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She ran around and played in the sea like a kid while shivaay here stood back , engaged in a call with someone as usual. Annika looked back and asked him to join.

A- shivaay, only zombies hate water. Are you one?

He glared at her and siganlled to wait until he completes the call. She shook her head in disbelief and kept walking that way, like towards and towards water. The limit was crossed and still she couldn't get enough, she went in.

S- one second please, Annika! Annika!

There was no response though, he quickly hung up and ran to her.

S- what are you doing Annika, come here.

He held her hand tight and dragged her back until they were at the shore , water could wet only her feet now. She looked pissed off.

A- if I had to stand on a mopped floor, I'd have done it at home itself. Ye kya hai!

S- kya hai Annika, I was in an important call with the commissioner. Thodi der wait karthi na.

Her reactions changed quickly.

A- regarding papa?

S- we should get him.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and clung onto him before whispering something in his ear.

A- thank you.

Her left leg slipped just then for she fell down along with him , the next wave was so enough to drench them completely.

S- annika...!

Came his whine, more like a child . She laughed at his posture and soon came the other wave.

A- I'm loving this.

S- I've never... Get up let's go.

A- shivaay...!

She sang the word showing her famous pout knowing he wouldn't be able to deny now. Shivaay rolled his eyes in a circle and sighed. Annika started laughing suddenly.

A- shivaay , you are so like charuka man. Even she'd do this mopped flood stunt when we come to beach , she won't step in the water , on the other side papa would go hell tired after running behind me all day. Maybe that's why you were interested in charu first haan , because she's like you?

S- whatever, par shaadi tho meine tumse ki na Annika.

A- excuse me,for that the credit solely goes to my monkey jiju.

He glared immediately and she knew it was time to run.

A- sorry!

Annika couldn't escape from him though, he chased her down , both fell again, with the puddle of water rushing to hit them.

A- shivaay did you see your hair!

No, he wasn't distracted. Locking her hands behind, he pressed his self against her showing a good content of anger on his face.

S- you studied in the same school as charu's, correct?

A- haan tho?

S- why didn't you follow that for college too!

A- haww how mean, you could've chose psychology! See what

He interrupted immediately.

S- Annika I've told you this many times, I can't think of anything apart from you. Possibilities, probabilities nothing. I believe I belong with you so we would've been together anyways.

She smiled when he expressed this seriously.

A- anyways matlab ? Even if I was born in Mexico ?

S- over hai yaar!

A- ok ok , even if I was 10 years younger than you?

S- what's got into you hmm? Come

He stood and then helped her up, she wasn't convinced yet.

A- shivaay! Even if I was annie and not Annika? Shivaay bolna!

S- yes tum annie , jenny , veronika kuch bi hote tho phir bhi ham saath hote. I would've done anything, anything to be with you.

He emphasized holding her hand.

A- kyun?

S- kyun matlab? Pyaar hai.

A- so pyaar hai tho sab teek hai?

S- of course.

A- Mahi loves celesty sincerely shivaay, shouldn't we help them?

His face straightened and he had already left her hand loose , Annika watched it before staring back at him.

S- hmm... don't play these games with me Annika. I'm not your patient.

Shivaay then left her behind and walked to the shore. She grew angry watching that.

A- I won't come until and unless you carry me out of here!

S- don't come then.

A- shivaay I'm serious, I don't like to walk on sand with wet feet.

S- I don't care.

Came his answer, he didn't even turn for she became more stubborn and stood there only. Taking the mobile from his car, he leaned back on the bonnet and went through the content on screen.

Both hot heads stayed like that for 10 minutes now, it was way dark. She lost count of the waves that have been pushing her down , he pretended to not care only. And once again she fell , he shouted immediately.

S- ok enough Annika,come on now.

A- shivaay , you can ask charu if you want. I really can't walk on sand now.

S- stop lying Annika, we used to go to the beach everyday when we were at Goa. You were totally fine then.

A- that's because I was embarrassed to ask you.

S- and now?

A- shivaay are you gonna stand miles apart singing songs all night or will you come and get me even! It's cold here.

He sighed before pulling his pant sleeves up and then walked towards her. Annika automatically threw her arms around him when he was close and kept herself attached with him while he carried her to not make contact with the mud even by mistake .

S- what if I drop you down?

A- I swear,I'll empty a full bottle of honey on your most treasured hair.

She announced fixing her position tight in his arms making sure she won't fall even if he grips out.

S- tho?

A- I really doubt your childhood shivaay, don't you know ,honey makes hair silver?

S- that's a myth, infact many beauty and hair products contain honey as one of the main ingredients. So sad of my dear ignorant wife .

Stating this he made her sit on the bonnet before fetching his blazer for her. She denied but he played stubborn and wrapped it around her somehow. Her anger was clearly visible on her face, he breathed out a huge sigh.

S- what did I tell you Annika? Mind your own business, you were fine for some time because I insisted, then again started your usual work haina?

