Chapter 13: Mirror Mirror

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( Olive's p.o.v. )

I blinked a couple of times, today was the day we were heading toward Mauville City again.

Everything has been extremely weird, Pokémon have been acting strange. People have even been acting strange.

Someone, please tell me what's going on

I felt something strong go around my throat, strangling me.

The mirror I was looking into turned a blood red. My eyes widened, as I was struggling for the grip to let go.

" Let go...." I muttered.

There was a giggle," I can't, you must see...."

" Let go..." I muttered again.

" I can't, you must see...." the voice echoed again.

Help me...

The grip grew tighter around my throat, a young girls voice giggling.

" I can't...YOU MUST SEE!"

" Help me....!" I yelled, clenching a fist.

Footsteps came running into the room, all three of them.

Steven's eyes widened, his hand shaking.

I smiled weakly, before a loud cry of my name was heard.

Then, everything was black.


" Is she ok, she took quite the beating from that Ursaring..."

I coughed, I ran my hand against my forehead. Bandages were wrapped around it tightly.

I sat up, groaning.

" Ow....where am I...?" I asked quietly.

" Oh! You're awake finally, I'm glad you're alright...." a soft voice replied.

I tilted my head, there was what looked like a seventeen year old girl with flaming neon green hair with red highlights.

She was was wearing a green dress with a blue flower behind one of her ears.

" You we're terribly hurt by a stray Ursaring, luckily we got you back to the camp in time." the girl said.

" You in the name of Arceus are you....?" I asked, blinking.

" Oh! I forgot, I'm Bloom. Who might you be...?" Bloom asked me.

" I'm Olive, but where am I exactly?" I asked, clenching a small fist.

Bloom's bright blue eyes widened," It's's actually you..." she said quietly.

" What?" I asked, tilting my head.

" I must tell the others! Give me a few minutes please!" Bloom said gofer frantically running off.

I blinked, extremely confused.

I can' must see

I thought, remembering the voice of the small girl.

Bloom came back running into the tent, with an older boy who looked exactly like her.

" She's right here...see Alec." Bloom said quietly.

What's going on?!

I screamed in my mind, the boy with same blue eyes walked over to me, and sat down next to me.

" Hello there....are you feeling better...?" Alec asked me softly.

I nodded slowly," Yeah...I'm fine..." I muttered back.

Alec sighed, and placed a hand behind my back.

" Are you positive?" he asked me again.

I nodded again, frowning." I'm fine...ok?"

Alec smiled softly," Alri-"


I whipped my head toward the front of the tent, a blue haired girl was standing there, with wide steel blue eyes.

" What's wrong with an Absol, it won't kill you.." I muttered, standing up.

The blue haired girl shook her head," They mean danger is approaching. As if this war hasn't gone on for a long time...."



( Steven's p.o.v. )

Please be ok...where ever you were taken to...

I thought sadly, I shook my head glancing over my shoulder.

An Absol was staring at me with deep red eyes.

Danger is about to come, I don't believe in stuff like that.

" Double Team! Then use Bite Absol!"

I whipped me head around, before a felt sharp fangs go into my back.

What the...?

My eyes widened, before falling on the ground.

" Haha! Taken the champion down with one little Absol! How pathetic!"

I winced, looking at the figure.

A black haired teenager snickered, kneeling down.


" And I though my brother and those stupid friends of his were pathetic. But priceless."

He kicked my side, before his Absol bared it's fangs at me.

" Finish him off Absol, can't wait to him die."

" Shadow Ball." Marcus said, laughing.

I might die here...

I thought, before a purple and black ball hit me straight on.

Then, my vision went black.


My head was pounding, before my eyes shot open.

I was sitting up against a cave wall, my vest and jacket we're both gone.

There was a stained red crimson all over my shirt and hands.

I shook my head, blinking a few times.

" Oh, you're alright. That's good.."

I looked up, a gray haired male with blind icy blue eyes.

" Hehe, at least you're still alive. Last guy didn't last an hour." the male laughed.

My eyes widened," Who in the name of Arceus are you?!"

He rolled his eyes," Jay, why?" he asked his eyes narrowed.

" Alright Jay, I don't know if I can trust you yet." I said, frowning.

A Gallade and a Gardevoir both looked at me.

Jay glared at them, smirking slightly.

He shrugged, and threw something straight at my face.

" Ack!"

Jay rolled his eyes,"  It's a water stone, idiot."

I sighed," Well you're real polite, aren't you?"

The gray haired teenager shrugged," You could say that champion."

I frowned, standing up. Looking Jay in his blind blue eyes.

He had two blue and gray feathers behind his one ear, smirking slightly.

" So, you were attacked by Archie. That must have been amazing!" Jay said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes," Yeah, absolutely amazing."

He's quite the sarcastic one isn't he?

I thought, shaking my head.

Jay groaned," I'll be back, I have to find Little, Moth, and Kestrel. All are...ok..." he muttered.

He said something else under his breath, before walking off farther into the cave.

I looked over my shoulder, it was dark out. Almost midnight to be exact.

A brownish hair colored male came running over, before tripping.

He blinked before laughing.

" Hey, I'm Kestrel! Nice to meet ya champion!" Kestrel said happily smiling.

Jay came back out, with a honey blonde, and a black haired male.

The Pokémon by them, Pikachu, Starmie, Absol, and Dodrio.

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