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She kept pressing the click pen on her head continuously , she seemed tensed about the final list of the attendees.An international medical conference was planned to be held at Delhi in a week, Annika had even submitted her research paper recently, it would be a great opportunity for her. After getting graduated she directly started working, and it's already been three years now. There is not much awareness when it comes to her department , like people very likely know what and how to do when things go wrong with any parts of the body. They've got sources to learn all,but the mind works differently and those of today's generation who are not very immune to stress require attention. One such initiative was this conference exclusively for psychiatry. Specialists from different parts of the world have been summoned, Annika was very much interested in joining that.

She kept staring at the screen and reloaded it again and again until she saw a link showing up. At once she clicked it and downloaded the latest sheet which had the names. Alphabetically her's should be at the very beginning, but Anna Clark , Annie Rose, Amanda Joice the m series had started yet she didn't get convinced thinking that maybe Indian names were listed in some other part of the sheet and kept searching.

At a point it struck her, she's not included. Closing the lap immediately, she prepared to go for her regular rounds. Being an optimistic person she has learned to take things light and move on with the flow though it hurt.

A- Sheeba's gaurdian, has anyone come yet?

' not yet doctor, we called them again. Her mother answered, they'll be here in half an hour maybe. '

A- ok.

' And when are you leaving to Delhi doctor, will have to shift your appointments accordingly'

Annika looked up at the nurse and answered.

A- I didn't get in.

' that's impossible, I heard whoever had applied, all made it. I think you'll have to check properly again '

A- you mean, everyone?

' yes'

Something was wrong, Annika thought of speaking to the Dean about it and went to meet him.

A- excuse me doctor

' yes doctor annika, if it's about the conference I have nothing to say to you, sorry. '

Annika smiled faintly.

A- you just said it. Why doctor?

' I told I don't have anything to do with it, the committee goes through the papers and decides that's it. '

A- did you even submit my paper sent you?

' What nonsense!! '

He banged his palm hard on the table and stood up roaring like an animal, he's guilty , Annika confirmed.

' why would I do something like that? '

A- I don't know, you tell me. Cause of the incident with Arjun? Doctor shivaay beat Arjun, I agree but that has nothing to do with this right.

' Enough doctor, I would rather do my work than listen to your imaginary stories. You didn't get it, maybe your work wasn't good I don't know. '

Annika wanted to resign badly that second. Her eyes were teared up but she didn't want to cry in front of this cheap man. After all she has done to this hospital, here this man stands before possesing the guts to say something like this. Her skill and work was being questioned, she hated being here. Personal vengeance, she knew how big bad this could turn a person but she just saw it today. She saw him as a good mentor all these days but didn't realize he was this kind of backstabbing person throughout. She tigtened her fists, only one thought running in her mind, to quit. Say it, say it Annika. For a second everything went blank when she remembered her patients.

Without saying anything, she walked out. Her father's words struck her mind then,
' bad people are everywhere, wherever you go whatever you do, you can't escape from them. Just ignore them until you get a chance to hit them hard . ' These were his words when he had come to drop her at this very hospital on her first day of work. She didn't understand better that day as she had just stepped out of college then, but it is true whatever he said.

Annika came out of the elevator and walked towards the corridor but stopped on seeing a familiar face rushing inside the lift. It was Mahi dragging the stretcher with him. She went close to look by and grew shocked on seeing her father on it. Running in again, she started panicking on seeing blood on his neck, he was unconscious.

A- papa!! Papa! What happened to him?

She questioned still trying to wake him up and here Mahi was completely taken aback, her dad?

A- Mahi!! Why... why is he... Papa!

M- I... I found him on the road like this, chain snatching I guess.

A- oh my god!

He was then rushed to the ward.

M- I have tried to stop the bleeding .

' ok we'll take care '

A- mein ... Mein bi papa ke sa

Annika tried to go inside the ward but the other doctor stopped her.

' please doctor, we'll take care of your father. Please wait outside'

She remained restless, and started crying . Her hands shivered as she saw the blood stains on them. Mahi thought of leaving but seeing her state he didn't want to. He went near her and asked something.

M- should I call your husband maybe? I don't have his number though.

Nothing seemed to enter her ears, she kept watching in the ward's direction desperately. This day was getting bad and bad only. She just didn't know what to do. The scene of her father lying unconscious flashed on her mind again and again, she cried holding her head. At one point, she couldn't bear with it and stumbled , ready to faint. He immediately helped her sit on the chair and gave some water.

She sat there at the same spot for an hour now. Then the doctor came out and went straight to Annika .

A- he's ok right?

' yes, thankfully the wound wasn't very deep. An inch further , it might have been very difficult. It might take time for him to come around, he's alright don't worry. '

Only then she breathed out a huge sigh of relief.

A- thank you so much doctor.

