Chapter 5: Knuckle Badge

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( Olive's p.o.v. )

" Try it once more, Double Team!"

Kona flew off my shoulder and flew forward, at a fast pace making a few copies of herself.

Youko watched and sat down, opening her mouth before her fangs turned a fire red.

" So your Poochyena knows, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Sand Attack, and Dark Pulse." Nate mumbled, crossing his arms.

" Yeah, she's a little powerhouse. Just like the other two." I said, smirking slightly.

" What does Taillow know?" Scarlett asked, sitting down on a rock. I looked at Kona and smiled.

" Double Team, Wing Attack, Return, Roost, and Aerial Ace." I said, yawning slightly.

" And Mudkp?" Nate asked, giving an annoyed sigh. I glared at him for a moment, clicking my tongue.

" Mud Bomb, Water Gun, Defense Curl, Ice Ball, and Bide." I mumbled, crossing my arms over my chest.

Husky looked at me and let out a happy cry.

~ I'm strong! I'm strong!~ Husky said, trying to puff out his chest. I sighed softly and rubbed his head.

" Stop being so cute..." I said, laughing softly under my breath.

" We still have to find Steven, and deliver that letter to him. In Dewford Town." Scar said, smiling slightly.

I glanced at her and nodded, we helped get some parts back. They were given to us as well as a letter, one of them was for Steven, other was for some guy in Slateport City.

" I know....I know."


" Great teenagers.....lets get this over with." a Team Aqua grunt muttered, sending out a Geodude.

I rolled my eyes and cracked my knuckles, sending out Kona, my face staying expressionless.

" Listen, I don't have time for your crap." I mumbled, narrowing my eyes. The grunt smirked and crossed his arms,

" Like you can beat me, I am part of Team Aqua!" he shouted, his eyes wide while smirking.

" Aerial Ace." I said calmly, balling a fist at my side. Kona flew up and did a small spin in the air, glowing purple.

The tiny swallow Pokèmon let out a cry and flew at the Geodude, hitting it straight on.

The Geodude flew back, colliding with the grunt. My lips turned into a scowl, I didn't have time for this crap at all.

" What's going on out here?!"

I looked back and saw a blue haired man, with hair sticking up in any way possible. I blushed slightly and looked away.

" This moron thought it'd be fun to attack a little girl." I said, crossing my arms while Kona looked at me.

~ Moron? Got that right.~ she said, flying over and perching on my shoulder. I shot a tiny glance at her, biting my lip.

Kona looked back at me before she flapped her wings and started flying in the air again, snickering happily.

The man laughed as well," Let's get this over with." he said grinning, sending out a Makuhita.

" Knock Off!" he commanded. Makuhita's fist became black before it ran at the Geodude and smacked it, sending it flying once more, after the grunt and it got back up.

I grinned, and placed a hand on my hip," Yeah! Get dunked on!" I said, laughing my butt off.

Scarlett laughed as well, her orange hair falling over her one eye. The blue haired man snickered slightly and returned his Makuhita.

" Oh by the way, if you ever want a battle. Come meet me at my gym beautiful." he said winking, before walking off.

I felt my entire face heat up, I was blushing.

No ever has ever called me beautiful, not even my own one. I gulped nervously, shaking slightly.

Nate glanced at me," Umm, you alright?" he asked, waving a hand in front of my face. I just nodded.

" Yes....I'm alright." I said," Let's just go take on the gym. Scarlett you go first." I said.

Scarlett crossed her arms," Why do I have to go first? That's not fair!" she said, pouting.

" Deal with it, I went first with the first gym battle." I said, narrowing my eyes. Scarlett glared back, and sighed.

" I hate you Olivia."

" That's cool."


We had walked into the gym, and saw the gym leader without a shirt on. He blushed madly when we saw him, but smirked when he saw Scarlett and I.

" Sweet, some babes are here." he said grinning. Nate's one green eye twitched," Shut up." he mumbled.

Scarlett screeched and sent out her Ralts," Shu-shut up!" she stuttered before the gym leader sent out a Machop.

" Then, let's do this babe." he said.



