A new beginning

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3yrs ago:

??'s pov:

I was tired after a long day at the university. How I wish to come home and have a meal peacefully. Nowadays it's too hard to keep up with my routines. As it is the last year of my academics, there's a lot of pressure from my parents, friends and teachers. 

I saw my mom had cooked a meal for us. Me , mom ,dad and my little brother, my sweet family. We live here in Busan. I'm studying in one of the best universities in busan. I sighed and took a chair to take the dinner. 

"Lia" she called. What's with her? I looked at my mom , who was looking at me furiously. " Do I always have to tell you to wash your hands before eating?  Huh??" She yelled. Ahhh.. "sorry mom " I shook my head and went to wash my hands. 

As soon as I started eating,  my brother came and sat with me. Mom too joined us removing her apron. Soon dad also came to join the dinner. "So how's your day going " dad asked and I nodded "not bad" . We had a wonderful family time together. I am so happy that I have a family who will always be with me.

I went to my room after the meal . After a shower I came out. I opened my books to study. Suddenly my phone buzzed, grabbing my attention. 


"Check this" - unknown 

What's this? I opened the text. It shows a link. Huh?? Who is this? OK lemme check. I clicked the link . It took me to a site. Ah this shit is loading. It is taking too much time. Suddenly a screen flashed on my screen. It is weird. What's this?? 

Huh? It's a video? I clicked it. What? No ! It's not ..! Are you kidding me? It shows a text in bold letters.

"You will die within 24 hours"

This is quite absurd. Ha leave it,this is some kind of prank , maybe from those juniors. I opened my book and started to prepare for my upcoming exam. 

After some hrs,

"A shocking news for people in busan" a reporter said in his mic facing a camera. "A student had committed suicide ". Lia's father, Mr.lee who was just changing the channel stopped. He listened to the news with wide eyes.

It was evening, Lia's dad had reached earlier today than usual. Yesterday he had promised the kids that he would take them on a night trip . Lia's mother too sat on the couch watching the news. 

"So Mr.Choi please tell the details of the death" the reporter asked and the screen showed a person walking with a mic. Mr Lee 's heartbeat raced when he saw the familiar bracelet on the dead body's wrist. But the face is covered with a white cloth.

Mr Lee looked at Mrs Lee who was too surprised. "Aira "he called his wife, who looked at him with fearful eyes. "Call Lia" he ordered. She nodded. She took her phone out and saw several missed calls from lia and the headteacher of the University which she left unnoticed.

She panted and called Lia . But she didn't get any response. "This girl" she mumbled nervously. The teacher called again. The ringtone made her flinch. She swipe up to take the call.

"Hello , Mrs Lee, " the person on the other side spoke. "Y.. yes" she said. She was praying internally that it was not a bad thing. "Come to the university right now, " he said in a low tone. Tears formed in her eyes. "Your daughter had committed-" before he could complete, the phone dropped from her hand and shattered it to two pieces. 

"What happened? " Mr Lee asked, forcefully shrugging her shoulders. She was not speaking anything,  just letting her tears falling , she covered her face with palms and sobbed hardly. "Lia my baby" she cried." What happened? " Lee too started sobbing with her.

She shook her head. He hugged her tightly. "No,  that's not our daughter " he  sniffed. "No Aira,  tell me that's not our daughter " he told while she cried and shook her head continuously. "She won't do it," he sobbed. "S ... she is o..ur daughter..she won't do it, '' he said wiping his tears.

He stood from the couch and forced Aira to get up. "Come let's go to her university, we can go pick her up today" he said cupping aira's cheeks. She is going weak right now. 

Soon they reached the university. They saw a crowd in front, which include police , media , students,  parents everyone. Mr Lee decided to go without Aira as she is a heart patient and she is crying too much now.

"Honey, you sit here. I will come with her'' he patted her shoulder and went outside . He walked through the way through the crowd.  He heard people murmuring about the death. His heartbeat raced as he was approaching the dead body. The police are not allowing anyone to go to the spot.