' I think he deserves one too, take care doctor '

She left saying this , Annika then slowly looked at Mahi. Indeed she must thank him.

A- Thank you, thank you very much.

He just passed a slow nod before saying something.

M- good to know that apart from shivaay you also care for others too.

She got angry hearing this .

A- he's my papa.

M- what I didn't mean to offend you . I thought you are ignorant and indifferent towards everyone.

She knew what he meant now.

A- your matter is different, I don't even know you. Why should I help!

M- celene? Wait, Elizabeth? Isn't she your sister like friend? Are you true to her atleast, does she know how you're using me? Look even now , I don't need your help with anything it's just that you need to realize your mistake. Emotional blackmail and all, I am quiet because of celene . If you really understood true feelings and emotions you wouldn't have done that to me. I know you're never gonna help me,all you want is to use me still I'm giving in only because of celene.

A- ok enough just shut up! It's not the time to talk this.

Mahi just smiled faintly and looked away. Then the mobile in his pocket rang .

M- it's

A- papa's

She got the mobile from him and checked. Her mother was calling. He insisted her to attend when she hesitated.

M- you should tell them.

A- after he wakes up, I will.

She swiped the red saying this . She didn't want to keep her mother scared and panicked until then. Let her speak to her father only,she decided.

Annika knew it, he was somewhat right. She did take her friend for granted, Elizabeth trusted enough to depend on her for something but she didn't take it that seriously though. Instead she behaved selfish . She didn't have any bad intentions but still it's wrong. She thought of putting an end to it today.

Raghav slowly opened his eyes and looked around to find his daughter standing in front with tears . She immediately caught hold of his hand and sat to remain quiet for sometime. In those few moments she stared at nothing but him, making sure he was completely fine.

Ra- I lost... the chain.

She hit his hand slightly .

A- that's not important. Are you modelling for a jewellery shop,why would you reveal it out .I was so scared!

She started crying again and he couldn't take that.

Ra- ok sorry , come here.

He hugged her tightly while she sobbed like a kid holding onto him.

She came out to see her mother, Charu and Adi approaching. They seemed very worried.

A- he's doing fine and he has also promised to wear full burka to cover himself from next time onwards when he's on the road.

Adi knocked her head and went in before she comes up with something else.

C- you're going somewhere?

A- have an important work, tum jao I'll be back in sometime.

She replied watching Mahi who stood far away from there, checking something on his phone.

C- hmm.

A- you didn't leave?

M- I brought him here, can't leave without knowing how he is.

A- he's fine. I'm going to OM, coming?

M- now, why?

He was confused.

A- I should repay .

P- Rudy, I tried baking . Taste some and tell me how it is?

She gave him a piece but he denied it immediately.

R- chotimaa please, don't tempt me. You know right I'm on diet, I don't eat cakes unless it's someone's birthday. Wait, baiya's birthday is coming up right. I will eat so much of this cake then!

Pinky went quiet as soon as she finished. Shivaay who was playing with Aryan in the living room noticed his mother's reaction. She seemed excited.

P- of course you can have loads cause it's not only shivaay but Mahi's birthday too!! We have to plan a big party, like never before. Oh my god! He's going to celebrate with us.

The ball which aryan threw now hit his face directly as he was focusing somewhere else.

G- so sorry baiya, aaru!

S- gauri it's ok, my fault.

G- nap nap time, come .

She carried the baby and went to her room. Shivaay watched the clock then, she should be back by now . He then picked his mobile to call her but stopped seeing her entering inside . She wasn't alone though, he went close seeing Mahi walking in with her.

P- oh god! Is that blood on your dress? What happened, are you ok?

Pinky rushed to Mahi and enquired worriedly. Roop who was also standing there remained equally worried but hesitated to show it.

M- it's not my blood, I'm fine.

Pinky didn't like it when he spoke watching Roop and not her. Here shivaay stood with Annika and checked upon her after seeing blood patches on her dress .

S- what happened? Did he do something, did

He looked enraged but before he could do anything she held his hand and pulled him to her side. Watching her pale and weak face, be couldn't stay idle.

S- say something!

Annika wet her lips once and took her right hand to slowly cup and caress his face for a few seconds. Shivaay was completely clueless. She then signalled him to stay calm before she approached Shakthi who was standing near the couch . She looked at Mahi once before speaking.

A- uncle I'm not sure if you and Roop aunty know this already , Mahi is in love with my friend's sister. If you think he's good to decide for himself and of you feel ok about their relationship, I can talk to my f

She was interrupted by pinky immediately.

P- don't you think you're making a mistake annika.

Annika stared at her quizzically while Shakti kept watching Mahi to confirm if all this was actually true.

P-  if you knew this before , you should have come to me first. I am his mother. I don't understand why even now you don't get it.

