Chapter 2: In The Game

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( Olive's p.o.v. )


My eyes widened as I glanced at Scarlett, who looked extremely ticked. I blinked a couple of times before looking away.

Nate pinched the bridge of his nose," This is great, where are we?" he asked, looking at me.

I raised an eyebrow," How am I supposed to know? I'm just as clueless as you guys are!" I said.

Scarlett sighed softly," Maybe if we look around we'll know where we are." she mumbled, shoving her hands in her pockets.

I sighed and started walking around, before an older woman ran up to me.

" Olivia, I see you talked to the new neighbors, you've even met Nate Birch." she said.


I blinked a couple of times, before nodding slowly," Yeah..." I mumbled, looking away.

She looked at me," Are you alright sweetie?" she asked, I nodded," Mhm.." I mumbled.

She sighed softly," Well, I'll be inside if you need me sweetie." she said, before walking inside the small house.

I walked back over to Nate and Scarlett," I actually have a mom who likes me..." I said quietly.

Scarlett looked at me," Wait seriously?" she asked, messing with her ginger hair.

I nodded, my mouth gaped open slightly," Ye..."


I flinched and looked towards a gate," I think I know where we are now..." I mumbled.

" Welcome to Hoenn."


We ran out the gate and saw an older man running from a Poochyena. I laughed slightly and ran over to him.

" Quick! There are pokèballs in my bag! Grab one and help me!" the man said, his face full of scratches.

I heard a voice inside my head, screaming. I nodded and ran towards the bag and opened it.

Three pokèballs were in the bag, I pulled the three pokéballs out of the bag and sent out the Pokémon.

A Mudkip

A Torchic

A Treecko

I smiled and looked at them, the Treecko puffed out it's chest in pride.

~ Choose me! Both of them are weak compared to me! ~ it said. I stiffened up and shook my head.

Torchic lowered it's head, trilling softly.

Mudkip trilled happily, shooting out small bubbles out of it's mouth. I giggled and picked up the Mudkip.

~ Wait? Why'd you choose me, I'm weak...~ it said sadly. I shook my head, and smiled brightly.

" You're not weak, please listen to me. Mudkip, use Water Gun!" I commanded, Mudkip looked at me before a small stream of water shot out at the Poochyena.

Scarlett grinned and looked at Torchic," Use Ember!" she said. Torchic bounced a couple of times, letting out a stream of fire.

Nate looked at Treecko," Absorb!" he commanded. Treecko crossed his arms, before spreading it's arms out and sucking up the Pokemon's energy.

~ Faster! ~ Mudkip said, trilling happily, using Tackle on the Poochyena.

The Poochyena shot a glare at Mudkip before running away with it's tail between it's legs.

Mudkip trilled happily and jumped into my arms, nuzzling into my neck.

~ Did I do good? ~ Mudkip asked, I smiled gently and nodded, some chestnut hair falling over my eyes.

" You did great..." I said quietly, setting the mud fish Pokémon down. I sighed softly, frowning.

" You probably have to go back to that man, he'll want you back." I said softly, moving some hair out of my face.

Mudkip looked down, shaking it's head.

~ No! I wanna go with you, your really strong! ~ Mudkip said, nuzzling my leg.

I was shocked, a Pokémon wanted to go with me. My eyes widened before the man looked at us.

" Thank you for that, as thanks I'll let you keep those three Pokémon." he said. I looked at Mudkip before picking it up.

~ Yay! I get to go with you! ~ it said, waving it's feet around. I giggled softly.

" Are you a male or female?" I asked quietly, Mudkip looked up at me, trying to touch my nose.

~ I'm a male! But Treecko said I act like a female Pokémon..~ Mudkip said. I nodded slowly, before he touched my nose.

" I'll call you Husky, you silly little mudkipper."

( Steven Stones p.o.v . )

" Gah! What is it Roxanne?!" Brawley asked, answering his Xtranceiver.

" You remember that one blonde kid, Barry right?" she asked, crossing her arms. We both nodded.

" He's here..." Roxanne mumbled, I sighed softly. I hate sounding rude but that kid can give you a massive headache with one sentence.

Brawley sighed softly," Oh joyous day!" he said sarcastically, laughing awkwardly under his breath.

I chuckled softly," Thank you for telling us Roxanne." I said, she shrugged and shoved her one hand behind her back.

" I'm just doing what I have to do..." she mumbled before she snapped quickly.

" I forgot to mention, there's a teenage boy here. He says bed like to talk to Steven." Roxanne said, revealing a tail teenage boy, with long tea green hair.

The boy gave a shirt bow when Roxanne handed him her Xtranceiver.

" Mr. Stone, I am Ghetsis Harmonia, it's a pleasure to be speaking with you." Ghetsis said.

Very formal

I smiled gently," The pleasures all mine." I responded. Ghetsis smirked slightly giving a curt nod.

" Hmm, I'm sorry but I must be going in a few minutes. I will be Ever Grande City later on today. So if you'd like to finish this discussion, we can talk there."

" Au revior."

Then the conversation was over, I blinked a couple of times before Roxanne appeared again.

" Weird kid." Roxanne mumbled, frowning," Anyways.."

Brawley frowned," Anyways what?" he asked before Roxanne hang up. He sighed softly, and rubbed his eyes.

" That was different..." Brawley mumbled, I glanced at him and gave a short nod.

" Come on Steven, I'll take you to Granite Cave." he said, smiling gently towards me.

I smiled back as we walked out of the gym.

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