clothes away and sat by her side .

S- you can fold them afterwards or chod dho I'll do it .But first , I want you to look at me now .Come on ,

He forced insisting it and slowly she traversed her eyes to land it on his face .

He definitely knew there's something wrong .

S- kya huwa ?

With his voice transparenting atmost concern , he questioned and she took no time to answer .

A- I don't want to be like this, but ...pata nahi kaise ? I hate myself for this shivaay , for being so naive and easily fooled . Matlab, Rudy didn't do it deliberately but how can I be so idiotic.
Mein ,

S- hey annika shh,

He held her hand to halt her words and she looked at him like a cute obedient kid .

S - you aren't mad .

A- mein mad nahi hoon? But you always label me as one , don't deny, I know you do that.

Hearing her complain which she did with a grumpy face , he nodded approving her claim.

S - I don't really mean that annika . Fine , I'll tell what I've known of you through all these days . Stop me if I'm wrong . Ok ?

A- hmm.

S - you are the most bravest girl I've ever known annika .

A- you're bowled by the first ball itself.

S- my perception, my words. So chup!

He ordered making a strict face and she kept quite .

S- tum thodi pagal ho , matlab not like as you think . Achi pagal ho tum. You pretend to be unworried , carefree and all but I know that you're much more of an emotional girl . That's what makes you mad at times,yeah good mad at times !

Concentrating on his words keenly she failed to notice the sparks of pride which lit in his pupils when he spoke every word as some other thing caught her attention . His hand looked tightly clasped with her's , she felt good . Indeed, great ! Maybe , she being the emotional one certainly moved him at some point because she has done things which one can not even think of doing , just for people whom she treasures the most . Emotions ,

A- so you can read people too ? Wow !

She asked raising her brows and he shrugged.

S- muje vo sab nahi pata , par maybe I could read your smile.

A- matlab ?

S - your grin is true only if this crown tooth here is visible between your lips when you smile . But it didn't show up when you smiled back then at Rudy's room , so yeah .I knew that you were upset . I can read your smile .

Tracing his index finger above her lips where exactly that tooth lied , he explained with a beaming smile surrounding his face .

S - Believe me ,there's nothing in you for which you have to hate yourself . You're problem is you...you're just ... fine lets leave it , that's what I told you the other day too . Before anything, look after yourself first . Don't let anyone hurt you annika , hmm?

He delivered these proclaiming words in his special soft tone and pressed his hold within her hand before getting up to grab some clothes to change.

' If you be such a Prince whatelse can I do rather loving you ?!!!'

Staring at the same hand which he had just left ,she kissed her own palm and blew contagious flying kisses towards the direction he stood , not to forget that dreamy smile which captured her eyes to lips  that moment.

Be easy to love ,hard to break and impossible to forget 💘


Adi meets Charu.

Shivaay shouts at annika .

Chapter dedicated to Annanyaabitha  PriyaModak  ❤

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