Suddenly, the university head teacher came and held his hand. "Come here" he pulled Mr. Lee. He whispered something to the police and he allowed them to go to the spot.

Mr Lee 's pov:

No, why are they letting me in. I want to see my daughter. I promised her to take a night drive today. We reached near the dead body. "It's her father," the teacher said to someone and they opened the cloth for me.

I see my daughter, my baby , she's lying, her white uniform filled with blood stains, scars on her face, her lifeless body, pale face Nooo. I looked away. I  Walked backwards with a heavy heart. I heard the teacher calling my name.Away from the crowd, I reached a place where there weren't many . I bend down on my knees . I cried so hard holding my chest. It is so painful........... oh god.. why? Someone tell me it's a nightmare

The memories of my daughter flashed to my mind. The first time she called me papa with her sweet baby voice,the way she used to threaten me , the way she used to nag me when I drank alcohol, the way she smiled at me, her hugs , her kiss before going to sleep. I let out my tears. It flows endlessly. No, my baby, my Lia, why did you do thi..s. 

A/n pov:

He cried helplessly. 

Back to Lee's pov:

After some moments I left from there and went near my car. How will I say this to Aira...? The police had told Me they needed to do some procedure and after that only they would leave the body to us. I entered the car. Aira looked at me hopefully. "Where is lia?" she asked. 

I was forced to smile. "She.. she will come " I said with a heavy heart. She was confused. "She has a project". I giggled "You remember the project she told us about last week?" I asked and she nodded .

"Yes she's into it.. it will take time" I said starting the car. She is wiping her tears and sighed. I think she believed me . For now I had to lie to her . "Well, we can postpone the night drive for another day," I said.

I bit my lips so as not to fall the tears .


Yn's pov:

Yes, now I'm in front of my college. I sighed, realizing that now I'm a final year student. After this long vacation, finally. Suddenly a strong muscular arm wrapped around my neck from behind. 

I looked at him annoyingly, while he gave me his bunny smile. I pinch his tummy and make him giggle more. "Say it," he said. "Say what?" I asked removing his hands from my neck. "Say that you missed me" He said and I scoffed . "Why would I tell such a lie?" I flip my hair. Jeon Jungkook is one of my best friends. He is super annoying sometimes, and a mama's boy.

"Yes, why would she tell such a lie when she missed me " a soft sound heard from back makes both of us look in that direction. Jimin, that mochi faced a brat. He was walking towards us with his unique eye smile. I always wonder how he sees us when he smiles. "Right yn?" He asked when he reached us. 

"Well, NO" I said firmly. "Really?" He looked at me with flirty eyes. Not to mention, he is a flirty boy and never fails to make me blush with his looks and talks. Jungkook clears his throat and I look at him.

"So how did you guys spend your vacation?" He asked. "Don't you know?" Jimin laughed. Jungkook shook his head , I couldn't understand anything. "Did you guys go anywhere without me?" I yelled. And they both started to laugh like a maniac . I gritted my teeth and hit them with my bag. "How dare you idiots? Cheaters..! " 

"Hello guys" a deep voice interrupts us. Kim Taehyung, the heartthrob. "Have you already started?" He scoffs. "Tae , did you go with them?" He shook his head, making me sigh. 

"These two betrayer, went somewhere without us" I pouted. They both laughed at me, making my blood boil. 

Tae looked at them with eyes. "Where?"

"I'll tell you later," Jimin said to him. I looked at him "it's not a place to go with you" he winked at me. " . Huh??? "I can't tell you," he adds. "Why??," 

"It's a place not for girls like you". He says and Jungkook laughs. I Am confused. "Pabo, 

It's a dirty place, and adults go there, not a baby like you." I looked at him with a disgusted look. I saw Tae covering his mouth and laughing. So he knew too.

It is so sad that you're the only girl in a group and the boys always say something that you can't understand clearly. I sighed.

"So shall we go?"

Author's not:
So this is the first part of " heart Hacker ". I hope you enjoyed...
Give me your opinion, so that I can improve. Don't be a silent reader

Love you all❤

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