Chapter 4: Stone Badge

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( Olive's p.o.v. )

I looked up at the Rustboro City gym, my heart was pounding in my chest like rapid fire.

I took a deep breath, with Husky standing next to me, with gray eyes narrowed.

" Ready Husky? Kona and Youko will need to see what a gym battle is like...they need the experience." I said, trying to stay calm.

Kona and Youko? Kona is a Taillow I caught, along with Youko, a Poochyena who knew Ice Fang and Fire Fang when I caught her.

Both were female, while Nate caught a Zigzagoon, and Scarlett caught a Ralts. That's good.

~ I was born ready! Yeah!~ Husky said, running around in a small circle. I giggled and nodded, sweeping some chestnut brown hair behind my ears.

" Let's go then, we can't stand here all day." I said grinning, putting my hands on my hips.

" Over confident again, are we?" Nate asked, some black hair covering his one eye. I glanced back at him, sticking my tongue out.

" This'll be a cake walk, for me and you. But Scar is gonna have trouble with Torchic." I said.

" You and I." Nate corrected, laughing softly. I rolled my grayish blue eyes and stared at him.

" Nathaniel Sharp....please stop talking. You know I hate it when you correct me." I mumbled, giving him the 'look'.

Nate looked away, biting his lip," Shut up." he mumbled, crossing his arms in a pouting matter.

I laughed before grinning like a child," Let's go! Come on people!" I shouted, pointing a finger into the air, before running into the gym.


" Hello. You must be a new challenger. I am Roxanne, the Rustboro City Pokèmon Gym Leader."

" I became a Gym Leader so they I may apply in battle all that I've leaned at the Pokèmon Trainers' School."

" If you defeat me in a Pokèmon battle, I'll present you with a Gym Badge as proof of your strength as a trainer."

" Please take up the challenge. I look forward to seeing you as a challenger. Until then, farewell." Roxanne said, in one breath.

I narrowed my eyes, Husky running in front of me letting out a cry.

~ Farewell!? We just got here!~ my starter said angrily, I balled a fist and sighed.

" I am not leaving. I will not budge." I mumbled. Roxanne just gave a sly smirk towards me.

" Just as I expected...I knew you and your Pokèmon would be able to get this far. Now, would you kindly demonstrate how you battle with your Pokèmon." Roxanne said.

Her one hand that was on her hip moved, grabbing a pokèball, being placed at her side.

I nodded to Husky, who ran forward narrowing his tiny gray eyes.

" The battle between gym leader Roxanne of Rustboro City, and the challenger Olivia Rose will be begin. The battle will be a two on two battle, only the challenger will be allowed to make substitutions."

"First person out of usable Pokèmon is the loser!"

" Do both of you understand the rules?"

Roxanne and I both nodded.

" Then let the battle begin!"

Roxanne clicked a button on the pokèball and sent out a Geodude, I narrowed my eyes and nodded to Husky.

" You get the first move, I'm feeling generous today." Roxanne said, smirking. I nodded and smirked back.

" Start off with Water Gun!" I commanded, Husky looked up and shot a stream of water at the Geodude, which didn't even try to dodge.

I raised an eyebrow, causing Roxanne to laugh out loud," Rock Tomb!" she said, pointing a finger.

Rocks came flying out of the ground and fell down at Husky, causing him to run to dodge them.

~ NO! NO SHARP THINGS!~ Husky cried, getting hit with one of the rocks, crushing him almost.

My eyes widened," HUSKY?!" I cried, wanting to run over to him, but I couldn't.

Roxanne looked at me," This'll be quite easier then expected." she said.

My one grayish blue eye twitched out of anger, Husky let out moan of pain, standing up.

~ I won't.....lose....~ Husky mumbled, narrowing his eyes. I looked at him, biting my bottom lip while balling a fist.

Husky opened his mouth, a few balls of mud flying towards Geodude, hitting it straight on again.

Geodude let out a loud cry, stumbling a bit. My eyes widened, my mouth gaped open slightly.

" Holy crap....that was Mud Bomb Olive!" Nate shouted, cupping his hands over his mouth.

I looked at Husky and nodded," Sweet....Mud Bomb again!" I commanded, smirking slightly.

Husky let out a cry, balls of mud flying towards Geodude once more, knocking it down.

Roxanne gritted her teeth together, returning her Geodude before sending out her Nosepass.

" Geodude has fainted, which means Olive and Mudkip have one the first round. Are the trainers ready?"

" I will not lose!" she cried, narrowing her eyes out of anger. I blinked and frowned, returning the same look for a moment.

~ I'm confused...what now?~ Husky asked, cocking his head to the side in a cute manner.

I smiled and returned him, sending out Youlo while Kona watched, tilting her head.

~ When will I battle? When will I battle?~ Kona chirped, looking around. Youko glanced at the tiny swallow Pokèmon and sighed.

~ If I manage to lose...genius.~ Youko mumbled sarcastically. I looked at both of them.

" Then....battle begin!"

" Rock Tomb!" Roxanne commanded, nothing I wasn' paying attention. I frowned and looked at the oncoming rocks.

" Climb up the rocks as best you can, then Ice Fang!" I said, narrowing my grayish blue eyes.

Youko let out a cry and started climbing up the oncoming rocks, holding herself up as best she could, her fangs glowing an ice blue.

She jumped off and tackled Nosepass, biting down when she got the chance before being thrown off.

Nosepass grunted and got back up, sending more rocks towards Youko. I growled under my breath.

Youko's fangs turned a bright yellow, before she ran over to the Nosepass, biting down on its nose, making it freeze for a moment.

" That was Thunder Fang!" Scarlett called, grinning like a child. I nodded and thought for a moment.

All three fang moves....fourth move help me now....

I thought quickly, frowning," Sand Attack, then Dark Pulse!" I said, digging my nails into my hand.

Youko ran around and kicked up sand in the Nosepass' eyes, before she threw a sickly purple sphere at it.

The Nosepass let out a cry before falling on the ground unconscious.

" So....I seems that I still have much more to learn..." Roxanne mumbled, returning her Nosepass before looking up.

" I understand the Pokèmon Leagues rules state that trainers receive this if they defeat a Gym Leader. Please accept the official Pokèmon League Stone Badge."

Roxanne said, handing me the Stone Badge, along with a TM.

" Since you are strong, you should challenge other Gym Leader, too."

" By battling many trainers, you'll likely learn more things." Roxanne said as I grinned happily.

Roxanne gave a tiny nod," I rarely ever say this, but I'm rooting for ya kid." she said gently, smiling.


( Steven Stone's p.o.v. )

" Rock Smash." I said calmly. Cradily swung her head at the rock and broke it, the rock shattering to pieces.

I nodded in a small satisfaction," Good job." I said, Cradily swung her head again before I returned her.

I kept walking, with a flashlight in my left hand. I pointed it towards many walls, so I wouldn't run into them.

Granite Cave is dark, very dark.

I glanced around before the ground shook, causing me to almost take a knee. I placed a hand on one of the walls, holding myself up.

What was that...?

I thought, looking around with a fist balled next to my side. I took a few steps toward before the ground shook again.

I ended taking a knee, to keep myself up. I grunted after a sharp stone dig into my palm.

I got up and looked around," What's going on...?" I mumbled, narrowing my grayish ice blue eyes.

" Because I want to know now."

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