Chapter 3: I look Like Who?

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( Olive's p.o.v. )

I sighed and looked at my appearance, I had my blue and pink shirt on, except jeans I had a dark blue leggings that went to my knees.

Chestnut brown hair put up in a ponytail, and black tennis shoes.

~ Olive! Treecko was being mean again! ~

I looked down at Husky and picked him up, setting him on my shoulder. I grinned and rubbed his head.

" Don't worry about him, he's just mean." I said, smiling softly. I glanced over my shoulder and saw Scarlett and Nate waving towards me.

" Hurry up! We wanna take on the first gym!" Scarlett said. Husky looked at me.

~ Wait what? ~

I laughed," Let's go!"


I faced the Petalburg gym," I guess I have a dad now." I said, frowning slightly. Nate shrugged, moving some black hair out of his eyes.

" Whoooo!"

I looked at the doors before a white and black haired boy ran out, well more like a teenager.

" You guys trying to beat Norman?" he asked, smirking slightly. I shrugged," Meh."

The teenager looked over at Nate," You have Treecko? Cool!" he said before running off holding a badge in his hands.

" Who the heck?" Scarlett asked, raising an eyebrow.

Norman came out with his arms crossed," His name was Brett, he had a Mega Houndoom." he mumbled.

I looked at Norman, my eyes widening," A Houndoom?"

" He said he traded it, I don't know." he said before looking at me.

" On hey sweetie, did you and your mom end up moving in alright?" he asked. I just shrugged.

" Yeah, I guess." I mumbled, trying to see if I had pockets. I didn't

Scarlett smirked," Can we challenge your gym?" she asked, some ginger hairs falling over her face.

" No."


" Your dad's mean!" Scarlett said, crossing her arms frowning. I sighed and held Husky, sticking my tongue out.

" How about we go catch some Pokémon? We need to build a team." Nate suggested.

I shrugged," How does that sound Husky?" I asked.

~ Ok! ~

" Alright let's go."


We saw the same teenage boy with a Sceptile, Pinsir, Houndoom, Charizard, Gallade, and a Samurott.

He turned around and saw us," It's you three again!" he said.

I shrugged," Pretty much." I mumbled, running a hand through my hair.

" You're May right? Normans daughter?" he asked. I shook my head, frowning slightly.

" name is Olive." I told him, he just shrugged," I'm Brett by the way, maybe we can battle when you don't just have a Mudkip."

Husky narrowed his eyes, jumping down from my shoulder.

~ I'm right here! ~

I picked him and out him back on my shoulder," Sorry about him." I said quietly.

He just shrugged again," It's fine, my one friend was like that." he said.

" Anyways, what's your name?" I asked," Brett."

Nate sighed softly looking away," Can we go now?" he asked, slightly annoyed. Scarlett glared at him.

" No. Now shut it." she said punching his arm.

I looked at the, before looking back and saw that Brett was gone.

Ninja, I'm already calling it


I sighed and wrapped the bandana in my hair, holding it up. I sighed and glanced over my shoulder.

" Ya know? I never thought we'd end up here in the first day. It's pretty nice." Scarlett said, holding Torchic.

I looked at her before shrugging," Same..but I feel weird. I look to much like May..I have a dad..and a mom who like me.." I mumbled frowning.

Nate raised an eyebrow," Tsk, try having a twin brother." he said frowning.

I glared at her for a moment before sighing," Fight me Nate..." I said under my breath.

" WAIT! If your May, people of the Internet ship you with Steven Stone! SO THAT MEANS!" Scarlett said before screeching.

" OH MY ARCEUS! OH MY ARCEUS! OH MY ARCEUS!" she screamed, fangirling like a moron.

I looked at her before face palming," Oh my Acreus Scar..." I mumbled, looking at my shirt.

" Can we just challenge the gym soon, I can't sit still any longer!" I shouted, gritting my teeth together.

Nate laughed awkwardly and sweat dropped," Shut up.." he mumbled, looking down while some black hair fell over his one eye.

I sighed and saw his ear piercings, yes. That moron got two earlobe piercings in each ear, I swear he's brainless sometimes.

" Well I don't like Steven, and I never will. So stop talking will ya?" I mumbled, before flopping down on a bed.

We were in a Pokèmon center at the moment, all three of us were exhausted.

I sighed and looked up at the ceiling.

" I don't like Steven Stone. Never will."



Brett belongs to a good friend, or demonlordsilverz

Go follow him


Stay Weird🍉

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