A- Eli trusts me shivaay, what do you think I should do?

She asked staring into his eyes and he didn't reply for a few minutes.

S- ok... fine. You won't do anything from now, jo bi karna hai mein karunga.

A- shivaay but

S- no ani I don't want you getting into trouble anymore, none thinks twice before raising their voice to blame you and I can't allow that.

At one stage Annika did understand his concern, she passed a nod .

A- chalein phir?

She threw her arms in air asking him to carry her. Shivaay came forward but stopped midway and backed out thinking something.

S- I have a doubt.

A - kya?

S- what if someone tried to kidnap me while you were stuck in the water, would you have come out to save me ?

Annika couldn't help but laugh immediately.

A- I told you are like my sister right, but you know what? Now you sounded exactly like me.

She kept laughing, he smiled too.

S- side effects of being Mrs. Annika's shivaay I'm sure. It's all fate.

Next day

C- so your parents won't agree?

M- celene stop getting hyper first, I don't even care. After my dad betrayed me like this, I don't think

C - what are you saying baby? Your parents won't agree, my parents won't agree because you aren't in good terms with Annika di , the only person who could convince them. Then what? I've told you already Mahi, I saw how my father broke when bethy's marriage news came out. No way I'll do this register marriage and all.

M- oh please Celene let me breathe, your choking me!

He hung up and kicked the floor in frustration. Shivaay who just came to the terrace saw that. Mahi prepared to leave when he found him there.

S- I am ready to help.

His words made him stop, he looked back in wonder . Shivaay spoke without looking at his face while Mahi watched him curiously.

S- Elizabeth's a friend and celestina seems innocent. Mostly I'm doing this for annika's sake, but I won't do enough. Convincing both the families is your job, if at all they come to me for anything, maybe I'll assure them that's it.

M- why ?

S- because I know this girl, she will definitely end up doing something or the other to aid you guys. It doesn't always turn out good for her, helping others.

Mahi suddenly remembered something, how annika used him for shivaay, how she threatened him for hurting shivaay. And here shivaay stood ready to do something he'd never ever want to do if not for her .

Mahi was surprised , what even are these two?

A- what's he doing now maa ?

Me- I gave him the tablets, he's sleeping now.

A- why do you sound so low? Don't worry mummy he's alright . Believe me I personally checked with the doctor, and shivaay's been talking to the commissioner they'll catch that theif soon.

Me- why us everytime!

Annika clearly sensed her shaking voice and worried.

A- maa why are you crying , kuch huwa hai?

Me- nahi, nothing.

A- maa... !

Me- no Annika, mein... I am worried for your papa bas.

A- maa your daughter has a special power you know right, ab bathao kya huwa.

There was complete silence for a few moments .

A- fine maa I'm coming there , we can

She stopped when Meena finally spoke.

Me- I spoke to Praniti yesterday. Charu and Adi have started consulting the doctors but

A- but?

Me- none's ready to give positive hopes Annika.

A- maa charu's not even that old. What's the hurry now,she can start the treatment when she's ready right,is... is Dhruv uncle forcing them?

Me- samjo Annika, the sooner we start , the sooner it ends . Age is also crucial in such things, it's good for us actually.

A- and who said this, you or prani aunty?

Me- charu.

Annika was taken aback for a second.

Me- she's scared Annika. Even today they are going to another specialist. I don't know why we have to go through so much, and here your papa...

A- this girl... We met so many times recently, she didn't even utter a word about all this, Adi too.

Me- don't tell her that I told you all this, she had particularly asked me to not tell you anything.

A- why?

Me- your papa is calling me, we'll speak later, bye Annika take care.

A- hmm.

She kept the phone back on the table after hanging up and kept thinking seriously.

Adi watched her tensed face and grew concerned, he then slowly took his hand down beneath the table to hold her hand.

' Mrs. Charuka, we can proceed with the tests but I want to keep everything transparent with you. Your uterus is weak so we might even need to go with the other options when we start the treatment. Mr. Aditya you should undertake some tests too. '

C- other... What do you mean by other options Doctor?

' There's nothing to fear, medical science is vast today. IVF, IUI, surrogacy there are ways. '

C- no doctor , we did some research too please don't take me wrong but we're not ok with surrogacy. Aap... I am ready, whatever the procedure is I can handle it.

' see that's what I was telling, you might not be able to handle it because you have a weak uterus. Of course primarily we are going to proceed with you only, but I'm just telling you there's this way too. To be clear, surrogacy is not an easy procedure . Rules have been reformed, not all can be surrogate mothers, none is coming forward these days no matter how much we're ready to pay them. So just in case if we have to go for that option, do we know anyone who would do that for you, bear your child? It'll be very good if it's someone who's related to you . '

Charu had tears in her eyes by then, she slowly turned to look at Adi who was equally shook.

Stay where your heart smiles 💘


Mahi thanks Annika.

Annika wants to study further.

Charu and Adi have a tiff.

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Check out my new book - Never a normal story if you have time.

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