Scarlett had won her battle with Ralts and Torchic, which was close to evolving.

I sighed softly, Kona flying off my shoulder and landing in front of my gracefully, looking at the gym leader.

" Hey beautiful, I'm Brawley. Dewford's Gym Leader. I've been churned in the rough waves of these parts...."

" And I've grown tough using the cave at the outskirts of this town as my training ground, as well as using the equipment in this Gym..."

" So you want to challenge me.......?"

" Let me see what your made of!"

" The battle between gym leader Brawley of Dewford Town, and the challenger Olivia Rose will be begin. The battle will be a two on two battle, only the challenger will be allowed to make substitutions."

"First person out of usable Pokèmon is the loser!"

" Do both of you understand the rules?"

Both of us nodded, scowling at my full name.

" Then battle begin!"

Brawley sent out his Machop," Karate Chop!"

" Double Team!" I said, gritting my teeth together. Kona started flying around, gaining speed, making copies of herself.

The Machop looked around, before it jumped up and kneed the real Kona in the chest, sending her flying back.

~ Ow! Meanie!~ Kona chirped, letting out a small cry on pain.

~ You're in for a horrible time. The next moments of your life are going to suck.~ Kona said, shooting up in the air, twisting gracefully.

She glowed a bright purple before she flew at full speed towards Machop, sending it flying back, making a tiny hole in the wall.

My mouth gaped open," Woah..." I gasped, rubbing the back of my head awkwardly.

" Knock Off!" Brawley said, some blue hair managing to fall over his one eye. I watched before scowling slightly.

" Don't let it touch you!" I shouted, Kona shooting up in the air again out of range.

" In the air!"

Machop looked around and started jumping on some of gym equipment, getting close to Kona before jumping, and grabbing her wing.

Kona let out a cry in absolute pain, I covered my ears, it pained me to hear this.

I looked up," SHAKE IT OFF!" I shouted angrily. Kona let out cry and flew it circles, titling slightly before the Machop fell off, and onto the ground.

Kona tried to keep flying before she collapsed, her one wing on her side, with a few feathers torn.

I ran over and picked her up, grabbing her pokèball and tapping it against her head, the tiny swallow Pokèmon getting sucked in the capsule.

" Both Pokèmon have fainted, which means no one has won the first round. Are the trainers ready?"

Brawley returned his Machop, before sending out his Makuhita. I gritted my teeth together.

I grabbed Youko's pokèball and sent her out," Do this for Kona..." I mumbled, hair shadowing my eyes.

Youko let out a cry, getting into an attack position right away.

" Then.....battle begin!"

" Ice Fang!" I commanded, balling a fist at my side. Youko's fangs becoming an ice blue.

She ran forward at full speed and bit down on the Makuhita's arm, making it cry out in pain.

" Now throw it!"

Youko let out a cry and threw the Makuhita into the wall, making the wall crack under the weight.

Brawley laughed softly," Wow....I'm impressed. But I'm still not down yet!" he said.

" Sand Attack, then Dark Pulse!"

Youko kicked up sand in the Makuhita's eyes before throwing a sickly purple sphere at it.

Makuhita managed to get up after being thrown in a wall, looking extremely ticked off because of Youko.

Youko let out a happy cry, her tail wagging back and forth. I rolled my eyes playfully.

" Let's get this over with! Fire Fang!" I said, smirking. Youko opened her mouth, her fangs becoming a bright red.

She ran at Makuhita and bit down on the same arm, in the same spot. Makuhita tried shaking her off, but ended up giving of pain again.

Youko didn't let go, nearly getting thrown off though but managed to stay on it.

The bite Pokèmon finally let go, causing Makuhita to fall to the ground unconscious. I sighed in relief and returned Youko.

Brawley nodded in satisfaction and returned his Makuhita. He walked over with the Knuckle Badge and a TM.

" Whoa, wow! You made a much bigger splash than I expected!"

" Oh! By the way, have you been to Granite Cave? It's located to the north of this town. It's full of fascinating stuff, like rare stones and wall painting thousands of years old."

" My friend Steven rushed to the cave after I told him about it!"

" Thanks, that's really good to know."

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