Chapter 14: The War{1}

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( Olive's p.o.v. )

I sighed, looking at the disaster Pokémon looking at me with blood red eyes.

I frowned, walking towards it. Holding out a hand, before it snarled at me.

I squeaked, falling on my butt. The Absol growled at me, baring it's teeth.

Oh Arceus, help me...

I thought, before biting my bottom lip.

The Absol fired an Ice Beam at me, before I moved out of the way quickly.

I shook my head, my eyes narrowed at the Pokémon.


I flinched, the Absol had just spoke to me. My eyes widened, a fist shaking.

~ You humans...have caused so much destruction with this war....I HATE IT! ~

I narrowed my eyes, and walked over to it again. Holding a hand out," I want to help you..."

~ Why?! ~

The Absol yelled at me again, I examined the disaster Pokémon eyes softer.

" Please...let me help you.." I said quietly.

~ I don't need anyone to help me! I'm perfectly fine on my own! ~

" You don't seem fine, please....let me help you..." I said looking down.

~ Fine human....I will be loyal to you from now on...~

I nodded smiling, grabbing a pokéball that I had on me.

Even three thousand years in the past I still have my pokéballs.

" Ok, when you're ready." I told the Absol.

~ Thank you human...I'm a male. So don't give me a girly name..~

The Absol smirked, before pressing it's nose on the pokéball button.

~ I accept you train me...~

" Alright...." I sent the Absol out and studied him.

" Trigori, that's a perfect name.." I said smiling.

~ Trigori? I'll accept that name from you~ Trigori told me.

I nodded," So what's going on exactly? People keep mentioning a war?" I asked Trigori.

~ The king, and his three sons. Black, White, and Gray. Black and White are both trying to see who will rule after there father passes...but, things haven't ended up so well. White is fighting for Truth, while Black is fighting for Ideals..~ Trigori told me.

I nodded slowly," Ok.."

~ This side, is fighting for Truth. While the other side is fighting for Ideals...while the third brother Gray is has started his own army, The Army of Justice. All three armies have been fighting for a while now..but you're new aren't you...I've never seen you before?~ Trigori said, titling his head.

In nodded again slowly," Yeah...I am.."

~ Then...I'll take you to Prince White, I'm glad he'll be glad to meet you..he's quite humble and, I'm sure you two will get along from the start..~ Trigori gave a light smirk.

I looked at myself for a moment, I was wearing a blue and white dress that went past my knees, it was tight around me. It hugged my body just right. There was crown of white flowers setting on my head.

" Wow..." I gasped slightly, I felt...beautiful.

Trigori nodded,~ Well, come on then. We don't have all day~

I rolled my eyes and followed him.


( Steven Stone's p.o.v. )

Kestrel looked at me," Who knew huh?"

" What do you mean?" I asked him.

Moth looked at the brown haired male, and elbowed him.

" Never mind him...he's an idiot sometimes.." she mumbled.

Little looked at both of them and frowned.

Jay rolled his eyes," All of you...will be the death of me..." he muttered crossing his arms.

I sighed," Arguing won't help at all.."

Kestrel nodded," Finally, somebody agrees with me!" he said happily.

I laughed under my breath," I'm not a fan of arguing either."

Moth moved some golden hair out of her face, and looked out the cave entrance.

" Weather looks good, nothing to terrible." she said softly, smiling.

I smiled, looking outside.

I hope the others are ok...

Little sighed, looking up at the cave ceiling.

" So, what were you doing outside the league? Usually, the champions don't leave..?" he asked.

I sighed," I met Brawley in Dewford, he said there was a mural in Granite Cave I should check out. Then I met three kids, Olive, Scarlett, and Nate. They were trying to stop Team Magma and Aqua, I wanted to help them...." I told him.

Little nodded," Huh, well ok then."

He shrugged, before looking at Moth. Who was looking at her Starmie.

Please be ok, I'll never forgive my self if they get hurt

I thought looking down.

Jay glared at the others, before speaking.

" Ok, listen you morons. I'm in no mood. I just got back from seeing the worst sight in the world." he said frowning.

Moth raised an eyebrow," But you're blind, how can you see?"

" I can see in my dreams..." he said softly. Almost quiet as a whisper.

Little sighed," What did you 'see'?" he asked, ruffling his black hair.

" A death...of a black haired male...I couldn't see the eye color. But another black haired male was standing over him, looked like twins.." Jay said.

I gasped softly," Nate and Marcus."

Little raised an eyebrow," Nate and Marcus?"

I nodded," Yes."

Kestrel thought for a moment," Do you know where they are?"

I shook my head," No. I don't."

He sighed," Alright. Well, I suggest we might look for them."

Jay face palmed," They could be anywhere you idiot."

Little looked away," I knew that."

The gray haired male rolled his blind eyes.

" Sure you did, idiot.." he mumbled crossing his arms.

Moth glared at both of them," How about both of you stop! It's annoying!"

Jay looked at her in annoyance," I'll pass."

Littles eyes widened," U-uh..." he stuttered.

Kestrel looked at all three," We can try and look for them. I mean, Jay can see anything in his dreams!"

Little nodded smiling slightly," Good point!"

Jay laughed under his breath," What if I refuse?"

Moth sighed," Then I'll throw you into the water, and let you freeze."

Jay flinched," You wouldn't!"

" I would love to!" Moth said ginning.

This is gonna be a long day

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