Chapter 6: Letter For a Champion

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( Olive's p.o.v. )

I kept running, sand kicking up everywhere. Nate and Scarlett followed behind before we reached the cave.

" I want a Zubat!" Nate shouted, running inside yelling random things to attract them.

I face palmed at his stupidity and kept walking, it watch pitch black when we reached farther in, after Nate caught a Zubat.

I glanced around, before the ground started shaking slightly. I ended up falling with an 'oof'.

I got up and looked down, my knee was bleeding slightly, but otherwise I was fine.

I glanced back at Scar who had a bloody lip now, a scratch on her cheek. While Nate's hand was bleeding.

I looked around and kept walking before running into three women. They all turned to me, and saw what I was carrying.

" Give us the letter, now." one of them said, releasing a Bagon. One of the other women nodded, releasing a Beldum.

The third woman frowned and released an Aron. While two more pokèballs were thrown, having a Budew and a Voltorb.

I narrowed my eyes and released Youko, while Scarlett released her Ralts, Nate releasing his new Zubat.

" Fight me." I said, smirking slightly. Arceus I loved annoying people. One of the women frowned.

" Aron, Metal Claw!"

" Bagon, Dragon Breath!"

" Beldum, Take Down!"

I gritted my teeth together," Dodge it and use Ice Fang!" I commanded. Youko let out a cry and ran out of the way.

Her fangs became an ice blue before she bit down on the Bagon's arm. The Bagon let out a cry in pain, since it was a dragon type.

Youko was thrown back by the Aron, titling its head back and forth in a cute manor. One of the women glared at it, causing it to stop.

The Beldum floated up and looked at Ralts, before slamming into it, Scarlett narrowed her red eyes in anger.

The Beldum blinked and floated down, before Zubat's wings become a silver flying at the Beldum at full speed.

" Steel Wing! Aww yeah!" Nate grinned, moving some black hair away from his ear piercings.

The Beldum flew back into a cave wall, before it got up again. Youko growled and let out a cry.

~ Just go down already!~ Youko shouted angrily. I looked at her and nodded, knitting my eyebrows together.

" Sand Attack, then Fire Fang!" I said, spreading the fingers on my one hand, raising it up in front of me.

Youko ran around, creating a sand sphere kicking it up everywhere, before she ran at the Bagon and bit down on its arm with dark red fangs.



I panted for breath and returned Youko, before sending out Husky. Scarlett and Nate did the same, sending out their starters.

I narrowed my grayish blue eyes," This isn't over...." I mumbled.

" Ice Ball!" I shouted, Husky swerved from side to side, dodging knots of grass before shot at him.

Husky built up a ball of ice in his mouth, throwing it at the Budew sending it back.

" Mega Drain!" Nate said, his Treecko also swerved dodging grass knots before running over hitting the Voltorb with its tail, sucking up its health.

" Flamethrower!" Scarlett commanded, raising her one hand above her. Torchic jumped, also dodging grass knots before shooting a stream of fire at the Budew.

" SELF DESTRUCT!" one of the women shouted. I widened my eyes, shaking slightly in fear.

I returned Husky quickly, while the others did as well, returning their starters.


( Steven Stone's p.o.v. )

I looked up after hearing screaming, it sounded like kids and grown women. I pursed my lips together before running out of the room I was in.

A room, where the mural of Groudon and Kyogre was, a cave mural. Confusing, is it not?

I saw three teenagers facing three other women.

A Voltorb exploded, falling unconscious on the ground. I narrowed my ice blue eyes, watching what would happen, if anything bad occurred I would jump in.

Two of the women returned a Budew and Voltorb before throwing the pokèballs on the ground.

" Give us the letter!" one of the women shouted. I frowned and walked towards them, releasing my Claydol.

The three teenagers saw me, ones face lighting up in relief. I nodded to them and looked at the women.

" What's going on out here?" I asked calmly, one of them frowned and pointed at the kids.

" They tried stealing a letter from us! We were supposed to give it to you!"

I closed my eyes, shaking my head in disbelief," Then you wouldn't be so cruel to your Pokèmon." I muttered.

They all looked shocked, the three women glared at the teenagers before running away screaming.

I raised an eyebrow before seeing a horde of Zubat's, I couldn't help but chuckle at that.

I turned to the kids and smiled gently," Are you three alright?" I asked, walking over to them.

A chestnut haired girl nodded and held out a letter," Thanks to you." she said. I looked at her and took the letter out of her hand.

I sighed in relief and stuffed it in my jacket pocket," Thank you." I said. A black haired boy grinned, before noticing the pokèballs.

A ginger and him both ran over and picked up one," Monsters....absolute monsters..."

I sighed softly," What are you doing to do with them?" I asked, frowning. The two looked at me.

" Train them...if they'll let us. If they don't want that, we'll release them." the boy said, grinning.

I nodded in approval," I see."

" Thanks for the help, I'm pretty sure we'd be dead if you didn't come in." the chestnut haired one said. I nodded once more.

" Of course-"

" Olive....the names Olive." she said, smiling brightly towards me. She looked a lot like Norman.

That's Norman's daughter, he said she was around sixteen...almost seventeen....

The black haired boy waved a hand in front of Olive's face," Hey Olivia, Scarlett and I are gonna run off to the Pokèmon Center." he said before running off.

Olive looked at them, her eyes widened before looking at me.

Her cheeks were dusted a light pink, before she noticed my mega ring on my shirt pocket, near the collar of my neck.

" Uhh...what's that thing..?" she asked, pointing to the mega ring. I smiled and took the ring off my pocket.

" A mega ring." I said simply, before putting it back on my shirt pocket, clipping it back on.

" Coooollll." she said grinning, a pokèball shaking on her belt. She took and released a Taillow.

It flew over to me, landing on my shoulder. I smiled and rubbed its neck, before it chirped in happiness.

" Heh, it seems she really likes you." Olive said, rubbing the back of her head. I looked at the tiny swallow Pokèmon.

" You think?" I asked," Defiantly."

I looked at her, my gaze softening. I smiled before reached into my jacket pocket, pulling out a cased TM.

" That is the TM for Steel Wing, it's a gift for causing so much trouble when you were looking for me." I said, handing the TM to the trainer.

Olive looked at the TM before her Taillow flew back over to her, landing on her shoulder.

" Come, I'll walk you out of the cave Olive." I said, as I started walking before she looked in the room with the mural.

" Woah! What the heck is that?" she asked, running in. I turned back and sighed, following after her.

" A mural of Groudon and Kyogre." I said simply, moving some hair away from my face.

Olive grinned happily," That's so cool!" she said, looking up at it before noticing the painting of a large stone.

" What's that stone thing?" she asked, I looked to where her gaze was and placed a hand on chin, while the other on my hip.

" A stone that has enough energy for Rayquaza to mega evolve." I said. She looked at me, with wide grayish blue eyes.

" Mega evolve Rayquaza?" she asked quietly, before I nodded.

" Yes, to mega evolve Rayquaza."


Hey everyone! So~

I have a request for you guys

I'm gonna give Olive, Scarlett, and Nate each an Eevee

But I an a know which one I should give them

So pretty much it's a competition

Please, I really wanna an Eeveelution

Along with a pseudo legendary of the Hoenn region

So the Eeveelution choices will be









And the pseudo legendaries will be





The highest count for each will go to Olive

Second will be Scarlett

And third will be Nate



Please vote

I really want this to happen

Stay Weird🍉✌🏻️

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