Chapter 1: Olivia Rose

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( Olive's p.o.v. )

" Olivia Rose! Get up!"

I buried my face in my pillow before looking up," SCREEEEEEE!" I screeched before falling off my bed.


Get down here! You're gonna be late for school! Yes I know mom..I'm not stupid

I rolled my eyes," LET ME GET DRESSED!" I screamed, running to my dresser grabbing a pink and blue striped top and jeans.

The shirt had black straps so I would just have the straps on my shoulders, instead of proper sleeves.

I put the shirt on, then my jeans. I grabbed a cyan blue scarf and socks, putting them on.

I took a deep breath and ran down the stairs before slipping. I landed on the ground and heard a small crack from my wrist.

I groaned again and sat up, looking up at my mom.

" Hey mom..." I mumbled, shrinking down. She crossed her arms, blowing some hair out of her face.

" Hurry up and get to school now, I'm not driving you." she spat, throwing my school bag at me.



Hey how you doing, I'm fine, I lied, I'm dying inside

I rested my head on the table top desk, bored out of my mind. Today Pokèmon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire are coming out.

I'm really excited, since I'm going to Scarlett's house after school to get the game. Nate was coming along, and maybe Marcus.

Nathaniel and Marcus Sharp, Marcus calls himself 'Nightmare'. I don't know why though.

Nate was sitting right next to me, scribbling something on a ripped piece of paper.

I sighed softly, narrowing my eyes tapping my fingers against my desk. Nate glanced at me and smiled.

" Hey...normal meeting place?" he asked quietly, shooting a glance at the teacher. I nodded, smiling back.

" Heck yeah, you know I'll be there..." I said quietly.



I looked at my watch and hummed softly, waiting for Nate to get back from his lecture.

I sighed, tapping my foot while holding into the strap of my bag. I looked up and frowned.

" Olive! I'm here!" Nate called, waving his one hand. I blinked a couple of times and gave a small jog over to him.

" Alright, let's get to Scarlett's." I said, ruffling his hair. Nate whined playfully, slapping my hand away.

" Not the hair!" he shrieked like a girl would. I laughed under my breath, rolling my eyes playfully.



The giggled narrowed her eyes, sticking her tongue out," So, are we gonna the games or not?" she asked.

I nodded smiling," Hold on Scar, my DS is nearly dead." I mumbled, grabbing one of her many chargers.

I put the charger in the outlet next to her bed, and the other end in my DS. Yes, I carry my DS in my bag, judge me.

I popped out my Pokèmon X game out of my DS, and set it next to me. I put the Alpha Sapphire game in and playing.


Uh, my head hurts like heck...

I groaned and set my DS down on the bed, feeling extremely light headed. We only played for an hour.

I looked up, wincing slightly. My whole body felt like it was on fire, I closed my eyes, biting my bottom lip.

I shook my head, frowning. Before everything went black...

( Steven Stones p.o.v. )

I pursed my lips together, looking up. Wallace glanced at me, raising an eyebrow.

" Is something wrong, you see, unsure?" he asked softly, messing with a strand of turquoise hair.

I looked at him and have a short nod," Something just" I said, sighing under my breath.

Something feels off, maybe it's just me though..

I thought, before taking off my jacket and throwing it over my shoulder, while hanging onto it.

Wallace sighed softly," If you say so..." he mumbled, fiddling with his hat.

" Brawly said there was a mural in Granite Cave, he was wondering if I wanted to go and check it out." I said, changing the subject quickly.

Wallace gave a short nod," You're going to Dewford then?" he asked. I smiled softly and nodded.

" Yes, I'm heading there later tonight."


I hummed softly, fiddling with my silver rings. As from earlier, something still felt off.

I glanced up seeing the figure of a boat. I narrowed my eyes to get a better look, since I could barely seeing anything in the dark.

" Hello there kiddo!" Mr. Briney called, waving towards me. I smiled gently as I walked up the dock.

" Thank you for coming here again." I said, thanking the older man. He chuckled softly.

" No need to thank me, I'm happy to do this." he said, smiling happily.

" Well get on then, we're heading to Dewford right?" he asked, I gave a short nod.

" Yes, that's correct." I said, messing with the cuffs of my jacket.

" Alright then, Peeko! We're setting sail my darling!"


" Wallace! Hold on!" I cried, me being one of the shorter kids out of our small group.

Cynthia giggled," Hurry up Steven! We're gonna be late!" she said, fiddling with her blue shirt while smiling.

I sighed softly when I reached them, today we were receiving a Pokémon from Professor Redwood.

We were in the Kyandi region, in a small town called Fanta Town. We all turned ten in the last week.

Me, Wallace, Cynthia, and Diantha. My dad lived in the Hoenn region, while I stayed with my mom in this region.

I've never really seen him since we moved, but I'll see him soon once I beat the league in Kyandi.

My eyes lit up as we entered the professors lab. It was huge, with a glass dome behind it.

Wallace punched my shoulder lightly," You excited British boy?" he asked, smirking slightly.

I nodded smiling," Yes!"

Cynthia giggled again before a red haired man walked into the room and smiled gently.

He had multiple scars covering his face and arms, he chuckled softly looking at us.

" Hello there, I suppose you've all been waiting long enough. Follow me." he said smiling.

We all followed him into the glass dome, Pokémon were flying, swimming, and walking around.

I smiled brightly looking around," Woah..." I gasped, Diantha smiled brightly.

" Is there a Ralts here? I love Ralts." she said, squealing happily. Professor Redwood nodded.

" Yes there are Ralts here, male and female." he said, moving some bright red hair out of his eyes.

I grinned," Is there Beldum here?" I asked, looking up at the professor. He chuckled and gave a short nod.

" Yes we do, I'll show you." Professor Redwood smiled," Anna, please show the others around. I'm showing Mr. Stone around." he said.

I looked up at him," You can just call me Steven." I said sheepishly, rubbing he back of my neck.

He chuckled softly," Hmm, alright then..."

" Steven Stone."


" Mr. Stone, we're here."

I jerked awake, rubbing my eyes,", thank you Mr. Briney." I said, looking around.

" Was I asleep for that long?" I asked, he gave a short nodded and smiled.

" Yes you we-"

" Steven! How've you been?!"

I turned around and saw Brawley grinning, his blue hair sticking up in every way possible.

I chuckled softly," Hello Brawley, give me one second." I flashed Mr. Briney a short smile.

" Thank you again." I said, before getting off his boat before Brawley charged into me like a Tauros.

" Well come on then, I've closed down the gym just to talk to you. So come on!" he said, grabbing my wrist and jerking me towards the Pokémon gym.

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