Chapter 15: The War{2}

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( Olive's p.o.v. )

I sighed softly, moving hair out of my face. I looked at Trigori while we were standing outside a White Castle.

" Is this where Prince White is?" I asked.

The disaster Pokémon nodded.

~ Yes, it is~ Trigori said, scratching his claws against the rocks and dirt.

I nodded," Alri-"

" Hey! What are those two doing so close to the prince?!"

I froze, and felt like grabbing something from my belt. 

" It's a girl and an Absol! Protect Prince White!"

Two guards sent out an Arbok and Dustox.

I froze in my spot, before a bright flash.

~ ARE YOU INSANE?!~ Trigori yelled, stomping a paw on the ground.

I smirked and saw Youko and Kaiba.

I nodded to them," Alright! If it's a battle you want! It's a battle you'll get!"

" Kaiba, Fury Attack! Youko, Assurance!" I called out the two Pokémon.

Kaiba chirped and flew up high, her wings glowing white. Youko growled and ran at the opposing two Pokémon.

Trigori stepped forward, and gave a nod to me.

~ Tell me what to do~ he growled! digging his claws into the ground.

" Trigori, Night Slash!" I ordered, hair falling over my right eye.

I narrowed my eyes and saw the other two Pokémon running, or for Arboks case, slithering.

" Poison Sting!"

" Toxic!"

Trigori glanced at me, growling.

My eye widened," Kaiba! Get up high quickly! Youko dodge as best you can!"

I gulped, hearing a sharp cry from Kaiba. I saw her falling and ran over to catch the cotton bird Pokémon fall.

I tumbled forward still managing to catch her. I took a deep breath and held her close.

Trigori stepped forward, his red eyes narrowed.

" Night Slash..." I mumbled, standing up. Trigori gave a nod and ran at the two Pokémon.

His red eyes widened, before running into a white haired male. I gasped softly and ran over to them.

" I am so sorry, are you ok?" I asked, kneeling down to him.

He laughed softly," Don't worry about me, are you alright miss?"

I nodded," Ye-yeah."

~ That's Prince White~ Trigori said.

My eyes widened, I covered my mouth with a free hand, while still holding Kaiba.

~ Human, this is Prince White. Leader of Truth~ Trigori said.

I nodded at the disaster Pokémon," O-ok.."

~ I'm surprised you haven't broke yet~

I raised an eyebrow," Why would I break?" I asked him.

The Pokémon shrugged,~ It depends, you're far from home, and a lot of other things~

" Exploud, Supersonic!"

My eyes widened, before a mud fish Pokémon stood in the way.

I narrowed my eyes, looking at Husky.

He gave a nod to me, I nodded back and clenched a fist.

" Mud Shot!" I ordered, jumping back a bit.

Trigori growled,~ Who in there right mind would attack right now?!~

I sighed," Maybe the other armies! I don't know!" I yelped.

Prince White gasped," It's Black who's attacking everyone get inside quickly!"

I looked at him, Husky still going at it. I sighed and the mud fish Pokémon ran to my side.

~ We can't fight back yet, come on human!~ Trigori said.

I nodded and ran inside.


( Steven's p.o.v. )

Kestrel and Jay were fighting again. Four new people had come to find the others.

Bramble, Hawk, Goose, and Sage.

Jay admitted Goose was a bit, special in the head.

Which he was.

A sigh escaped my lips, while I stood up.

I grabbed my jacket and put it on before Moth looked at me.

" What are you doing Steven?" she asked softly, putting some golden hair behind her ears.

" I need to find the others, it's been a few days and I need to get back to them." I told her.

Moth bit her bottom lip.

" Wait, you're leaving...right now?" she squeaked, looking at me.

I nodded," Yes, in leaving right now."

She sighed, and looked down," careful Steven." Moth stuttered.

I nodded again to her," Goodbye Moth, tell the others that I have left."

Moth nodded," I will..."


It was around midnight when I stopped to stay at a Pokémon Center for the night.

It was extremely quiet without the others, they've grown on me.

Especially Olive.

I can't help it.

I miss her

I sighed and rubbed my the back of my neck.

All of them have grown on me, I couldn't help it.

Ever since I met them in Granite Cave, they're ambition shown through as soon as I met them.

I sighed and looked at the ceiling.

I remember when I was there age, when I met Wallace.


I laughed," I won! I won!" I cheered.

Wallace rolled his eyes," Yeah, yeah, you only won by luck Stone!"

I grinned and retuned Beldum.

Wallace  sighed and retuned his Feebas.

" So...what do you wanna do no?" he asked shuffling his foot.

I shrugged," Umm, I don't know."

We were ten years old, no care in the world. We didn't didn't think about the future.

" What in the world are you two doing?! I told you to leave!"

I gulped," Sorry Ms. Fisher! It won't happen again!"

" You said that the last five times!" the older lady yelled.

I glanced at Wallace before we started running off.

Wallace was screaming to Kalos and back. I was a laughing mess.

I loved being a kid.

His green hair was in a short ponytail, Wallace said he wanted it long.

I sighed and ruffled my blue hair once we stopped running.

" That. Was. AWESOME!" Wallace screeched. I laughed and rolled my eyes playfully.

" Yeah it was!" I cheered, fist pumping.

Wallace laughed, giving a soft sigh to catch his breath.

" Hopefully next time she doesn't skin us alive." Wallace shuddered.

I laughed at his small fear," Aww, don't worry buddy. She wouldn't hurt a fly."

Wallace shook his head," I bet you ten dollars she would!"

" Deal!"

We both started laughing against before running off.

*Memory Over*

I sighed softly, cracking a small smile.

I missed being a kid.

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