New face

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Y/n pov:

I kept the bag and sat along with the boys. It was in the last row where me and my boys used to sit, not to get the sight of our teacher, and mainly to eat snacks illegally. Lol. University is really something, I love being here. How can we leave here after this year?

Soon the professor came with a pile of books. Doesn't he have anything else to do? I sighed. "Welcome everyone to the new academic year" he said cheerfully.

"This is the new year and our four bright students are sitting in the back , as usual. No change" . He laughed, making all the students giggle. Ugh not again. Mr. Choi looks like a gentleman, with his spectacles , well combed hair, and gray suit . But the problem is he can't start his class without teasing us.

"This is the new academic year , and our intelligent professor came like the past years, giving useless lectures, as usual , no change" Taehyung said , making the professor's eyes come out of the socket. Lol. He doesn't like this man.
Their interactions are always funny.

Soon he started the class. I felt someone pull my pony from the right-side. Oh Jimin. This kiddo always annoys me. "The fuck Park Jimin" I cursed. He giggled . I'm his savior, I still remember the day I met him.

3 years ago,

I walked through the hallway , with my headphones on , not caring about others. Ever since my dad's death I become much more introverted. I miss my dad as he was the one who was eagerly waiting for me entering to this university. 

I saw a group of three muscular boys, surrounding a short one. It looks like they are ragging him. Whatever. I don't care. 
While I was approaching them , I saw one of them physically hurting him, pulling. "Yn, please don't involve in anything , you know how much short tempered you are and control it". I heard an inner voice, sorry its too late. 

I pulled back my long sleeves , chewing the gum. The big bruiser was ready to throw another punch on him , No not today. I took my bag and pushed him hard with it, everyone's eyes went wide. "You brat-" he stopped when he spotted me. "You hit me ? " He scoffed. I looked at the boy, he is short, plump lips , looks like a little chicken.  "Are you OK?" I asked him.
He was too scared, he nodded.
"How dare you? Huh? Which department are you?" Another one asked with gritted teeth.
"Apologize" I said in a cold tone.

The one who got hit scoffed. "You don't know whom you're messing with young lady. You must apologise now and leave "  he spoke. I didn't took a step backwards. "Apologize and leave" he growled again.
I made a bubble with the gum I was chewing and burst it . "I'm not gonna apologise dumpheads". One of them came and pulled my hair . Shit , now it's really going to be a big deal. I punched his face with my elbow, his nose Started to bled. He soon left my pony. I threw several other punches on others too. 

I heard someone yelling out , the head of the department is coming. I grabbed the boy's wrist and ran. We reached a stair where no one is present. We were breathing heavily. 
"Thanks " he said. "Nevermind, don't be such a naive . Learn to fight" I said, again putting my headphones on. I was ready to walk away when he stopped me. "I'm ji.." I saw his lips moving, I took my headphones, "sorry I didn't hear you". 
"I'm Park Jimin. Nice to meet you" he said with a smile. It was unique. 
"I'm Choi Yn" I said .
 "Shall we be friends?" 
"No" I said straight away. 
"Why?" He said , walking along with me.
"Do me a favour Ji..,sorry what was your Name ?" 
"Jimin" he said rolling his eyes.
"Yes , Jimin. I just joined today, show me computer science department " I saw his eyes gone wide , soon he started to laugh out.
What's wrong with this guy?
"So you're my classmate , actually i also joined today, I was wandering searching for the class , then I jumped in front of the seniors" he said. "Someone showed me this way when I asked for the class, actually it is seniors' department " he added.
I nodded.
"Come let's search for it together " he said energetic. 


Since then we became friends. Jimin was a coward back then, now he is the one who always create fights. I rolled my eyes. 
My first year was memorable , I made many enemies than friends, earned many suspension , picks fight with the seniors. But it was a terrible year too. There was a eonnie named Lia, she died and after that many deaths during consecutive years. 

There are many rumours. One of them is Lia was pregnant, and committed suicide. Her ghost is taking revenge on everyone. Lol , many are believing this. Some says , there is a serial killer. The university pressures the students to commit suicide as many of the victims are final year , some are saying. Anyway, it's our final year, so everyone have a small fear which is visible in their eyes. Including Jimin.  I looked at him.

Later ,

We walked through the hallway. New students had joined. "Let's have some fun" Jungkook announced. I got what he meant by it.
"I'm in" Tae told with a smirk. Then what I'm waiting for..
We leaned on a wall and waited for a prey. Many students passed by, but no one looked like someone who need our treatment. 

A boy came from the entrance, he have spectacles, and really tall. Yes, taller than Jungkook and Taehyung. He passed by us. "Hey" I called. 
He stopped and turned back. Something is burning in his eyes, which is clearly visible. Soon he wiped it away and smiled , which is cute. "You, come here" I gestured. 
He doubted for a while and then came to us.

"Why did you call this need?" Tae whispered in my ear while he was approaching. "He is not a nerd , dump" . 
"Look at his spectacles. He looks like one. Surely he is going to cry, I don't think he can bear anything ". He shrugged. 
"Name?" Jungkook asked in a cold tone.

"Choi , Choi soobin"

Author's note:
I'm back with an update after a million years. The story was on hold, but many of you asked for an update . So here I'm.
Thank you for one who didn't ditch this hehhehhehe... sorry from bottom of my heart...❤
Love ya

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