A- aunty I have no intention to hurt you, I mean yes he's your son but all these years it's they both who took care of him. They would be knowing him better, what's good and what's not ok for him and all that.

P- enough! It wasn't my fault that he didn't  live with me all these years so I won't take this punishment. I won't give my rights to anyone!

She shouted the last sentence looking at Roop, Mahi grew tensed, he walked straight upto annika.

M- I didn't ask you for this.

A- I don't care what you want. If I need to talk to celesty's parents I should know what's the situation here.

P- celesty?

Pinky grew curious after hearing the name, annika gulped deep before answering.

A- Elizabeth's sister, Celestina is who he loves.

P- no way! I am not that broadminded annika, sorry, intereligion marriage? Not happening in our family.

Shivaay sighed in frustration, he had warned this girl to stay out of this. He knew his mom would never accept all this.

A- aunty, we're in 2023 now. All this is very normal.

P- don't! I know you could do wonders with your speech everytime. It worked and it didn't in your sister's case , but this is my family, my son so stand back. You don't have the rights to decide for him. I know how you do this, you lie, you hide things and what not. You can only make mistakes annika. But it ain't happening here because this is about my son! None gets to decide except me.

Pinky expressed herself strong. She didn't care if she was going overboard or even hurting annika this moment because all she wanted was the right, a mother's right on her son. She was very desperate and serious about it. Annika didn't even look up, she kept staring down all the while. Shivaay couldn't take this anymore, he opposed his mom.

S- enough mom, you want to celebrate your son go ahead but I won't keep quiet if you hurt Annika for that. And you, I told you didn't I, not to fall into this !

Annika looked away slowly when he spoke in disappointment watching her.

P- only if she didn't interfere in this. Think before you support for her shivaay, you think all she does is correct. Forgot how she brought the whole wedding down last time by hiding things about charu? She can only hurt people shivaay.

S- stop it mom!! I have told you many times, even you know inside, she's not like that. Blinded by love for you new son here, you can't see anything . These recent days, you kept hurting me, that I took but I can't keep quiet now mom.

P- shivaay, what... are

He shook his head and went to stand with Annika.

S- please mom, you won't understand. Let's leave it. Neither she gets tired of helping everyone nor anyone would stop blaming her, so if at all anything should change I should do it. Kyunki sabke kyaal rakne ke liye ye hai tho iske liye muje hona hi padega na mom. You only told me that, it's really sad you forgot your own words. Now let me make this very clear, I don't care about him, who he loves, who he weds I don't give a damn so we both won't interfere in any of this.

A- shivaay

S- tum chup kar varna mein... stupid!

He didn't wait after that, dragged her out, pushed her into the car and took on. The only plan was to get out of that atmosphere for now.

A- shivaay, shivaay where are we going. Shivaay!

S- Annika for once in your life, please listen to me. Please stop. I can keep running behind trouble everytime, have some pity on me please.

A- papa had an accident today ,  Mahi brought him to the hospital. I wanted to help him.

Shivaay stomped the break at once and looked at her in shock when he narrated this calmly.

S- how, how's he now?

A- fine.

She answered still looking straight at the road. Shivaay sighed and moved close, releasing his seatbelt.

S- ok sorry, come here.

He hugged her. Annika pressed herself on him with her face burried in his crook.

A- I hate today, everyone except me has  made it for the conference. Then papa's accident and all. This day is worst!

She complained crushing his collar within her fist and he just kept rubbing her back.

S- how is that?

A- I don't know.

She chose not to reveal about the whole dean thing.

S- you remember our wedding day annika, how was it?

A- bad, we fought,I slapped you, good thing is we got married.

S- and my birthday, the last one?

A- bad again, we fought, I slapped you,good thing is we went to Goa. You and me alone.

S- deka, every time something happens it gives both good and bad things.Bad tho hogaya , let's wait for the good.

She looked up at him when he completed.

A- good matlab, kaise?

S- if you my wife good girl ki tarah decide to keep you eyes and ears closed for everyone except me and just mind your own business tho good kya best hoga!

She frowned immediately.

A- the shivaay I loved itna selfish nahi tha.

S- you made me like this annika . Kuch kaogi?

She stared at him with extreme confusion.

A- we were discussing something else, and definitely not kaana shivaay. Ears all ok?

S- you looked hungry.

She just sighed and turned looking away , he leapt close to raise her chin .

S- mein chahthi hoon ki ham normal baathein bi karen, hmm?

He requested so sweetly with those alluring eyes piercing through her, she had to give in only.

A- pehle papa se milte hain, aur phir raath ko bahar chalthey hain, hmm?

Shivaay smiled immediately and pecked her nose.

S- that's how good it is when you obey me.

Love is the flower, you've got to let it grow💘


Shivaay and Mahi talk.

Mahi thanks Annika .

Annika wants to study further.

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